East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 27, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    We Sell Strlctlj At One Price.
For Men, Boys and Children
Sec Window Display
e are showing the largest assort
ment of Sweaters ever brought to the
citv. AVe. have them in white, black, jjj
ue and in the latest fancy stripes,
1 we sell them for much less than
thcr stores
Children's Sweaters, 50c to $t.
Boy's Sweaters, 50c to $i .50.
Men's Sweaters, 50c to $5.
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton
729 Main Street
in 1 -1 ift r-i 11 1
A movement is on foot in England
to make President Roosevelt colonel
in a British line regiment.
The Illinois state republican conven-1
tion Indorses the candidate of Gen-
eral Jtnssel A. Alger for United '
States senator. i
A wireless telegram received at
Hoiolulu from the volcano cf Kllauea
states that renewed activity was ob
servable in the crater on Sunday '
morning, continuing up to the pres
ent. The activity is not violent.
Catholics throughout the entire
country have been conducting a veri-J
table boycott against the publishing
firm of Appleton & Co., publishers of
Appleton's Universal Cyclopedia and
Atlas, which they declare is unjust io"
their church.
Xome has been storm swept again
with the loss of two lives and heavy
damage to shipping. The dead are
Captain Basil DanielofC and Captain
John Slater, master and mate of the
schooner Good Hope. The vessel was,
lost, . Both bodies were recovered, ,
Captain Danieloff's being washed
ashore three miles up the beach from
Nome. ;
It practically has been decided o
regard the misuse of the American
flag by the Veneauelan warship Res-
taurador as a closed incident. The
ample apology made by the Venezue
lan foreign office and the hoisting and
saluting of the American Sag by 21
"T1T c ic tlVuo of tn (TilIhiU nrnlnnn.
tion. As there is every reason to be-
Hotel Pendleton.
A. D. Richey. Philadelphia.
F. Sullivar.. Chicago.
W. Chandler. San Francisco.
G. S. Youngruan. Portland.
J. O. Jlunseli. Portland.
Mrs. C. "W. Ransom. Portland.
Miss Edyth Ransom, Portland.
M. M. Sumner. Newport.
Eugene Froesrner. Portland.
H. H. Hess. Denver.
D. Palmer. Denver.
H W I.ovelnnd. Portland.
A. Roderick Grant. Portland.
T. E. Raster. Portland.
Mrs. F. A .Norton, Spokane.
N. B. McKenie, Portland.
M. Roberts. Portland.
J. S. Terry. Portland.
V. C. Besiof. Portland.
A. J. Pickel. Medford.
J. A. Keeley, San Francisco.
Aug Knab, Cincinnati.
F. J. Ginger. Spokane.
George Stevens, Spokane.
J. H. O'Neil. Portland.
H. H. Hallock. city.
E. E. Darnell.
Mrs. AV. B. Hamilton. Walla Walla.
J. V. Gibson. Walla Walla.
R. S. Moore. Walla Walla.
R. M. Hall. Portland.
Several Plans Proposed to Attract
Homeseekers' Attention.
A great deal Is being said about ad
vertising Eastern Oregon and espec
ially is the matter being agitated in
Pendleton. The O. R. N. Company
is doing all in its power tc get the
people of Pendleton to have some
printed matter gotten out for clrcula (
tloc by their immigration agents
through the East and Middle Sates.
fs. vpral weeks ago some of the offl
,iais of the railroad company were
,heu- unci calif! a meeting of the Tcn
dletonCommercial Association to try
i and interest it In the matter of get
tine out adverising matter. The asso
ciation promised to take active ste-.s
toward tins end. but the mater wis
d-unped at that and no effort made o
do what had been promised R M
Ha1! publicity man for the O R. & "N
Company was in town yestt-.dav a.i
ca"td upon several of the l v.
s urited men of the town to sec h-'
hal been done and when U -jit J
tha' no steps had boon taken tjwarJ
getting out some kind of lulvertls.nf,
matter to the East, he frank'v a-
pressed disappointment. Mr Ha:i sa'..
it was the fnult of no one except ttv
citizens of Pendleton that rmat ".a
' county was no bettor known to East
erners. He said thore was no lx-'tc-r
place In the world for the homesick
ers. and if they knew of the rcsour
Ices of Umatilla county tlic-y wotud
come here in preference to going else
where. Mr. Hall added: "If the C mmercla!
Association does not take steps z
' once to do something there are a few
i energetic citizens who will take the
, matter tn hand and see that this
, couutrr and its advantages are set
! properly before the Easterners. I
had a long talk witn .Mayor nauey w,tn wnicn to maue up u umuuuv
last nicht and found that he was very necessary for transportation homo.
much In favor of printing small book- Raker City Herald. i
lets, dlscriptlve of the county I
"ti. tc miTfniia tn hnve the atten- fnlniipl Charles Smart, assistant I
tion of homeseekers turned toward j surgeon-general, has been cesignated $
Patiiiiinn Hp thinks thore are many 1 no rhivt xurceon of the d.'vlslon ''f ?!
Lmi thm GOLD autJ
twlmm fo yaw wl
Better for clothes, dishes, pots ana pan. .1. - y-- r;- JJT.
drives dirt before it-makes everyth'mc clean and bneht-lessens the housewife $ am, fjS
DUSTS aid ; wSi-daj ceases to 'be " Blue Monday." It makes it posable to have ra,
wiuiouL ruuuii uiuui pi6- '
CtucMTo. New York. Boston. St. Leu& Makers of OVAL FAIRY SOAP.
Pendleton. He tninns mere are mauj ; as cinet surgeon oi iuu u.ioiuu
ways In which to do this. The first ' the Philippines, and will 1 ave soon , 3
and best would be to have literature ; for Manila. He will look into the , ?
The Golden Rule.
Louise I- Barton. Moscow.
Mrs. E. T. Porter, Moscow.
William Evans, Summervllle.
George Fleming, St. Louis.
P. F. Schnaeble. PortlrJd.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
J. Posner. San Francisco.
George W. Luper and wife, Spokane
Miss L. Luper. Spokane.
E. E. Parker. Oakland.
R. Hogue. Milton
il 11 11 UU&I 1YUI11U 1 1 1U nwi. - 1 I .11 1, nil". - - ..... . .
nrtntn.i which wmild be distributed by' cholera situation especially.
the railroad company, -which promises '
to go to the expense ot having it pui m
Into the channels where it will bear KlKiTlfCC IVl PT1
the most fruit, but Mr. Halley has an- .LJUH1W3 J.TJ.-ii
other idea which could be carried out , confidenct M the vouny
to advantage. It is to have some- navc toiuiuciiLi i.i L1,e Juu
. . . . . . t. .rtrt,n0 ipIidh mnn wn r hie cufriripnr faith in
tiling IU Uliraui lUJ.- Iirvnuuigio " nil" " -" y
they pass through Pendleton. A dls h;mself to take OUt life insur- ! 5
play of the resources of the county , , WtL-c n Atf- tn , ?
arranged in an artistic manner near -v.-rw- - ,
the depot so those coming through succeed, and a belief in his own g
and stopping here to change cars for, t success. Hi: ''5
AYashington points could see It. would r""1 11 ,5
serve to give the people a good im-i choice of a company reflect! I 3
nmcelnii nf thu pniintV. This COUld ; Utc? 1 1 1 rl nrrMrt nnr cnrrccfn i 1
I l.n nr.nnr n CTlinll nt Then nil. . J . . . . ' V
XT,,;; .Tr" ZU wns faikP(, over he-! men take this into considera .s
tween Mayor Halley and myself wus tion.
the idea of arranging a placs to enter Th.utcuof Th-Muiumt U( Uiut.ncc Comi
taln strangers. If a room could be se-, .'Z !h"
cured and kept at the disposal of'
strangers where reading matter ana
other kinds of entertainment could be
secured. It -would be of benefit. Many
time trains come into Pendleton sev
eral hours after the train for Spokane
nas gout', utttraaiiuuiii; tuuac .w"'"fi S
In on ttie late train ana vrisning to "111 u m iwuuikt nmpMr
go on to Spokane, laying over several, pnu J!bhiou.fureci4,sWU
hours, if tney nau a piace to . ra-poum.
f And Prpservinrr Tomatoes, ripe for catstia
. v ... . r . t, ,'i
, ) pickling, t-aooape tor sauerKraui nea ana fiWf.
; 5 Citrons, peats, apples, plums, grapes, uur
j mium takers.
Cake and maple syrup for your biaUiiSSS?
Tnhn 5-nnKnn Milton.
uua. as mere la every rt-atuu 10 ue- " :,,7,
lieve there will be no repetition of! James Swanson. Milton.
, .i. in 1 11 1 n. W. Facalde. Douglas.
eetic action In the matter is approv-
The promoters of the Lewis and
Ctert exposition will ask the legis
lature for an appropriation of J500,
K). The Portland Chamber of Commerce
ooramittee has decided unanimously
in favor of the Blue Mountain forest
The Southern Pacific is gathering
an exhibition of products in Western
Oregon to be taken to the corn carni
val at Peoria,. 111.
Roy Townsend and Otto Butler, two
farmer boys residing at WillarJ,
TCdre ilncd $15 each today for shooot-
Ing Mongolian pneasants neiore ucu
Der 1
W. Facalde, Douglas.
Miss C. Hosier. "Dkiah.
E. E. Gambee, Ukiah.
Howard Henry. Spokane.
J. M. v'aughn, Spokane.
S. A. Frans. Spokane.
May Carmlchael. Adams.
Maude C. Picard, Adams.
Jeanette Picard. Adamc
Mrs. W. Smith. Yalloy.
Mrs. E. Duff. Valley.
Alice H. Duff. Valley.
Jennie M. Duff. Valley.
Henry U Duff, Valley. -
R. J. Smith, Valley.
W. C. Cook. Portland.
W. J. Benson. Portland.
W. H. Robson. Portland.
Mrs F. F. Kelly. Spokane.
Mrs. F. H. Welch, Texas.
F W. White and wife, Cleveland.
U n Policy. holici ozr
the time or could be entertained and
Wtiw (or Whtre SK11 1 lajure ?
uie iimt; ur iojiiiu i umciMtiimu - -
told of the resources of the county.; "TIIE MtTUAL LlFE InSURANCI ', i
thev would be impressed with the op-' m r i
portunltles presented and g.eat bene- v muwiukx , i
fit would be reaped. '
The matter of advertising will be SHERWOOD G1LLESPY, Manager,,
taken ud again at the next meeting of Seattle, Wash
the Commercial Association, which
will be the ith of octoner. ana some
rteps will then be taken to get out
literature or the matter be dropped
enlrely. For this reason, it is urged
that all the members of the associa
tion be present.
Pays Her Baseball Men Off and They
Leave For Home.
Last night a settlement was effected
with members ot the defunct base
all team. Plake, Thomas and Dow-
others will go home today. Several 5
if th mun mane a nenr. canvass oi
j the city In an effort to .secure finances
S1D0 Rewari $1?0 :
Th rndtn of tfcU paper will be plea-1
1 to lero tbat tbe U 'IxjH!
dreaded ttii ienc " i
O 1
B " II
Sheriff Sitton, of Mcillnnville. to ,o cure In all lu .tac vy ;
day took Arthur Hotchkiss to the pen D.U aCatajrCure thjjgjj ,
iteatiary. Hotrhfeise wts convicted ; lrrnj.. catarrh twins a constltatlon
of h- atecJing. His sentence is for ,i dueasc riolre. "totl.0v" 5
one year. J-J-j. .dcptni S3
Collector of the Port Stratum at and dnSnoSodabt VXil
San Francisco, refused to admit free y",, tbe p.tltnt .treacth by I f
of dutr a duplicate shaft made in balldlnx op toe coaatltotlon and aasUtlns i
BrlUsh Columbia for the Colombian nature In dolnc lB t proprietor. ,
V ti . Iiate o rnneb tallb in lt curative power
gunboat Bogota. thIt tfcT G-ir one Uondred Dollar for ;
One fatality has resulted from .the f- f i'i'-,to U 8a ,ori
burning of the river steamer .Moaoc. AlJdrek, p i iiKSKY k CO, Toledo, O.
at San Francisco last Tuesday. Mrs, sold by drneewr. 7 .v.
Eliiabeth Peterson succumbed last Uair Famllr IHI are tbe beat,
night from injuries revived In the por Sa)eTw0 Sn,pt
fire' The Toakum farm, down the TJma
ColIe tor of Customs Stranon nas'UUa RlTer The Barnbart farm, up
, been notified that his decision In the wd Horac Creek.
Caf oi aire- n. tJ. w.- BKNTL.C.1 & UAHiMAA.
has ln-en sustatneu.
Mrs. Green was
tlr fined 1571 for not Stating
dutiable contents of her trunk when
she returned from japan
All parties knowing themselves in-
.c . debted to me win please call ana set-
inriro Rice has sentenced Joe DII-, i . nnce ns I em arranclne to leave
Ion, of Centralis, charged with at ; Pendleton. HENRY SCHULTZ.
temiiled criminal assault, to six years j
In tbe penitentiary. Thcattorneys for j Storaa Fire-Proof Warehoue,
G. D. Carpenter, of Dryad, who wis All goons stored at reasonable
convicted of a similar offense, havt price. Call on Tom Smart, at"
iaoed for a new trial. house, rear of Standard Grocery.
THAT $2.00 PRIZE !
Only a lew days more. re '
main before the contest clos
q ;
Several pupils have sent j
in their advertisements. We ,
want a lot more.
Come and look at our Tab-
lets on display, then write
your ad Remember the j
contest closes September 30
Any pupil has a chance to
win the priae. Try your 5
hand. V
The advertisement winning
the prize will occupy our
repuiar space in tne
Oregonian next week.
Watch for it.
25 c and 50c
F.W.Schmidt &Co.
Reliable Druggists.
Phoue, Main 851.
The place to get clean, fresh foodi
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
Telephone Red 341
) . ifMI'BI
Comes when the Trjfi
iian finishes one clfl
terpitces in niH
are now show'CgBl)
In coloring, inp3f
ty of design no
finish these rugs ik
of art. The pm
$4 to 550-
Special sale of JW
ond-hacfi SewiigI
week. 0
The Pendleton Business
Large, well llgbted, well veotHatedP
Comfortable Rooms.
I Commercial Course Bookkeeping by actual fj
tvlded by "Sadlir Budget Byateni," thoroiiRh
1 Law enters into every bufdneaa transaction, ana Y'Tin
ledse of hla righte aad how to protect his lutertsw;
Stenographic Course Shorthand by the Gj3I
Tvrwwriting, Snelllng, ParagraDhlng, Punctuation, O""91
log, Care wdJManagement of Writing machines. Jj
Call at the offlae of or writ to H.
turner uourt ana Joliuaon Bui renaieton,
1 ? S'itJ17r?SJ'iii
Book Store.
For Health, Strength and
T1 n .
Pleasure unnk : :
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
niTu nnnirrnv 1
i.i 1 1 Mvmu i
Jill UEHUllJ
m u,i m,.