r Wo Soil Strictly At Ono Price. NEW SWEATERS For Men, Boys and Children Sec Window DiSpIay- FAVUBLE FOR US TRANSPORTATION CHEAPER TO PENDLETON THAN COAST. We nro showing the largest assort ment of Sweutors ever brought to the nty. We have thorn in white, black, blue ami in the lutest fancy stripes, ami we sell them for much less than uthcr stores. Child' en's Sweaters, 50c to $J. Boy's Sweaters, 50c to $J.50. Men's Sweaters, 50c to $5. BA Eli &? DALE Y One Pr P-Vfi.-s, Furnishers arid Hatters, Pendleton 729 Main Street FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 2G. 1902. HOTEL ARRIVALS. GENERAL NEWS. Hotel Pendleton. Nestor. Portland. A. Xylnndcr. Portland. G. H. Richardson. Portland. 1. K. Sene. San Francisco. F. I.. Rogors. Spokane. Cyrl K. Baker. Portland. Mrs. E. E. James. Spokane. A. iSinsheimor. Portland. V. C. Wouel. Portland. S. S. ell. Spokane. W. .. Olendening, Portland. H. li. Reese, Spokano. I. eo Myors. Spokane. E. M. Reed. Spokane. George C. Blakeslee and wife, Spo kane. Walter J. Ball. Tacoraa. n. Bay. La Grande. F. H. Bay. La Grande. General Passenger Agent Craig States That We Are Given Equal Rates With Spokane, Still Farther East The Impression hns long prevailed. and It hns heen published ns n fact. that the transportation companies sell through tickets to the coast from the ; East nt the same price ns they sell them to Pendleton. It has heon refer I red to frequently of late In Eastern i Oregon papers, and the matter has ' been called to the attention of Gen ' eral Passenger Agent Crnlg, of the O. R & X. Company, who writes as fol , lows ' The settlers" rate from Missouri j River to Pendleton, for Instance, is . $:: 50 less than to Portland, the rntet ! being $22.50 and $2ii respectively. B reason of our taking Spokane husl I ness through Pendloton and the N. V. j and G. N. taking Pendleton business . through Spokane, must necessarily lie . the smtne. This should not be com plained of by Pendleton, however. In asmuch ns Spokane is considerably further east and If there is any dls- l satisfaction on the part of either i place it would naturally he Spokane." This is certainly good news for -this ) section of the country. While many ! will continue to go on to the coast. i owing to the small difference In the fare, yet those who have this section of the country in view take advantage of the difference. it is to the advantage of the rail road companies to sell tickets to the terminals, ns homeseekors are likely to "hack track" over their roads in be coming finally located and this makes business for the railroads. For this reason It Is suggested that they en courage the purchase of through tick ets. Still. It Is good news to loam that Pendleton has the $2.50 advan tage, and with the entire East now looking toward the arid hinds of this section, about to he made productive under the proposed irrigation law. many will be benefited by this smnll difference In railroad fare. Pendleton should also congratulate herself on the fact that she has an equal show with Spokane, which Is much larger and still farther east than Pendleton. The Golden Rule. J. P. Hnyden. Portland. Mrs. J. P. Hayden, Portland. Wallace Williams. Portland. P. E. Hunsucker. Spokane. Gus Freeman. Cold Springs. Mrs. M. A. Benjamin. Waitsburg. F. E. Hamilton, Portland. W. L. Davis. Portland. George McGilvery. Spokane. G. D. Galley. Spokane. Blrt Sparks. O.ikesdale. A. O. Pertevs. Oakesdale. Henry T. Hill. Helix. C. A. Vanderhoff, city. Mrs. S. E. Rice. Iowa. Miss M. E. Rice. Iowa. G. H. Sutherland. Walla Walla. G. O. Barnhard, Spokane. George Cameron. Walla Walla. G. G. Gambee. Ukiah. Fred M. Mannory, Lewiston. Paul Peterson, Silver City. G. M. Lewis, Nebraska. G. C. Hollam, Nebraska. E. B. Gambee. Ukiah. Russia -will today hand over to China the Shanghai Kwan Nut Chwang railway. Preaideut Roosevelt has made known his determination to visit the Pacific Coast nest spring. Lieutenant Peary, the arctic ex plorer, says he has made his last at tempt to reach the north pole.' Five matrimonial agencies and two "turf commissions" were raided by the Chicago police and the operators arrested. Cuba will form an artillery force of 500 men to guard the Cuban coast, to take place of American soldiers now there. John D. Long, ovseeretary of the navy, has been chosen president of the board of overseers of Harvard University. A'T;hree thousand Chlueee carpenters at Hong Koug have gone on a strike for better wages. They demand 06 cents a day. Secretary Shaw has told Wall street that If the banks get any money from tho United States treasury they will have to give full value for it. Tho commissioner of internal reve nue calls attention to the fact that no Internal revenue tax can bo collected on cigars shipped from the Philip-, pines. i A novel engine for marine propul sion has been invented which it Is claimed will reduce the time requlrod l to cross the Atlantic ocean to three! days. Great excitement was created in 1 7 nlrTi vastdrHav Hv o .ffin' snnt nilf . Ian m thnt thrp Is Rt least ntlt co-ii,t rf linn? ovistf.il in the COlin- by the Dalzlel News Agouc'y under a dreaded ' "''nca'n"ha?'. ! try. New York date. Baying it was suppos- 'T'tgn Hallo Cntnrrh Cure it tbe onir Under those circumstances it Is In , ed that an anarchistic attempt on the pmitive cure now Known to tue medical j foresting to rend that the receipts of life of President Roosevelt was involv fraternity- Catarrh being """".''f!!; I cattle in the stock yards last week ed In the wrecking of tho Golden , na'iu rtarrb cZTli taken j were greater than over before-lt was i Bagle hotel In Washington. Wednes- internally, setinc dlwtiT npon the blond ! a record-breaking week. That indl- day night, and the subsequent suicide and rawon surface of the y"ni. there- i liateg tlmt cattie have been found, of the perpetrator of the outrage. The .".Urth by ! where they wore not supposed to exist, newspapers here got out "specials, hn,iin,. hp the eontltntinn and BMiKtlm or that a great many shippers, and flaming placards and bovs were 1 nature in dninz ir work. The proprietor rnanoe to bunch tholr consignments i bawling the startling new throu In any event It cor , the streets with the result that half , ,,,, i, fnnB to cure, Hend for'tairly shows that there are still cattle of tho population of London went m nt ttirannlnia. ' m the country. It may be that he ex I home believing that the assassination j , ' ,'V.X-3' & co- ToleJ' 0 , ceptionally high prices have led to a of the president of the United States, L,;,rFmiir rill, are the beat, is-.oud scouring of the ranges and, had lteen 'attempted. farms for additional beeves, and that i VISIT WHITMAN'S GRAVE. , scarcity will follow after the run shall ; have ended; but It seems more prou-, ' able thnt the supply Is not so nearly j exhausted as has been feared. Prices have been good lor a long time. For three years ihcrc has heen every Inducement held out to cattlo growers In the condition of tho mar kcts, and It Is not Improbable that tens of thousands of growers have been adding to their herds, with tho result that a larger supply or animals Is now coming forward. This country Is too large to have a beef famine. It is not likely thnt cattle will ever again be n drug on the market, but the ranges and farms will keep tho people supplied with roasts and steaks. Idaho Statesmnn. Dramatic Notes, The Joint engagement of Lowls James nud Frederick Warde on Thurs day, October 0, will he the noxt nota ble attraction nt the Frazer opera house. They will appear in Wagon hals nml Kemper's stupendous spec tacular production of "The Tempest." This exquisite comedy Is nlmost un known to provincial nudlences, and even in New York, the only produc tion it has had in 20 years, was tha' given by Augustlu Daly nearly 10 years ago. "The Tempest" which Louis James and Frederic!; Warde will i-rcsent nt the Fraxer opera house on Thursday. October !. is said to be the last and Is acknowledged to be the best of Shakespeare's dramas and under the form or an allegory, might he called the dramatic will and Inst testament of the great poet, his adieu to that faithful public whose applause he had gained for five and twenty master pieces and for more than 11 other plays, which, full of Imagination and chnrm. would have made for any lessor mortal the most enviable of crowns; in a word, this drama Is a poetic syn thesis or ns Prospero would express I. Ii. tlm In tiin Hire nf n ninclctail. It Is n microcosm of that dramatic world which his Imagination had created. Nlel vs. Jackson. San Francisco, Cal.. Sept. 2(1. Al Nell, the local featherweight, and "Yninip- Peter Jackson." the Baltimore colored tighter, have completed their work or preparation and appear to ue In flue fettle for their 20-round go which Is scheduled to be pulled off here tonight. Neil is In splendid form and expresses confidence in his nblllty to defeat the colored man. 'ine two will weigh In at the ringside at l& pounds. Come to us for your SUJJLlfc OR CAN! And Preserving Tomatoes, ripe for rai... pickling. Cabbage for sauerkraut Red and SB Citrons, pears, apples, plums, grapes, Our .8t?S mium takers. -l:sl! SUGAR, VINEGAR and Spl Cake and maple syrup for your breaks, ID a MARTIN'S FAMILY GROCERY AND id The place to get clean, fresh foods ftv R. MARTIN, Proprietor $ Telephone Red 341 The Pendleton Business p Large, well lighted, well veotllatedcrJI Comfortable Rooms. COURSES OP STUDY vlded Mi '4 Commercial Course Bookkeeping by actual busicty id by "SadUr's Buduet System," thorough and coothS Law enters into every business transaction, and rovlrt edge of his rights and how to protect his interest; Qw&X I Stenographic Course Shorthand by the Gregg 124? Typewriting, Snelling, Paragraphing, Punctuation, ComsM,'1' S Ing, Care nd Management of 'Writing machines, jjj Call at the olllo" of or write to H. N. ROBIN'SO.V.t Comer Court and Johnwm Sts Pendleton. Orteou. THE PENDLETON ACADM S1C0 Rewar, S1"0 The rrBclr of thu pajM-r will be plea A Parson's Noble Act. "I want all the world to know,", writes Rev. C. J. Budlong. of Asha way. R, I., " what n thoroughly good I ami reliable medicine I found in Elec tric Bitters. They cured me of jaun-. dice and liver troubles that had cans J ed me great suffering for many years i For a genuine, all around cure they ; excell anything I ever saw." Elec- j trie Bitters are the surprise of nil for their wonderful work In Liver. Kid ! ney and Stomach troubles. Don't j fall to try them. Only 50 cts. Satis j faction Is guaranteed by Tallman & Cc. CATTLE SUPPLY. A-' ' 7R. frW8?n OfTerB: Colloge Preparatory Course Bnslnoss Course Teachers' Course Tnkes all crades from Slllr-Prirnan,' up. QradiutatMYSx I f man Class in such C illeues as Yale, Priucetou, Staufari j $ Graduates taking i!7 weeks Supplemental Vork tt?J Certificates on same bi is as Normal Schools Fall tail . -Vi tuTYiluir 1R Viir pntnlnmil fllldr-H 1 1 F.L. FORBES, D.D.,PriJ Report of Shortage Is a Mistake J Sufficient to Supply Demand. For a long time it has been repre sented that there was a shortage or cattle. Prices have been high nnd the animals have been shipped freely, j Consequently the idea developed thati stocks had been depleted and that a I Makethe Hair Grow With vrorm sham"' nt I't riounx SoArnnd li(;htilresjin;;snf Ot Tn riiA. purest of emol lient skin cures. This treatment at once f tops falling hair, remove crmts, scales, auil dzuilruK, soothes irntateil, Ucliuif; surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roou ith energy and itoitrHhiuuut, and makes the hair grow whim all else falls. r..fM P-rriBl) iHPC.Curr., ' w tc ltvt iiuLfui Luir,"tre& PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEVS. The Corvallls ferry doas an im .menae htwiness every day. the num ber of ferriajree ior the month of Aug ust being 5350. A small day's bus!- neon ih 17 Washington State Press Association . 1 Makes Interesting Trip. Walla Walla. Sept. 2C.-A visit to ' the historic spot where, nearl 55 years mTj i m mf)AA T)'DT7U El bko the Cayuse Indians foully mur- f I H tt ,TJU Y JlU .lart Marcus Whitman. Mrs. Whit- I AllXlA IJKJ.VV iAlluu! is sanding 100,000 circulars man and 12 other white people, at the ; ast tb be riven circulation by firat home established by a white wo-ij inflhmSS the coun-' man on the entire Pacific Coast, clos-i Only a few das more re' i main liefore the contest clos' i . tk es Several pupil have sent in theu advertisements. We w nt a I t more. Come nnd look at our Tb- let- on display, then write ad Remember the Salem in th" East the Harrin.nn Unp through the conn-, man on " . f trr tbat will seriu many homeseeKers , ea me oni'' " h , h ' 1 ) .i.vJ ,,.ntTV 1 the state prose association. The trip, to this country. , ye3tordaJ. aftornoon, ,n tt Figures 'given otit by theMndlan or-, tra,n jlirn3i,ea by the Oregon Rail-! 5 flo ?. lVnshincton to to sho that j r. vQVp!tlnn Comnanv. and -ni .T.ll.,.. fCylmrl1 la the . T O-ol,, ttttn. tlie tjuemawu- ii"." ...-w. ... , personal caareu ui w""h. ono school of Its kind that will sur-; fira, pa8Sencer agent of the company, vivo iii the Pacioc Northwest. I rivnr 100 delecntes and friends made .1 tt.a lr. i.t.,1 tnnlr 11 look OVOr th0l4 OUT K0rafe ,e con.est closes bt-ptember 30 S?irr M?l5 Water was pumped upon which Is located the Whitman Any pup, has a hance to through a 4V-inoh nine at the rate of monument, a stately granite io(Z B.illon every 2 hov.is. a brief history of the tragedy which 72,000 gallons evtry 0,.curred In November. 1847. Presl- The trial of Gnorse Baldwin, charg- jJent P(!nrose 0f whitman College, ed with the murder of Frank Carlson, j aoronlJ)aned the party, and at the Is iu progress in Portland. A long prave of Dr.. Whitman gave a brief iict f witnesses ate to be examined ,,, f th llfe nA work of the and tho case will probably be long m88i(mnry and his 'family. The edit-! ors enjoyed the trip very hiucu, uu Mr. Craig was highly complimented upon tho plan of showing the newspa per men the historic spot unu mimi the success of the excursion in eon oral. Nearly all of the newepapurr men left the city last night. drawn out. , The headquarters, band and four troops of the Ninth Cavalry colored hare been ordered to Fort Walla Walla. This squadron has a colored captain, the only negro officer of tbat rank : Id the United States army. prize Try win tut hand The ndver'i.ement winning wM your $ the prize wiil occupy .our s & reRitlar spare in the East $ Oregon an n xt week. -I Watch for it FRAZIER'S Boov Store. OREGON P PINE BALSAM FOR COUGHS AND COLDS 25c and 50c SOLD ONLY BY GRAND PICNIC AT KINE'S Every Sunday Dancing begins Sunday at 2 p. m. Admission to in $ form 25 cents ; ladies free. Busses to and fc grounds day and night. jt RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove can tee 6 picnio parties by applying to PETER SMHt'l St. George. F.W.Schmidt &Co. Reliable Druggists. FOUR DOORS PnOM P0S10PF1CE Phone, Main 851. gl AN ORIENTAL THAWS"- Comes when the Tri sian finishes one c. terpicces m rugs, Ji'?, are now showing int: In colonnp, inpatte-y ty of des-gn and es-" finish thee rugs are fg of art. 1 be p"s $4 t0 1 Special Bale of ona-iiana bbwhs-- week. rjAllcli PERFECTION IN FLOP Is reached in BYERS BEST. Better flour caw The cream of the wheat crop enters w5" Flour, which is right for Dreau Fancy Baking. PENDLETON ROLLER W. S. Byers, Proprietor. 5l tw nnnirrni I For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor. 1 li 11