Not Hardwood Sawdust ATWOOD'S SPICES Are nhsolutoly pure. Try them und you will be surprised at the diflerenee betwoun AT WOOD'S SPICES and the ordinary ones. Brock & HoCoraias Company THG nOOORN ORUaaiSTS . PGNDLGToS t i FRIDAY,. SEPTEMBER 26. 1902. La Grande has her carnwal. Walla Walla her fruit fair and Pendleton hns her general prosperity. In with the cornorttions There Is out- remarkable thing nbmit lite-whole matter, however, ana that I that the fellow who does the most kiektiif; is generally the fellow who hns the least amount of property, ami the blRgest kicker of all. is the fellow that never pays a rent of taxes. Walla Walln may boast of hor fruit fair, but she isn't in it when it comes to hold-ups. Sho has not hid but one in the past 10 days. Old Ireland still retains hor spirit of independence. Individually and collectively, her citizens always speak and act their sentiments. It is suggested that there are more hold-ups reported in Pendleton than actually occur. The explanation is given thnt it has become so fashion able to got held up nowadays that in order to be instyle one must be held-tin. The beef merger proposition is be ing held in abeyance for the present This is thought to be on acotint of the president's attitude against trusts. If the president's statements have suc ceeded in bluffing those freebooters, his talking has not been in vain after all. General Passenger Agent Craig, of the O. K. & N. Co.. gives out the in- formation that transportation rates for Hiomeseekers from the East are S2.S0 less to Pendleton than to the coast, and that Pendleton is placed on an equal footing with Snoknne. This Is I good news and corrects a long mis taken idea. hile the difterenco Is small, yet it will tell in the future immigration to this country. Immi gration heretofore has gone to the const from choice and a great deal of it has drifted back into this rpuntry later, but now with the Irrigation plans laid and thoroughly advertised throughout the Easl the hulk of the immigration is looking this way, and the nest few years will find this the great central point for the Enstern im migration. The S2.S0 will help many an honest honieseeker. THE PRESIDENT SQUIRMED. Hotel proprietors will now have to IVe more courteous to their guests. If one should get behind with his board bill it will not do to "dan" him. The crank yesterday at Washington set the example and now othe-s will fol low suit, llecause of an imaginary discourtesy the guest blew up the hotel with dynamite and ti en com mitted suicide.. The Taconia Evening News re cently published the statemeut that the only woolen mills In the northwest were located on the' Sound. Now it eats crow In making the following stntoment: "The American Wool nutl .Cotton Reporter says that woolen mills on Paget Sound arc like snakes in Ireland, conspicuous by their ul seuce. Never mind, Taconia will soon have a large one, ready to grasp the great advantages awaiting it " If reports! are true from Hawaii in regard to the leper scandal, somebody should he mada to pay the ponnlty. Thoee poor unfonunates, without hope oxcept in death, should not be per mitted to produce a posterity, oven in a marriage state, much lees in the mannor of animals. Amqng Undo Sam's many newly-acquired posses sions he will find many things that will shock the sensibilities of the hon orable and conscientious American. . Kansas City packers are making a J move which will result in nothing --e a breeder of strike and anarch ills. The managers have forbidden the employes to discuss the beefmcr gor question upon pain of being dis charged. When men are shut off from freedom of speech and the right to talk among thomsolves about live issues of the day, then it Is well that they should break through finch bonds.' There Is no necessity of being an agi tator, but when you ehut an American citizen off from discussing the things that are of interest to him, you might as well chain him down while you are at it. - The office of tax assessor is an un pleasant one. Thore are ti.eso who swear at hirn for assessing -.heir prop erty too high and tho-e ate those who swear nt him for asesslng the other fellow' property too low. Then there are those who swear fal3oly about their property and the assessor Is sworn at for this. The corporators claim that the;' are robbel and the citizens claim that the assessor stands President Iloosevelt's annoyance nt the foolish sermon preached in his presence on Sunday was quite natural. Aside from the bad taste of holding him up as "providentially placed in the executive chair" .in place of a much older, wiser and abler man, the pre sentation or Fr. Roosevelt as a modern David raised up to "crush the Goliath of monopoly" bordered on tlio gro tesque. " President Roosevelt has not pro posed to himself or to a nation to kill the modem giant. He sees a great deal of good in trusts, and would pro ceud cautiously in dealing with them. But even if he had proclaimed mor tal combat, the stone In his sling Is so small and the range at which he proposes- to hurl it Is so long that not only would Monopoly's skull bo quite safe from the misBile. but the giant would roar with laughter at the pre sumption of his harmless antagonist. , m The president's pebble the only one on the beach that he views with pride and confidence Is an amend ment to the constitution giving the sovereign nation supervision of the trusts and other monopolies. News papers that are friendly to the presi dent have elaborately proved that such an amendment cannot possibly be adopted, under the most favorable circumstances, in less than five years. I Vet nothing Is needed to prove the ab solute Impossibility of securing the ratification of such nn amendment, j not In five years but ever, boyond the fact, as shown in the laBt congress, that the democrats are opposed to it as an uncalled-for surrender of the re served rights of the states, and the other fact that the most influential re publicans In the senate are against it because it would hurt their best friends and deprive their states of revenues that greatly reduce taxes on property. m To imagine that with those influ ences and the enormous power of the corporations thomsolves arrayed against the amendment It could over command a two-thirds vote in congress and secure ratification by three-fourths of the states is to believe the incredi ble. The Rev. Mr. Washburn's modern David will nover slay Monopoly with that sling and pebble. He might as well try o kill - mountain lion with a potato pop-gun. No wonder Mr. Roosevelt hung his head under such a sermon. If the "cuss words" that he thought on this occasion woro to to lie printed or spoken, even the most sanguine clerical flatterer would sor rowful admit that ho had taken a terrible "fall from grace." Now York- World. Roosevelt to reconsider his decision, It Is a Rlgn of n serious split in the party. The Iowa convention resolved in favor of "any modification of the tnrlff schedules that may be required to pre vent their affording shelter to monop oly" This declaration would not have been made, after h heated discussion, unless the Iowa republicans had good reason to know that some of the tariff schedules "do nfford sheltor to mo nopoly," The far m prs cannot buy a reaper or a plough or .n roll of barbed wire, n barrel of sugnr- or content, a box of tin-plate or a foot of Iron pipe without paying tribute to monopoly that Is sheltered by the tariff. Yet 3lr. Henderson flatly declares that he docs "not believe thut a single schedule of the Dlngley tnrlff lnw can he so amended ns to relieve the peo ple front the oppression. of the trusts:" und Senntor Hnunn, who is a power In the upper house. Is quoted as snylng: "As long as I remain In the senate nnd an raise a hand to atop It you shall never touch a schedule of the tariff." Even Representative Llttlcfleld of Maine, who hns posed ns n ehnhiplon republican trust-tlghtur. in a speech Jn Roston on Monday denied Presi dent Haveiueyer's admission thnt the, "tariff is the mother of trusts." and I announced that ho (s opposed Jo "dls-. ! turblug the business of the country" ' ...... Mlt.,... .. !. Tl. 1a... I "J It. If lUH 111 lilt" IIllfiiV ) Iown Is not the onlv state In which ' tlio republicans have declnred In favor ' of the repeal of protection to monop olies. Minnesota. Oregon and Idnho adopted resolutions looking to this remedy. The Intter state was par ticular emphatic, declaring that "many of the industries of the coun try have outgrown tlteir infancy." nnd 1 favoring "a levlslon of the tariff with, out unreasonable delay which will place upon the free list every article controlled by nny monopoly, nnd such other articles nnd products as are be-' vend the need of protection." No democratic convention has gone beyond this. The resolution adopted by the democratic congressmen , which Speaker Henderson frantically denounces as "frw-trnde poison" was much more moderate, calling only for "A measure to reduce the duties -on all nrticles nnd commodities nianufac-1 tured In the United Stntes by a trust; or trusts, so ns to destroy any illegal ' combinations, nnd to reduce the duty j on any article or commodity manufac tured In the United Stntes and sold in j a foreign country more cheaply than In the United Stntes." : s Special Sales At The Fair Two Days Full of Bargain Opportunities Regular $i.oo Comforts( for dnc tiny only SOc Ladies' and Children's toe hose, 3 pairs for 25c Good grade Flannelette, per yard ; .Qc Calico, regular 5c grade, Friday only, per yard 4c Children's Slippers, all colors, 30 per cent off. Men's and Boy's Summer-weight Suits, 20 per cent off. White Outing Flannel and Bleach ed Muslin, per yard 4c Ladies' Fleeced Underwear, all Friday, Sept 2(i Sat' day, Sept. 27 25c EVERY-DAY SPECIALS FALL WRAPS OF ALL KINDS Ladies' short, three quarter and full length coats, in every grade desirable. Call and see them. Fine assortment of Black Underskirts from 75c to 3.50 each. Tailor made Suits and Skirts, afl grades and styles. Men's and Boys' Clothing, all styles and qualities. VISIT DS ONCE, YOU WILL CALL AGAIN THE FAIR, -THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY 1 I Sash Doors . plmng of .or to otdcr. "tgj Don' Plan S2 Building a,erilltS consulted u. "Bi OT rnt Pendleton M K0Bt ronsiy IS Gil Myouhavtp.,. hanging or iS', want done in feAW. then come tomS Our prices tnST hut low Ut'tZZ, you. Carpenters Headquarters We are headquarters for all kinds of carpenter tools and our prices are always the lowest, quality consid ered. Estimates furnished on builders' hardware and plumbing. "Money saved is money earned." See It Is no wondor that Speaker Hon- dursnu's homo-shell created consterna-' tion nt Oyster liny, where the controll ing spirits of the senate had met to, induce the president to continue his 1 silence on the tariff or at tho most to j "throw a tub to the whale," In tho I shape of a promise to recommend a tariff commission to the next eon- Kress! But the new irrepressible cou-' Ilict is on, and it will not cease until . justice shall he done to the overtaxed and plundered victims of tariff-sheltered monopolies. New York World. , T. C. Taylosr, "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 main Street Phone AUIn 871 E. J NEW IRREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT. When Speaker Henderson finds him solf bo out of harmony with IiIb party at homo that he declines to stand for tn enncress. even restat ing the personal appeal of President, WON'T CHOP WOOD. It's kind o' hard to understand the case of Ezra Jones. Wo thought thnt he'd grow up to ho a rep'lar lazy hones, nut his father felt quite hopeful when he saw him out ono day, A-tollln' with a golf stick an' declar- in' it was play. He'd stop an' hit thnt little hall a most tremendous lick. An' then he'd run up hill nn' down, all on the double quick. To see him so industrious done His folks a heap o' Rood. It's plnln he Isn't lazy; hut he won't chop wood. Ho started In for ping-pond, nn' his enterprise was such The doctor said as how he'd have to quit or use n crutch. And as for pool an' billiards, I have seen him, I declare, A-tollIng hard for hours, 1111' holdln' one foot in tlio air. The neighbors when they used to go a-vlsitln' would brag About tho scientific way he hit the punchln' bag, But there's jes' ono thing about him that was never understood; Ho's got a heap o' muscle, but ho won't chop wood. You'd think that any one with such a wondorfnl right arm, Would look on it ns fun to holp a bit around the farm. Ho never sits down Idle from the dawn till set o sun; Thoro's alius somcthln' doln', but, he don't clt nothln" done. An Ezry nln't the only ono whoso talents goes nstray. You see a lot o' folks a-koepln' busy, day by day; You look for them to do things; you' are cortaln that thoy could; nut at last they dlsap'plnt you 'cause they won't chop wood. Washington Star. PASSING BY Fine turnuuls 1, of iimrse, a triumph (or the imiierol nn t-iulpgc Your liorto may be 9 etnly, but It tetiulrus more than that calls (nr ruiuib ul, turrt-v or cart built lur tji cd. Wiietncr jou're looking lor spewl ir atiibllltf in our line, you'll do nell to cull licrc Mitli till! slow licreiibout UUr bUKuks iiro marto to wear us well tin be Iiir cleuHUt, nnil our hxcii cannot be benten ( r utreiiRth and npix-aruuct. Made eapecitilly Inr this climate. Suitable for stock nu'ii nnd farmer'. We guarantee all our goods. Wc have plows from ? up, hikI a new imle spring, Just out, simple nun du-uuln If you upc ll you horC! wou't have nrr ncclis htoror's (Jus Engine dues the orfc. Hue in. NEAGLE BROTHERS WHter St.. neur Main. I'cndlrton. Or. Tho state institution for tho blind onened at Salem tills week with 32 students. j For POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES CALL ON Coiesworthy -at rut- CHOP MILL 127 and 129 East Alta Street Come To Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get first-class stock. We can sup ply you with Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of 'wood gutters for barns and dwellings. Are a gentle tea Stove season is heug Don't oveon BASIif Bargain Oregon Lumber hkjz,M 1 overlook an oppctf- Alta St., opp. Court Honse. monej if you do. tj A QT PR has on a'u"wr( i Stlo'B itj'cio Sumat rnlst ibimi be burHr to tadi th3' 1 .Chi iurah Valuable Timfcet Claims n On thebilui now usteHfly This E01i.UK forflrskdul rent IE8 frc Sa !fro ed; Have Eome rop erf TBESlEvl ...COOL Ef i Joseph Ell WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARNESS-SADDLERY The East Oregonlan Je Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads, l and the people appreciate It nd show 11 uy tneir iiDcrai patronage. 11 is uie advertising medium of this section. Conn in and ins? and learn tnep" is w isiv- i2 pyjfflBfflgR rim WW8"' iu j WumbiugBsTr line 01 "r-ZMS work done pnwP B. F.rf 214 Cotfl ORLAN ttflj u. . ! gg!i TOO 7tb St., N. " J