Not Hardwood Sawdust 1 ATWOOD'S SPICES Ak absolutely pure. Try them and you will be surprised at the difference between AT WOOD'S Sl'lCES and the ordinary ones. y Brock &. oComas Company : TO rue noDE'jN oruqchsts . pendletun A of those who are becoming concerned for the dignity of the republic's chief magistrate. Dignity is all very well, but if it happens to stand in the way of some thing more substantial, dignity must take n rear sent. Mr. Roosevelt In IPOS Is running for the presidency of the United States in 1901. Other cltlnens who have aimed at that exnlted office have wait ed until after the convention met be fore public and informally opening the campaign, but that is nut Mr. Hoosevelt's way. I ... This is n free country, and every . man in it 1ms a right to adopt his own . method of reaching for what lie wants ! Therefore criticism of Mr. Roosevelt's, ' appearance as a hot campaigner two ' I oars ahead of the usual time, while i allowable, should be tolerant and amiable He conceives, for example that It ! v ill serve bis ambition to seem to be at outs with his party ou the trust is : sue Hence the numerous speecues. I Special Sales At I he rair Two Days Fall of Bargain Opportunities THUKSP-W. SEPTEMHKf in hlstor . Such a crime could not , ronie from normal conditions It was j past and to come, that are designed an inheritance from the violation of the laws of nature by the ancestry of the criminal. He was the descendant to spread the impression among the people that he is hostile to trusts, but which, by avoiding all mention of iiear-at-hand remedies for trust rob- of Rrigham Young, of Mormon church hery mich as tariff revision and in fante. The life that Brlgham Young I terference with railroad dlsciimlna- 'led is likely to rtevelnn freak? In I tlon assure the able gentlemen w no TO the anthracite coal strike ever . vea vet to clme I the, tr,f ondMVcktrt "!! . i nonierny tor ears yet to come, .a- llrflts tht tbev have uothlng to fear SETTLING THE STRIKE. ono.' inie quesuou is w:nS to u Tunf ls lmerrlng. When you violate a serious one throughout the country. her taws vou mU8t pay tUe penalty. "Kliy don't Morgan stop It? ls nsked. The country that permits It must pay Why don't this one or that one stop the penalty. Jt? Why doesn't the president stop It? many have asked. It is not a The tire at Island City was an mi- proposition that can behandled by any fortunate one. It wsb one of those from him. ... Mr. Roosevelt considers that It would le a great help to him in bis campaign to have the republican on vention of his own state endorse bis candidacy, so be does what ls neces surv tn eVt tbp endorsement. That Is one man. There are two sides to all ps ts hard to provide against. . hp mav;cs a barcnin with Boss Piatt trueatione. This ls a difference on the l ,8 ottea necessary- to build valun-lby which a Judgeship is given to the nestiM of rights between the miners, Me improvements at isolated points, choice of the J""" and operators. Laws provided to or at points where ample water pro- j;1"1,,,,. been promised settle almost all kinds of controver-'. tcction cannot be sCorded. and thous- 'h) ienrisylvania the federal patron tes. Where there are no laws the anas of dollars worth or proiwrty go,ace was turned over to noss vi matters must settle down to adjust-!! n smoke. The only way to pro-; and an indorsement for 1904 from men: In the regular course of things, i viu asa'mit such losses is care on The miners had a right to qnlt work. The operators had the right to employ others. These are natural rights. The law win enforce these rights. If the operators should under take to compel the miners to work, the law would step in. When the men iry to compel the operators not to em ploy whom they plea Be, then the law Shope in. There Is where the whole trouble lies. "When the miners quit, if they had gone away there would have been no further trouble. Or If they had remained away from the mines, there would have been no trouble. To compel the men to work would be unlawful. For them to interfere with the operation of the mines is un lawful. Sympathy is always with the laborer. If the operators had violated the law half as often in the present strike as have the miners, the coun try would have risen up in arms and wiped them from the face of the earth. Prejudice is against them. Their position of ease and comfort is against them, while the poor miners and their starring wives and children are in evidence about the scene of operation. Jt is a case of wearing out process. The officers can only remain and pre-i vent the miners from violating the law so far as possible. After awhile they will either have to come to the operators' terms or the operators will have to come to their terms. No one can compel either to do that which he does not want to do, so Ions as each attends to his own business. What could Morgan do? What could the president do? Whan can anybody, except the miner? and oper ators do They are the contracting parties. It is no one else's business Suppose Morgan should tell them to Quit fighting; suppose Roosevelt should tell them to stop! They would simply laugh and tell them to mind their own business. If the president should attempt to atop in and settle the coal strike, differences , he would soon be expect ed to settle every little case of trou ble in the country from petty law suits to family quarrels. He can only apply the law when a place is open tu apply it tt is all that can be done by any one. No one man or set of men can act without the pale of the law. It simply reverts back to the old proposition. Government is founded on law. Attempt to change it and vou would shatter the foundation. The only course to pursue is to apply the law when it la needed and the other differences will adjust them selves In the course of time. Settling the strike is not within the province of any man or officer. It Is with the men who have differences and they have the law to aid them. The murder of Mrs. Pulitzer by Young, was one of tho most atrocious the part of the management and to carry as much insurance as the busi ness will justify. With wheat still a-Jumping. big shipments of cattle coming in. and a flood of immigration from the East injuring into this country, it looks very well, thank you. for Umatilla county, and Pendleton, too Umatilla county officials and Pen dleton town officials are all right, and they will compare favorably with any in the state, or any other state. rom i OnaVs renublican state convention m 1SUI2 followed. SECRET OF THE MAINE. When Lieutenant Morris committed suicide probably au everlasting lock was turned upon the secret of Maine. He was the electrician that ill-starred ship when she was Manifestly this close association with bosses does not make for popu-' iiritv. Consequently Mr. Roosevelt take' the stump and fires blank cart ridges at the trusts, a dealy one at a wild boar, and rides on horseback so furiously that professional cavalry men. In trying to Keep i p with him. obllgiuly lose their seats and tumble , to the ground, amid delighted laugh-; ter and applause. Thus Is attention diverted from seriously significant political acts and a reputation for, sturdy independence and headlong temerity maintained. ! Angry critics of the campaigning. president may bring calm to their' tempers if they will but keep in mind the simple fact that Mr. Roosevelt is .. . . , i i . i i I, a poirtlcian, anu as sucu i in '"h 1 the arts of his calling in the hope of ,on ' securing what he desires popularity ,vas i sfti.1 tlin lincteiiiff nf the sunk by an explosion in Havana har- d ,h t magnates OU the, bor. and caused the Spanish war. His .Hearst's American and Jour- intimates have been sure that it was I nal. internal and not external; but its revelation involved responsibility of a( Cavute Ike Yes stranger owner oiucer. ana so .Morris cameo , R fl M,he tho Avonger. He's LUC wt3jiu) ftwrei uiuu u iruuiu borne no longer, and took his life as the only means of deliverance. The failure of the commission of In quiry into the cause of the catastrophe to And a reason for it has left it an that's killed i nine men. 1 Willie Spin Aw, wealiy, beg par-, don, but what make is his automo bile? Chicago Tribune. , The Tucanon Development Cotnpa- i nv rauital crock JnOO.iNHi has lint'ii in. open question, and an open question I corporated fur the of unprov ii win always ue so xar as uirect evi-1 ing aC(, irn,;a..rjg tarrn ,,luls near dence is concerned. The suicide of . pnnrn- Morris, his occasional talk about de-' ' fective wiring, and the feeling of his 1 - - confidential friends that he knew the cause and that it was within his ship and not outside constitute circum stantial evidence only, but such as it it acquits Spain of the responsi bility that only circumstantial evi dence fastened upon her. : The consequences of that calamity ' have been stupendous, for had uot the Maine blown up there would havet been no Spanish war, nor the long' train of vexatious consequences, the I further projection of which no human wisdom can see. The president was : opposed to war and relied to diploma-' v to free Cuba and accomplish all , Friday, Sept 2(i Regular $i oo Comforts, for one day only SOc Ladies' and Children's toe hose, 3 pairs for 25c Good grade Flannelette, per yard 9c Calico, regular 5c grade, Friday only, per yard 4c Children's Slippers, all colors, 30 per cent off. Men's and Boy's Summer-weight Suits, 20 per cent off. While Outing Flannel and Blcach- cd Muslin, per yard 4c I Ladies' Fleeced Underwear, all sires 25c EVERY DAY SPECIALS FALL WRAPS OF ALL KINDS -Ladies' short, three quarter and full length coats, in every grade desirable. Call and see them. Fim assortment of Bla.k Underskirts from 75c to S3 50 eai-h Tailor made Suits and Skirts, all grades and styles. Men's and Bovs' Clothing, all styles and qualities. VISIT DS ONCE, YOU WILL CALL AGAIN Sat'd at. Sept 21 Ltimbe A kinds (n, J 1 Pi to older. I i Dnn'r -i. mar Building MatP;!!tit( consulted us. - )rn I ! Pendleton m ffU ROBHtTrossml THE FAIR, THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY Carpenters Headquarters We are headquarters for all kinds of carpenter tools and our prices are always the lowest, quality consid ered. Estimates furnished on builders' hardware and plumbing. "Mone saved is money earned." See T. C. Taylor, II Wall ! Papa err ' sMranoei I istle' -Jt c) eumi i I THE HARDWARE MAN' 741 Main Slreet Phone Alain 871 nocoro?S: ohrc - I Come Xo Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get first-class stock. We can sup ply you with to to o CI aurai Valuable g Timber Claims en) !tjfi Ontiebg This for M-kwjb Tat N.Berfi There htve been whet) t!ie wild Vats have l?vri more SiTiA tnercifu) than human beings, and spared the woman cast to them in the aruna. It is astonish ing how little sympathy women have that war could do and by better ( for women. Iu the home tue mistreta means. But the explosion In Havana l sees r,ne niaia wua uie signs 01 sunenug harbor was followed by an echo of ' she recognizes to well, but . she does not wrath in this country which demanded , sica gtri s wauj. wucu ol rhat thA nroslilent throw tlie issue to "CI BC' READY FOR BUSINESS. Vt'e Bra at Tour iirdr l"f snr and all ort ol ""twlrlriE work on ciimK' buitKiw. run-: noiiut., surrt r, delivery w.cnn- uiitl trucks W-work quickly, vpt dn nnt mr.t t-areiulne ( -thornu.'hneM titel. tiod . Hchr. t ..-aUj 1 BTr iiur ur-ii n'rtiuuu uihu ujir juuf ui - der for anj sort o! vonK In re ptir ne And o havr sum.' Wuioua llucks direct 'rniu tile fusion, made fur lUi" u::iun(i' Sitong and flrelf painte 1 wide -cans elegantly t-im-med wltb hor-uhlile eu hl ins and lines Jui bai y.'U have bvt' ior Only a lew or tlioe l-iiu ii t Wttionu waifnn kit. bet a move on uu mid nave one betott: they are all gu.n! Webave the Storer 0 isoline Engln n Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutters for barns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard '01 Have some fms sale. NEAGLE BROTHERS AJta 8t., opp. Court House. THEf-IE ...COOL Ell Are a gentle re Stove season is ter-r Dob t olP-.J BASL&I Bargain Ejf if ou r,eed a 'j stove or -tcei ra--overlc m oi'pcr- mone ' you dc, Water St., near Main. l'endleton. Ore ODgrese to be decided by the direct 'ppresentatives of the people. If Mor ris at that moment had unlocked the secret it might have stayed the hot tide of rage, and It might not. Who can tell? In tnr store the forewoman sees the pallor and exhaustion which mark woman) v weakness, but allows nothing for tnem. It is work or quit. loctor l'irce's I-'avorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well, by curing the wouiaulv diseases which undermine the health and sap the strength. " Favorite Pre- The lesston should not be forgotten, senpuon estauusues regularity, bio Impulse is not always safe for men evening uwm. uaus uo or nations. In tho next crislB In ouri and ulcarauoa, and cures female weak national life when Impulse and pas-1 . x firrt commenwd Dr slon are tieatitip the bars of restraint wnt iirj. George a. strong of as they beat against the president in Ganwvoort. sratopa Co.. n i wa u(ler- ,0(.c ... ,. t ,,. i iuc from feruale weakness, a disagreeable drain. 1808. will the lesson of tho .Maine be gn mt, wcak and ,frwl rlngau remembered and will there be cast I the time I draeged around in t'nat way for iohuio tha .nlnnHtt. iumtiiir of tho twe year, then f oegan taking your medicine, across tne passionate temper oi int. ( Afte (akiug (ht firat , lo fctl lMXiple the Shadow of that awful doubt; better I look four bollcs of Dr Pierce's Favor- and of the probability that the great, '-i of ?VSS2Si JSS1- ittS Ship, like the Officer Who Knew the ulttJ onc to,te 0f r,r Sage Catarrh Remedy. secret of her taking off, died a suicide? k i ii like ' "' y Sn PrannlKr-n Pall ! Hrh for y.r kind advice and tbe good your sneuiciue nu uuuc iu t. -San Francisco Call. PRESIDENT'S TOURING. The news that President Roosevelt has not finished his stumping tour, but Is soon to go about making more speeches, evokes protests from some "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Ac cept no substitute for tbe medicine which works wouders for weak women, 0r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate women. For POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES CALL ON Colesworthy ; AT Tills- ii CHOP MILL 127 and 129 East Alt Street Joseph EI!, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BASLER fcsfS on oto'ev 9j- -jw : I Con u aDt! itK ! and learn thes- g IS WW pyjMBlNfif) n First daw t Tlnnlug-E"51 line qf KpMi work done f lefactoru. HARNESS-SADDLERY The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads, and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronarje. It Is the advertising medium of this section. B. F. BEj 214 Coai m m .errPS I ORLAN 'ii r riLP" . KEGIbWji TOO TtU t.i