East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 20, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    I All Ready for Your Inspection
New Fall and Winter Shoes for Ladies.
New Fall and Winter Shoes for Misses.
New Fall and Winter Shoes for Girls.
New Fall and Winter Shoes for Men.
New Fall and Winter Shoes for Youths.
New Fall and Winter Shoes for Boys.
New Kali and Winter Shoes for Children.
New Fall and Winter Shoes for All Feet.
New Fall and Winter Shoes for All Size Purses.
Good Shoes
Dm&nger, Wilson & Co.
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
Black 91
Some Fine Bred Cattle Were
hlbited at Salem.
Honoyman Bros., Scappoose, Ore.,
IB head of Ayrshlres.
P. A. Frakes, Scappooso, Ore., 16
head of Holsteins.
Hazelwood Co., Spokane, Wash.,
three Jerseys and several Holsteins.
Louis Bauman, two Polled Angus.
P. A. French, Portland, Ore., 16
head Brown Swiss.
Harry West, Scappoose, Ore., 12
head Jerseys.
Charles Cleveland, Oresham, four
head Jerseys; 23 head Shropshire
sheep; two Shetland ponies, and two
Poland China swine.
Ladd's Hazel Fern Farm, F. E. Mc
Eldowney. superintendent, 31 head
Jerseys nnd 25 Berkshire swine.
D. H. I.ooney, Jefferson, Ore.. IS
head Jerseys.
John Spaiks. Reno, Nov., 1,1 kad
Ladd's Oak Hill Farm. Frank
Brown, manager, North Yamhill, 16
head Shorthorns, 16 Cotswold, Shrop
shire and Southdown sheep.
W. O. Minor, Heppner, Ore.,
head Sharthorns.
C. B. Wade, Hot Lake, Ore.,
head Herefords.
Myro McKlnney. Turner, Ore.,
head Heiefords.
Baldwin Sheep & Land Co., Hay
Creek. Ore., two carloads Ramhouil'
let, Baldwin, Spanish Merino and De
liane sheep.
W. I. Pooler, Wlllard, Ore., Shrop
shire Down sheep.
J. T. Hunt. Whtteaker. Ore., Shrop
shire Down sheep.
Atkinson Bros.. Newberg, Ore., 20
head Poland Chinas and one pair
Bronzo turkeys.
H. H. Denny. McCoy. Ore., four
head Berkshire swine.
George Lazelle, Oregon City, Ore.
seven head Red Polls.
L. K. Cogswell, Chohalis, Wash., 11
head Red Polls.
E. A. Hinklo, Rosehurg, Ore., 11
head Red Polls.
ranges of Union county. These bands
dovastate the hills and take from
the people of the county tho pasture
that thoy feel by right belongs to
hem. Some steps should bo taken to
stop this practice in the future. If j the now teachers were taking hold of
. i, . 1 ru 10 laK0 u,e greas 01 the work with an earnestness. Miss
the Union county hills, they should Patterson is embodying drawing, and
"Kim i3 -taxes in union county. kindergarten work In the primary
The Enrollment Is Still Increasing,
and Pupils Are Hard at Work
Literary School Paper and Base
Ono week has passed since the
opening of tho Pcndlotou public
schools and Academy, While thoro
lms been llttlo iucrcaso In the enroll
niont tho work Is starting off smooth
ly and a largo iucrcaso Is expected
next Monday.
The Academy,
"For the first weok we havo had
remarkable success In getting start
ed, nnd everything Is running very
smoothly," said Presldont Forbes, of
tho Academy, last ovoning.
Tho classes were organized tho
i.rst day and a full program has been
enrried on ever since. Thoro has
been a small increase In attendance.
nnd more nro expected tho first of
the week." Presldont Forbes Baid
Union Republican.
Clip for This Season amounts to
Over 32,000,000 Pounds an In
crease of 3,000,000 Over Last Year.
Cheyenne. Wyo., Sept. 20. The
state board of sheep commissioners
has compiled a report showing the
total number of sheep In tho state
department, which Is a very satlsfao
tory feature. Professor Kloopfnor,
who is teaching German, is also do
ing excellent work, ns arc all of the
teachers. About 20 students nro tnk.
ing tho German and are starting off
very nicely. Professor Kloepfer gives
the regular lessons tho student would
get in the schoools of Germany.
Wofessor Wilson, nssistant princi
pal, Is also doing good work. He is
taking hold of the work with the nlr
what he
on July 1 last to be 6,i24,-176, a con-1 of an educator who knows
siderablo Increase over last year, is about.
The average weight of tleeces is given 1 The ncadcniy also has a Greek
as pounds, while the average class. This is undor tho direction of
shrinkage of the wool Is 65 per cent,
as against 6" per cent for last sea
son. The wool clip for the year
amounted to 32,963.130 pounds, an In
crease of 3,000.00 pounds over 1901. 1
Professor Forbes nnd has nhotit n
dozen students.
Public Schools,
For the first week's work tho Pen-
Wv'omlnir 'ranL first anionc tho ,IIuto" imblic schol8 are maMuK ox
.nates1 territories J the ""fmoS con.t h',nB . Tll
Hliuiuuiuut: nuts iiui'll aumik auicu inu
of wool produced.
Outside Sheep.
Complaints are being made that
sheep from Umatilla are being
brought in large numbers to the
Right Remedies
Holy People of Louisville Who Pre
vented the Fight of Corbett and
McGovern, Now Propose to Stop
All Exhibitions.
Louisville, Ky.. Sept. 20. The fact
of McGovern being booked for spar
ring exhibitions all next weok at the
Buckingham theater, has now arous
ed those - who successfully prevented
his tight with Corbett. Now they
plan to combat even the sparring
and bag-punching exhibitions. The
sporting element wields n big polit
ical influence and the affair may In
llueuco state politics by causing a
fight to be made against Governor
Beckham and Judge Field.
first day, hut each day bus seen a
few added to all the classes. The
work is only fairly started, but tho
teachers are all taking hold of the
work with renewed interest nnd tho
soula, Mont., nre In town visiting
Mrs. Hess parents. They will mako
Pendleton their homo.
Miss Myrtlo Hill, who has boon In
tho hospital In walla Walla for bov
ernl days nnd was operated upon
Thursday, is reported to bo getting
along nlcoly.
Barney Stoner, former night bar
tender at the Hotel St. Georgo, has
Just recovered from a sovoro attack
nf bIcI;uo8r and will return to his
homo at Gold Hill, Or.
Ex-Marshal Frank Chlldors, of La
Grnndo, arrived this morning and
will rotum this ovoning with Leo
Smith, wanted In Union county on
tho chargo of horse stealing.
Oregon Dally Journal: C. B. Wade,
of tho First Nntional Bank of Pen
dlcton, nnd one of the lending men
of that part of tho state, Is in tho
city. Ho has somo line stock at tho
state fair.
Tho statement made yesterday
that Deputy Sheriff C. P. Davis was
operated on In tho Wnlla Walla hos
pltal for tumor, is said to havo been
Incorrect. He is sick, nnd in tho hos
pltal, however.
Miss H. Susmau, lato saleslady for
.1 hlg Eastorn manufacturer, has ac
cepted a position with tho Boston
Store to take charge of tho suit and
cloak dopartment, a department that
has becomo ouc of tho most Import'
nut In an up-to-date dry goods store,
Rev. M. V. Howard, of Oakesdale,
Wash., has been in tho city for sev
eral days, visiting friends and rein
tlves. Mr. Jnmes Howard, tho real
estate dealer of this city, is a broth
er. Ilov. Howard departed hist night
for llollx, whore he goes to look nftcr
some business interests.
attorney James B. Parry returned
this morning from Sllby Valley, on
the lino of Harney and Malheur coun
ties, whero he has spent several
weeks on his newly-acquired stock
ranch, Mr. Porry has purchased a
large tract of land In tills .valley nnd
is going to stock It. Ho says the
valley is an ideal stock country nnd
ho Is jubilant over his prospects.
ilov. A. L. Thoroughnian and wife
are now in town visiting frieuds and
relatives. Rev Thoroughnian has
been located in Spokane for the past(
iwu yuure, anil huh 111111 ciiurgo 01 me
Forest Park M. E. Church. South.
Row Thoroughnian will occupy the
pulpit in tho Galloway Chapel M. E
outlook now warrants tho statement 01nlrch Smlth, ln thIs cIty noxt
that Pendleton will have the best ,)Htl) n,orn, m, ovcnlllB. Ruv
. ',,r I- , ! Thoroiighman is well known hero,
' where he has resided.
I school year In her history.
j teacher to succeed I
' who was elected but resigned, hns
not been selected although many ap
pulications aro In for tho vacancy.
Miss Edwards Is filling the place
t The high school has already begun
I to think of branching out into work,
1 literary and otherwise. A meeting
I will lie called within a few days to
1 organize the literary classes. This
I was one of the features last term,
I and almost every Friday evening
there was a contest for honors among
' the young people.
The students nre also talking of
publishing a paper. Tho school has
Captain Pershing's Column Engaged ( n0VUr attempted to got out any reg
at Butlg, in the Lake Country, I ular publication, but moro or less of
Manila, Sept. 20. Captain John J. ! fort has been expended In getting
Pershing, of the Fifteenth Infantry, up a paper just to be read at tho lit
commanding the American forces at erary entertainments. These mado
Lake Lanao, Mindanao, at the head such hits that it is now contemplated
f o Miif.nn nf tnfnntrv k-n tmnnaito follow the lead taost city high
of cavalry and two guns, left Camp j schools have adopted and publish a
Vlrkors Island of Jlandanao. wea- --'" u"
For Summer F. & S, Bitters,
all stom
al" ;-
.tie creattav
The correct tonic for
aeh disorders,
T", & S. Compound Syrup of
Coroannrilla. combined with
nesday, to operate against the sultan
of Butig, whose fort is situated about
seven miles south of Camp vickers.
A' report from Mltalong Falls received
today says tho connonadlng was
heard Thursday when it was believ
ed Captain Pershing was engaged at
itc;;:.-:; p".
Anyone Who suffers. uP "at ter"
rlble plague, Itching piles, or U?m C
zema, will appreciate the immediate
relief and permanent euro that comGs
1 . . . 1.1,. et, I tnrougu vm ubo ui uua s u"""''
burdock, mandrake, pncKij asn, , R nevcr al,B Pree sam,,ies at Brock
dandelion, stillingia, touiae otj& Mcrjomas, druggists, Monday, Sep
potassium and iron. This Com-1 tember 22nd.
nound is a powerful alterative,
pounu is i blood Mrs. Goodsort Do you mean to say
tonic, mvigorator and bloou o M beef thoro
was in that pall? Tanky Thompson
Why. yes mum ; hut I d a saveu
I some if I'd known you wanted any.
, Chicago Daily News.
I People In Clark county are re-
11.1 tnr hn fire sufferers. Tho
fund is now close to ?2500.
IEarnheart's Bargains
In Real Estate -IstfVsUvaUon
Addition from f40 to $1. Well wo.th the
0.rnTcTeoWestA.U StmLrn from Main. A
Bl' XXttLV, not far from bridge.
lSSfirlt have
Borne splendid wheat and grazing land close to town. If you nave
money to invest In real eat.te, see me.
I W. F. EARNHEART, Association Block.
It Is too early to begin to talk of
football much yet, as only a few of
the largo players aro entered, but it
Is the intention of organizing a team
as soon as tho boys aro all in place
and ready for work.
Gymnastics and other muscle-developing
sports will he a feature of
the school, hut not interfere with the
other work of the students, Roy
Conklin will lead tho athletic spqrts,
as he Is an enthusiastic worker in.
these arts,
$1,000,000 for Charity.
A fortune of $1,000,000 was recent
ly left to a charitablo Institution ln
one of our Eastorn cities, and while
much good can bo accomplished by
the careful expenditure of this sum
of money, thoro Is another agency
which also deserves mention, because
of the good It has done and the suff
erings it has relieved during the past
50 years, and that Is Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters. No other medicine
can take its place as a cure for stom
ach, liver and kidney troubles, such
as headache, belching, heartburn, in
digestion, dyspepsia, constipation or
bllllotisness. Wo would therefore
urge you to give it a trial. Tho genu
ine must havo our private stamp over
the neck of the bottle. Do not accept
a substitute.
Louis Gerherdlng is In town from
his home southwest.
S. R. Thompson was in La Grande
yesterday transacting business.
H. B. Nelson, tho brickyard man of
Weston, is at Hotel Pendleton.
Walter M. Pierco has returned
from several days spent at Hot
C. J .Freese, tho Spokesman-Review
circulation manager, is at Hotel
J. W. Mulllnix, secretary and book
keeper for the Walla Walla hospital,
Is in town.
Professor Robinson, of tho Pendle
ton Business College , has gono to
Wnlla Walla.
James Sharpe, chief car inspector
of Umatilla, is in town tho guest of
James Means.
Will Moore, representing the Paci
fic Coast Elevator Company was ln
Echo yesterday,
Mrs. M. A. Shoridan and daughter
nnd Miss Edna Thompson have re
turned from Portland,
Dr. J. R. Sponoglo and James M.
Scott, or Athena, aro registered at
tho Golden Rule hotel.
J. B, Kennedy, Sr., and wife, have
returned from several days spent in
Portland and the valloy.
Miss Annie Kennedy, of Lee Teut
sch's general merchandise store, has
roturned from Portland.
Mr, nnd Mrs. William Hess, of Mis-
I will not be responsible for any
debts whatover, contracted by any
one hut myself.
ITIES and at the same time
All the Style
of the higher priced goods.
THE BEST $2 50 Shoe made.
Few Going Up at Present In Pendle
ton, But Many Being Planned.
"There Is a lull In tho building of
buslnoss, houses In Pondloton," said
Architect Theodore Howard yesterday.
"There has seldom been a tlmo for
many inonthB, In fact, years, that
have not had plans on foot for somo
extensive buildings on Main or Court
atreet that wore to bo modern nnd
up-to-date business headquarters.
Just now I havo nothing of tho kind
on -tap. It Is truo that several
houses are being tallied of, among
them Is a largo hotel for Main street.
and I havo Just finished pinna for
Joe Ell's lodging houso, to ho erected
on Gnrdon street.
"Thoro nro somo handsomo dwel
lings under consideration, among
them a $10,000 home for Mrs. Lina
Sturcls. on Wntor street. Thoro nro
also many smaller dwellings being
built. In fact, tho building of cot
tages and comfortable homes has
nover Blackened for tho pnst sovoral
years and this fall will see no excep
tion. Whllo thoro Is no crowding
among tho local builders nnd carpen
ters they nro kept huBy most of tho
time, and thoro is no slack tlmo in
Scarcity of plckors Is delaying the
harvesting of tho hop crop ln Lane
In -I Ita Micro
thouM ho cleaultnets.
TAy's Cream Hal 11
tho dieaeil membrane.
ItcnregrAt.irrhAntl ilrhen
nwny a cold In the l.e.ul
Cream lliiini la placed Into tho nnHrlle, spread
over the mcnibrano ami it ahrorlwd. IJeliefls Im
mediate ami neurit follows. It la not drying doei
not produco sneezing. Largo SUe, SO cents at Drue
i;Uti or by mall ; Trial Hlzc, I0 cents by mall.
liLY IlUOTUEIta. 66 Wonen Street. New York.
4 lfcs. fo(
9 lbs. fo,j
20 lbs. f0l
Owl Tea H
72caere stock ranch,
18,000 acres. One of tl,
stock ranches In Oiemn ,'
7fiper centeaubecuttlTiw
of hay put up this w.7
name alfalfa. Gondh'
in short an ideal stock Z
price will surprise vnu. Tf
6 an acre. AVII1 Bell iik
1000 acre stock rn.k.J
fork of the John
head of cattle. A barnjj. '
320 acre stock rano), i3
620 acre Htock ranch ufa
Price all right.
I can beat them all fnS
city property. t
If you are on the tradi.fl,
me. I will do buslntsjir.
E. T. Vff
Office in E. 0,br
We are now showing the largest and nicest' tat
Coats, Capes and Jackets i" the city All the newkt
from the manufacturers, direct. dl
We have also just received direct from the maisirii'
a full and complete stock of
In Boas, Collarettes, Etc. These goods were manuka
our order, expressly for us, and we do not hesitate to ftjj
are certain you will not find as complete an nssorliwr.'K
where in this market. H you want anything this season
above goods, you can't afford to pass our store, as thtfti
and prices ate right. i
Remember: The largest stook of goods in the couuty toeeltcthj
The Finest Line I
01 PJ
It was ever our goodforo
offer adorns our wml1
and salesrooms todayas
isn't one, no matter keij,
priced, that en't a "barffl
the true sense of ttiji
Each instrument we sM
well worth the money-?
by the way. may bepmi?
stallments not too
S. L. Wakefield & Co.
lit n
We are Headquarter s for
Especially in If J
and Becker?, we J' J,
fineFt line ever ste'rf
Pendleton. f
Seeing is believW
Come and eee. I
Kir A n a nwn MaM
the naMdT Ml c"