F jHfe: a sal bi m msm m Prices Which Cannot Fail to Please the (MEAT SPECIALS 3 fS t 1jjf& OTllfildren's Heavy Kibbed School Hose 0 1 si;wwth 12c, pale price. ., u OT a4jHildren's School Handkerchiefs, hem- Op liUhedVorth 5c, special, each bT)Sl060 yards Outing Flannel, desirable pat- flp -rns,--VoTtli 8ic, special, per yard "t , iswaw r ly ArU Idea ot Jfnces Prevailing 1 hrough (fee Teutsch ( . J SUCCESSOR TO i Cletyer Bros. Dry Goods Company. i P. S. Younger & Son have the best fruits. NIco tender celery at Martin's Fam Hy Grocery and Bakery. A beautiful foot makes a woman at tractive. Leo Teutsch has tho neces sary footwear. Ed Ebon has made an Improvement In his suit, cloak, skirt and walsto factory and has had the sewing ma chines connected with water power, which will be used Instead of the gas oline engine. Tho cmngo facilitates the work of making garments and Is more reliable. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treatment by Ely's Cream Balm, which Is agreeably aromatic. It Is received through the nostrils, clean ses and heals the whole surface over which It diffuses Itself. A remedy for nasal catarrh which Is drying or ex citing to tho .diseased membrane should not be used. Cream Balm Is recognized as a specific. Prlco BO cents at druggists or by mall. A cold In the head Immediately disappears when Cream Balm Is used. Ely Broth ers, 56 Warren street, New York. WELL KNOWN WOMAN DEAD. ' fclDAY, SEPTEMBER 2G, 1902. BREVITIES. 30c a bottle, - -H5SS, . A. Howard,. ;tana. loans, stlo's ror-flshjsiways fiesh. it clothing .cleaned at Joergcr's, teaman's. Jor.clgars and tobacco, furnished rooias;U309 West Court elected QueentSllves, -lawley Brefl. jjjpjf -Annan rili5JjSiply you with J?hos at ?ljSiper box. jlifornia Andjhome grapes, they tho best, jBtHawley Bros, i Chinese cooking at Phillips' arrant. Kverythlng tastes good, .tton's fine :hpme-niade confec iry Is a regular treat for your - w style Tam'-'O'Shantcr caps for , at Mrs. Campbell's. Oh my! are'eute lorjochool. f. .weather". fcas:no terrors at tho ra JRule basement, where good !s5beer'lB7n3tap. feiKVatUrewomen In Pendle iferlfiylie those wearing our exclu niriheM,' tee. Teutsch. t-CffP' - into ' thecool, comfortable lent.of tho; Golden Rule and en- glass of Schlltz beer. r buy ;Easterh candy? Delta ulf'ls as goodf'astthat was when I Kt fresh. "It"c6stslno more. Sale 800:acre$yheat farm, 10 (from Pendleton, all summer ed; nearly fall fenced. Good e p on It Address Box 495. ikE LATESTiFAD SILVER BRACELETS CL All thenbyelties that t,.,re the ragein the fash ovcon centers? ! The Sllver'Bracolet ia LE'fiauUfyllvHornainenteil, miration 'flallAvhithem. U''Price885c!$1.10 and JCg, 1.75. t HUNZIKER WweklS&. Optician .ns;' Next ZteeeteS, Alexander ice Castle's for poultry. Whltaker. the dentist. Fine yellow Crawford peaches at Hawley Bros. The best variety of vegetables at F. S. Younger & Son's. 3. G, 8, and 10c a bar for fine toilet soaps. The Nolf store. Wanted Bell boy at Hotel Pendle ton. Apply at hotel office. Fine sound citrons for preserves, at Martin's Family Grocery. Fresh oysters, the best In the mar ket, at F. S. Younger & Son's. Latest style patterns for fall suits and trousers at Sejbert & Shulz. Cigars, tobacco and smokers! sup plies at Jack Candish's, Patton.'s old stand. For Rent 'Seven-room house, hot and cold water. Mrs. A. Nelson, 912 East Webb street. All kinds of city and country prop erty for sale. Rihorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor building. The recognized leaders for men. The Florsheim shoes and Stetson hats at Alexander's. I have several water tanks for sale; also household furniture Good bar gains. Henry Schultz, Don't forget Honor Bright spices, baking powder and extracts are sold by F. S. Younger & Son. All kinds of candy, such as cara mels, creams, chocolates, taffy and nut candles made at the Delta. Overcoats for men. Just right In every detail, material, workmanship, style, fit and price at Alexander's. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Moxon, of St. Johns, on September 19, a daughter. Mother and child are do ing nicely. A, bicycle was left in my place of business over two months ago. Owner can have same by calling and describ ing property. M. Gratz. The funeral of the deceased sou Of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Warner will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, at the home, on Garfield street. Buy Chase & Sanborn coffee and teas and you will use no other. It is medium in price and tha quality Is the best. A C. Itohrman'3 g-'ocery. Joe H. Parks lias moved his insur ance and laud office from Court street to Cottonwood street, where ho Is nicely located In the" Opera" House block, and peisons having business to transact with him should call at his new office. The homllest man In Pendleton, as well as the handsomest, and others, are Invited to call c.i any druggist i-nd get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, a Mrs. Mollie Crayne Passed Away This Morning at Sisters' Hospital. Mrs. Mollie Crayne, onj of tho best-known women of Umatilla coun ty, died at 3:45 this morning in tho Sisters' hospital, tho cause of death being an abscess of tho liver. She has been living on Mr. Hays' place, three miles this side of Echo, for many years. Tho deceased had been ailing for many months and spent several weeks In the hospital prior to coming there the last time. She returned home after tho first tlmo in tho hospital, not well, but feeling much better. She had onlv been at home a few days when she became worse and returned to the hospittal, where she could receive the best of care. She sank gradually until the! end came this morning. Sie was 44 years of age. Mrs. Crayne leaves a family of foi!r children, three girls and one boy, her husband having been dead Boveral years. The eldest daughter Is 19 years old ami the youngest 10 years old. The remains will bo taken to Echo, where they will be interred tomorrow afternoon. It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse. DRY GOODS b NOTIONS WHISKY SELLERS SUFFER. Good Calicoes Red, Blues ami Fancies, per yd 4-c Good Ginghams We carry none but good quality. Apron Checks, per yd So Outhig Flannelsper yd . c 6c, other stores, our price nc 8c, other stores, our price, 16 for . . . $1.00 I2c, other stores, our price 10c Dress Goods Beginning at toe and then I2c, 15c, 20c, 25c up to $1.50 per yard, with stops all along the line, and it dees not matter which price you pick out you'll find it cheaper, quality considered, than at any other store in town. Underwear For Women and Children in wool, in wool and cotton, in all cotton, pants, vest separate and union suits. Best 25c garment on earth. Best 35c garment on earth. Best 50c garment on earth. HosieiV--For Women and Children. Plain and ribbed in grey and black in all wooi, part wool and cotton, 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c. No matter which you select you will be getting tire- best values obtain able. Plenty of Clerks and courteous treatment for all No trouble to show goods, and your money back ff yau say so. Women's Ready to-Wear Ladies, it is now no more trouble for you to get your CLOTHliS than for your hus bands and brothers to get theirs. We are pre pared to fit you out with Titilor-Made Suits from $AS to $20 00. each in grand assort mcnt of stylrs and colors, and we guarantee you a fit every time Alterations made on the premises while you wait. COATS AND JACKETS The coats in three -quarter lengths, in full lengths and Monte Carlo styles, Jto and up, all late style. The jackets 22, 24, 26 to 27 inch lengths $2.50 to $ 15. Great assortment. Low prices, and they always fit. DRESS SKIRTS In silk, wool and cotton, in walking lengths and regular lengths, in black and colors, in prices from y8c to $ 10 each, and no matter which you buy you get this season's styles. WAISTS In silk, velvet, wool, sateen, etainine and cotton. The grandest assortment we have ever shown and at the lowest prices. 75c, Si, $1.50, ?2.5o to 7.50. Have them suitable for wed dings, and fit you while you wait. Petticoats, wrappers, dressing sacks tnusliu underwear. No trouble to show them. Plenty clerks, plenty light, courteous treatment. The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE AGENTSIBUTTERICK'S PATTERNS Men Who Provide Indians With Liquor Pay the Penalty. John R. Franklin, the man who did such a thriving business in Pendleton a few weeks ago selling liquor to In dians, will be brought back to Pendle ton to serve a sentence In the coun ty jail. Ho was also fined ?100 in the fpdernl court before Judge Bellin ger In Portland Thursday. James Barkley. William Smith and J. N. Smith, also sent to jail from here for the same offense, pleaded guilty and wore released on their own recognizance. ROBBED LODGING HOUSE. A New Law Firm. A new law firm has been establish ed, whereby District .Attorney T. O. Hailey. and ex-Judge S. A. Lowell will hereafter practice law together In Pendleton. Messrs. Lowell and Hailey were partners In the law business for several years previous to the election of Mr. Lowell to the district bench In 1892, when they dissolved partnership and since that time Mr. Lowell has been with Mr, Dean, ami M". Hailey was connected with other attorneys The new firm will commence their p,0m work together after the first of Octo- Midnight Marauder Makes a Haul of $14 From Lodger's Room. Another robbery was reported to tho police last night. Tho robbery was committed Wednesday night, hut no complaint was made to the officers un. til after dark Thursday evening. Wednesday night or during tho early morning Thursday, someono en tered two rooms In tho G. W. Beddow lodging house, at 209 Wtbb street, and relieved two roomers of $14. The house is always left open so that roomers coming In late can get In, and during tho night tho robber en tered the house, went up stairs, enter ed the sleeping room of a man named Weeks. From him ho secured $10, and went out. This was tho only room left unlocked on the second floor which tho robber could get into easily. He was heard rambling, around In tho hall and trying doors, but was only thought to bo a roomer t who had become bewildered and wasi hunting for his own place to sleep. Mir Rocond floor Hie roonor 111 1 mi 1 1 1 immm Your Place Is always ready at our tables. There is a variety of tempt ing and excellent food on our bill of fare. Everything is served by courteous and at tentive waiters file French Restaurant GUH LA FONTAfNK, Prop. her and will be located In, the Des pain block, on Court street. Was a Bad Injun. A member of the party of Umatilla Indians who visited Prairie City dur ing the week, persisted lit his effort to obtain whisky, says the Miner, until one of the men from whom ho tried to get it explained to him that it was not ills practice to let good Indians have whisky; in fact, goo.i Indians never asked for it and never drank it -when It was offered to them; where upon the Umatilla brave ii'plled: "Then mo damned bad Injun damned ' bad. all same good white man!" I went down stairs and tried all tho doors on tho lower floor, only one was found to be unlocked. From this ho secured $-1 and disappeared. TOILET SOAP Hundreds of bars of Fine Toi let Soap, offered this week at 3c, i 5c, 8c and toe a bar, TRANSFER, TRUCKING, S T O R A G Ev. For Rent. What Is known as Jacobs Block. Enquire oi 0. B. WADE. I Tips como to Smart Set. lilm - who waits " I FREDERICK NOLF, Santa (Jlaii8 Headquarters, An Interesting Kindergarten. I UIIC Ul HIV JUVUIUVIllh v..uu,,j w. remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and I Pendleton is the klndergniten in the relieve all chronic and acute coughs, chapel of the Congregational church, asthma, bronchitis and consumption, conducted by Miss Jessie G. Chaddock. Price 5c and 50c. For sale by Tall- into of Chicago, She has nearly 20 WE CAN STAND... CROWN ER BRus Tlephon Main 4. ANOTHER SIEGE man & Co., sole agents, IF si " SyiNot Continue 'J Tafijour sait water baths as you did while on .your SF yVijP-P1 lle sea shore ? You can have the same thing L.i at' heme. 0i A SALT, 5 CENTS POUND AIMHWKliof our Atlantic City Sea Salt will maketwo de Jiwowi salt water baths, equal to a sea bath. ZZZ Jiave bath brushes, bath sponges, wash rags, bath oa everytnjng that helps to improve yo.ur bath. EN'S DRUG STORE rrom Main- St., Toward the Court House little tots In her charge, averaging from 3 to G years old and they make a very interesting class. Miss Chad dock is a graduate of tho Knox col lege, and has had wide experience In the work. Good results are expected from, this institution.' Springer Will Speak. Denver. Sept. 20. John W. Spring er, president of tho National hive stock Association, has consented to address the National Irrigation Con gress at Colorado Springs on October 7, on the relation of the livestock In tel ests to national Irrigation. The livestock men have been strong sup porters of the policy of reclamation of arid lands by the government. I 00 V J 1 Shoes II. 50 Shoes All lands and the vety latest qualities Try a Pair I5MM IS OUR MOTTO Strict dherenc U H nUc m to omUf willing worker to ivuim prlor Mirk a bookktepm ui eUaographeu. Our Initinctloa ia Muiuy tfaoroHjth m fact to widely kaown that rpntatlon aloo briaca aa uott of our Indeata. Quality atwaya eonnU. Itxauilaa lato nr fcdlltlta better now thaa arar Ufora, InJntrio, willing ttndent maka rapid adranceinent in all aUdlaa takaa. Call, or write for oar aatalogu. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park anil Washington Street A. r, AnaatrouK, Mndp, Shockingly Plebeian. Mrs. Blublub But they tell me j our grandfather wbb a trademau, don't you know? Mrs. Parvlnew Yes, lb was, don't yo' know. Theie wasn't a tlilug In the world grau'pa liked so well as a horse trade. Philadelphia Ilullutln. Boston Store Where Wliole Families are Shod. Come and get our prices on NEW FURNITURE The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes all the modern ideas of the Hast, West, North and South, so you have a complete assortment to select from. We keep our promise to save you money on Furniture, Car pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings. BAKER & FOLSOM, Next to Pos'ollice. (7) (V) ) , a A