East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 26, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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5 !
Gentlemen, you will clap your hands with satisfac
tion if vou wear the celebrated
Edwin Clapp Shoes
Highest degree of workmanship known to shoe manu
facturing used in making these shoes. The highest
grade of leather enters into their construction in fact
the Edwin Clapp is the highest grade and most satis
factory shoe for gentlemsn made. We have the Ed
win Clapp Shoe in Ideal Kid, Corona Colt and Vici.for
dress. For service we have them in French Calf, Eli
Calf and Glazed Calf.
Go& Dindmger, Wilson & Co.
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
Black 91
10. R. & N. Company Has Large De
mur! d for Stock Cars for Shipments
From Eastern Oregon.
Shipments of livestock from East
ern Oregon to Eastern markets nrc
bccomliiK of dally occurrence.
The O. It. & N. Company now has
orders for 84 cnrH to be loaded with
sheep within the next few days. Their
destination will ho Chicago, Omaha
and bt. Pnul. This Is the biggest 1 tlilrcl : 1 year old and under 2 (two an
shipmont of livestock which has been 1 imnlR first and second; pair of
billed from Pendleton and way points inmhs, (two pair exhibited), first and
sccoudt hock, nrsi,
which would not be sold for $1000
At our state fair the company's ox
hlblt took first and second premiums
on both American Delaines and Span
ish Merino bucks, 1 year old and un
der 2, and pair of lambs; first, second
and third prlr.es on both American De
laines and Spanish Merinos, ewes, 2
years old and ovor, 1 year old and
under 2, "and pair of lambs. First pre
mium on flock consisting nf one ram.
any ago, one ewo, 2 years old and
over; one ewe, 1 year old and under
2, nnd one ewe lamb 1 year old.
It likewise carried away the honors
nf first premiums for Ttamhoulllcts, n&
follows: Two years old and ovor, first;
1 vcar old and under 2, (thrco ani
mals exhibited), first. Boeond and
for this season and only marks the
beginning of the fall shipments.
Sheep Going.
Tlie largest shipments will be made
1... Tnt... Tnti.n 1, - . Tll .. 1 . ..
LUId y!?"00 'dewtoTuSrd cars to
load with sheep to be shipped from
Im Qraudo nnd Mcacham. They aro
to go to St Inul and Chicago.
Hunter & Stevens have ordered 11
hero they have visited Mrs.
s sister, Mrs. Fred Waffle.
J. H. Walker and wife nre trans-
I acting business In town today from
Cayuse. Mr. Walker Is a prominent rnrs for slinnn in ho nbltmen tn Omri.
E. B. and S. G. Gambee are in town
from Ukiah.
Mrs. R. Wilcox has gone to Port
land on a visit
Colonel August Arp was in town
yesterday from Adams.
G. H. Sutherland is at the Golden
nulo from Walla Walla.
D. Bay and F. H. Bay aTe at Hotel
Pendleton from La Grande.
Gus Freeman, a farmer of the Cold
Springs country, 1b In town.
Mat Mosgrove, general merchandise
dealer of Milton, is in town.
Bert Vincent has been taken to the
county hospital with typhoid fever.
W. H. Boyd, a merchnnt of Echo,
Is transacting business in Pendleton.
Frank Fansher left last evening for i
Walla Walla to spend a few days and j
visit the fair.
farmer and Justice of the peace at ha. These will bo loaded nt Fondle
Cayuse. j ton.
C. A Townsond. of Portland, who' Popo & Howard will load 11 cars of
has been the guest of his old friend, sheep nt Mcnchani, nnd ship them to
Frank J. Macy. left this morning for
Spokane, where he goes to visit
In the sweepstakes for long wool,
four lnmbs, the got of ono rnm, bred
bv exhibitor, tho company's stock took
first prize; sweepstakes for middle
wool, best exhibit of 12 head, of not
i more than three rams, flno wool sheep,
I bred In Oregon, first promluni; best
exhibit of 12 bend of, not more than
three rams, middle-wool sheop, bred
In Oregon, first premium.
It will thus be observed that tho
compnny was awarded fin.: premium
on everything exhibited by it, nnd
first, second nnd third on many cases.
St. Paul.
Boetcher & Co. will ship IB ears of
sheop from Mcacham, billed to Chi-
Ralph Warde returned last evening I "aK0 fnr consumption In tho Windy
from tho mountains, where ho had ,
been hunting. He reports finding! Blooded Bucks East
llAnn I... A 4. t. I
foilWlV. n-a f l.lMn,ln,1 f T ..1 ' l. " 1 .
Charles Cecil formerly a Umatilla to St. Paul within a few days. He, showing tho president that Nassau
county citizen is In town. His pres-;nao shipped a car Inst night to Dur- county nnd Suffolk countv nnd there
in uome is in -uiouse. ivnsn., e.kec, which nre going to supply the nhouts think that he is a pretty likely
The President Does Not Receive so
Mr. Roosevelt's uolghbors called on
mm yesterday afternoon, it was a
he says thero 1b no plnce like Uuiatil
la county, nnd ho Is looking for a
home In Pendleton.
Pendleton Pioneer Dies From Cancer
- of the Bowels Funeral.
Levi Hayes, a pioneer of Pendleton,
Fred A. Licuallen, the young medl- tne triers- nospitnl at u:3u
ca! student of Adams, is registered at th' morning.
Hotel St. George. ' Hc llatl l)ecn ln tne hospital since
. j .. i t.i j ' "lBl -uuimity, ui which umu an oper-
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Penland left this i .., . ,..,,, ' ,
morning for Walla Walla, where they
will attend the fair.
Mrs. J. Hicks returned to her home
ln Walla Walla after several
spent here with friends.
Attorney J. T. Hinkle returned this
afternoon from Helix, where he had
been on legal business
ready published ln tho East Oregon
lan, for what was supposed to be a
tumor on the bowels, but which nrov.
days I e(j tQ 00 a cancer.
The fact that he had been apparent-
demand among tho sheep men of that sort of a chap and thoy aro proud of
section with blooded animals Tor the him and like to have him as a neigh
range. - ijor. A White House reception Is more
Cattle to Portland. general and formal. To take ono'h
Twelve cars nf cattle will go via the! !lelKhllorB hi' tll ha,ul 1,1 oe'e own
O. R. & N. to Portland In a few days "'"" " " Rd deal more cordial nnd
for tho Union Ment Company. These Intimate. When all Is said and done,
cattle were purchased In tho John Day 111111 "" matter how much Famo 1)1owb
country by C. M. Grlms. They nrei tht trumnot. the familiar faces are the
from a band of 300 of tho finest ncof ! ,letH'08t t0 nmn "lul the ROOd onln
cattlo that are purchased In the In-!'0" of tllc Jllr' of tho vicinage- is the
torlor. ' sweetest praise.
Somo folks tlilnk that mlncellnneouB
handshaking is a cruel punishment of
our presidents, but to shako tho hands
of the people among whom he lives la
Only About 8even-elght of Umatilla
County Tax Unpaid,
Tho sheriff's offlco Is now busy send
ing out statements to tax payors-who
havu not paid tholr 1901 taxes, urging
them to pay up before they become
Aftortho first Monday ln October all
taxes become delinquent und a pennlty
will be placed on taxes not pnld before
that date. The tnx collectors havo
had no fault to find with the slow
ness of those owing on property, as it
is said that little dol.nqucnt tnx will
havo to bo registered this fall.
At tho present time thero Is not
more than Bevon-clghts of tho taxes
unpaid. There are a great many
pieces of proporty upon which tho
taxes havo not been paid, but thty
pre nil small lots and tho tax
amounts to very little. It Is oxpocted
thnt many will respond to tho notices
sent out and pay up botweon now and
the first Monday ln Octobor.
seek Hh
just rej.v.7
1 "e T?Vl
nt:w one. V
While v,
Notice to Consumers.
Pendloton, Or., Sept. 24, 1902.
Wo, the undersigned milkmen of
tho city of Pendleton, horoby give no
tice that on and after OcL 1st, 1902,
until further -otlco, do horoby agreo
on tho following retail prices:
1 pint per day, per month, $1.25.
12 pint tickots, DOc.
1 ounrt per day, per month, $2.35.
13 quart tickets, ?1.
3 pints per day, per monih. $3.35.
it. gallon per day, per month, $4.25.
3 quarts per day, per month, $5.5o
4 quarts per day, per month, vvi.50.
Cream, per half pint, 15c.
Cream, per pint, 25c.
1)000 hnji UvJv
Theie itock tinthm, J
ilanoe ol h ,
as one could !4. j
It In to like IL Ojlti"'
bottom lij. """JJ
IZSM bun Ottat.p
from IVudlstos. Ui
, 1OMW.40cIii5i
Thorc aro "51 stuuents registered I
at tho Oregon Agricultural College,
at Corvallls, as against 221 at the
same time last year.
E. T.fif
Real fi
Baker City Man Urges the Sending of
I no useless but tedious automaton-like 1
t ceremony, but a pleasure. Democratic '
Delegates to National Convention.
"Whllt wo npn.f fit -fhfa Hnm lu nrimit mnA fnllr,-o li li, BfiniiiD tn unmn ulitlna. !
ij wen up ro a iew uays ago leu ins , , xT,,
mini rfi tinn Pnn. vn I
family and friends to beliovo that.
for i
ST. JOE sm
! (trncD en 11 Q. I nC I A ..I 1 ,nMn.n,1n
. n .A n vu, " n v. um r.iiD, l l"V t I. in vi 1 ill til ill inuiuutuuiv Uilj
.iiu t-aoi- w.ii iiut 44 nui iuuo uuu, till 11 i T)ni,,, "(.. nt,n.l,A . t T w .... , t.i fMu,i
. . I Vif ,innM, !- .,,n ..i awui vjiiaiuiiui ui uiimiui tt, ii. jvuubuwu linn iu uuiiuliv iilc-iiui
James Peters, who baa been tauing " h wu7,, 1,1', I yesterday, while conversing with a and wo are glad to see that Oyster 5
a week's lay-off. will resume bis place j B'0a,to C;,Jl,hJ'0, A ! ! Herald representative upon tho diro!Bav Truck Company and the Atlantic I
in tim 'nntnn stnro Mondav noi been suffering seriously up to the . . , 1 . " . V. ' i l
in tne uoston faiore .Monaa j noi -: necessity Of proper Irrigation methods Steam Engine Company "turned out.' g
hntn.n rnt niuimnnti n-n 11 nr. . ... . . ... ... ti.Ani.ii.n.. u
u.j uu,i v.H...u.. . section 01 tne neat. i wo mourn me iuhh 01 iu um uuuu
tlinrn U'nc . ... . - , . . ... . 1 I .
v.w.u innni.pAae l.ne n nnrnnr n t nrl s . nnc in' I111T HIt'JITTI (.Ullll 11U1 uu . u
vju i UO ..MO UJIIMU.IU.U ....-u, ..... - - . , ! n
mnii or Bieam, is .
remain an im-
Hfi had been un and.- i...,i..i.,..-i , i i . . n i.no,,. viiinnn nolo
business men. Is In Walla Walla, about and performing his duties as )je utllzed whollv for tho es. Urations. New York Sun.
whore he is taking in the fruit fair. llsua, llp t0 lhe tlme of undergoing; tahll8hmont of reservoirs from which'
Among the young farmers m tov, n ; the operation. t adjacent localities will bo hupplicdi His Possible Chance
One of the daughters of Mr. aud .
L 1 t 1 x 1. U
Mrs lames Williams living in the t , iv. V 1 7mTI "Congress has appropriated $0,000,-1 engines; but steam nas
nnt"h ,rt "nf tows ?s very sick something serious the matter w th nno f , , Th , not and the fire engine, hand
VTJLT, ' 1 ?P;,nn.s !!l"l..d.?Cid?lt.hV,ealCI to bo expended for the benefit of prl- and ever ought to, rema
u. i . ..iiic...v... wu. ... - - - luvvsiiKuieii.
today from the Helix country are Will i In his death Umatilla loses anotner) wnler Tho congress will be con. D'Auher (with much modesty)
Knight, Joe Kennedy and J:imes iiiii. old pioneer and good citizen, no came ( vened at Coorndo Springs October C, I Of course I may never bo a great nr
Mrs. J. H. Parkes and children have to Pendleton IS years ago Irom anfl contlmle ,n conVention for a pe 1 tlst. but-
returned from Walla Walla, where iuwb. "c riod of three days. Critteck Y'ou should certainly
they spent most of the weeK at tne
In this capacity he
fruit fair.
Charles J. Gray, of Portland, travel
ing agent for the Chicago, St Paul,
Minneapolis & Omaha railway, is in
town today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kennedy re-
Right Remedies
For Summer F. & S. Bitters,
the greatest of all system tonics.
The correct tonic for all stom
ach disorders.
F. & S. Compound Syrup of
Sarsaparilla, combined with
burdock, mandrake, prickly ash,
dandelion, stillingia, iodide of
potassium and iron. This Com
pound is a powerful alterative,
tonic, invigorator and b'ood
purifier- Sold only by
in Pendleton and tor tno past soverui. ,, , ,. .m .., 4.., ,iin i.i ,ni-n uvim.
. . n.mno(Ui 111 liliauiuui 111 Uf'lJuilil. 1-W iiv-.v. , Ulliu LU 1..M..V. r""" - ---d i
yuarw naa umu uuiiub cates. the countv commissioners lire D'Auher Think soy
lnundry wagon
was known to everybody and all wore
his friends.
He was 58 years of age and leaves
I 1.I1.I ,-... l.---
a wne ana sa cunu.uu, . .""" we have a number of representatives,
two girls. The youngest child is aj Eaatern' 0regon w,n
noy oi years. j . ,.-;,t- canscnuentlv a large
share of the appropriation. The at-
No arrangements have l'ton made
for the funeral, but un effort Is being
made to have It Sunday.
empowered to designate a like num- Critteck Yes; you should be able
ber of representatives and tho com-j to get a job doing something else.
mon council is also extended tho same Philadolpl l Press,
privilege. It Is most essontial that
Frank S. Drown, a capitalist oi un
luth, Minn., is buying large tracts of
land near Albany and will colonize
nnd improve them.
tendance and enthusiasm which char
acterized the ninsB meeting belj Mon
day evening is an excellent demonstra
tion of the favor in which the scheme
to Irrigate the entire country is held.
All practical agriculturalists and land
Hughes Worse.
Billy Hughes, the barbor, arrested
oovornl tlnvH nco in a druuken con-
.itti-T, nr,,t -u-hr, lmil ttm llm.inms. is In holders applaud It,
a bad condition. He is out of his head , "To havo reservoirs constructed ln
and does not improve. Just what will i the arid sections of Eastern Oregon
bo donew ith him a a jWoiom, "out 3"!anB th-e reclamation of terra firma
It I- il , h- V.O -mill nnvor tld IlrtW HSnlpSS. TlVf nC'CBUSe COlUll-
1 L IB LUUUlll. tuiti. itv "... " - " - j .1 , t --t
any better unless he is taken to the Hons at UiIb tlmo arc such that agn
asylum or some place wneie ne can
he nronerly treated and recelvo bet
ter caro than Is possible to give, him
in the county Jail.
The :,ichbor6 had all spoken nicely
or Eve until the fatal day when she
went to the seaside.
Then It was that the sea serpent
came ashore and handed her a bathing
Since then
wnii it in nn old story now. Haiti-
' more American.
Man wants but little here below,
This statement causeB mirth;
It may have been so long ago,
But now he wantsthe.earth.
I have some very desirable pieces of Earth for sale, locat
ed in and about Pendleton.
Choice city property, ranches and farms
at bargains.
cultural pursuits are hampered with
out water. A few havo sunk artesian
wells, but of what benefit aro tho
wells to neighborhoods whore water
flows cannot he encountered or the
financial ability of land owners is lim
ited? It remains for tho proper spirit
to be manifested nnd a fraternal bond
made, binding all to derive benefit to
labor industriously for the one great
object of Irrigation."
Great Record of the Baldwin Sheep &
Land Company's Exhibit at Salem.
The Baldwin Sheep & Land Compa
ny's sheep exhibit at the st-.ie fair last
week will doubtless elicit comment
for a long tlmo to come. The com
pany's big ranch Is located In Crook,
tho central county of tho stnte, and Is
one of tho largeBt In area on the
American continent. It Is stocked
with from 30,000 to 50.000 finely bred
animals, the superior of which Is not
to ho found in this country. At the
Paris exposition last wlntor, J. G. Ed
wards, manager, and one of the large
stockholders, purchased all the first
promlum sheep exhibited, and this
addition to tho company's flocks ar
rived In Oregon last spring. It Is this
principle of buying the best wherovor
found, regardless of the price, that
has placed this institution In tho fore
ground as a breeder of tho highest
grades of sheep to bo found on Amer
ican soil. All of Ita fitock la of tho
finest wool variety, and It haa bucks
Made with
Undrossed Kid
tops, Vici Kid
vamps, Beveled
Wolt Solos and
Half French
Heels. A
light, airy
Streot Shoo
Peoples Warehouse
Commences today, on Cloaks, Capes, Jackets,
Dress SkirtB, and will continue until the rcf,
October 2nd. A big cash discount willbectfit
these goods.
Do not miss this sale if you want best tag
styles for lowest prices that will enable j'Oiijjj"
them this season. Remember the largest sto'pi,
county to select from and prices guaranteed
liemomber: The larcest stuck of goods In the county kits
Some Pi
On accuuutott
tntlou. Well.wkt
have others,
yet to be g8bn,
them chear". y"bi
and then you'll ttfil
you about them,
decide. j
S. L Wail
I We arc Headquarters for j
Especially &
and KockeftjB
fircf-i line erflg
Come and.
alogoe of them. A fall supply alway
Mtm 1" , 'n-iiri