Cards and Societies I D TRADES. ALFHABETICALLY ARRANGED. I Classified Advertisements VfJm ft COUNT 8IX AVERAGE TWO LINES. time 15c times 20c week SOc WORDS TO THE LI E. THREE LINES. 1 time .. .. 20c , 2 times 30c 1 week 45c kN8. BTICC IN JDDD 10 to 12 a. m. , Ited S71. t DESPAIN BLOCK, Stye trembles, cautr- impairca neariDB. "for refractive er ,ln 1131. IFFICPJ OVER Tnn ank. Telephone, 80 ; sin 801. LD., nOMEOPATII- surgeon, uuice m hone : omce. Diacn "rnsrsiPiAN and 20. Jndd building. Idcnce 'phone, black mmi 17 ASSOCIA- bne. Mnln 031 ; real- 101. ftSON, PHYSICIAN Initio cvb. ear. nose Savings Rank build- rSICIANS. DIIS. Ice one block west BSLER, CnRONIC and diseases or wo dleton. Cor. Water ton, Or. 'mono IT, OFFICE IN ed 71. iOFFICE IN AS- Idt's new arug BUILDERS. EOT AND 8U- implete and rolla- the city or coun- Idlng. BNTnACTORB AND Li furnished on short r specialty. Prompt street near lumu. rnrt AMT1 TlTTTT.n. bed on all kinds a itnn. nrnllll etc. BreRonlnn office. .BROKERS. fSANK OF ATJIENA, 4f60,000 ; surplus ana at D3 IIHIC UCJuniw. Domestic exchange. ".attended to. Henry J. Kirk, vice-presi- vicaahlor; F. 8. Le- aVINGS BANK PEN- anlzcd March i. surnlns sdo.uuu; iitlme deposits. Ex- eld on all principal tttlon given to coi- sh, president; J. j. Morns, casnier. OF WESTON, t.ti nr. I l.antf. D n ' " hnnchf nnd sold. L attended to. R. forge W. iToenstei, Ulgore. cashier: dl- . . . . r IaIi n T F. kllg'ore, Robert m OF PENDLE- siirnlus. SD5.000. klncr business. Ex- (transfers sold on New York ana fcaiorthwest. Drafts and Europe. Makea tn terms. Levi An- i Matlock, vlce-presl-hler; n. C. Guern- PHERS. iINO PHOTOGRA- k.I1nrveflt: views. In- S' Finishing done for Snear bridge. 'Phone '.I SUPPLIES. 3RT STREET. LA lans. dealers In elec- , stores, wired tor telephones. Jiiec- Hnds. Get our prjeeu. ID BUSINESS: ICE COTTONWOOD slock.; land ofuce of chums nnd inl alty. : t- r i hit. nmr- tnce and collections. lunu. u, (auu M room 10. (.CARRIAGES. NEW AND VERY i service of the pnbllc u. 8. McKay. Drooa. elal Llverv Stable or ana the hack will call It KWIN BAKER, PROP. Stand lo front of iD DEALER8. . NEW AND SECOND and sold. Court St. Recall and see him. RALER IN SECOND athere Is .anything yon cond band furniture. -and crockery, call and B12 Court St. SMITHING. I .FOR WHEAT RACKS In town, 314 Webb St. L, PARLORS. BIER SHOP AND BATH trauig's old stand. Good Ruin me.oM. nmiary " "Tliasai' i i if mmm' FRATERNAL ORDERS. hotal NEionnons op ameiuca Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meeta second nd fourth Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellows' hall. Mrs. Ida Ilolcomb, Oracle: Mrs. Nettle Itobblns, Recorder. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society nail, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All . . i .... i. T.-nit., InrttMi. J. S. Keen, Record Keeper; T3. D. Estabrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODOE, NO. K2, A. F. AND A. M., meets drat and third Mondays of each month. Visiting brethren welcome. - . ... . . T - T Tin .tn. Dan T. J. 1 weeoy, . fli. , iin i. --D rENDLETON CnAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. n i p tp Wnmnlpr. secretarT. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In masonic nan. DAMON LODOE. NO. 4. -KNIGHTS OF Pythias. L. W. Held, a C: It. W. Fletcher, K. of II. and S. Meets every Monday In secret society nan. iUUWl.UI WWlmr,. w- ..... Tntnllla Camp, No. 6300. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd Feiiows unit. ueorKo a. unmuwu, sul; Q. A. Rohblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF TIIE WORLD REGULAR meet'lncs of Pendleton Camp. No. 41. W. of W. are held In Secret Society nail every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk; A. J. uwen, i 'LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TIIE OLD SEMPLE FEED YARD, 723 Cottonwood street. Lindsay ft Doty props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Bad die horses at all times. Ilorses for sals Phone Red 41. rir. nttm" T TTM7PV Tin A AND SALE XIII', 111. UIM'I.. ' , . V Stable, M. J. uarney, propneiur, mi - (,..., . . O If. m a. HAM. nne turnouts, oiuuie no nuo COMMERCIAL STABLES. O. W. FROOME Prop. ,. Livery. Feed and Boarding. AH kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite uotei renaieion. i-uune um IJl'jl-Mi Wl , l.l, ...... btables. First-class single and double rlcs for all occasions, hzt L.-oiionwooa St., 'phone Main 701. Elvln Craig, prop, OREGON FEED YARD. W. T. BOYNTON t anAnini ulr.n tn homes left l i nil. .j ,--.v ... . ....... n - .itii mp. Lower Webb street 'Phone Red 204 BOARD AND LODGING. THE STRAHON ROOMING HOUSE. MAIN St., Mrs. R. A. Strabon, prop. Nice large oll kept rooms in new duiiuiuu, iu jood clean beds. THE WHITE LODGING nOII8B, 801 Bonth Main street, si. i; nmuicy, yivv rT.....1.AAnlnH Ktlll lodfflni? fOOmS Oood comfortable rooms and clean, well tept beds. Lodging bo cents. 0MPIRE LODGING nOUSE, CORNER OF E Court and jonnson sireeii s large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and B0c a night. Tbos. Smart, Prop. HOTEL ALTA. CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or -week. nnr.,1 tohu of nates (4 and S5 per week. pnri!otnn Feed Yard In connection. L. Nett, proprietor. B60T AND SHOE REPAIRING. L. GREENAWALD, TOE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First cla'S repairing with b-st materials. Bhop In rear of Dlndtnger, Wilson at i;o. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLA8S 8HOE- maker and repairer. Best material nsea and good work aone. nnop 111 aim street. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A NEW REMINGTON 'TYPE writer; a bargain. Call at tblsomce. FOR SALE AT THE EAST OREGONIAN omce. Inrce bundles of newspapers, con tniutng over 100 big papers can be ob tained for 2a cents a bundle. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNDER carnets. on shelves, walls, or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers In large bundles of 100 each at 25 cents a bundle nt the EAST OREOOHJU-N otllec, renaie- ton, Oregon. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FORNI8HED HOUSEKEEPING rooms and single rooms. .719 College street, opposite court house. Mrs. Alice Smith, Prop, FOR RKN.T-FIVE ROOV COTTAGE ON CLAY street, betweon Webb and Railroad. Inquire oi -H3. n. picn, I'M uoun Pireei. WANTED. WANTED WOMAN TO COflK- ANnnnnP.w. oral housework for lamlly of two. Apply at .141 Q UUIUV WANTED NICELY FURNISHED RO0M8 FOR nouseseeping. Apply at this omce. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE USE of these classified columns. If you have something you buvo no use for, offer to trade It for something that some other uociy may nave ana nave no use lor, some thing that you may need In your business, You may have an extra horse that you may wish to trade for a caw or a vehicle. Some body may have the cow and vehicle and want the horse. A 15c or 25 cent want! nit will ,til.fiflhlw Hn .lia hnatnoo. 1 TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. F. B. MERRILL, SPOKANK. WASH , AGENT new uenimore. tvnuurrirra. BupfucB, ruuijug, fuwiriuv . MISCELLANEOUS, KELLAE. BROTHERS, PLA8TERIN0 and cementing. Cement walks a spe cialty, .estimates lurnisbed tree, wo guaranteed. Leave orders at Badley ai Zahner's cigar store. Main St, P. O. U AW WOOD SAWINQ, CONTRACT WORK A. vU. .Hiepnens. ueaauaners . at , iurays n arbor Commercial Co.. and Nenman's Cigar Store. 'Pttonea Black 124 and Main 821. " ' FOR SALE GASOLINH ENGINE.- WITH M pipes, taoka -nd fitMnai, ready, , opwr- w, . bt. J.0 : aut'jwiH - paver, jfauemicai In the use of fnsl. Price I2B0. Kut Ora- on Ian oJScc. ndleton.. - LNNECESSAllY. "If von wish to tnke m Ijath," observed the hotel clerk to Uncle III, who wai ,'ti his ilrtt visit to lite sonslde. "you mfty procure a bathing suit at the batt id- lvhank ye." said T-ncle HI, "hut 1 k ylsttiddy evening. Who Is Inside of This Shirt? Would be hard to guess, but if it is one of our patrons you can be sure that it is a man who is well satisfied when he gets it on. The man who gets behind a shirt front laundered here always beams with satisfaction when he sees the ex quisite color and finish that we have laid upon it. Our work is the acme of perfection on shirts, col lars and cuffs and you can't match it anywhere. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY . F. Robinson, Prop. Pendleton The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAR IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OF BLOCK BET. ALTA 4 WEBB ST8 F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop. Come Xo Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get first-class stock. We can sup ply you with Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutters for barns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St.) opp. Court House. THOMPSON, PAWNBROKER 312 C00ET STREET Bays old harness, sad- . x dles,4 Lothmg, , rubber, q , '.brass, copper, lead.lsclc. J I kucpr I don't need none, I washed In tht I SUNDAY AT I THE CHURCHES First Baptist Church All the res ular services will bo held Sunday The subject of the morning sermon will he, "The Model Church nnd Us Onnortunltv." At tho evening service the pastor and others will tell tho storv of salvation. Strangers and others in the city who havo no regu lar place of worship, are cordially in vited to come. It. W. King, pastor. M. E. Church. South Sunday cerv ices as follows: 10 a. in., Sunday school. I. E. Earl, superintendent; 11 a. m.. preaching by tho pastor. Sub ject: "Tho Mighty Power of Jesus." 6:30 p. m. Epworth League, leader, Mrs. Chapman. Subject. "Tho Physi cian Among the Heathen.' 7: jo p, m.. preaching by tho pastor, subject: "The Wells of Salvation." l'rayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p. m Everybody invited. E. JJ. Jones, pas tor. -$- Church of .the Redeemer Dlvlnu service tomorrow at hours as follows Ra'vlv celebration of the holy commun Inn nt 8 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a, m. Morninc nrayer and sermon at U a. m. Evening prayer and address at 7? an n. m. Tho regular monthly meet inc of the Parish Aid Society will bo held at the parish house on Wcdnes. day afternoon fit 3 oclocK, First Presbyterian Church 10 a. m. Sunday school, 11 a. m., Bermon; "Tho Danger of Drifting Fromi the Truth"; 3 p. m., Junior Endeavor; C:4B, Sen ior Endeavor; 7:30, sermon: "Tho Fool and His Work." Some very im portant announcements are to bo made at the morning service, and a full at tendance of the membership Is desir ed. All strangers in the city aro es pecially Invited. Robert J. Diven, pastor, . Congregational Church Sunday services: Sunday school at 10 a. m. There will be a Itally Day exerclea. Preaching service at 11 a. in. Sub ject, "The Reverence Due the Divine Name." -The Junior Endeavor will meet at 3 p. m. Evening service at 7 o'clock. Subject "Profit and Loss or Have You a Soul?" A cordial wel come to all. J. Edwards, minister. Ohio Republican campaign. aktoii, u.. eoiit. z. rue on o ro publicans started theii campaign hall a rolling hero toiay with n whoop and nurraii calculate! to be hcvd through out the length and bicti'ih or tho state. The moving wai devoted to the reception of tho visiting clubs which arrived i.' shivt i.l.ervals on all regular and biwc!,;! lains. They came from. Columbus Olnt'lnnatl, Can ton and other nlace-i tin ughout the state and they brought Vih them a multitude of bauds tid Inrnerg that combined to make ;i regi iar hurrah time. At noon Hie 'ail'oi'd olliclnls estimated the orowl as one of the largest ever entertained by Akron, Tho speech-makliip this al'tjr- noon and evening calls for addresses by Senator Hawa, So'rotiry of War Root and other lead, of national prominence. C'i'irmin Diet: presides over the demonstration and all other state committeanien aro In attendance. Mascagnl Coming Over. Loudon, Sept 27. T'-.e Americm liner Phlladelphit, wh't". su'led fron Southamp'.on 'or Nc,'. urk today, has among her wssencerx Pletro Mas cagnl, the fanii-uB lU'lnp composer, who Is to pay blj fl i-h. itt lo Ameri ca, a land of vv'i ch ho js n deeii aJ- mirer as Is oxprcsseu m j hymn to American which ).e hfib Jimt tompletod, MascagnlV pVcIiu.-itra an I . pera com pany have preceacd h'r-t o tho UnltaJ States, having called from Genoa a few days ago. "he gii'-'i1 comi)os-r will be heaid fir.' at the ileiiopolltcii opera hpuae, No Yor,t v'iore ho will conduct an or.&'istrr. rc.r. crt, lo bo followed Ly .a pe:foinriii'v of Cavai- lerla Rust! jana', in c35b--i lorm. Ho expects his "Irlt 'whl,-,li wll' be heard for, the first timo n Ar..e.K to make a strong lmprefi'on. Extra lines: 10 cents, each a SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR. For "Pendleton Day" tho O. R. & N. Makes a Low Special Rate. This year Spokano will hold her In terstate Fair October 6 to 14. The progressive and enterprising pcoplo of that city aro putting forth unusual effort to make this season's fair sur pass In point of Interest, anything of the kind over Been In tho north Pa cific. A featuro of the fair will bo Pendleton Day." Thursday, octonor 0 and for this occasion tho O. U. St N. Co. will on October 8 sell tickets, Spokano nnd return, good until Octo ber 15, at $0.50. This Includes admis sion to the fair. Excursion to Washington, D. C. On the beensiou of tho Q. A. It. en campment, to bo held at Washington, D. C, October 6 lo 11, tho O. it & N. Co. will sell round trip tickets nt SG9.85. Dates of salo Soptembor 29 nnd 30. limit 30 dayB. Cholco of routes, going ana coming. Colorado Springs and Return $50. On account of tho meeting of tho Tenth National Irrigation Congress, nt Colorado Springs'. Col., Octobor 0 to 9, tho O. It. & N. Co. will sell licit- eta to tho aboco point ana return ni IK0. Dates of salo. October 2 and 3. Limit. 30 days. Stop-overs allowed. PASSING BY Fine turnouts 1, of course, a triumph for tho owner ol an eqtilppage. Your horo may be a eedy, but It requires more than that rails for a runab ut, surrey or cart liullt for "liml. Wnether Tou'ro lookliiR for speod ox stability In our Hue, you'll do well to fall liPK MtU Inpslow hereabout" Our buiwleaare inailo to wear as woll as be ing elegant, and our bucks cannot be beaten f ir strength and appearand. Made especially for this climate. Hnltablu for stock men and farmers, We guii'aiitco all our goods. Wo have plows from i up, and a, now pole spring, just out, simple ami durable. K you use it yout horses won't have sore necks. HWrer's Gas Engine does the work. Sco us. NBAQLE BROTHERS Water St, near Mala, I'endleton, Or. For POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES CAW, ON Colesworthy -AT THh- CHOP MILL 127 and 110 Haul Alta Street m rr C'lIIMII.h'i'MCrt V.Sik. lo UV.l tiJ f if lil tiHllJ kli M-bl llb Itiurt ril'tnu. 'i'Hit' lt ulli4r Hrfuf MaibMllutlcniifi't f mllulloit. k iwti lt . ItitU iuii. I' i I truism. 'J lIIlMUIiltilat llausLla-t fur l-f-IU. l- rrluri H-.l I br Mn.lUnM, - l'IIII,A.( A MEN AND WOMEN. Uh 111(41 for uunatural rfll,rsc.tuflftiuni&tlnzi. fiauuUM iriltatluu or olrvrallaiis of tuuoum nuuibriuai, I Intuu Obnl.riB I'alcli-M, anl not I3UJ ItMJIUHlklCltCa. I'F1p isoia or iia'4j)s at nut la rl'la wtvL Ijf MXDfMlt. DreDAlJ. to tiXU, ut Uatles, 11.75. (JUcular sunt uu tv(UMt. Pi CHICHESTER'S PILLS j-GttK rlliinl nuil Ittilr (.rimlni-. Jtf YTVA A l-lmtdurU Id-uir J., lul I lui Its, r ur. ;.ll V-IU l.(IIIO 1 llu.i.i,ll. Lwllrg. k lirutil.i 17 11 w ta I let thj: V AW UufUUM H 1&CJK C1MHATI, 0. HI MAMUAnn neT'n itr rk"oupi dene iSNiTZmw.7m Vf ""I WsTs5i.l'rt.U Kraal Vw(.la. bis i yiullxer. tlieprwriinlon ol a ruinous tfrtocli pbyslrlan, wilt quickly cum you olall iinrvousor Ulviaw-Hul tlie lii-ncrative urirans. ui h tm f.,t Mauliouil. Iiiuuiula. I Uioj.i nil Uuaa uy day or ol jliL Vri-vcntiqiiUrVrvM vt diM imict, wtitoii II not cbec llVtir 1 llO kid Oft Vb sUJd lHU Urlimrv tirumm nf nil ImrmHilf T 'If Ii I'M &linnirtlinnj and rftunrMtmiil wtuv nittmm rmlmVr'py lwU)r,LibcaMMprc'nto I rouble d w UU froaUllilA, VSPH.tY TOLLMAN r CO., DRU week; 25 cent9 line per month. TRANSPORTATION LINES. OJREGON Shout Line and Union Pacific ntrART roil Tlm S(ilii1iilo From I'ciiillnton iMIII raoH ('hlmRo I'lirtUnil Special A SO ii. m. Tt.i Hunt ington. Salt Lk, Dcnvcr,firt , umi. wiiiiiiim. a City, ISt. Ixiult, 80 a. tn. umraxo anu nasi. Atlantic KxpreM Ml' a m. via Hunt ington, Salt Lnkv, Donwr, Ft. urtii, wuimii,, ivnu tan City, St. I.Otlll, 11110 p. i uniCHgo slid Kilal. St. Paul Fait.Mnll SUA a. m, via Spokano. WtllU Walla.Lewlnlon, Spokano, Wallace Pullman. Mlnneano Hi. St. Paul, liuluth, ! Milwaukee, Chicago biS) p. m. aim r.asi. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All tailing datei sub ject lo chaiiso. For 8an Fninclnro Ball every ft ilayi. 8 .-00 p. ill. Pally Bumnr oiumoia uiver iMtp.a. iint I . . . ... 8:00 pm. To Astoria nut way t muuiay Hatunlar i anmiiga. IOjOO p. iA Wlllinnotto Hlwr. Doata leave PuitlanA dally, except Banday. fatage ol water permitting) for Willamette and Yamhill Hirer puluti. Leave Klpnrla i m n. m. Dallv Leave Snalso nivcr ltlparU to U'wlitun Lowlston 7:00 a.m. Dally Kxopt Mom Excpt Moil F. F. WAMSI.EY, Agent, 1'ondleton. RUNS Pullman SleepiuR Cars, Klegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleepii g Qirs. f 8J PAUL MINNEAPOLIH nULUTH KAIt(H) TO i GRAND FOHKH (IHOOKHTON WINN 15 PEG HELENA and llU'lTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WAHHINQTQN PeiljADKLWlIA NEW YOIIK: J308TON and all po,' Ewt nl South fhroiifh tickets lo Japad Ohlns, rl a Taeoma aifd Nortberii I'aelllO ?ttihlp Co, aaa Amorlcan Hue, TIMK SCIIBOULB. Trains leave PoDdlotou daily except Suudar at 1X0 p.m. r Por further Information, Iliac cards, maps nd tlcketc r I'mi ,ir rim w i.i.m. p. v.. dleton, Oregou, or a. U. UKAKLTON Third and Morrlon HU l'nrlland, Or. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Cliicttgo, Ht. Paul, Ht. LouU. ICuu ww City, Ht. Joo, Oiimlm, und All Points Oast and South Portland and points on the Sound TIMK OAUO. Leave 1'endletoo. dallv exneot Bundax at 1-tO. pin. Arrive I'endleton Moudar, Wednesday and Friday lisfto pm. Arrive rendition Tuewlav. 'rinimli, n.i.l Batutday lOiAam, fjaVH Walla Walla daily, oast bouud, VxiO pra. Arrive Walla Walla dally, west bound, Cm aia, For Infuriuatlou retfardlnsr ratiis aud am vim. inodatlons, call on or address w. aiiamu, Atn, I'endleton, Uieion, H. OALDEHIIEAD.O. 1'. A., Walla Walla, Wash J QQIST8, PENDLETON, OREQON.