East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 25, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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pPnw iT'n" " .ILiBMHMMSjaMj Na Fair tonight nn,i Friday , cool
r rasSBS , 1 " ' - - -
NO. 45 17
2aI ....J.:Sssfc
ui raina-
d Leaguers
f-JffWnWas Looked
oJAH Wm ftiilet as Proces-
idhepL 25. Following closely
(Siicels of "John. Redmond's
agjterday, wheajho was put
Iv boads . ondthreatened
vUmonmect, comoa the an
"at that another member of
j John O'Dofinoll, was ar-
,( AfternoejiVatJthe railway
not :atteaBg;.the crimes-
irtloii. agkleet' fetal. Public
Jx s KJsa 'andfithe police
s'!alty'"prsveBtedS a forcible
;a argerow"(ltbI leaguers.
Kjdley, fte. " 'aewly-appolnted
snaat of Ireland, accompa
.(CouBtees aatUl Duke Can
nttired !lHbiHKtkls afternoon
gmpoatag.yo'ooarion. but met
tngly eawwieeption from
ma. T8MgB were ue-
elleso iotjwrg;eTery where.
b ,Bomi'jUggro expected,
ooaiMUMIWwere not made.
i i ' " "
..ash, Dor-and-House Furn.
ictory en Coast Destroyed.
r. A nr t i
. . oupu lire mis morn-
yed 'the'Beven-acre plant of
'08goeA''Co:; the largest
xi'eni of Mali;' doors and
j. iisMBgflon the coast. The
.j'feJftOOOOrwIth $50,000
Work to Be Commenced at Once on
Proposed Route.
Salt Lake, Sept. 25. Engineer
Wilkes, of this city, who has been en
gaged by the Great Central railroad
(Coos Bay to Salt Lake), will make up
a surveying party immediately for
field work, which will commence run
nlng preliminary lines through this
state. The proposed line will run
south to great Salt Lake, which route
will necessitate considerable trestle
work over water.
Used Dynamite to Revenge a Northern Securities Company
Discourtesy, Then Killed! Holds 528,700 Shares of
Great Northern.
Presence of Troops Has a Quieting
Effect In Troubled Region.
Wilkesbarro, Pa., SepL 25. Re
ports from various fields whero the
rioting has been serious, this morn
ing show absence of troublesome
strikers. They have evidently been
over-awed by the presence of armed
Financial Topics Discussed.
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept, 25. The
second day's session of the State
Hankers' Association convention was
opened this morning with prayer by
the Rev. Kerr Boyce Tupper, D. D.
The features of the day were two ad
dresses, one by James H. Eckels, for
mer controller of the treasury on "The
Government's Relation to the Citi
zen's Business Affairs," and the sec
ond by A. B. Hopburn, vice-president
of the Chase National Bank of New
York, who took as his subject, "The
I Financial Situation In Europe." Prior
to adjournment late this afternoon
i new officers will be elected and the
place selected for holding next year's
j convention.
Landlord and Wife the Only Ones In
jured Other Guests Miraculously
Washington, Sept. 25. Frank Mc-
Also Hold 78,000,000 of the Northern
Pacific Common and Preferred
Paid Nine Million Dollars Cash and
Balance in Stock, Etc.
New York, Sept. 25. W. P. Clough,
Kee. need 2G vears. became Dialled
Eagle hotel tteated him discourteous-, director, vice-president and general
ly, and wrecked the hotel with a counsel for the Northern Securities
charge of dynamite at 4 o'clock this 1 Company, the only witness oxnmlncd
morning, then shot and kilied himself. ) at today's hearing in the merger case,
The youu? man had resided at the replying to tho question stated by
hotel for four years and in that time I States Solicitor-General Richards,
squandered $70,000. Tho occupants 1 said the securities company held 52S,
of the hostelrv. miraculously escaped j 700 shares of tho Great Northern out
injury. Landlord Brant and wife I of 1.200,000, while the trustees of the
were the only ones hurt, though not company hold 500.000.
. 36. The takinir nf
'He. sulf f tho United
raent Rcainst the North-
fiAmnnnv wno 1 1 n e n n
ag before ,;F;.:iG. Ingersoll,
m( examiner .appointed for
e by Judge Lochren. of the
tes circuit court of Mlnne-
partles to ,..the litigation
ented-ac,follows: Solleltor-
T. Richards appeared on
le coveniBent: M. D. Gro-
11 for the' Great Northern
"impany, 'andC. W. Bunn,
eb the NorttiernJPaclflc Rail
Northern 1 Securities Com
w' 45 dlrectora.who are made
-tfts lnthe suit, were rep
ys an ai&v7 offable counsel,
'former Attorney General,
'rlggs. - Although there are
i. know pending- against the
Becurltlea Company, the
ch ttvUBlted States Is
..'the oiby,,one that is re-
p special interest. There
Jon that thei case will be
ftilweiito the United
3ffieijHMMttd the import
X detHEHaffectlng fu-
gecurltleeJCwBwany cannot
sh Baptlets'Jubllee.
111., 1 Sept. 26. A religious
f more .than ordinary in-
d-Jn CWcago today, the
ting a olebratIon of the
,versary- the organiza
First .Bwedish Baptist
bo UriHedjfiHtates, at Rock
In XSM.fftThe celebration
te tkrsk'$L week, sev
-s being-.used for the aunl
eetlngs. "iTbe attendance
0 the thoaeands, the visit
j' pHntrfpally,' from Illinqis,
111 insin BBdMichigan, though
Kind other" sections of the
fj( represemca. Tne pro-
exerojsee- calls for ad
.Veveral', persons of wide
-t PHHjie Calendar.
Me.eotr;!JSept. 25. WU-
V 'i.t.ii.i & . .
.jHtfCmming new ior
WpnuLy iviug ot iius
to- engage in a 20-
;. leoal club tonight.
watched and are
Sght worth 8ee-
slan Ambassa
Vhlte In Ger-
sevelt'K rTecis-
The securities company also holds
7S.000.000 of tho Northern Pacific
I common and preferred stock, which
I was purchased last November on pay
I ment of $9,000,000 cash and tho bal
I nncc lu securities and stock at par,
paid by mortgages and personal
Counsel agreed that no further hear-
Two Men Beg a Ride In His Buggy,
and Then Seize Him and Take $28
in Cash.
Walla Walla, Sept. 25. W. M.
Brock was robbed of $28 near the old
fair grounds Tuesday night. Mr.
Brock was driving home in his bug
gy jiiBt after dark. When passing the
old fair grounds, he was hailed by
two men who called him by name and
asked to be allowed to ride with him.
Mr. Brock, thinking it was friends,
stopped and the men got into the rig.
They had only gone a Bhort distance,
when one of the men grabbed Mr.
Brock and pulled him backwards over
the seat while the other went through
his pockets and relieved him of $28,
all the money he had. Mr. Brock has
no idea who the robbers were, but
they knew him and chatted familiarly
after meeting him. After getting the
money the robbers made into the
brush and were lost to view.
Passenger Train Crashes Into Stock
Train With Serious Results.
Maldon, III., Sept. 25. A passenger
train on the Burlington road, crashed
into the rear end of a stock train near luB swu( be had in this city. The
nere eany xms morning, mums iuur cas0 wju i,e caiied again at St. Paul
stockmen and seriously injuring nve i octob.'.' 20
others. No one on tne passenger
train was hurt.
List of fatalities: Dead George
Stewart, Winchester, 111.: A. H. Can
thers, Tale Grove, III.; A. H. Wagg
ner. Prairie City, 111.; W. L. Collins,
Aven, 111. Partial list of injured
L. B. Wisey, Knoxvllle; M, Johnson,
The stock train was entering the
siding when the rlyer collided with It.
Reported by I. L. Ray &. Co., Pendlo
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Broker.
New York. Sept. 25. Dullness per
vaded the mnrkct today, but there
was no material chango in prices.
Traders are generally awaiting devel
opments of tho September deals In
wheat and corn, and look for a more
active market after this month
Stocks arc firmer.
Closed yesterday, 73;J.
Opened today, 73T&.
Range today, 735T7I.
Closed today, 7304.
St. Paul, 193a.
1.. & N., 119.
Union Pacific, 107.
Steel, 10V&.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, Sept. 25. Wheat 81V4c
Fourteen Lives Lost by Sinking of the
Vienna, Sept. 25. The Danube, a
passenger steamship, sank near this
nlaco today and 1L persons woro
Hartford Monument Day.
Hartford, Conn.. Sept. 25. "Monu
ment Day" was observed In this city
today by the dedication of a monu
ment In commemoration of tho civil
war record of tho First Connecticut
Heavy Artillery. The monument con
sists of a mortar mounted on n granlto
pedestal suitnbly Inscribed and is lo
cated in a corner of the state capltol
giounils. Military organizations from
several parts of tho stato participated
In the dedicatory exercises which woro
of an interesting character.
Plea of Insanity Is the Only Defence
That Can Be Made.
New York, Sept. 25. All the ru
mors concerning the man answering
tho description- of Ellling, who Young
claims murdered Mrs. Pulitzer, have
been run down and found to be
groundless. New York officers are
now certain that Young Is the mur
derer. Prosecuting Attorney Jerome today
said he expected to have Young in
the death house at Sing Sing within
30 days. The counsel for the mur
derer will claim insanity in defence
of their client.
Potts Valley Mine Has Fatal Prema
ture Blast.
Covington, Sept. 25. An accident
occurred In the Potts Valley mlues
last evening, caused by a premature
blast, entombing 13 men. They wore
reached after several hours work. The
killed are: Robert Craft, Edwin Ting
lor. Gathbraith Tlnglcr. Frank Had-
I ler, John Haynes, Robert Burton, tho
latter coloied. Seven were badly In
jured, thiee fatally.
Secretary Shaw Makes Proposition to
Business Community.
Washington. Sept. 25. Secretary
Shaw this afternoon announced that
he would offer to anticipate all gov
ernment Interest maturing between
October 1 and the end of the fiscal
year, June 30, 1903, at a relate to the
government of two-eights per cent
per month. The profit to the govern'
ment, If his offer be accepted by the
business community, will be a quarter
million dollars.
Mrs. Waggoner's Cup. Filled With
Bitterness Over Recent Elopement
Seattle, Sept. 25. Mrs. Waggoner,
who found Merrill's body and eloped
with the murderer's brother, who had
been at Chehalis, was discovered
heart-broken, in Seattle, this morn'
Ing, sorry for the deed and cries for
her little children.
Reitz Coming to America.
Amsterdam. Sept. 25. Ainong the
passengers sailing for New York to
day Is Mr. Reitz, formerly state secre
tary of the Transvaal Republic. The
purpose of Mr. Reltz's visit to America
is to deliver a series of lectures for the
benefit of the Boers. It was known
that he had the trip In contemplation
for some time, but his early departure
was unexpected and it is said to be
due to the Insistence of the Boer Gen
erals Botha, DeWet and Delarey, that
the anti-British propaganda in Europe
must be moderated,
Will Not Resign.
Washington, Sept. 25. Secretary
Shaw says the rumor that he would
hand in his resignation on acount of
not being In harmony with President
Roosevelt Is ridiculous.
Three Men Killed and One Wounded
on Bessemer & Lake Erie Road.
Greenville, Pa., Sept. 25. Three
men were killed and one fatally Injur
ed in a freight collision on the Besse
mer & Lake Erie railway near Par
dee, at noon today.
Packing Houses Vill Not Permit Men
to Discuss Beef Trust.
Kansas City. Sept. 25. Packing
houses have issued orders forbidding
the employes to discuss the beef trust
question, on penalty of discharge.
Insurgents Attempt Capture of Co
lombian Officers on Train.
Washington, Sept. 25. Commnndor
McLean, of tho Cincinnati, today cabl
ed the following: Wednesday 300 In
surgents attempted to board the train
about to leave the Empire station to
capture Colombian officers traveling
as passengers to Colon, Panama. The
marines clubbed the leader with a
musket. The guards trained a ma
chine gun on the insurgents, who
fled preclpitatedly.
President's Hostility Is Believed
Be the Cause,
Omaha, Neb., Sept. 25. Taking
Inventories of packing houses here
wero stopped today on orders from
Chicago. This leads to the belief that
the proposed merger Is off for the
present, owing to President Roose
velt's hostility toward trusts.
To Fix Winter Tourl6t Rates.
Cincinnati, O., kept. 25. Passenger
agents of lines north and south are
holding a Joint meeting here today to
compute rates and mako general ar
rangements for the winter tourist
traffic. Tho date of sale for winter
tourists tickets will bo decided upon
and tho rate men will then bo put to
worl;. Tho passenger men aie of the
opinion that tho tourist business for
tho south will be a lecord-bieaker this
winter. The Southern railway has a
now through service to Jacksonville,
and the Hlg Four,-it is announced, will
inauguarte thiough Bleeping cat her
vice from Cleveland to SI. Augustine.
Southern lines want the sale of tickets
to open October 15, but it is not ro-
gaidcd as probablo that so early a date
will be fixed.
Third Indiana District.
Now Albany, Ind., Sept. 25. The re
publicans of the Third congressional
district ashembled in convention hem
today. Indications point to tho nom
Ination of Dr. MeMahan, of Huntlng-
Half the Children Born in the Leper
Colony Last Year Were llleglti.
Honolulu, Sept. 25. Senator Bur
ton, who conducted tho inquiry for
the senatorial commission today, de
veloped tho fact that Father Wendol
ll's sensational charge that illegal co
habitation among tho peoplo of tho
leper colony was tolerated by tho
board of health and that half tho
children born in the colony last year
were illegitimate.
Strikers Club James Winston
to Deatli and Stone Uncon
scious James Lewis.
Another Regiment of Troops Sent to
Scenes of Trouble Mitchell Says
Presence of Soldiers Makes No Dif
ference. Scranton, l'n.. Sept. 25. Strlkora at
Grassy Island this forenoon clubbed
James Winston to death. Ills body
was horribly mutilated. .Initios Lewis
wns also unmercifully clubbed and
his unconscious body pelted with
stones. Tho porpetrntorj nro hiding
in the niountalUH. The victims aro
supposed tn bo non-union laborers.
More Soldiers Needed.
WJIkcsbarro, Pa., Sopt. 25. A full
regiment of soldiers Is now on routo
from Shenandoah to Old Forge, where
disturbances Imvo been renewed. A
company from Parsons nrrlvcd this
morning and cheered Mitchell lusti
ly us tlioy passed his hradunrtorfl,
many members being striking minors.
At Plttsoii slight disturbances occur
red this morning but woro promptly
quelled by the soldiers.
Troops Make No Difference.
Wilkesbarro, Pa SopL 25. Presi
dent Mitchell today says that tho
preseiico of 3000 troops In Valloy
makes no difforonco in tho situation.
Tho strikers will stand solid and aro
confident of ultimate success.
Washery Succeeds In Shipping 18
Cars of Coal,
Mahony City, Sopt. 25. Dining a
driving rain, when but fow strikers
wero about tho North Mahony wash
ery succeeded In shipping 18 cars of
coal under a heavy guard of deputies
and coal and Iron police, nt 10 o'clock
this morning.
To Fill Vacancies on State Board of
Salem, Sopt. 25. Governor T. T,
Geer has appointed two members of
tho stnto board of agriculture, one of
them to fill a vacancy that has exist
ed for over a year. Tho gontloinon
appointed wero:
J. II. Settlemler, of Woodburn, for
a term of four years from March II
1902. to succeed himself. O. A. West
gate, of Albany to succeed Georgo I
Itees who resigned about 15 mouths
ago. Mr, Westgato's term will expire
on March M 1905.
Governor Geer also appointed Pro
fessor Albert II. Sweetser, a member
of the Fnculty of tho stnto university
to the position of stnto biologist.
It is Feared That Another Operation May Be Necessary.
Rested Well Last Night.
Washington, Sept. 25. Although
President Roosevelt passed a comfor
table night, there is considerable
alarm felt for him today. Up to a
late hour today tho abscess caused
but little annoyance beyond the quiet
required of the patient, but conditions
have changed.
It is now thought that the presi
dent's trouble Is far from trivial and
that another operation may bo necessary.
Texas Republicans to Fight.
Dallas, Texas, Sopt. 25. Politicians
ot all parties aro manifesting keen in
tercst In tho Fifth district republican
congressional convention lu session
hern today as it Is believed to mark
tlie beginning of a vigorous light that
the republicans purpose to mako for
congressman In TexaB. Tho candl
dates for the nomination aro Dr. S
D. Pitts, of Hillsborough and S. II.
Lumpkin, of Meridian. There is a
strong possibility that fusion may Ut
agreed upon by tho republicans and
Trail-Blazers Meet
Dillon, Mont., Sopt. 25. The Pio
peer Society of Montana began Its
nineteenth annual meeting in this city
today. Members aro In attendance
from Helena, Anaconda, Hod Hock,
Deer J-odgo and other placed through
nut the stato and from all Indications
I lie reunion will bo one of tho most
successful In the history of the socio
ty. The visitors am expected to to
main hero for several days and olab-
orato arrangements huvc been com
ploii'd for their entertainment.
Steamship Collision,
Liverpool, Sept. 25. Tho Dublin
fcteamer Mayo collided this morning In
tho fog with tho White Star liner
Teutonic, us the latter cleared Mor
sey. The Mayo Is badly damaged.The
Teutonic was not disabled.
Will device Maritime Laws.
Hamburg, Sept. 25. Nearly every
country of tho civilized world la ropui
sontcd nt the annual session of tho
International Maritime Conference,
which bogan athrco days' session lioro
today. Everett P. Wheeler, J. Parker
ICIrlin and A. Gordon Murray of New
York, nnd Georgo Whltlock of Haiti
mom nro present aH representatives
of tho Maritime Association of tho
United States. The present confer
oiico is of unusual Importance as a
strong effort Is to bo nmdo to correct
the discrepancies which aro known to
exist In tho maritime nnd admiralty
laws. Tho differences in tho laws of
countries have worked great Injustice
to both shipowners and shippers. With
a view tn bringing about a better mil
fortuity In maritime lawB, tho confer
once will discuss an International code
on collisions and salvage at sea, Juris
diction lu collision cases, and tho law
of propei ty lu shlpH, maritime mnrt
gages and Ileus iiiul rights In rem.
Cotton Planters' Railway,
Jackson. Miss., Sept. 25. Tho latest
rallioad enterprise for Mississippi is
a cotton growers' railway, an electric
lino 20 miles long, which will pone
trate tho richest section of tho Delta,
and connect the Southern with the
Illinois Central at Green wood. The
primary object of tho road Is to roncli
ono nf tho largest and finest bods of
gravel In the South, tint Incidental!)
It will he of great benefit and con
vonlnneo to tho largo planters of that
section who at present find consider-
able difficulty lu getting their product
to market.
Mexican War Veterans,
Paris, Ky., Sopt. 26, The National
Association of Mexican War Veterans
began Its annual meeting and reunion
here today. Though thorn Is quite an
attendance (if the votoraim and their
descendants, the officers' reports show
that tint ranks uro thinning rapidly
und that it is but a question of a few
yoars when the last survivor of tho
conflict shall huve passed away.
Named For Supreme Court Justice.
Syracuse, N. Y., Hept. 25. The Ju-
ilclal Convention for tho Fifth dis
trict held hero today resulted. In the
nomination of Attorney "John O. na
vies to succeed Milton II. Merwlii, of
Utlcu, as a supremo court Justice.