East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 25, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    We Soli Strictly At One Price.
For Men, Boys and Children
See Window Display
'GOOD COMPANY AT FRAZER'S 0,lforccn,cnt of a national law was
I I revolution If It succeeeded. rebellion
! If It failed Is It not Just as true for
GAVE A GREAT PLAY n elticen to resist enforcement of mu-' 3
! LAST NIGHT. 1 nlclpal lawZ Is it not revolution If
j ! he succeeds, or rebellion If he falls?
Will Close Tonight In "Wicked Lon-j In the book entitled "The American 5
, oW-Patho. Fun and Specialties. CU,t.fn-" ftuii,pd ' 0UrJliPh schools.!
1 4 . .i . , V a. V t a.Mll? w." V i 1 1 J MV 41
m appreciative nmuencc ,n. , ,,,,..,,,,
wi unnecessary or trivial, or may
prove inconvenient. nevertheless, no i
one has any rlpht to put his personal
preferment or convenience before the f!
; prtvted the Ellrabeth Hale Company
at Fraer's Inst nl.cht In the play
Come to us for yout
Tomatoes, ripe for
We are showing the largest iissort-im-nt
of Sweaters ever brought to the
i ity. We have them in white, black,
blue and in the latest fancy stripes,
atul we sril them for much "less than
t'rr r store.
Child-en's Sweaters, 50c to $J.
Boy's Sweaters, 50c to S J. 50.
Hen's Sweaters, 50c to $5.
!t at lierc-us Sands," Those who did
not attend have reason to re.cret It.
It was a comedy drnmn full of snap It. a. .i.i. ....i.u a
'roir start to finish. The audience His reference to the blue laws of
as a perfect uproar at every breath. , Connecticut, which are more lecen-'
.1 v n ""rx,pl treat. The dary than real, and the time when men ' 3
V nicht fore by the same company ' Were burned in the name of religion. . 5
. m not t..e so well and those who at- if u-THtth notice It is difficult to ac- at
er-rVj probably expert ed a chill. The. wunt for Mlch references, btit the pur-' 5
tr.t ro .-otrnany was on Its metal, and 1 l08P swn to w to rrwu prejudice's
,';rt memMr proved himself or her-1 ac,,nM tbw who m t0 ,,old thr
sou ar actor Mis Hale as He-jVmnnw of tlM, 0riHls n1 striVt, for
M-ice showed her ability for heavy !morel purUx ,M, ,n meijoration ofj?)
ant' 'Mr. riatt a Hillle." was at ' munklwi. -The laws are all rieht. 5
l..s -er-th In comedy. Mr Stephens j hnt our never intended 5
ma,'e a ereat hit in his son "Boy In ,hlt crRk bmM ,)e anowed S
H'ue In ract it is not dolnc Justice , nA out justice." What wholesale j 7,
n failinc to mention the entire com-1 sentiment. If the sentence means $
!",n individually. Mr. H. Armour, j anythln It erldenUv means the laws ' ?
manacer of the company in the author 8r, riFht V)Ut tliev wert never ln. ;
And Preserving
pickling. Cabbage for sauerkraut
v,i,u,ti, i--of ft'ii, Miiub. grapes. On
Red ao7
Cake and maple syrup for y0Ur
The place to get clean, fresh rML
R. MARTIN, ProprieLT
of the plav and has just succieded in; t,nded to j,,, sW,olls.,y. j S
Macinp it in the East. , j He ,nfllntes that fanatics can 1 i3it?SGi
, . .. , 1 AWU Im.hU 1.... ..o- hmil.l - ' - - '
vtiskco i-ciiaon i onign.
79 Mi;n Street
The company will close Its enpRp-'
1 make trouble, but never brought about '
! reformation It Is n fact that those
r.i c: at Fraier s this evenine in theiuu",.T" '-"""f . . l".
'"v ! . t . . .
nf ProMl Uimu c Wl ..lave Tl.. 1 l,,e
eonvpdv-drania. "Wicked Ijondon.'
have been the most proml-
play starts in the home of Davi,i Kur-I"1 """"S awmt tiwrai ana po-
tou. a rich merchant In Liverpool, who
The Pendleton
In an exhibition mile at Readville.
3as&, Dan Patch equalled the world's
paclas m-ord of 1.59V
are tK?iny taken to hold in
October tut International eoafertenee '
of tlw powers to consider wtrels '
Sevwai British match manufactur-'
ew have determined to quft bosiaees S
because American competition has 1
mined their trade.
The aesroes on trial tor catuin the '
stampede at Birmlabam. have been
atecharsed at the request of promt
aent aar.ro divines. I
President Roosevelt's host 11 ity uJ'
-vvard irnats has caosed the large!
packing homes to frrre np the idea of '
forming a combination.
Mrs. Upham was held up by a tutg'
of six men in a crowded street of Chi-'
cago in broad daylight and relieved of
a diamond broach and SS0 in cah.
Injury caused by a fall front a New
York street car compelled Simon
Kurtz to aharf off hie whiskers, and
now he sues the street car company
far tl0.j0 damages.
General Botha, former eantmaoder.
.saye he has received JlOf'.OOO from
Arthur White. a American, for aid
of destitute Boers and appeals to
'others to follow the example.
Seven hundred piano and organ
makers are on a strike in New York
for an increase of 25 to 0 cents per
day in wages. Two thousand men
gained the demand without a strike.
Major J. W Powell, one of the fore
most geotocists and anthropologists
In ibe world, and director of the de
partment of ethnology ar the Smith
sonian Institute, died at his home in
Haven, ale.
Hotel Pendleton.
Gooduegture, Eucene.
S Yotinperman. Portland.
G. Pate. Washington.
F. Fay. Portland.
S L. Flet. Salina.
A. E. Draper. Portland.
S. B. Martin. Portland.
A. S. Heat Held. Spokane.
M. H. Patton. Spokana
C. M. Grims. Portland.
T. W. Jackson. Spokane.
J. J. Burns. Portland.
W. D. Chamberlain, city.
The Golden Rule.
I Cunningham, Portland.
Zella Taylor. Huntington.
Mrs. F. Jackson. MtKon.
Leonard Douglas. Milton.
Mrs. J. Pace. Milton.
R. E. Pace. Milton
M. L. Pace. Milton.
E. E. Koutz and wife. San Francisco
J H. Claypool. PrinevOle.
Ida Claypool. Prinevflle.
A. Kianear. Weston.
J. I Kinear. Weston.
Mrs. E. Keys. Weston.
Jennie W. Keys. Weston.
John S. Vinson. Freewater.
L. P. Biddick. Meridian, Idaho
A. George Portland.
A. G. Howard. Spokane.
J. M. Burke. Spokane.
Henry Hill. Hells. !
George R. Mustard, city. ;
J. C. Doason and wife, Portland.
C J Johnson. Spokane.
discovers that his daughter is In love
with one of his clerks, and in conse
quence'drives her from his house, be
cause she refuses to give up the man
she loves. The young couple become
. very poor under the hand of adversity
i and after many vicissitudes the bus
j band Is wrongfully arrested for at
1 tempted murder and sent to prison I
'He afterwards escapes with another i
I convict who discloses the real culprit 1
! and all ends happily, ln the meantime
the play is full of comedy, and spe .
cialties are Introduced so that the
audience Is kypt Interested all through
swing uie saaoest oi me sau ana .
funniest of fun from beginning to end. .
The characters are especially adapt-'
ed to the players and every one will
sustain the reputation of the com
pany tonight.
lttical reformations. This world is
more indebted to them than to any
other class of people. They have never
lacked In moral courage, or spared
themselves in trder to benefit man-;
kind, by trying to bring about an im-1
1 roved social order J
Large, well lighted, well ventilates
Comfortable rooms.
S100 Rewar. $V0
The readers at chit papr will be plea-
m to I earn tfcat tberr It at Irnit an , blunder.
The Other Side.
To the Editor: The article of O. W.
Dunbar under the caption "Sunday
Closing Law." may not deserve the
serious attention of the worthy divine,
referred to. but I feel that some of the
Insinuations contained therein should
not be permitted to pass unnoticed.
Of all tbt fanatics of today, there are
none more mischievous than those
who are aping liberalism, and tn Its
euise anolortse for loose morals and
deSance of laws, and willing to sac-'
rifiee all for sordid purposes. j
A mas that attempts to belittle the '
Puritans and Puritan ideas shows a
lack of appreciation of the sublimest '
principles and most heroic efforts for
the betterment of mankind. The late
great historian and philosopher. John '
Fiske says: "Had it not been for the
j Puritans, political llberity would prob
I ably have disappeared from the
world." To associate the Puritans
with onuositiou to human liberty is a
:!uD U
In sll Oases of Itching
Burning Humors
wlili the
While Cleansing the Skin and
Scalp with hot baths of CUTI
CURA SOAP and healinp- the
Raw, Inflamed Surface with
Csraplste Tresiineiit, SI.25
I.t -- T, 'ft Slid
Commercial Course Ilxikkeepiug by actual bo-1
; vlded by "Sadlf r's Budget System," thorough uljSl
Law enters Into every business transactiou, and ptorUi3
edge of hU rights and how to protect his iutervsts; bJ
. Correspondence and Peam&uhip.
Stenographic Course Shorthand by the Qr
Typewriting, rneuiug, t-aracraouing, Jfunctuatioa
log, Care iiid Management of Writing mnc-hlaes.
Call at the ofllc of or write to H. X. R0BIN"i ''
Corner Court und John-on Sts Pendleton. Oivcob. ,
Or 21c
Offers: College Preparatory Conrst
Business Course
Teachers' Course
Tkw all gra'le freai Sub-Primnry up O.iiSf
uu Class In suvti (' jlltfges n Vale, Priaetoa, Saalt
Graduates taking '27 weeks riupple'neatal
Certificates on -vne ImU a-s Noma! a-'noh Fil&5
temir 15. For catalogue addrer-s
, D. D.,fej
Is Sure to
Twelve thousand dollars have been;
raised at Portland for the forest are,
William Hooper Young, the mur
derer, is wanted at Seattle on two
charges of forgery. 1
Massy Howard, the notorious stock
ratter of Baker City, has again been
sentenced to five years in he peniten
tiary. Two race horses, one of them.
Prince of Spokane. Talced at K&00.
were burned to death at the
grouse in Spokane yesterday
drtmtal dUee that science hat twa atilr
to cure to f.ll Its ntspm and ttt I Ca
tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curv U the oalj
pufelilve cure now known to th medical
frateroltT. Catarrh l-'lnc a coostltstloo
al dlue. minim a coestltotlonel
trnitnmit. Hall s t'starrh Cure la takes
tnurnaity. actlnc dlrecuj upon the blood
and EBorcMU aarfare of the tjtxtm. there
taj dwtrortBS the foundation of the dis
ease, and jeItIds the patient utrenrth by
bnlidlsc op the roostltntlun aad nystatin;
nature Is dola;: Its wort The proprietor
tmve so much faith Id I Ik rnratlre power
that thr offer One Hundred Oollarts tor
and ease that It rails to care. 8end Jor
list of ttlmoiilaU.
Addri F . i ii:.W i CO, Toledo, O.
Sold hj drnjacV.'K TV
nalCt Farallr I'illi are :fae bea
Idaho Man Preparing to Put in Large
Plant Heft to Manufacture Butter
and Ice for Wholesale Trade.
L. P Biddick. of Meridian. Idaho, is
in Pendleton looking for a location t-
start a creamery. He has & strong
fair; backing and has been engaged in the
Here is a man professing himself a
respectable, law-abidinc citizen, re
joicing in what be deems the imiiecil
sty of enthusiasts to enforce the laws
oi the land.
Whv can they not be enforced? Be
cause then- are too many like himself
. who want to interpret the law to their
, own advantage; lueu distituie of
moral convictions and governed by
policy more than principle. Tne lojci'
: of this article is suicidal. It means
practically that everyone should be
a law unto himself. Dos he not
: Know that he reflects upon the law
makers by insinuating that the laws
ja'e not supposed to be enforced ? Sup
, pose every man was to say. "I wid
j only obey those laws that are to my
advantage." .the thieves, forgers and
all such law-breakers. Would it not
undermine government and be a vio
lation of every principle that perpetu
ates our present civilization?
Daniel Webster in his answer to
Hayne. said. "Tor a state to resist the
Eh V Crcim Ilic
Givet rel.etat rot.
It c'.cinset to :ht
nnd b.lf the tle-t
m-mtr.nr It T
' alarm an '. ,'ir.vc
v a md i:
tixd q iick r
-M i;ued iie I
heatorcs tue s
at druffci---
maii. iX BK j nS.:
Sew York.
Every Sunday
Dancing begins Sunday at 2 p.m. Admission ti
form 25 cents, ladies free, biases to
grounds day ar.3 night
.'.e x-ii banc.
U. : l.y
a-n :rft:t.
picnic parties by applying
bt. George.
business for 16 years. He has a large
The wife and rt-lld of Chia Qooa.tpiant at his Idaho home, but thinks
.... 1.1.1. rhin..n.n in thp- there is a good opening nere lor a
Korthwest were kidnapped froat bi: Jarse plant.
home la the Chinese quarter an Butte.
-Conriet Hansen, who escaped from
cr.eu taio p--- i;i' ;crean,ery with a large capacity and
vrm anui muu 1 .
wounded yesterday by a farmer on
He is interviewing prominent clti
zens today on the subject and has a
number of propositions under consid
eration. It is the purpose to put tn a
1 m 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 mini lam 11m im - 1
I oregon j UsSraei
p . --rap-
pine I "Mnfe
eeat side of the island.
fhi t confine the buelness entirely to the
tUtr . 1 . J U..., ...til n
j spucialty. but ice cream will be nianu-
Ah unconnrmed report was circuiau- , w-rre scale.
ed yesterday tfcar a son of Senator W. . 3 peaking of Pendleton. Mr. Biddick
A. Clark was burned to death in a de-1 & tnat ne kes the appearance of
struct! e are at tne nmom.
raia, near rhoenix. Aria.
.he ulace sees business everywnere
' be goes and is not afraid to cast bis
Xaior M. L. Bndgeman. actftstea 11 , lot in such a place, tt ne can inane
for fais.tyins: hie ao-isutkble
Indian agent at Fo.-.jness.
been moicted by the.
BflshMB. baa
federal grand Jury 00 S count.
MfcK -Mlaaie Babeoek. of Helena,
Most., was arrested in Shoshone. Ida
bo charged with passing saws Into
the county Jail to her brother George.
She tried to commit suicide but fail
ed. The Modoc, an ott-buming river
steamer pt1ne between San Kraacis
ea and Sacramento, caught fire Item
the oil an hex lead of passengers
narrowly ewsaped vita their lives by
jam pins late the water.
arrangements for his
Excursion to Washington, D. C ,g
On the occasion of the -G. A. R. en-
'ampmant, to be held at asningian. : t
v ti r v-
Only a few days more re-
main befoie the contest cJos
Several pupils have sent
in their advertisements. We
want a lot more.
Come and look at our Tab
lets on display, then write
vour ad Remember the i
bu8.; contest closes September 30
7- .upii una o w.jcuvw . v
win the prue. izy
1 he advertisement winning
the prize will occupy our
the h-ast
D. c, uctotwr o J a. me u. iu a. regular -pace tn
Co. will sell round trip tickets at ' 0regonian acxt w
JW.66. Dates of sale September !? w . . .
sad 30 limit 30 days. Choice of g w atcit tor 11.
routes, going and coming. 1
your t. '
25c and 50c
F.W.Schmidt &Co.
Reliable Druggists.
Phcne, Main 851.
Comes when tb:f
sian : shescM"
terpiti.es in tsfi
are new sho'i?:
In coloring, up,
ty of design aw!1,
finish theietuss.
of art The pit,
$4 t
Special sale of (
ond-bacd Sewii?
week. f
Is reached in BYERS' BEST Eet'rr "our
The cream of the wheat crcp : ters "Wf
Flour, which is right fcr weau-
Fancj Bakicg.
PrnnfietOf a
Storage rnsTi.i
All goods stored at reasonable J
nriee. Call on Tom Smart, at ware-.f
houie. rear of Standard Grocery. t
Book Store.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Aloens, Proprietor.