Us oorj Sic ay's Bargains fhlch Cannot Fail to Please the ' Most Exacting 1AT SPECIALS 3 Iren's Heavy Ribbed School Hose 0 Kh 12ic, sale price u iron's School Handkerchiefs, hem- On fch 5c, special, each ; ul l.yarda Outing Flannel, desirable pat feif snpftial. ner vard "l fO I idea of Prices Prevailing Through the House. Teutsch SUCCESSOR TO Bros. Dry Goods Company. cieuuac . .lected rPHHV ! ChlB9SiWKW no. Castle's. at Joerger'B. and tobacco. 809 West Court s, 30c a bottle, ply you with "box. ae grapes, thoy iwley Bros. ag at Phillips Irani. .SBrmnrttdne taBtes cood i'81MS'eaio-mudo confcc- y la 'i,;. regular treat for your J'Shanter capB for bell's. Oh my! DOl. bo terrors at the ent, where good romen In Pendle- 6arlng our exclu- sch. al, comfortable ten Rule and en beer. candy? Delta pthat was when no more. vheat farm, 10 all summer '-fenced. Good me gajoa-'itParMwBox 49G. -awaBEiBBBBwi .. BHBBHB38 lehiiSHHHHHi Mi fiwilr.-fBt! heUPD Ml j .AH thevoltieH that Bracelet is bmamonted, lad miration itliom. Whltaker, the dentist. Olympia oysters at Castle's. Fine yellow Crawford peaches at Hawley Bros. The best variety of vegetables at P. S. Younger & Son's. Wanted Bell boy at Hotel Pendle ton. Apply at hotel office. Pine sound citrons for preserves, at Martin's Family Grocery. Fresh oysters, the best in the mar ket, nt F. S. Younger & Son's. Children's silver Bets, knife, fork and spoon, 33c, to $1.45. Nolf's. Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup plies at Jack Candlsh's,' Patton's old stand. For Itent Seven-room house, hot and cold water. Mrs. A. Nelson, 912 East Webb street. All kinds of city and country prop erty for sale. lUhorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor building. The- recognized leaders for men. The Florshelm shoes and Stetson hats at Alexander's. I have several water tanks for sale; also household furniture Good bar gains. Henry Schultz. Dont forget Honor Bright spices, baking powder and extracts are Bold by F. S. Younger & Son. All kinds of candy, such as cara mels, creams, chocolates, taffy and nut candles made at the Delta. Overcoats for men. Just rlghl in every detail, material, workmanship, style, fit and price at Alexander's. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. WUHs Moxon, of St. Johns, on September 19, a daughter. Mother and child are do ing nicely. A bicycle was left in my place of business over two months ago. Owner can have same by calling and describ ing property. M. Gratz. Buy Chase & Sanborn coffee and teas and you will use no other. It Is medium in price and tha quality 1b the best. A. C. Rohrman'a gvocery. Hoch Bros, will serve their custom ers with a chicken lunch this evening. These have grown very popular at this popular resort and their friends never fall to avail themselves of the Invitation. Tho boys of Hoso Company No.. 5 are making preparations for their grand ball, which takes place at Mu sic Hall October 22. W. W. Hoke, 0. A. Eppongor and Homer Stephens have tho matter In charg: and thlsj means a Buccess. At bedtime I take a pleasant herb drink, tho next morning I feel bright and my complexion is better. My doctor says that It acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys and is a pleasant laxative. It Is made from herb., and is prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lanes Medicine, Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowels each day. Price 25c and GOc. For Bale by Tallman & Co., sole agents. F. S. Younger & Son have the best fruits. Nice tender celery at Martin's Fam lly Grocery and Bakery. Fall and winter styles await your inspection at Sclbert & Schulz, tail ors. N A beautiful foot makes a woman at tractive. Leo Teutsch has the neces sary footwear. We have a bargain in n solid ma hogany second-hand piano. $25 takes It. Must- make room on our floor for new goods. S. L. Wakefield & Co. For Sale On the Luhr ranch, four miles east of Pilot Rock, all tho per sonal property belonging to the estate of John Luhr, deceased, consisting of farm machinery and Implements, horses, sheep, cattle and hogs. Julia I. Luhr, Pilot Rock. Uncle Sam, In the person of 10 of his government officials, has charge of every department of the Hayncr Dls tlllery. During the entire process t distillation, after tne wnisicey is stor ed In their warehouses, during the seven years It remains there, from the very grain they buy to the whiskey you get, Uncle Sam Is constantly in the watch to see that everything is all right. They dare not take a gallon of their whiskey from their own ware house unless he says It's all right And when he does say so, that whis key goes direct to you, with all Its original richness .and flavor, carrying United States registered distiller's guarantee of purity and age, and sav lng you the dealer's" big profits. If you use whiskey, either medicinally or otherwise, you should read the offer or The Hayner Distilling Company else where In this paper. WESTON NEWS OF INTEREST. bbbMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK r tsKbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! lei :ilBpIKro StwelJH Optician SHpot Continue ' """1 I, 5 CENTS POUND ' of our Atlantic City Sea Salt will maketwo de ilt water baths, equal to a sea bath, ' ve bath brushes, bath sponges, wash rags, bath d everything that helps to improve your bath, PEN'S DRUG STQRE em Main St., Toward the Court House your salt water baths as you. did while"bri"'ydur at the sea shore ? You can have the same thing Brickyard Ships 600,000 Brick for Pen dleton Improvements. F. M. Galley, manager of the Mil- tnn nrnnmr- wna ! n fnu-n Knf Ill'flflV. and gave a practical test with a hand separator, at the dairy farm of Chas. Scaroni, on Pino CreeK. Mr. uaney says the Hazlewood company Intends tr Ar nvnrvHilnir nnciRfhlA in intrnrtllPO vv. " w - . . j r if . . . hand separators in this vicinity, be lieving tnat wnen once tneir aavan tage Is once determined farmers will no loncer bother about making butter. but will ship the cream. Blackleg has appeared among tne cattle of Coubo Creek residents, Na than Sams and William Winn having each lost two head from this disease. Those familiar with blackleg, who have seen the afflicted cattle, say there is no doubt about the correctness of this diagnosis, as the symptoms are .plain. The flesh of the swollen leg turns black, and fat cattle are the first to suffer, while poor stock seoms to be comparatively Immune. Angus McDonald and Frank Winn are vacci nating against the contagion, this be ing accomplished' by drawing a pre pared thread beneath the skin. The Weston brickyard has been ex periencing the usual active demand for its products during tho busy building season. In fact, It is exceed ing the business of former years '.t this time, and the year 1902 bids fair to-go down In history as the most pros perous witnessed by the yard. Ship ments for the new Sisters' hospital .it Ppmllptnn have lust been finished, amounting to 400,000 brick. The yard has shipped 300.000 brick for the new Baumelster building at Walla Walla, and will soon fill a 200,000 order for the new Pendleton Academy building. There are other large orders In pros, pect, although the contracts have not yet been entered Into. The brickyard omnlnvn nn nvpra nf about 40 men. the force being sometimes greater and sometimes less than tnis numuer. When tie present season cloEes It will have made auout 4,uuu,uuu uncK worth $28,000. By far tho greater por tnr, nt tliln nmnunt In nxnended dur ing the year for labor and wood, and finds its way directly into local circu lnMnn And vet. nearly every dollai of It comes from outside the continu ity. Weston Normal School Notes. on- wine of the old nor- mni hiillillnir is to bo converted Into a much-needed addition to our plant. This will accommodate a iumbor of young men who can be provided wm Lnnr at tlltk VHtinfT ladleS 1-0.11. uuuiu L j " n President Martindale returned on mntinv lirinE-lntr with him his 8-year old son. who has been qulto ill since hio nrrlvnl Mr Martindale went by way of Prinevllle to prove up on a timber claim and arrived xnursuay. Mr. J. N. Conklln, a brother of E. 0. ni,ii iirlnflnnl nf Pendleton nubile schools,' was a visitor on Friday. Mr. Conklin Is a teacher, thougn nox now teaching. ' He taught last winter at Island City, Union county. President Martindale ha3 outlined n lftpturo course for the winter and already has eecured Hon. J, H, Acker man, who will be with us In October, and Judge Lowell, always acceptable to a Weston audience, wiio win proo ho 1 luted for February. Rev. W. E. Potwinp of Pendleton, conducted devotional exercises at the shntui nn wedneadav morning, ana gave to teachers and students a short, but very profitable talk, empuasizing tho thought that education consists in iiovelonine the physical, mental and spiritual, and not in "pouring In" Jn8tructlon. Wo hope Mr. Potwino will visit us often. Leader. It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse. DRY GOODS (s NOTIONS Good Calicoes Red, Blues and Fancies, per yd.. . 4-c Good Ginghams We carry none but good quality. Apron Checks, per yd 5c Outing Flannels per yd 4c 6c, other stores, our price 5c 8c, other stores, our price, 16 for. . . .$1.00 I2c, other stores, our price 10c Dress Goods Beginning at ioc and then I2c, 15c, 20c, 25c up to $1.50 per yard, with stops all along the line, and it dees not matter which price you pick out you'll find it cheaper, quality considered, than at any other store in town. Underwear For Women and Children in wool, in wool and cotton, in all cotton, pants, vest separate and union suits. Best 25c garment on earth. Best 35c garment on earth. Best 50c garment on earth. Hosiery For Women and Children. Plain and ribbed in grey and black in all wool, part wool and cotton, 5c, ioc, 15c, 20c, 25c ind 35c. No matter which you select you will be getting the best values obtain able. Plenty of Clerks and courteous treatment for all. No trouble to show 'goods, and ypur money back ff you say so. Women's Ready to-Wear Ladies, it is now no more trouble (or you to get your CLOTHES than (or your hus bands and brothers to get theirs. We are pre pared to fit you out with Tailor-.Mnde Suits from $6.4-8 to $20 00, each in grand assort ment of styles and colors, and we guarantee you a fit every time. Alterations made on the premises while you wait. COATS AND JACKETS The coats in three-quarter lengths, in full lengths and Monte Carlo styles, 1 10 and up, all late style. The jackets 22, 24, 26 to 27 inch lengths $2.50 to S15. Great assortment. Low prices, and they always fit, DRESS SKIRTS - In silk, wool and cotton, in walking lengths and regular lengths, in black and colors, in prices from 98c to $10 each, and no matter which you buy you get this season's styles. WAISTS In silk, velvet, wool, sateen, etamine and cotton. This grandest assortment we have ever shown and at the lowest prices. 75c, $1, $1.50, $2.50 to 7.50. Have them suitable for wed dings, and fit you while you wait. Petticoats, wrappers, dressing sack?, musliu underwear. No trouble to show them. Plenty clerks, plenty light, courteous treatment. The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE AGENTSIBUTTERICK'S PATTERNS Painful Acldent to Child. Tho baby child of Mr. and Mrs. B. N, French, caught Its hand in the cream separator last Friday morniiis with the result that the fore finger of Its right hand was mashed off. Tho little sufferer was brought to town and the wound dressed by Dr. Snapp. At last accounts tho little one was getting along nicely. Ukiah Sentinel. Funeral of Levi Hays. The funeral of tho late Levi Hays, who died Friday morning, will be held at the Church of tho Redeemer Sunday afternoon. No time has boon set for the funer al of Charles Craig, who died Friday at Pilot Rock. Word of tho death was telegraphed to a nephew lu Maine, but no answer has been received. Your Place What is .known aa the Western crowd on' Wall street has been hit hard the last threedaye, losing some thing like $10,000,000. Ho, for Klne'e Grove. The picnic at Klne's grove will bo conducted tomorrow; afternoon and evening from 2 to 11 o clock. The reg ular dancing will take place and a good time is assured by Peter Smith, the proprietor. Attention Wbodmen. All members of Pendloton Camp No. 41, W. O. W., are requested to bo present at the meeting this evening at 8 o'clock, In La Dow hall, to arrange for the funeral of Neighbor Levi Hays. J. P. WALKEU. Clerk. WE CAN STAND... ANOTHER SIEGE All kinds and the very latest qualities Ty a Pair 12 50 JLfi Shoes Hoo mu. Shoes 50 1 Shoes TOILET SOAP Hundreds of bars of Fine Toi let Soap, offered this week at 3c, 5c, 8c and ioc a bar. FREDERICK NOLF, Santa Glaus Headquarters. Is always ready at our tables. There is a variety of tempt ing and excellent food on our bill of fare. Everything is served by courteous and at tentive waiters. The French Restauram HUB LA FONTAINE, Prop. TRANSFER, TjRIJCJKjNG, STORAGE. CROWNER BROS Tlphon Main 4. Boston Store Where Whole Families are Shod. IS OUR MOTTO titrict dbtrcac U H tumble m io qpuKfy willing worker to readM nptrior ttrric m bookkeeper ui leaogTanhtr. Onr hutnutioa id wdfufgally thorough a fc to wldaly kaowa tbat reputation aloaa Wiaga aa moit of our itudeata. Qaallty alwaya conaU. Rxamla fata ar bcliltlea better, bow Uum rrr Woe. laviaatrioaa, willing ttndeata aaafca rapU advancement la til tadUs takao. Call, or writ for our aatalog. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Tark and Wasliiugtoa treelt A. P. iUautrony, 1,1 B., Friaclaw, Come and el our prices on NEW FURNITURE The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes all the modern ideas of he East, West, North and South, so you have a co -nplutc assortment to select from. Ve keep our promise to yavo you money on Furniture, Car pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings. BAKER & FOLSOM, t , Next to Postofilce, 'JjaaaBBBBBBY 4l