DAILY EVEN ING EDITION Eastern Oregon Weather Fair tonight and Sunday; cool er tonight, with frost. EENDLETON, "LnvrATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 19012. NO. 4543 rrler it I I - iScJtWEEK. I 1 W FflIF! ft mil : Jyu . MASHES ' - , .J, n ti x mmQ ov renaieion itsDni-rn nn A - I I ICO Ull I rds. IORTHWEST. .the Pan-Amor- onaiwlMB-'Oregon Ranchers :'?tv HunwVKyTa Newspaper cHSiy4IO.-The live ijjiltlori is conceded to bo Rnd-'beatevecrBeen in the n,a IhortaregMooded ani htiany of theia.'iiSonio of the aldioefSj9ttsed with iii fpf(g'j0t;HThore are fo who "have flowered rec 'Ire ;Ib ,ibt 'TOfta enough in 'CilQrJfaJlfJtheHvestock, so alB arO B1SUU tuilliuiiiiimj i. or. Bkiyiotber, place where ;estoolr afflfitl Is without e rflnteSffS'Been in tlie t, and MrCarllsle, one of s(, -ana; ?iwhqtf ed in tho aclt :at jjuVan-Anicrican ass'eitojflKthe exhibit HlyeMijBHK, superior, to iatwiSpffiAlB' the admira-buaate-W&st great fair. jing-ofkBllivbstock exhibit hit Moore said: hlbitjitfjcaUlejiB the best I seen ;n; Oregon especially I CUUIO WUICU uio romimiu r in Ufefl! United States lewmjWtglll. ,nn sus mum ptare are good. MUi "I was very ;tit"MBsuch macnifl. l ;rairi' u. no cmuu I." Th ftrntn oucrht itheni.as well as of .The Brain ana fetiMmy attention .u6Btitek?ihiDit. C. B. Wade n, isecuredflrst prize on "ana fwr. .HparjiH, oi oovu rf.prize. iMr. Wado had on a herd or,;l2 4-ycar-olds; ed l)y. 'Mr.' Sparks number ( 1 agea.:1! Ue Orcgor) ''Richer. . of itha iojegon rancher f 50 yjuarsithe farmurs of Ml oeyr&isw iuiuu iy timy?u'iBB the past 30 tfifef the most "AtUCOresoHahould not be itb seU'th'ehvplaces. Their t!me -.will .be as valuable pperiy., i Jri .Oregon: today, when alnnir Jntactlcal and sclen- Tbyi.-alpC- brains, offers t on -tMHSapstmcnt. It is rfurce iotKsnue for men i leans -tttMjKCerod by any J;antlle.'linea.f OHt& UlAU, U,V..J.v. ....... :best, method of renewing filch can be made to pro .timesitsitpresent crops. J eduoational training. bmmuhUIBaro being ole lsoclal(o that will re,. ifeflent-Jtrder, in which the i leaveMbe"' farm for the lumorpus ;Report. 4nd -stewpaper man sent rtlowinjj?rport of yester ledlngsr?" as any;jg.uantlty of bloood nd. some 'watered stock, In Sslderable .rolling stock ho j taeSouthern Paciilc. Tevery.was not entered. f5D,$TW8tock wns a hord flSrWuding our fellow- ' Geofge. Wo regret to le ,'WMjoutclassed and the UstgiWfcqre. Tom Honoy- g the Ayresnires, all chained down, :ct. and President d of Trade, pin- on the Angora ahnm nnd Vln of Jerseys for the their usual luck. lartlcularly inter- ;ry show. Henry obtain any din ted visitors, was his honor, Mayor Williams, Thomas H. Tongue, K. C. Bronaough, merino sheop, Poland China hogs, Leo Fried, Buff Cochin chickens, J. D. Meyer, a Shanghai rooster and Doc Saylor. Tho races' were the features of the afternoon and were exceptionally good, many records being broken, In eluding the run of a street car from tbo fair grounds to Salem, one hour and three-quarters. The Inland Empire stake for 3-year-old pacers was won by Mlladl B. There were four starters, one of which was Oregon. Sunshine, sired by Julius Caesar and damned by ovoryone who had money on him. In tho free-for-all pace, Martha Whips and Democracy had it .all to themselves. In the first Inning Mar tha got a base on balls, and all bets were declared off. In the next two. innings Democracy scored, being the first victory for Democracy since Bryan was elected. RUSH TO GOLD FIELDS. Monday the Day Fixed for Granting Licenses to Peg Out Claims In the South Africa District. Now York, Sept. 20. Next Mon day, a Johannesburg dispatch to the the Times by way of London says, has been fixed for tho granting of li censes to peg out claims In the Bar bcrton and Pietersburg districts. The chief stretch of country to bo claim ed lies 100 miles from Pietersburg. The questiou of transport is an im portant one. Nearly all the available animals and vehicles wore purchased some time ngo. It is feared trouble will ocur, and a special force of constabulary will be employed. BLEW UP VAULT. Robbers Attempted to Rob a Bank at Slsterville, W. Va. Engaged In Street Fight. Sistervllle, W. Va., Sept. 20. Four masked men attempted to rob the bank at Frlendy this morning. They blew off tho big vault doors. Citizens gave battle and a running street fight occurred. One robber is believed to have been wounded. They got no booty, though there was a large sum in the safe. RUINED YOUNG GIRL AND IS SLAIN BY MOTHER OF THE CHILD. YOUNG IS GUILT! Insane From Perverted Relig ious Ideas Pertaining to Blood Atonement. IMPORTANT EVIDENCE FOUND IN HIS TRUNK. Mrs. Maude Smith Fires Five Shots at Harry Clark, Four Taking Ef fect. Dos Moines, Sept. 20. Because Harry Clark, aged 19, ruined her 13-year-old daughter, Mrs. Maude Smith this morning fired five shots at Clark, four taking effect. He is dy ing. Tho mother and daughter were arrested., PRESIDENT IN CINCINNATI. A Mormon Missionary At One Time a Reporter on Paper at Seattle Married Mrs. Pulitzer When a Cow boy in Utah. New York, Sept. 20. The chain of evidence is complete against Young. He murdered Mrs. Pulitzer and after tielng the trunk in a buggy, grew ex cited and attracted much attention by his wild drivo down Broadway. He collided with a trolley car and struck the curb. Many pedestrians testify to his appearance. Indications point to insanity from a perverted re ligious mania. Among his effects a scrap of paper was found with bibli cal quotations pertaining to blood at touement. Four other young Mormon missionaries who re.sido at the Young residence say Young was very errat ic. Was a Reporter at Seattle. Salt Lake, Sept. 20. Young, who married Mrs. Pulitzer, worked as a cowboy on his father's ranch, thou went to Butte, Mont., afterwards going to Seattle, Wash., where he worked as a newspaper reporter. lie left Seattle for the East in 1897. Trunk Sent to New York. Chicago, Sept. 20. Youngte trunk was returned to New York this after noon with the contonts undisturbed. The secrecy of tho police leads to the belief that important evidence lias been found not only concerning the minder of Mrs. Pulitzer, but also probable direction taken by Young in his flight. Trunk Kept by Police. Chicago, Sept. 20.-7-Tho trunk ship ped by Young was taken from the express office by the police this morning. The contents were not made public, but is is believed to contain the victim's clothing. LAUNCH U 5 MOINES The New Cruiser Was Chris tened Today at the Quincv Yards, MISS ELSIE M'COMBER PERFORMS THE CEREMONY. WILL RESIST RUSSIA. Met by Great Crowd Will Address the Business Men's Association This Afternoon. Cincinnati, Sept. 20. President Itoosevelt arrived on a special train at 10 o'clock this morning, and was mot by a reception committee, head ed by Governor Foraker and Mayor Fleischman. A tremendous crowa mot tho trnln anil a two-hours' re ception was given at the St. Nicholas hotel. After lunch tho president will address the business men's associa tion In Music Hall. HOLDS SPEAKERSHIP. Congressman Henderson Does Not Intend to Resign His Place at the Coming Session of Congress. Dubuque, la., Sept. 10. It Is an nounced lioro that Speaker Hender son does not intend to resign tho speakership at the coming session of congress. This statement wns made by his secretary. He, however, would say nothing further. General Hen dorson could not be seen tonight, as he spent the evening at the home of a friend. WILL COME TO AMERICA. Aeronaut Spencer Will Exhibit His Flying Machine In the United States. London, Sept. 20. Aeronaut Spen cer contemplates visiting America for exhibition purposes. Ho will mako another flight over London next week. Below the Reserve. Now York, Sept. 20. Tho associat ed banks' weekly sfatcmont today. shows $7,600,000 below the required gold reserve, being the first deficit re ported since November, 1899. Porte of Turkey, Having Been As sured of the Support of England1, Refuses Permission to Russia for Passage of War Vessels. Constantinople, Turkey, Sept. 20. The porto today countermanded the permission given Russia yesterday for the passage of war vessels through the Dardanelles. This latter action is said to be due to the as surance that England would support Turkey in resisting Russia In this point. REFUSED HABEAS CORPUS. Judge Scott, of Salem, Refused the Order Releasing N. E. Kegg From the Insane Asylum. Salem, Or,, Sept. 20. County Judge Scott refused an order for habeas corpus, releasing N. E. Kegg, tho McMinnvllle merchant lrom the in sane asylum. CARRIAGE CONCERN FAILS. Rhodes-Carmean Buggy Company Makes Assignment of Assets Worth $266,568. Marshalltown, la., Sept. 20. The Rhodes-Carmean Buggy Company, one of tho largest carriage concerns in the West made an assignment yes torday. There are about 100 cred itors, including many eastern firms and Chicago banks and brokers, as sets, $206,568; liabilities, $212,263. $1000 FOR MINERS. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen of Chattanooga, Vote That Sum to the Strikers. Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 20. Tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemon today voted $1000 for the relief of the striking anthracite miners. They also passed a resolution 'expressing their encouragement and sympathy. Salisbury Improved. Lucerne, Switzerland, Sept. 20. Lord Salisbury is much Improved. The Zulus having been furnished with arms by England now throaton to fight the Boers. Thousands in Attendance, Including the Governor of Iowa and Other State Officers One of the Largest In the Navy, TlnEtnn. Mass Srnt 911 Tlmrn was launched from tho ways at the Dig piant oi tne tore uiver snip ann Engine Company at Quincy today the lnrp-nKt wnr vnsfin! hlillt in MnKun. chusetts since the early days of tho American navy ino sieei cruiser Dps Mnlnps n slstpr shin in flip rp!i. ver. The launching was in many re spects me most noiamc tnnt nas ever taken place in this vicinity; it was, moreover, one of the most beautiful and imposing. There was something curiously inspiring in the scenc of molded metal rushing headlong down the greased ways, the fluttering of thousands of handkerchiefs and tho r-heers from thousands of throats, the muslr, tho ceremony. The available space about the ways was parked with enthusiastic human ity. Work was suspended in tho yard, and thousands of brawny work men mingled with the great crowd. On the christeiieing stand was a dis tinguished party from Iowa, includ ing Governor A. B. Cummins and his staff, other state officials and repre sentative citizens of Des Moines. The national capital was lepresented by high officials of the navy .depart ment. It was shortly alter 12 o'clock when Miss Clara N. Carleton, of Haverhill, severed the cord and the big ship started on its journey down the ways. It was an instant alter the ship be gan to move that Miss Elsie McCom ber, of Des Moines, filing the chris tening bottle against the vessel's shapely prow. In less time than it takes to tell It the ship was riding gracefully on the bosom of the river. As she swung around and anchored in full view of the assembled crowds a mighty cheer went up from the thousands of throats and simultane ously there was a deafening roar from the whistles of tugs and other craft in the vicinity. The cruiser Des Moines is similar in deslg iito tho Cleveland, the Taco ma, the Chattanooga and tho Denver. Her total length on tho water line is 292 feet; length over all, 308 feet 9" inches; molded beam, 43 feet, 3 Inches; extreme breadth, 44 feet; free board forward, 20 feet; free board aft, 18 feet, 6 Inches; mean draft, 15 feet, 9 inches; displacement, fully equipped for sea, all stores on board and a normal supply of coal 3,200 tons; full load displacement, 3,500 tons. The Des Moines lias triple oxpan-j sion engines which will furnisli 4,700 horse power, and which win enauiu her to show better than required ,...i f inn. imotK licr hour. Her coal capacitv with tho hunkers full is 700 tons, which will give a steam ing radius of 10,000 miles, or allow her to cross the Atlantic three times without recoaling. At full speed ner ratlins u-111 111- 2.600 miles. The main battery of tho DesMolneH ...mi ...inniut nf in five-inch 50-caIlbre 1,,-pppVi tannine, ranld fire buiis. Tho secondary .battery will comprise eight six-pounder rapid fire guns, two one pounder rapid fire guns, and four untnmn-tip f'nit's machine kuub, Corn pith with an estimated capacity of r.ivn n.ii.ta fppt will ho used as an ni.tiimtinir material for the water O ia il 1. ..II line protection, so mat u uie uu uhniiLi iin nlerced bv a shot the swell ing of the corn pith placed botwen tho outer and inner piaies win mo vent the ingress of water. rrhn lmllriinc nf tho Des MoillCH was authorized by an act of con gress March 3, 1899, and on August 28, 1900, the keel was laid in tho Fore iiivor vnrrf thd newest shin yard in tho country, where also the largest seven-masted schooner in the world ii-iiu ropontlv launched. According to contract, the Des Moines was to bo ready for delivery to the government June 14. 1901, and will cost $1,065,- 000. NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. U Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. Now York, Sept. 20. Tho wheat market ruled firm today and closed a halt cent higher all around 744. New York; 69 Chicago, for Decem ber wheat. Tho winter wheal wns so greatly damaged by late rains that good dry wheat Is commanding a pre mium everywhere from millers. Closed yesterday, 74. Opened today, ilV6. Range today, 74fT"t,,4. Closed todny. 741.4. St. Paul, 196. Union Pacific, 110 U. L. & N., 163. Steel, 41. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Sept. 20. Wheat 7 i 7GH. t Wheat In San Francisco. San Francisco, Sept. 20. Wheat Sl.lOCTl.mi. HOP PICKERS STRIKE. Workers In Eugene Yard Demand an Increase In Wages. Eugene. Or.. Sept. 20. Two or three hundred pickers in tho Camp bell & Tliornsbury hop yard, north west of Eugene, went out on a strike yesterday. They have been receiving SO cents per 100 pounds, but now de mand $1 per 100. As pickers are hard to secure it Is probable that tho owners of the yard will accede to tho demands of the pickers, it will re quiro 10 days or two weeks yet to harvest tho crop In this section, anJ as the rainy season is approaching, growers are beginning lo feel un easy. With plenty of help and dry weather the crop may bo harvested, but from tho present outlook many of the hops will be damaged, If not lost altogether. Knox Returns. New York, N. Y., Sept. 20. Attor ney GenernI Knox returned on tho St. Paul this morning from Paris where he has been examining tho Panama Canal Company's titles, THREE MINERS SHOT RESULT OF A QUARREL OVER THE STRIKE. Fifty Shots Fired in a Saloon Fight ,and Many Were Injured. Parkersburg, Sept, 20. Threo min ers were shot and killed in a riot at n saloon last night. Drown Sioton, Tony Merrick and Anton Merrick were fatally wounded. Anton Sleton and many others were less seriously wounded. Tho altercation was caused by a dlsputo over tho strlko situation. Tho dlsputo led to blows and one minor was stabbed. Pistols were drawn and 50 shots wnro fired, re sulting In the abovo fatalities. TROUBLE FEARED. American priests are being went to the Philippines to take the place of the Spanish priests now there. Union Miners Determined to Prevent the Collieries From Being Worked General Gobin on the Scene. Tamaoua. Pa.. Sent. 20. Tho HtrHt- ers inabsed at the colliery tills morn ing and waited for the non-unionists. Archie MeMlchaol, a lone deputy. was intercepted and pencil wun stones, lie fired his nivolvor once hut no oniiivaB hit. Ho stood his ground defiantly and threatened to kill the first man to movo a hand, and held his position until troops ar rived and dispersed tho mob. Gen eral (lobln arrived tills morning to view the situation, as trouble Is con stantly menaced. OVER 100 'KILLED Stampede in a Theatre at Bir mingham During a Negro Conference. MANY BODIES HAVE NOT YET BEEN IDENTIFIED. Some of the Most Prominent Negro Divines In the South Among the Killed No Whlto Persons Killed, Although Several Were Injured. Birmingham, Aln., Sept. 20. At noon only 10 bodies of those killed last night In tho stnmpedo liavo been Identified. Tho 39 unidentified aro bodies of visitors. A great crowd surrounds tho undertaking shops. Ten more died in tho hospitals this afternoon, and several dead havo been reported In homes whero they went after they wcro injured. Tho death list will reach 100. No whlto persons were killed, although sever al wore Injured. A policeman by the namo of Ell edge, was severely Injured whllo trying to quell tho panic. Among the strangers Identified this morning am: Rev. S. I'rlco, of New Orleans. Kov. Johnson Weir, of Knnsas. Rev. Allen, of Chnttnnoogn. .Rev. Roanoko, nf Montgomery. Ala. Rev. llllllard, of Texarkana, Ark. All of whom nio prominent negro divines. Later S7 Identified. Birmingham. Ala., Sept. 20, 2:30 p. m. Tho list of dead now numbora 99 and II Is believed will reach 115, as ninny of the Injured aro In a criti cal condition. Elglity-soven bodies have now been identified. BOIES MAY BE ELECTED. Because of Speaker Henderson's Withdrawal From the Race In Iowa His Democratic Opponent Has Good Show For Place. Dos Moines, In., Sept. 20. Tho chances for the success of ox-Governor Homco Boies are said to havo been much hotter by Speaker Hen derson's withdrawal. Boles was twice governor of Iowa. Ho was n republican until 1882, when lie Joined tho opposition because ho belloved it... ilrtiiwir'i-.'u1 v mom tiulv loiirosont. ed his posltlou on tho vital issues of tho time. He believed in a tarin ior rovonuo only. Ho stumped his stato for Cleveland in 1881, and that paved tho way to his nomination for tho olllce of governor on tho domocratlo ticket In 1889. Iin was elected and re-elected two years later. Ho has been mentioned art a proaldontlal pos sibility, and lu the Chlcugo conven tion of lfc'JO received 05 votos fof tho nomination that was afterward given to Ilryan. Boles Is a lawyer by profession and his home It at Waterloo, la. For some years past, however, ho has de voted more of Ills tlino to tho man agement of his big Iowa farm than to Inw practice. ' ENGLAND AGAINST MORGAN. DEATH RATE IN PHILIPPINES. Report From War Department Shows That 104 Mon Were Killed Past Year Total Expenditures, $500,000. Washington, Sept. 20. Tho war de partment today made public tho an nual report of tho surgeon-general for tho year ending July 1. Tho total expenditures amount to half a mil lion dollars. One hundred and four men were killed by gunshot woundB in tho Philippines, Tho total death rate In tho Philippines was 19.94 per 1000, as compared to 22.74 last year. WRECK ON CHOCTAW & GULF. Freight Train Collides With a Circus Train Two Were Killed and 25 Were Injured. Oklahoma City, Ok., Sept. 20. A freight train on tho Choctaw, Oklaho ma & Gulf collided with a circus train near Choctaw City this morn ing, killing two and Injuring 25. Is Now Certain That the English Government Will Meet the Compe tition. Now York. Sept. 20. The confer ence of steamship managers lu Now York Is not exciting doop Interest in commercial circles horn, cables thn London correspondent of the Tribune. No definite arrangements havo been niado, and no official announcements aro likely until tho' Morgan combina tion hus been formed and worlted out In detail, but Liverpool Is con vinced that the Cunard lino will ro colvo a matorlaliy Increased subsidy and lio enabled to build a fast substi tute for tho Uiiihrla and to compete In speed with tho host Gorman ships, and also thut tho Canadian govern ment will obtain suitable tondors for fast-sorvlco boats across the Atlan tic and tho Pacific. Danger Passed In Northwest, Portland. Sept. 20. IUilns havo fallen geneially throughout tho west ern part of Oregon and Westorn Washington and all danger from for est fires is considered passed. Walla Walla Is rejoining at '' news that four troops of cavalry from tliii Presidio will winter at the fort in that city.