East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 25, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    Saturday's Bargains
.Prices Which Cannot Fall to Please the
rft Most EacS
.fT iStrchilrlren's Hoavv Ribbed School Hose
11 siiesorth 12c, sale price
lOTGhildren's School Handkerchiefs, hem-
JOT 3 T000 yards Outing Flannel, desirable pat
rns, "worth 8c, special, per yard
lFalr Idea of Prices Prevailing Through
the House.
Hee Teutsch
III! i
,f) . "'. SUCCESSOR TO
IN Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
A. Howard, farm loans.
antic's for flijhalways fresh,
-ilet clothing cleaned at Joerger's.
cuman'a for" jcugars and tobacco,
tcralsbed rooms: 309 West Court
7?Ha-wley Bros
ohrmaa wIIISBBupply you
.Selected Queerijollves, 30c a bottle,
HHBupply you with
ij-jhes at 5U6fe box.
California andjhomo grapes, they
the best, at Hawley Bros.
0 Chinese cooking at Phillips'
aurant. Everything tastes good,
jtton's -tine home-made confec-
p ery Is a regular treat for your
infecUonery "that Is a treat to
' sense of taste is obtained at the
1 Candy Factory.
t weather has no terrors at the
en Rule basement, where good
tz beer is on tap.
6 b e 'best attired women In Pendle
uilprtUi.be. those wearing our esclu
Efaphbes Lee' Teutsch.
ritow style Tamfo'Shanter caps for
at Mrs. .Campbell's. Oh my!
are cute for- school.
Iip into, the 4600I, comfortable
aent of the Ooldon Rule and en-
i ,
giuoa ui ociwtz oeer.
services of a woman to do
ng and .housework in a family
'o are ' desired See classified
St fins for particulars.
he-IE latest! fad
All the novelties that
nra tliA rnnrn-in tlin fneli
The Silver Bracelet
jndwinsUhe admiration
4ui "i an woiBee tuem.
Prices85c, $1.10 and
. Next Door to it. Alexander
It- "mt ,
Castle's for poultry.
Whltaker. the dentist.
Fine yellow Crawford peaches at
Hawley Bros.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs Andrew Rust,
of this city, a boy.
The best variety of vegetables at
P. S. Younger & Son's.
Wanted Bell boy at Hotel Pendle
ton. Apply at hotel office.
Fresh oysters, the best in the mar
ket, at F. S. Younger & Son's.
Latest style patterns for fall suits
and trousers at Seibert & Shulz.
100 beautiful visiting cards, print
ed. 49c. Nolf's book and notion store.
Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup
plies at Jack Candlsh's, Patton's old
For Rent Seven-room house, hot
and cold water. Mrs. A. Nelson, 912
East Webb street.
All kinds of city and country prop
erty for sale. Rihorn & Cook, room
10, Taylor building.
I have several water tanks for sale;
also household furniture Good bar
gains. Henry Schultz.
Dont forget Honor Bright spices,
baking powder and extracts are sold
by F. S. Younger & Son.
F. T. Betts has found the classified
columns of the East Oregonlan of ser
vice, as they were the means of his re
covering his lost keys.
Delicious are the hand-made
creams, chocolates, caramels, taffy
and nut candy you get when you buy
at the Delta Candy Factory.
Buy Chase & Sanborn coffee and
teas and you will use no other. It is
medium In price an1 th3 quality Is the
best. At C. Rohrman's gvocery.
For Sale SOO-acre wheat farm, 10
miles from Pendleton, all summer
fallowed: nearly all fenced. Good
spring on it. Address Box 495.
1 The commissions of J. P. Walker
and L. S. Wood for justice of the
peace, have been signed by Governor
Geer and returned to the county
I Murphy, the painter, paper hanger
and decorator, has just completed two
largo contracts. The painting and
decorative work on Lee Moorhouse's
attractive residence on Water street,
and Dr. W. G. Cole's beautiful home
on the hill, north of the river, was
done under the supervision of Mr.
At bedtime I take a pleasant herb
drink, the next morning I feel bright
and my complexion is better. My
doctor says that it acts gently on the
stomach, liver and kidneys and Is a
pleasant laxative. It is made from
herb , and is prepared as easily as
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine.
Lane's Family Medicine moves the
bowels each day. Price 25c and 50c.
For sale by Tallman & Co., sole
P. S. Younger & Son have tho best
N'ico tender celery at Martin's Fam
lly Grocery and Bakery.
A beautiful foot makes a woman at
tractive. Leo Teutsch has tho neces
sary footwear.
I .
I It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse.
Painters and Decorators' Union Enter
tain With a Feast. j
A smoker was given last night in
Judge Fit Gerald's rooms, In tho As- J
soclatlon block, by local Union No.
599. Brotherhood of Painters. Decor
ators and Paper Hangers. The union
hns 23 members who were all present
and they had as their guests, Ed Mur
phy. Chas. Lane. C. C. Sharp and Wil
liam HleUey, ns the "Bosses." Tho
painters nnd decorators proved them- j
selves master entertainers and made .
it very pleasant for their guests. Each
member of the union contributed to
the e.itertaiumcnt. Some sang, others
danced and still others delivered short
speeches. Clgnrs were tho principal
feature of the indulgence, but chicken
and other refreshments were served.
After spending tho whole of tho foro
part of the night the meeting broke
up with singing "Auld Lang Syne."
and all went away feeling that they
had been amply repaid for the time
Bounty Law Has Not Lessened
Number There.
Grant's Pass. Sept. 25. While the
ranchers of the eastern part of tho
stnte are complaining of too many
jack rabbits and not enough coyotes,
the farmers ami stockkmcn of West
ern Josephine county are complaining
of too many coyotes. This seems to
be one section of the stnte in which
the scalp bounty seems to cut little
or no figure in the matter of the thin
ning out of the "sheeplitllers." A
prominent stockman of Western Jose
phine county says he has never known
the coyotes to be so numerous in that
section of the country as they are at
the present time. Many stockmen in
that part have given up raising sheep
in despair because of tho ravages of
the coyotes. Many have disposed ot
their sheep and restocked their
ranches with cattle, but it is feared
that in a few years the coyotes will
be bold and numerous enough to get
away with the young calves.
Good Calicoes- Red, Blues and Fancies,
per yd Ac
Good Ginghams We carry none but good
uiality. Apron Checks, per yd nc
Out'ng Flannels per yd 4c
6c, other stores, our price Re
Sc, other stores, our price, r6 for. . . $1.00
i2c, other stores, our price 10c
Drps5 Goods Beginning at roc nnd then
I24c, 15c, 20c, 25c up to $1.50 per yard,
with stops all along the line, and it decs
not matter which price you pick out you'll
find it cheaper, quality considered, than at
any other store in town.
Underwear For Women and Children in
wool, in wool and cotton, in all cotton,
pants, vest separate and union suits. Best
25c garment on earth. Best 35c garment
on earth. Best 50c garment on earth.
Hosiery For Women and Children. Plain
and ribbed in grey and black in all wool,
part wool and cotton, 5c, roc, r5c, 20c,
25c end 35c. No matter which you select
you will be getting the best values obtain
able. Plenty of Clerks and courteous treatment for
all. No trouble to show goods, and your
money back ff you say so.
Women's Ready
Ladies, it is now no rrrore trouble for
you to get your CLOTIIlvS than for your him
bands and brothers to get theirs. Wo are pre
pared to fit you oirt with Tit i lor-Made Suits
from $oVIS to $20 00, each in grand assort
ment of styles and colors, and we guarantee
you a lit every time. Alterations made on the
premises while you wait.
The coats in three quarter lengths, in full
lengths and Monti- Cirlo styles, $10 and up, all
late style.
The jackets 22, 2.1. 26 to 27 inch lengths
2.50 to J15. (neat assortment. Low prices,
and they always fit.
In silk, wool and cotton, in walking lengths
and regular lengths, in black and colors, in
prices from. 98c to Sroeach, and no matter
which you buy you get this season's styles.
In silk, velvet, wool, sateen, etanrine and
cotton. The grandest assortment we have ever
shown and at the lowest prices. 75c, Jr. $1-50,
$2.50 to $7.50. Have them suitable for wed
dings, arrd frt you while you wait.
Petticoats, wrappers, drersing sticky,
muslin underwear. No trouble to show
them. Plenty clerks, plenty light, courteous
Pioneers' .Social.
William Martin Encampment No. 1,
Pioneers of the Pacific, held another;
of their social events In the Hendryx
hall Wednesday evening. Tho event
was largely attended and the program
enjoyed. The latter consisted of a
song by Mrs. J. A. Boric and Miss
Eflle Jean Frazer; recitation by Miss
Agnes Duubar, and a speech by Hon.
Stephen A. Lowell. Refreshments
were served.
A h I ro 110 111 1 cm 1 So 1 11 1 i 11 11 h.
Though liOO years have elapsed since
the death of Tyclio Brahe, It appears
that we are lu many lines almost 113
fur from the ultimate goal as when he
began tho great work of exploring the
skies before tho days of Kepler, when
all Europe was tJumbcrlug in intellec
tual darkness. The science of the stars
ludeed has been refined and perfected
In an unparalleled degree and Infinitely
extended iu all directions, but with the
bounds of dtir-kriCMS pushed back slep
by step the goal is not and never wiil
be in sight. An infinity of objects aii'l
causes arid nn eudless variety of phe
nomeim are yet to be explored, and the
work of tho mind Is rather a process
of development to the perfect under
standing of the uulverse than tho bolu
tion of u simple mathematical problem.
-Atlantic Msuthly.
Strangers are Badly Wanted by
Local Livery Men.
Lindsay &. Doty, proprietors of tho
livery barn on Cottonwood street, arc
mourning the loss of two saddle horses
and saddles. Last Saturday tho two
horses were hired to two men who
said they wanted to go to John Crow's
place on tho reservation. Tho men
mounted the animals about C o'clock
and rode from the barn. That was tho
last word heard from either horses,
saddles or men and they have dropped
completely out of sight.
The officers were notified when tho
men failed to return on time, but an
effort was made to keep it quiet.
Every elfort is being made to locate
the men and animals, but so far there
is no clue.
Who the men aro Is not known, but
when they appeared at tho barn and
asked for tho animals they had tho
appearance of laboring men and wero
looking for work. They promised to
bu back within two hours and tho
horses were lot out without the
thought of tho men having any such
idea us skipping the country with
BOOKS - BOOKS ! Your Place
Almost daily wo aroiu roeoipt
of now books.
Com ploto lino of H. V. Ron's
fancy bound books, 8mo, at 'lOe
Paper Bound Books.
0 oic in,, r,
oral hundred
ic and J.'rc. bov
litlos Lo Kolect
She Gut u TIirlf II minimi.
Mrs. Smith I reckon our Jane bus
got a first rate husband.
Mrf. Blown Well, yuti ought to be
Mrs. Smith I hope J um, (lusty. Of
cuuim; uu isu 1 mucn 10 iook ut, anu lie 1
ain't oversmurt, but there'h one thing, j
and that is Iic-'h saving. Why. the
very first day alter the marriage he
told Jane she'd better let him take th
engagement ring back and get the mon
ey returned, lie said there was no
longer uuy use for her to wear It now
that she was married. Boston Truu-scrlpt.
Kicked by a Mule.
Prank King, employed by M. II.
Gillett on his ranch on tho Tutiillla,
was kicked in the fnco by a mule u
few days ago and badly Injured. No
bones were broken, hut tho faco was
severely cut and bruised.
Now line fancy drops, etc
a pound.
I'oston baked beans
XXX Mint losongeis
Coeounut squares
Assorted imperials
Good strong loinon drops, ote.
2'J different kinds to solect
Santa Claua Headijuarters,
Is always ready at our tables.
There is a variety of tempt
ing arid excellent food on our
bill of fare. Everything is
served by courteous and at
tentive waiters.
The French Restaurant
Telephone Main 4.
?! STAND...
- VfeyNot Continue
Montana Labor Convention.
Helena. Mont., Sept. 25. Following
the lead ol the socialists
party of Montana is to hav
ticket in the field this fall.
vention to namo candidates
gress and associate judges
ntion. 1
-Following h r
the labor I f II
ivo a state! I
Tho con-1 V
s for con-; II
of tho su-1 ti
Taking your salt water baths as you did while on your
-vacation at the sea shore ? You can have the same thing
at home.
pound of our Atlantic City Sea Salt will make'two de
licious salt water baths, equal to a sea bath. Sr'
H We have bath brushes, bath sponges, washracs. bath
ifseaps and everything that helps to improve your bath.
From Main St., Toward the Court House
pierne court was called to order hero! j) H
tins arienioon with delegates in at in j ff
tendance from many parts of the IS 11
siaie a piauonn win uo auopieu at-! mi I
vocatlng the eight-hour day, an era- IIJII.
r '
I ployeiH' liability act, the Initiative and
referendum and other measures In
which the working element is partic
ularly Interested.
Longshoremen Strike Ended.
Seattle. Sept. 25. The longshore
men's strike has been settled by Pres
ident Farrell. That company is now
employing union men for the first time
in 12 years. Tho men wore granted
their terms providing for 50 cents
over-time on nights, holidays and Sun
days. The Alaska Steamship Compa
ny settled the same way,
1 Shoes
1 Shoes
In 50
UU. Shoes
All lands
and the
vety latest
Try a
ir - -ST3'
Boston Store
Where Whole Families are Shod.
Strict dluretic ! H tntblej au to qmaHfy willing worker U renin
tperior tervka m bookkrepcra an! tteaof raphcra. Oar iuatructloa U
annmtlly thorough a fact ao wldaly knows that raputation alona brlnga
lu Bioat of our ntudeaU. ftaallty alwmya eonata. Uxittulna luta Mar
facilltlea better now tbjua arcr Wor. Ia4natrioua, willing atndtnU i
rapid advancement ia all atadlca Uka, CaU, or write for our catalogua.
Park and Washington Street) A. P. Annitronf, LL. II., Piiucrpa,
Come and get our prices on
The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and rncliiil.m
all the modern ideas of the Uast, West, North and South, g
so you nave a conpieti- assortment to select from. We
keep our promise to save you money on Furniture, Car
pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings.
Next to PoBtofllco.