East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 27, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    Not Hardwood Sawdust
Aio absolutely pure. 'Vry them and you will
be surprised at the difference between AT
WOOD'S SPICES and the ordinary ones.
Brock & 8$cCiraias Company
It will take some tlmo for Amorlcana
to change the belief of tho Fllipina
wnnmn. Hor motto is: "i' nar .1101 u
or fry 'er In Hades."
Why don't somebody Invent some
thing new for the thion Horsestea.
Ing Is an awfully old-fashioned trick
Maud Muller, on n day moat sweet,
Slashed the top from a sugar beet;
Her knees were calloused from con
stant wear
Ami linvsoed filled her nut-brown hal.!
The Judge drew rein by the barbed
wire fouco
And blessed the errand that called
him henco:
Ho banished the rasping cares of
And wondered how much her futhoi
was worth.
E- y-, -v i greatly wrou
ii J i.nin i ...it . one-Industry
The following, taken from tho
Similiter Reporter, shows how danger,
out It Is to place a thoughtless mn
at tho head of a newspaper Wlillo
no law-abiding man or man of rea
son would be Influenced by such ut
greatly wronged In many :nstnnces.
one man's country, or a
one-Industry country. It Is a great
country, full of resources, and all in
terests should bo protected alike, and
will be In spite of the thoughtless ut
terauues or Ideas of newspapers oi
narrow citizens.
It Is claimed that President Itoo.se
vett does not receive so formally
...lirt,. ....".. tmn. 41... Wl.lt.. TIr.uo.. na
I ,ltwi lutll HIV HllllO liuuou tl"
the does when at that place. This Is
I nrnnnr. TTo Ir nn hpttnr fhnn othr
terances yet there is a class mat n ym hm 0, tho mio
only waiting for an excuse to violate
the law, and seeing such sentiment
In print as the following, might lead
it to get Itself Into troulle. The
Sumpter paper says:
"A drove of several thousand head
of sheep passed through town yesti--day
roorniug, headed towards the
Greenhorns or the John Day. We
would not care to be one oi Uie herd
ers, if wo mistake not the teellng or
the miners and ranchers out that way.
The deadly simoom of Northern AM-
of president. At the White House he
must hold up the dignity of that place
and go through the red taps naturally
required at the home of tlw chief ox-
I ecutlve of the greatest of nations, but
when he Is at Oyster Bay P Is more
i the home of .Mr. Roosevelt than the
homo of President Roosevelt, and
thero he should receive as an Amerl
can citizen as nearly as possible.
The latest move on the part of the
mine operators was to bribe the lead-
ca. as it sweeps across the hot sands er8 of tho strlUers t0 get,the ,nCn
of the desert Is not more destructive ,)ack t0 work 1Mhary la weaUcnis
to vegitation and animals wnicn uo
pend on it for subslstance than the
'mnggots of the range.' When these
pests surround the cabin or the mintr
or the rancher, he had ju-'-t as w.ell
pack up and move for the balance ct
the season as no other domestic, mr
even wild animal will touch or endure
the stench-laden herbage marked by
their tracks across it. Tho 'oilch co
pony, burro and even the jack rabbit
and coyote alike flee from the pNjst1
Ience. If ever there was a business
that needed strict regulal.-on, It is
that of allowing sheep to roam on pub
He lands or travel over public roads.
The law ought to compel sheepowners
to confine them to their cwn lands,
and to haul them in wagons Instead
of driving them over public roads."
The range question has p.oved a be
rfous one during the past season, and
It has taken the most persuasive wo
of the law abiding to prevent more
serious trouble than ha? already
arisen, and for a newspaper to speak
In a way that indirectly suggests vio
lations of the law Is without the
province of newspaper worU
While there is considerable preju
dice against sheep on the range
among many, yet all good c'tlzens ad
mit that sheepowners have equal
rights with other stock:-en. The
sheep Industry in this state Is an im
portant one and its destruction wouM
be a sad blow to the state. Tho most
liberal stockmen In other :'.asses foil
kindly toward the sheepmer and th y
are trying to ai range tho grazing
problem nquitabl, and sac.vfactorll
The miners are little effected by ths
range question. Eheep do .ot eat be
as a factor to move the laborers of all
classes. With organization laborers
are educating themselves in more
ways than one. They are learning
their power and no longer will a few
paltry dollars movo them to turn
against themselves. The money pow
er will continue to be a strong one,
but It will have to operate along diff
erent lines than through bribery.
The days of personal Journalism
have passed. The public does not
care to read a newspaper's troubles.
It has troubles of its own. Tho paper
that persists in personal Journalism
finds that!t is using a boomerang nnd
that it always comes back.
Umatilla's tax rolls sho-,t up well.
Only about one-eighth aro delinquent.
With this record kept up tiiere Is no
reason why Umatilla should not get
out of debt In a very few years.
With Speaker Henderson and Gov
ernor Cummins at outs the outlook for
general harmony Is not very bright
In Iowa republican circles.
The sun of human woes is fast di
minishing. Fourth of July orations
and funeral sermons have been cut
down In length fully one-half, in Ave
Tho mule business in Missouri will
probably decline now. Peace In South
Africa will allow the British to. land
more choiso edibles. ''
Spain Is preparing to build another
navy. In tho Interests of a good
fight, wo hope It will bo built i-n
modern plans.
low the Riirtace &nd there ik wherein
the miners hopes He. The stockmen Taste3 are undergoing o change,
only look to the surface and would not'TIlei Pmpkln and the spud take back
, . , ., I seats for tho Hootchlo Cootchio and
interfere with the miner. tne snake eater at ..agrIcuUura,.. falr8
il lb true uiuv oumu ui mu """'".nowadays
have milch cows and that the destruc
tlon of the range effects them this far,
It Is to he hoped that SL Louis has
but under the law sheepmen are not Plenty of Jail room for all the "boodle1
t , ,o n,ni l.snria TOithin councllmen she captures. Some of
allowed to graze their bands within mogt prom,nent of th(J rasca,a &TQ
certain distance ot the settlements, tryInB l0 wasn theIr nan(j3 clean o(
and this dUlancc places the sheep be tho affair, but It Is thought the Missis
yond" tho jerlous interference with slppl will bo Inadequate as a water
miners' mllcU cows.
Tho woo'.growers
at their recent
As a providential turn of things the
meeting In rendleton, showi t a mucn r,a Grande Beet Sugar factory will
morn liberal snhlt toward the miners start on tho day after her street fair
than the editor of th; RepMter shows closes, so she will have a chance to
! c , 1 h,v nasaei awe "? niouth, after the bad
lunuiu t - - . ,ag,e reraaining from her midway.
a resolution leques.lng tho depart i
mem at Washington to pass such A business man recently remarked
rules and icgulaliona as would pro- that It was not necessary to go to the
tect their Interests and that of all gj JoW-.
other stocKtnen anu umu m? mmum, ngi
in reforoncc to tho forest teserve and
ranKo question upon an eqi:-table ba- If Mont Pelee does not keep quiet
.. t ... .k, nri,ii,.n 't may bo necessary to call In PresI
V' "."W""" ' "" dent Roosevelt. Ho has cured tho
against any -class in uioir uiuuu "spouting" mania In several old land
of tho subject, though they had been marks lately.
One of the most Important measures
to come before the next legislature
of Oregon, Is tho hill .o found nn ag
ricultural college on the beautiful
tract of land nt Union. The entire
population of Eastern Oregon is vital
ly Interested In this matter and It
should be forcibly presented to the
legislature, nnd pushed to a finish.
The phenomenal lucreaoe in popula
tlon east of tho mountains, tho excel
lence of the site for such nn lustltu
tlon, nnd tho fact that most of he edu
cational Institutions of the state aro
west of the Cascades, offer substantial
reasons for thisK move. Some syste
matic effort chould be made to present
this subject at the proper time, and
urge upon the law-makors Its Impera
tive Importance.
Every foothill In Eastern Oregon is
settled upon. Every fnrm Is support
ing Its quota of school children. Its
large tracts are being divided up. In
some cases 10 families now own and
cultivate land owned by one man five
years ago. This vast Increase In pop
ulation necessitates more school fa-l
cilltlcs. It calls upon tho state for an
equal distribution of tho facilities for
more thorough and practical educa
tion. In all frankness and fairness we
ask the co-operation of citizens from
all part3 of Oregon. It Is for the ben
efit of Oregon pupils. It Is needed as
a matter of convenience to Eastern
Oregon. Its population Justifies the
location of public Ins'lttitlons nearer
to Its business centers.
'lnls is an age of system. Farmers
as well as business men feil Its' need
and seek its aid. It must enter Into
all education as I'.s basl3 and ground
work. An education in farming, min
ing and stock-raising Is absolutely
necesssary In this ago of competition.
We must get good results. Grow
abundant and profitable crops nnd
market them with system and success.
Let us keep pace with progress. It
Is the watch word of the century.
That is the average time
spent in a large city restau
rant by three thousand
luticliers. It takes three
hours to dicest a fresh egg
soft boiled; three hours to digest a boiled
apple dumpling; three hours to digest
fresh roost neef . In fact, three hours is
about the time required to digest the
average twelve minute lunch. The ol
jeet of the hasty lunch is to let the busy
man get back to his office work. But
when the brain is active, the stomach is
inactive for lack of necessary blood. The
natural consequence is indigestion, and
indigestion opens the door to many dis
eases. Indigestion is cured by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden 3Iedical Discovery,
which cures diseases of the stomach and
other organs of digestion aud nutrition,
nnd enables the perfect digestion and
assimilation of food.
"It U with heartfelt (jratitude tliat I eend this
ttstitnoulil which I wish you to publish with
my name anil address," writes Sir. Willis Sea
man, of Washingtonville, Orance Co., K. Y. "I
hail stomach trouble from childhood nnd suffered
with il moreor less as I prewup. Atlheageof
26 I was broken down with dvspepsia, 3Iy suf
fering was terrible. Could not eat without dis
tress. Could only eat a few certain things and
was notable loworlc lulf the time. livery thins
I triedonly Rave me temporary relief. My wile
finally persuaded me to try Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets,' I
took six bottles of the 'Golden MedicaV Discov
ery' and two vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets.' I then felt so well that I stopped taking
medicine. Several months have passed and 1
can do the hardest kind of work nn eat any-
t1.i.. Ih.t i . , ... ... f. .... m- aA ...Inu 1, T .....
37 years old and this is the first time I liavc ever '
ceen weu.-
Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser in paper covers is. sent
free on receiptof ai one-cent stamps to
pay expense of mailing only, or 31 stauips
lor cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. K,
V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
She Suffered for Years and
Folt Her Case Was Hope
lessCured by
Mrs. JudgoMoAlllHior writes from 1217
West33rd St., Minneapolis, fliinu., as fol
lows: "I suffered for years with u pnln in tho
small of my back nnd right sldo. It In
terfered often with my domestic and
soclul duties and I never Hupposcd that
I would bo (iiirtd, as tho doctor's medi
cine did not scent to help 1110 any.
"l'ortuiirtk'ly a member of our Ordor
advised mo lo try Peruim and gavo it
such high praise that I decided to try it.
Although I started in with little fulfil, I
feltho much Iwttor In a week that I felt
encouraged. '
"I tools It faithfully for seven weeks
anil um happy Indeed lo be able to say
that I am entirely cured. AVords full to
cxpreiM my gratitude. Perfect health
once more U the best thing I could wish
for, and thank lo Peruna 1 enjoy that
now." -MIX ME E. Mi'AMilNTEH.
What u.eU u be called femnlodlcousps
by tho medle.il profession I now called
pelvic catarrh. It bus been found by
experience that catarrhal diseases of the
pelvic orgaiw are tho causoof mostcaes
of female tllse.i-e.
Dr. Hurimau wn among the first of
America's gr".it physicians to niako this
discovery. I-'or fortv vearn he ban been
treating diso.i-'e- peculiar to women, and
long ago ho n-uelicd the cuui'luslon that
woman ouiiruly free from catarrhal
affection of ihetu organs7 would not lie
subject to female disease. Ho thercforo
began using Peruna for these eases and
found it so admirably adapted to thnlr
pormauont euro that Porunn has now
become tho most famous romedy for
female disease evor known. Every
where the women are using it aud prais
ing It. Poruuu is not a palllutlve dim
ply j It cures by removing the cause of
female disease.
Dr. Hartmau has probably cured more
women of female ailments than any
other living physician. Ho makes these
cures simply by using and recommend-
lug Peruna.
Miss Phoebo Cary Bhofllold, writes
from Segulu, Texas, as follows:
"I have followed your directions and
treatment, nnd will always thank you
for your kin ic-s. Yourniedlcinols the j
oulymedici' - ibal gave mo relief from
heavy pain iii my chest, on account of
which 1 eoul 1 hardly re-it at night. Sev
eral of my lends thought I would go
lulu consumption. I now thluk I ami
well, but will always have a bottle of
Puruua in the house. think Peruna is
the best medicine la the world, for I
went to my home doctors and they
never did me any good, but when I took
your medicine It did me all the good In
the world. I havo recommended your
wonderful treatment to my friends
Since I have taken Peruna I look like
a new woman." Miss P. C. Sheffield.
Mrs. William Konnlug, Mt. CIouioub,
Mich., writes:
"I am happy to bo able to write you
that I am now again -well, I was not
well for a year, and did not know what
ailed mo. Last fall I got a battle of Pe
runa. It did mo good. I wroto to Dr.
Hartman for a book 'Ills of Ufo.' and he
luckily sent mo a book about my dls-
"My disease was catarrh of tho head,
eyes, stomach and liver, aud lie suld if 1
would follow his advlco I would soon bo
wull. 1 followed the directions closely,
and am now entirely well." Mrx. Wll
llain Konnlug.
Congressman Thud. M. Mnhon, of
('hamlKjrsburg, Pa., writes:
' 7 take pleasure in cotnmcndlngyour
Peruna as a substantial tonic and a
good catarrh remedy."T. AI. Mahon.
If you do not derive prompt nnd satis
factory results from tho uso of Poruuu,
wrlto ut once to Dr. Hartmau, giving t
full statement of your cau and ho will
be pleused to give you his valuable, ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartmau, PreIdon't of The
Hartmau Sanitarium, Columbus,. Ohio.
pecial Sales
At The Fair
Two Days Full of Bargain Opportunities
Friday, Sept. 20
Sat' day, Sept 2
"Regular Si.oo Comforts, for one
day only 80c
Ladies' and Children's 100 hose,
3 pairs for 25c
Good grade Flannelette, per
yard 9i
Calico, regular 5c grade, Friday
only, per yard c
Children's Slippers, all colors 30
per cent off.
Men's and Boy's Summer-weight
Suits, 20 per cent off.
White Outing Flannel and Bleach
ed Muslin, per yard 4c
Ladies Fleeced Underwear, all
sizes 2fie
FALL WRAPS OF ALL KINDS-Ladies' short, three
quarter and full length coats, in every grade desirable. Call
and see them. g
Fine assortment of Black Underskirts from 7so to JS-.so
. r r::ade Suits and Skirts' a11 Krades and styles.
Men s and Boys' Clothing, all styles and qualities.
Is Sure to
'Wl ;
Ely's Cream Balm
Olves 'Ol of t oner I
It ctetniea, k lbe
abd h latberU(eaHl
mombrane It U'o
w.r a . m it. thaCOLD'h HFAn
Mea q'lickiy. it Ii
b "lxil lleaii .oil pr teen tn memh-ane
Rrttom lue tmrenl tvir an tmell Full aim
Sie, atriiuncUliiir b? mat : trial lie lOe lir
mail. r.l.Y IIKOTHKWa. M Warren atreot.
Now York.
C. BEROUIST The Shoemaker is located in the
w. ULAVUlOl, rear of Lee Teutaoh.8 gtoret
a xrst clasB repairing, beat matorials.
Every Sunday,
Dancing begins Sunday at 2 p. m. Admission to dancing plat,
form 25 cents; ladies free. Busses to and from the
grounds day and night.
RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. Tho grove can be eajraited for
StQeorSrtIeB ' to PETER SMITHt otel
Al1 kindiM
Sash, Door
Planing of aij d(
to otder. 1
consulted us.
Pendleton P J
If you hivepii
hanging ot deSfr
want done in fe
then come tons, .
Our prictuK
but low. LtlBgsa
you. Hi
E. j
liars ttySl
toto $
On the lima
now mitt I
Thla Btuiia
for finka
Have some
...cool m
Stove seasua is her.).
Bargain k
vou need a bo!
stove or steel range,
overlook an opporM
money if you d. 1
on awfi
rnmi in and btfi
and learn the price-
X" lis' J
worK u""c
I fi
f II I I I v
U. 8
1 a RopiXi
tOO 1th Bt,i f
": -