East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 26, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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uLst hi
on art J" I
uctiveKrthquake Near
iteWlps Out the Town
Men , & m
)ne of ti.f
S.lw j!CtoMjrrNrTowly Escapes An
ltoclrvt?n "Jsf ,ace August,
fJ",.0- Inofficial Report Just Out.
youi4,. SePt- 26.- terrible earth-
rwAs' In the Kasn'gar district, de
?vI,,Jt3 tho entire .town of Artush,
667 people: andjinjurod 1000 by
buildings ari'dTwalls. The Brlt
ciIony iiarrowlyjfescaptd annlhl-
ilcos recelvedftoday state that
he t, rthqttajtetookplace on August
usisfst-" tnat the"! official report of the
Is justorH.'SKaBhgor Is In In-
Committee Making Elaborate Arrange
ments at Colorado Springs.
Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. 26.
Tho committee In charge of the local
arrangements Is In receipt of commu
nications Indicating that the annronch.
ing meeting In this city of the Nation
al Irrigation Congress will be the
largest gathering of Its kind ever held.
Tho wide range of topics scheduled
for consideration will attract dele
gates not only from all parts of the
West, but from tho East M well. Colo
nization will be discussed and forestry
will nlso be an Important subject of
consideration, the American Forestry
Association co-operating with tho Ir
rigation Congress In tho arrangements
for the meting.
The main topic, however, will be the
new responsibilities placed upon tho
West by the national Irrigation act,
under the provisions of which the pro
ceeds from public lands will hereafter
be devoted to the reclamation of the
arid lands In the 1C states and terri
tories affected, namely: Arizona, Cali
fornia, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Mon
tana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico,
North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon,
South Dakota, Utah, Washington and
Suit for $2,000,000 Estate of
Henry Bennett Comes to a
Sensational Close.
J "HlghwayminfMakes Passengers
1 - DIflU?S500.
Jpwlston., , ildafeoScpt. 26. The
ftmavHle " BteMfttwfclch left Stltes,
'h,.tli7o'a)p$W'edncsday night, j
Mid - nnl'larth a? Masked man In the!
iatw' aB0tfRf'ileand n half from I
f lllKUWHiuail, WUB IlllllUU Willi
o and a 'revolver, and' after sev-
circmphatlc demands, the stage
r, Billy JtfcAvln;pulled up his six
n, and the ,..flve passengers
? W ptly lined upwlth arms out
IV shed. jTheyvwere then ordered
nasiXTpw off "thelficoats and vests and
att(TjlBBlda, outthe ,poclvts of their
XPocltettiooksVaud loose money
sscc"jlgatared . all-over the ground,
:s iRre.lng'j;ga,thered up by the
as SiKjikeordbredfthe passengers to
rt backs while he proceeded
II C fer .McAvlnV Insisted that he
""I'no expressbox, and his cool
ytote&av6d ,therexpres8 company sev
Jonsand doUarsr. The box was In
' ot of the. staged
passenger claimed he threw a
For Conspiracy to Get Hold of the
Millionaire's Estate Actress Big
ger Claimed Marriage and Birth of
Posthumous Child.
Long Branch, Sopt. 26. The suit of
Actress Laura Bigger to establish
claim to the $2,000,000 estate of the
late Henry Bennett, of Pittsburg, had
a sensational finish today when her
counsel announced that Miss Bigger
had decided to forego all claims ex
cept the 60 per cent Interest given
under Bennett's will. Counsel for the
Offers to Buy 5 Per Cent Bonds and ot!'er heirs Immediately arose and
r.. ' l " nom uui lui aural
vyiii ray .U3.
Washington, Sept. 26. For the fur
ther relief of the money market, Shaw
will offer this afternoon to buy 5 per
cent bonds, registered, and coupons
which are now selling at $1.0514.
Local Labor Leaders to Put
Men to Work and End the
TO GET $25,000 EACH.
Shaw offers $105. As there are 19
000,000 outstanding, the purchase
would release $20,000,000.
Jumped Overboard.
Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 26.
A. S. McGllls, a passenger from Skag
way on the steamer Topeka. arriving
yesterday, committed suicide by
jumping overboard from the vessel
while crossing the Gulf of Georgia.
Painfully Burned.
Burlington. Sept. 20. Justice Brew
er, of the supreme court, painfully
burned his hands and face this after
noon while burning brush. He pour
ed gasoline on the fire to make it burn
and the flames lept Into his face.
of Miss Bigger, Samuel Stanton and
Dr. Hendricks, charging them with
conspiracy. Miss Bigger was not
present. The other parties accused
were arrested and ball fixed at $5000
each. Officers are now looking for
the actress. Stanton was a Hoboken
justice of The peace, who In a former
Sensational Disclosures Made by
President Nichols Michael Grimes,
Agent of Operators.
Scrantou, Pa., Sept. 26. efforts aro
being made to bribe mine workers'
leaders to surrender their cause. So
declares President Nichols, of district
No. 1, in a sworn statement issued
today nt noon. He says ho Iwr Infor
mation that Michael Orlmcs, former
ly a mine foreman. Is agon for tho
operators. Ho accuses Grimes of offer
ing the local presidents $25,000 each.
if they would get 10 men from each
local union to draft resolutions dc
clarlng their locals willin,; to go to
work. Two men were to get $5000
each, tho other eight to get $100
each in addition to $25,000 to the prin
cipal. Grimes was to pay Hi inciden
tal expenses, furnish tho money and
prevent tnc exposure or the partier
pants. Grimes for his vor Is prom
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trado and
New York Stock Exchange Broker.
New York, Sept. 26. There was a
bolter tono to tho markets today and
prices gained Vic in both wheat and
corn. Liverpool was unchanged, 5
lO'Si. Now York opened at 73 nnd
closed at 74 . Chicago, 69 Vi and
Closed yesterday, 73TA.
Opened today, 73.
llango today, 73lff7tW.
Closed today, 74.
St. Paul, 106i,i.
Union Pacific. 107-V.
U & N., 153.
Steel. 40M.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chlcngo, Sept. 26. Wheat S5(3Sfi.
Wheat In San Francisco.
San Francisco. Sept. 26. Wheat
hearing testified that he married Miss ,s?d a cx cas? f11 tn5 Rrio Com-
nirirpr nnrt Hpnrv Honnptt Hendrlolrs PanV. Mchols Offers to furnish testl-
waB Miss Blgger's counsel when the ! mon-v before court.
actress first claimed maniago and
the birth of a posthumous child.
To Attack Butterlnc Law.
Chicago, III., Sept. 26. lnl'oimatlon
Is coming to light showing that load
ing oleoma rgorl no manufacturers of
l the country aro planning a big fight
against tno law which they havo de
cided amounts to n prohibition of their
business. The output or oleomargor
Ino In the Control West, whoro most
of the supply comes from, has de
creased moro than two-thlrda slnco
tho Butterlnc law becamo effective.
Just what plan tho manufacturers will
follow has not boon definitely made
known, but it is prohablo tho first stoni
will be to attack with vigor tho consti
tutionality of tho law which Inipoaos
the tax on th colored article.
Colombians Believe He Intends
to Gobble Up Canal Terri
tory Without Paying.
1 diamond which one of the pas-
u.Va-P put "In' ils, coat pocket is also
ebtfi-Ssse was organized as soon as
so wt;'wfl reache'dlSUtes, but their ef
" 1 . roved "worthless. Sheriff Dixon
jo county,"3 Ishere today to get
YoaCj as to thewperpetrator of the
i HoreeCollldes With Wheel-
i mantatLaj-Grandf.
Jrande.VfSept. 26. Yesterday,
hepa.radolwas takhig place, a
whlchlwhaing rWden by a
'jr,-,D u uiwurobinaitngeaoie ana
wlthlJHfflKfehnnio Keltman
ocked l,hlrt.j his heel. He
ySSsHSma headijrthe found and
jgjjjjSd a very4 severe cut shove the
I. Dr. HaHdre8sed tho wound
jnd It necessary to take sev-
ttchos. Mr. JKelthmun consld
Welf fortunate that he was not
re serlouflJyS
w WlltiSmlblssatltf.ed
on, Septaas. The Yachtsman
.hat Emperor WlllluM contem
wmtniMlofllng tho Herreschoffs
ID ''"atlsfled 'with, the performance
Microscopic Examination Snows That
There is No Sign of Blood Poison
ing. Washington, Sept. 26. Dr. Rlxey
this morning announced that Presi
dent Roosevelt's condition lssatisfao
Microscopic Examination.
Indianapolis, Sept. 20. Microscopic
examination of the content.3 of Presi
dent Roosevelt's wound was made this
morning by three experts. They all
agree that no traces . ot dangerous
inattei was found 1 the scrum, and
nothing to cause 'bloo'd poisoning.
Troops at Fort Riley Divided and the
Trouble Commences.
Fort Riley, Kan., Sept. 26. The pre
liminary drill "of the regular troops In
the maneuver division has been com
pleted and the real maneuvers began
by the formation of outpost forts and
the attack and defense of U-o same.
In this problem the forces of the ma
neuver division aro divided. Lieuten
ant Colonel Steadman is in command
of one of f'e armies and Colonel Ml
nor commands the other. Umpires ac
company each organization to see that
the maneuvers are carried out In
strict accordance with the conditions
under which the attacks and defonses
were to be made.
Representative of Slam Government
Sails for America Today,
Revive Depew Enterprise.
Buffalo. N. Y., Sept. 26 A meeting
was hold today for tho reorganization
of the Dei ov Improvement Coninnnv.
which was formed soino years ago
with a capital slock of $1,500,000 to do-
J volop the town of Depew on tho line
ii iiiu mm tjciiirni into n groat
Washington. D C. Sept. 26.-AU- imlustriaf cento.- Up lo date littl,
praLHaM ? rwr, s'aImesoTmlnls- nothing has been dono to carry
ter, and Mr. Herbert H. D. Pierce, H,.. ini, or n... i .
TrX?" "r.?l A frm a now corporation with
Kansas City Official Must Answer fo
Loss of Package of Money.
Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 26. A suit
has been begun In this city against S,
P. Scott, former postmaster, and his
son. S. F. Scott, Jr., who was em
ployed a3 utility clerk In the Kansa
City iwstofiice, makes a charge fixln
upon tho former postmaster and hi
son the responsibility for the loss of
a package containing $8000, from the
registry mail, in 1901. Tho money
was sent by tho National Bank of
Commerce in this city, to tho bank of
J. C. Brlnkman & Co., at Great Bend
Twenty-Five Girls Have Narrow Es
cape From Death
Kansas City, Sept 26. The eleva
tor at the Emery, Bird & 'i hayer Dry
Gaods Company, carrying 25 young
women employes, fell three stories to
day. A dozen girls were mere or less
seriously Injured, but It I believed
none wil Idle. Several fain ed and for
a time It was believed many were
ffe tftor III, akdf that Hcrr Watjens
Ay .to takeJs'Blmllar step when
in osqi .oi,taeyawi lavanoe.
gef. Wealthy, Iforty-Nlner Dies In
j poverty.
Jferic? S?t."26. John D. Deaz,
VfWMKPiiried In the pau
He returned here
4a gold fields with
kll of It a few years
speculations. Since
' sold collar buttons
John M. Davis Killed by William Nor.
val at Hinsdale.
Helena Mont., Sept. 26 --John M.
Davis was shot and -killed by William
Norval at Hinsdale. The men had
been drinking and a quarrel arose.
Both men pulled guns. Norval shot
twice, one bullet severing the Jugular
vein. Davis' gun was found cockeJ
and undischarged. Norvel subsequent
ly surrendered.
Turns Over Louisville & Nashville to
Atlantic Coast Line.
New York, Sept. 26. Wall stree
today hears that Morgan l as turned
over the Louisville & Nashville rail
road to the Atlantic Corst line, thus
becoming a factor In the latter lino
where he had no previous interest
Wireless System for Martinique.
Paris, Sept. 26. Two telesranh ex
perts sailed from Bordeaux for Mar
tinique today commissioned by tho
kronen government to Insall a wire
less telegraph system on the islands
of Martinique and Guadeloupe. -The
regular telegraph service in the is
lands has been frequently Interrupted
of late by tho volcanic outbursts and
It Is believed that the wlreloss sys
tem, If It can be made to operate suc
cessfully, will prove of much commer
cial value. i
Indiana Photographers.
MaWon, Ind., Sept. 26. Tho Indiana
Photographers' Art League convened
In annual session hero ' oday with a
good attendance of leading photogra'
phere of tho state. An Interesting
feature of the meeting in addition to
tho papers and discussions pertaining
to the latest developments In tho arts
of photography Is an elaborate exhibit
of amateur photographs, for the best
of which valuable prizes will be award'
ed by the committee of exports ap
pointed for the purpose.
storehouse ot Fred
tEjBfker Bottom, was
tPMHUnd 8000 pounds of
Mason Will Contribute.
Rome, Sept. 20. The newspapers
here announce that the grand master
of the Italian Free Masons has in
structed all the Italian lodges to open
subscriptions In behalf of the desti
tute Boers.
Bryan Speak.
Fort Scott, Kan., Sept. 26. William
J. Bryan made his first speech In the
Kansas campaign today, addressing a
big crowd at convention hall. He
talked at length on the taxation issue.
busy arranging for tho rception and
entertainment of tho crown prince of
Slam and his suite, who aro scheduled
to sail for this country from Cher
bourg today on the Auguste Victoria.
Owing to the nntlon's growing Inter
ests in the far east tho government
Is particularly desirous that the future
'tiler of Slam shall receive u favorable
Impression of this country and Its peo
ple, lo tins end arangemcnts are be
ing made to show him every courtesy
and facltlcs will be placed at his com.
mand that will enable him to view a
good part of tho country and to In
spect Its varied Industries.
The royal party consist ot his royal
highness, tho crown prince. Col. Phya
Rajovallohb, Capt. Luang Saraseddhl,
second aid: Mom. R. Convntra, private
secretary, and his royal highness,
Prince Chakrnbongse, brother of tho
crown prince with an aid,
Tho party will probably spend throo
days In New York, including a visit
to West Point. Then will follow a
visit to Boston and an Inspection of
Harvard college and also a brief stay
at Newport. Two days will ho spent
In Washington, after which tho party
will mnke a personal visit at the homo
of William Potter, of Philadelphia,
who is a personal friend of tho crown
prince and his father. Following this
visit tho princo and hid party will
start on their main tour of the United
States in a sfiecial train, going to Buff,
alo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg, Indian
apolis, St. Louis, Chicago, Yellow
stone Park, Butto copper mines, Salt
Lake City, Olonwood Springs, Colora
do Springs, Pike's Peak. Cripple Creek
gold mines, Santa Fe. tha Indian Pu
eblos of New Mexico, Grand Canyon
or Colorado, Jxjh Angeles, Pasadena
wineries, San Diego, Coronado Beach
Santa Barbara, Del Monte. San Jose.
Lick Observatory. San Francisco and
tno yoRcmite. it Is prohablo tho nai
ty wil Isaid from San Francisco for
the Orient
$750,000 capital. It Ih reported that
bonntoi- Chauncoy Depew. John Jacol
Astor, Dr. Seward Webb aim W. McK.
Twomlily will llnanco tho now con
Accuses Him of Petulancy Because
He Is Out of Harmony With His
Constituency Widens tho Split In
Dos Moines, la., Sept. 20. Stung by
tho Interview accredited to Speaker
Henderson at Atlantic Cltv. nccuslnir
him of favoring frco trado as a weap
on to ho uso,i against tho trusts, Gov
ernor Cummins today issued -u hlttor
Interview In which he accuses Hen
derson of petulancy, owing lo tho dis
covery that ho Is out of haimony with
Ills constituents.
Governor Cummins denies having
ever advocated freo trado directly or
indirectly, as a trust remoly, and as
serts that the Iowa platfoim means
that monopoly, whether extabllHhed
by trust, partnership or Individual, Is
not entitled to benefit of tho tariff
duties. Ho claimed that if this wore
law, it would effectively picvent the
creation of monopolies.
Congressman Moody Wires to Allay
the Fears of the Colombians Says
America Has No Ulterior Motive.
Washington, Sopt. 26. Tho con
centration of 2000 marines and blue
jackets at Panama has nrousod seri
ous fears In Colombia, as t.) tho real
Intention of tho United States. Sev
eral telegrams woro received horo to
day asking for tho reason of Imposing
such a demonstration of power and
declaring that tho belief li, growing
among tho Colombians that the United
States Intends to sclzo the Isthmus,
and thus gain completo possession of
tho canal territory without paying
Congressman Moody replied thnt
thero was not a word of truth In tho
rumors nnd that tho United States
has no ulterior motlvo, but will dis
charge Its treaty obligations by main
taining frco luthmluu transit. IIq ex
plained that American Interests were
Jeopardized by tho Colombians mak
ing tho railway tho theater of their ac
tion, hrnco this Imperative action waH
forced upon tho United Stutes,
Hanroaa Turned Over to China and
Evacuation Will Be Completed.
Washlngton, Sopt. 26. Minister
conger, at Pckln, cables tho stato do
partment that Russians have begun
the evacuation of Manchuria, havlnr
already turned over to China the po.
session of the railway, The evacua
tion is to be completed bv the first of
ucioiier, as stipulated by the agier
mont betweon the two nations.
Buckeye Elocutionists.
Dayton, O,, Sopt. 26. The stato as-
sociatlon of elocutionists is holding Its
annual convention here with an at
tendance representing tho chief cities
of tho atato. Tho two days' program
calls for papers, addresses and dis
cussions covering tho entire elocution,
ary field from' kindergarten to ad-
anced Instruction,
As r-rcsldent of British W. C. T. U.,
She Will Visit the American Body.
Boston, Mass., Sept. 26, Tho local
organization of tho Women's Christian
Tcmpernnco Union has received word
from Lady Henry Somerset that she
will sail for tho United States today.
Iidy Somerset Is president of tho
British Womon's Christian Tempor
anco Union and ono ot tho foremost
toiupornnco leaders in the world. Her
approaching visit to this country will
bo hor first slnco tho death of hor
warm friend nnd co-worker, Miss
Frances Wlllard.
Unable to remain long In this conn-
try, Lady Somerset hos pledged hor-
self to fow ongagomcnts hoyond tho
national convention of the Womon's
Christian Tomporanco Union nt Port
land, Maine. Slio will visit Montreal,
Washington nnd this city and probably
will inako several public addresses.
Chief of National Party Imprisoned
For Congratulating Roosevelt.
Madrid, Sept. 26,--Tho Bllbno court
has condemned Snnor Arana, chief of
tho national parly, to 'lght years' Im
piiHoument for cabling his congratu
Hoiib to President Roosovolt on tho In
dependence of Cuba, Tho Spanish
government considered Senor Arana's
act an Insult, and proceeded against
him as a traitor.
State Department Announces Import
ant Changes In Ministerial Posl.
Washington, Sept. 26. Tho stato do
partment this morning mado tho fo.
lowing official rfhnoiincenier.t of diplo
matic appointments;
Charlemango Tower, of Pennsylva
nia, now Russian ambassador, to bo
ambassador to Oormany; nelamy
Slorer, minister to Spain, to hocorao
minister to Austria-Hungary; Arthur
II. Pardi, minister to Switzerland, to
become minister to Spain; Charles H.
Bryan, minister to Brazil, to hecoino
minister to Switzerland; David B,
'Jhompson, of Nebraska, to become
inlnlstor to Brazil. Thuso onnolnt
incuts will bo effective November 1.
William Barnes Killed and Otherin
jurca ai or. louis,
St. Iiuls, Sept, 26. A residence
Diiuiiing was wrocKed nero tins rnorni
. isuo uajiiidiuii in wiuun vyji-
llBm names, tho owner, was . fatally
Injured, and Mrs. Albert Munn and son
Thomas, seriously Injured, Barnes
struck a match In a room which was
filled with gas from a broken pipe
New Oklahoma Road.
Texarknnii, Sopt. 26. A ierrllorlul
charter has been granted to the Kan
sas, Oklahoma Central & Southwest
cin Itallinad, with a capital of $11,
600,000, Tiio Incorporators are Oklu-
houvn capltillBts, Tho proposed lino
will run from Cedarvlllo, Kan., south
west through Btlllwator, Outhrlo and
i . Reno, Oklnhflhiu, to Klrklnnd, Tox .
and will lihyi two branch lines, one
from Stillwater southeast to J'ort
Smith, Ark.. andtho pthor northwest
to Woodward, Oklahoma on the Texas
border The total distance. will he 640
miles, Tho principal placo of business
will ho Stiflwator.,"V-1
London 'wool Auction
London, Sopt. 26. Tho offerings ut
the wool auction sales today number
ed 14,135 bales, which American buy
ers' took sultuhlo parcels of In the
ciosH-brcds, Coarse sorts sold well at
TAt per cent nbovo tho July tsorles.
Passed Away at Hit Home Near Pilot
Rock Today,
Charles Craig, Bpoken of In tho Kast
rcgonian yesterday as being In a
ecarlontr condition from a stroke of
apoplexy, died this afternoon at his
home, one mile from Pilot Rock. Mr.
Craig was 04 years of ugu and hud
11 rod alono for many years. Little
is known of his relatives. Ho will bu
burled at tho Rock tomorrow,