East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 27, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    rrtif nnfin unii hl aibxki uur n.
41 ttSaSBM
res. ri;WVjHHUC
them. Not poor goods cheap, but "good
t moderate prices. This fall wo have a
etter solccted, lower priced stock of dry
n over before.
STS In a large variety of bright colors.
trimmed with flat brass buttons. A new fad,
very practical. Priced at $2.48, $2.25, 98o.
OMEN AND CHILDREN This is the season
should be looking towards us for warm foot
We have an abundance to choose from, some
ome part wool, some ribbed, some plain. All
rm but elastic. Per pair, 48c, 35c, 25c, 19c.
ILAINE BAGS An elegant, big, grey leather
xidized silver mountings, heavily covered and
bncht cut steel beads. The usual $5, fa
kind, this week for $2.48, $1.98 and $1.00.
der Dept. Store
S5?fc Or
blue, or black or anv other color, but be-
ome to us and see our line of
Painter's Supplies
Vt have-experienced workmen to do your painting a
willwsjffipu dollars on your job if you let us fig
ering is a specialty with us and no store in
regon carries a more complete stock of up-to-
papcr than we do.
OO Tnc Paint and Paper Dealer
11UX i fgm I, A.
r r- iw '.1
RS' BEST. Better flour cannot be made.
of the wheat crop enters in Byers' Best
ur, which is right for bread and
Fancy Baking.
fW. S. Byers, Proprietor.
tugs,s( ' fP 9th ANNUAL
;?iJ ?KiSpokanc, Wash.
Oct frlter 6th to 14th, 1902, Inclusive.
es, Hogs
le, Sheep
Exhibit Exhibits
lUUfc The Northwest
, IvdWlllg 300 Horses Entered
&ral Exhibits BanKS
1P fm
lrfPBHs."""""" 1 1
square mela
'SHr in and try one
1 nSHM . , .... ,. . wown in rcnuieton. ICV-7 ?,
felKMir You. horses WH be well ca'ed "Jn support of what I eay I will cite k. V Jffe.
Henry Feed Yard, corner
DT I TTD I IIT West Alta and Lillith streets.
AUltAri 1 Hay, grain and all kinds of
f ' - - ' feed bought and sold.
bid stand, Horses for sale at all times.
w o rn n.. WILLIAM CONNEHLEY, Prop!,
m (x Un. lCjWI- Successtor 'to Hays & Conrie'rley.
$25,000 in PREMIUMS
Amusement extraordinary.
write lor catalogue.
JS, Advertl ing Agent.
Concession privileges of
Mgr. and Secy.
Let Us Do
Your Hauling
We do trucking and hauling
of all description at reason
able prices.
Other Sections are Extensively Adver
tised, While Pendleton and Umatilla
County, Have Made no Effort Along
That Line.
Between the 7th and 10th of Octo
ber two cars of Immigrants will ar
rive in Pendleton and stop to, allow
an inspection of Umatilla county.
These people will come from Iowa and
arc coming as a direct result of the
effort of the immigration agents of
tho O. U. & N. company. So much ha-,
oeen said about tho transportation
companies "passing Pendleton up" in
regard to helping to get Easterners
here that the company has made ar
rangements to have these people stop
and glvo Pendleton a chance to shov
them around.
This .will he Pendleton's first op
portunity to entertain so largo a crowd
of homoseokers who are actually look
ing for homes. So far notbing has
been done toward receiving or enter
taining them, but it is expected thnt
everything will be dono that is ne
cessary to give them the best possi
ble opportunity of seeing tho county
from one end to the other. The two
cars will be sidetracked hero and loft
as tho homes of the "0
or 50 people they will contain and
until tho lowans have seen all tho ad
vantages of the county, then they will
bo taken down tho lino of tho O. R.
ft N. Company until they reach their
"Most of these people will have
money to buy homes if they and what
they want. They aro the heads of
families who are seeking broader
fields than are possible to be found
for tlrem in Iowa," said General Pas
senger Agent .1. H. O'Nell, of tho O.
R. & N. Company, who was In town
yesterday on his way to Walla Whlla
to attend the fruit fair.
Mr. O'Nell was asked why tho Influx
of Easterners passed through Pendlo
ton and went on to Portland or Sound
Points. He replied:
"It is simply because Pendleton and
Umatilla county are not advertised
in the East. There has been 110 effort
to get the resources of Umatilla coun
ty .before people looking for homes in
the great West and other parts have
been advertised extensively. This is
the only reason why the people are
passing Pendleton up. The Sound
country, the Valley and Rogue river
countries, have all been widely adver
tised in the East and Middle states.
These are the countries receiving the
flood of immigration. The people in
these sections are getting the benefit
of the homeseeRers' rates. Advertised
countries are filling up with desirable
people and money is being brought
into them. Pendleton has not received
any benefits from the homeseckers'
rates simply because no effort has
been put forth to tell people what kind
of a country surrounds it. Tho rail
road companies aro blamed for not
giving Pendleton an equal show with
Sound and Coast terminals. This is
not right. No one is to blamo but
the people of Pendleton and Upatilla
county. The transportation com
panies have offered to see to it that
all the literature the people of Pen
dleton would furnish them, giving the
resources of tne county, was put into
the hands of the people in the Eastern
and Middle States without any cost to
Pendleton other than that of printing
the literature. It is not, and never has
been, the policy of tho railroad com
panies to boom one section of a coun
try to the detriment of some other
part. This would not be fair. Wo
simply take the homeseekers' money
and set him off wherever he says for
us to. We do not try to persuade
hiin to go to any certain place in pref
erence over another. We try to treat
all places Just alike and without partiality.
"If Pendleton will publish the litera
ture we have agreed to mako it our
business to distribute it at fairs and
all public gatherings of not through
out the East. Our immigration agents
who have been over the ground, will
answer all questions and tell inquirers
all they know about every advantage
of tho country. When these men are
furnished literature from the Valley,
Spokane or the Rogue river country.
and this literature is all that is seen
by the man with the Western fever.
it is but natural that he should become
Interested in those places and at once
begin to inquire about them. If be
is told that tho countries are all right
and what they aro claimed to be, he
win begin to plan to come to the place
winch attracts him most. If the Im
migration agent had literature from
Pendleton, descriptive of the advan
tages of the county, and surrounding
country, it stands to reason that the
people would just as naturally become
liiterc&ted lu Umatilla county as In any
other section, with an interest In the
county once aroused, many people
would stop in Pendleton.
"In support of .what I eay I will cite
you to tho caso of Vf. H. Conduit,
who came to Walla Walla only a few
weeks ago after reading a pamphlet
descriptive of the valley. This man
represented 1 1 families and would have
stopped at Pendleton just as willingly
as at Wftlla Walla had a pamphlet
from here fallen into his hands Instead
of tho 0110 from across the line. He
bought land' for' himself and made ar
rangemfiits for -the rest of hhr party
Without a doubt the best of tho Season's produotions'are just arrived. 2
Of Red Mixed Rough Suitings.
The season's novelty. We had
to wait to get the best but here
they are and reasonable in price.
-Tho Great
Kor men, $2 2
For women, 12 2-5
$1150, $20, S25
E Tho right thing at the right price, and no mis
er take
The Light Weight Kind,
The Medium Weight Kind,
Tho Heavy Weight Kind.
And the Fashionable Colors aro Dark. Old or
Young Men's Prices: .
$5.00 to $40.00
Boys' Prices:
$2.00 to $7.00
Continued on page 8,
Gray's Harbor Com, Co.
Opp. W; ft C. K. Depot
Make the Hair Grow
With mm (bun poo of Ccticdba BOAr and
light drcMings of Ccticciu, purtxtof emol
lient ikln core. Tbli treatment t onct
(torn falling uajr, remove criuti, scalei, and
dandruff, (ootbei Irritated, Itching aurfacei,
atlroulate the hair folllclei, mpplle. tba
roots with energy and nourishment, and
make the balr grow when all elae faili,
old uiiourkoul vuld. Port 1 I). d C.Coar..
When (jetting figures from
others on that lumber bill of
yours, don't forget to come
and see us. We carry a large
stock of all kinds of
just as stated by tiie Walla Walla pa
pers of a few weeks ago.
"Most of the people coming hero
from tho East now are men with
means. Many of them aro mon who
have been here and looked tho coun-1
to malte their home. These men are
now returning and bringing friends
with them who will locate m the same
"New people aro coming to Oregon
every day from tho Middle and East
ern states. Not a train comes through
here that does not have an extra
coach attached, but the heaviest west
ward movement will not be on until
tho latter part of October. This 's
because the Easterner has not yet
taken care of his crops and it is Im
possible to hire men to attend to it
for him. A movement is on foot to
get the transportation companies jto
extend their homeseekers' rates until
tho first of December instead of Nov
ember, thus giving tho people a better
show to finish their work beforo leav
ing. Whether or not the transcontl
nental lines will agree to this is yet
to be settled."
Mr. O'Nell was asked what impres
slons the Eastern people gained n
regard to land values when they ar
rived here. Ho replied:
"Tho price of land is not as I1I3I1
For nillout and Nervoua Dlurdera, auch as Wind and Pain In the Stomach, Sick Headache,
Olddlness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dlnlness and Drowilneaj, Cold Chilli,
Flushlnga of Heat, Lose of Appetite, Shortness ol Breath, Coetlvenese, Blotches on the 3Wln,
Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Breams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. Thm
tlrml Domo will alvm Rmllmf In Twwtity Mlnulom. This Is no fiction, livery
sufferer Is csrnctily Invited to try one Box oflhese Hits, and they will be acknowledged
to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." DEEOHAM'S PILLS, taken aa directed, will
quickly restore Females to complete health. Ihey promptly remove any obstruction: or
irregularity of the system. For a
Weak Stomach; Impaired Digestion; Disordered Liver
they act like magic a few doses will work wonders upon th. Vital Organs t Strengthen
Ing tho muscular system t restoring the long-lost Complexion bringing back the keen
edge of appetite, and arousing with the Hommbud of llomllh thm wholm Phymloml
Enmray ol the human frame. These are "facts" admitted by tbousands, In allclauea
of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Kervous and Debilitated la that
Bafiam'm Plllm hmva thm largest Salm of tiny PMmnt Mtdlalna In thm
World, Full directions with each box,
Prepared only by THOMAS BCHCH AM, St. Helens, Ong., and J6S Canal St., New York.
Sold Everywhere! In Boxoa, to oonts and 28 oent.
I MB ER Joseph Ell,
Building Material
including shingles, door, win
dows, moulding, screen doors
ind windows in fact, every
thing that is found in a first
class lumber yard. ,