Less Cards and Societies Classified Advertisements COUNT 8IX AVERAQE TWO LINES, 1 time 15c 2 times 20c 1 week 30c WORDB TO THE LINE, THREE LINES. 1 time 20c 2 times 30c 1 week 40c HONS AND TRADE8. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. COLE. OFFICE IN JODD yuMffl honra, 10 to 12 a. m. : , team; Wjtnne. tied 871. M. D., DR8PAIN HLOCK, rectB eye trouble, catar- anfl impaired Bearing, fitted for refractive er- e. Main 1131. iTtr nvvinv. ntrrn tttr Tnd'lete 'BYlngs Itank. Telephone, 30; I lac teteyhone. Main 301. l OARKIMLD, M. D.. IIOMEOPATn . pnyslclan and surgeon. Office In ,PtuHlwr. Telephone; Office, black D eaiawH. "Mack 24. 'VlLUAH.HODBR, mVSICIAN AND Hi Oeon. Offfe, room 20. Judd bulldlnfr. e, Halo in. Residence "phone, black FRATERNAL ORDERS, ROYAL NEtOIIRORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meeta second ad fourth Tuesday of each menth In Odd Pel Iowa hall. Mrs. Ida Ilolcomb, Oracle: Mrs. Nettle Bobbins, necoraer. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 2T, K. O. T. M. Meeta In Secret Society flail, aecond and fourth Tuesdaya In each month. All vlsltlnir Sir Knlgbts cordially Inrlted. J. 8. rCees, Record Keeper; B. D. Eitabrook, Commander. J j irVMyHJr.. room 17 associa- i 'HetJClTelcphone, Main 031; real- i . black 101. DERSON, rnTSICIAN peclaltlee eye, ear, nose in onvinga nana ounu 3.11. pnY8ICIANS. DRB. Office one block west PENDLETON LOIKJR, NO. B2, A. F. AND A. M., meets flrst and third Mondays of ench month, visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M. ; Joe n. Parkes. Sec. PENDLETON CnAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, n. P., F. F. Wamstey, secretary. Meeta first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic nail. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNTOTITH OF Pythlns. L. W neld, C. C. ; R. W. Fletrlier, K. of R. and S. Meets every Monday In Secret Society Hall. AKESLEE. CHRONIC ftMmses and diseases of wo- I'endlcton, Cor. Water ..Pendleton, Or. 'Phone WHTISTS. .4. KATIOIIAW, '35HNTIHT, OFFICE IN "Id bnlldln?.. 'Phone Red 71. TOANW? DKNTIBT, OFFICeIn AB .latlon block, ;orer Schmidt's new drug 'PboW HedfgTl. JtCHITCCTS AN D BUILDERS. .TnOWARDiARCniTECT ANp BTJ. irlatendt; -ssea complete and rella plaMor'trarlrafeigs In the city or conn- HK "COLH; CONTRACTORS AND atMen.mBsttsHtes furnished on short co. .lobvvrertd a specialty. Prompt 'Ice. Bhoo.OB 'Bluff street near Main. ACTOR AND RDILD rnlshed on all kinds walks, stone walls etc. t Oregonlan office. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Tntnllla Camp, No. 03nE. Meeta flrst and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' nail. Oeonre A. natnblln, Con sul ; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF TnE WORLD REOHLAR meetings of Pendleton Cnmp. No. 41. W. of W. ore held In Secret Society nail pvery Saturday evenlnrr. Vlsltlnjr ncleh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Cleric : J. P. Earl, C. C. ATTORNEYS. Pnllent Con you Rive me any hope, doctor? Doctor -Not imu'li ill! 1 see ttome chanee' GOIWIWERCE-TRADE I1AT.T.ERY & McCOURT. LAWYERS, A8S0- riauuu Dunning. CARTER AND RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT r.nw. Office In Savings Rank Rulldlng. STEPnEN A. LOWELU ATTORNEY AT l.nw. Iloom 14 Association Blk Pen. dleton, Oregon. nENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Association Illock, Pendleton, Oregon. N. BERKELEY. ATTORNEY Office In Association Block. AT LAW, ts orsjew , swHps E. D. BOYD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court street L. B. REEDER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Pendleton, Oregon, .TAMPts A. FEE, Building. LAW OFFICE IN JT7DD DAWKS' AMD BROKERS. ST NAWeKAL BANK OF ATITEnZ regou. rCapltal, ?!0,000; surplus and ts. 3nn0. Interest on time deposits, s .- In.iForsten.-; and Domestic exchange. KtloM ipwraptly attended to. Henry nams; fi wiatnt ; t. j. lvirg, vice-preai-1 1 , , B. LjjMa rnett, cashier; F. S. Le vy, sasliir.jrshler. EH "job. -6 e It K. SAYINGS BANK PEN Organized March 1. ,000; surplus $00,000; time deposits. Ex sold on all principal attention clren to col- Furnish, president : J. N. it: T. J. Morris, cashier. KTTLLMAN AND PIERCE. ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. fWllman has been srtmltt d to prnctlre In United State narent of. flees and makes a specialty nf Patent Law Rooms. 10, 11, 12, and IS Association Block. BANK OF WESTON, Does a general bank- lhange bought and sold. tly attended to. It. ! Georce W. Proebstel. OMB. Kllgore, cashier; dl : Brtman, M. M, Johns. T. .flMW. J. F. Kllgore, Robert '.W.vProebstel. NATIONAL i BANK OF PENDLE- capiati vrvrwHi: surplus, suo.uuu. acts aijtMMl banking business. Ex- go, San ;b6jcIbco. New York and pPptass 9aUbe Nortbwest Drafts ;.cn. China, Japan and Europe. Makes lions on resaonnDie terms. i.evi An :!pres!deat: W. F. Matlock, vlce-presl ,Cj B.,,Wadc,.cashIer; n. O. Guern- LIVERY AND FEED 8TABLE8. TnE OLD REMPLE FEED YARD, 723 Cottonwood street. Lindsay Dntr props. Llverv, feed and sale stable. Sad dle horses at all times. Horses for sale. Phone Red 41. TnE CITY LTVERY BOARD AND BALE StnMe. M. J. Cnrnev. proprietor, for fine tnrnouts. Stable 11 R Alta street. cars both at Portland and Tacoma, and vessels are finishing quite rapid ly Tho latter part of this week five or six vessels will be loaded. The arrivals of vessels to take tho outgo Ing fleet's place are also well looked Local Market. after, -as exporters have plenty of There has been little change noted grain provided ahead In country waro- In the local markets since last week, houses. Tho market at present Is Groceries are quoted at the same dull, unusually so for this tlmo of without a change and the meat mar- year. Crop returns are coming In kets remain as quoted for tho past from the Interior, and Judging by re. month. ports received, the crop of the three Wheat also remains without any Northwestern states will fall off fully change although the present price Is 20 per cent from a year ago. The re- strong with an upward tendency, but turns of yields are very disappointing. locally tno markets are at a standstill we quote: Club wheat, ClfGlMi; as the grower Is anxiously awaiting bluestem, 63G4c; valley, 02'c per a raise wnicn is expected to come bushel. every day. Extra lines: 10 cents each a week; 25 cents line per month. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. F7S MKRRILt., SPOKANE. WABII , AOF.NT New Ienmore. Seeoni-hsnd typewrllem. UTP te. renling, repslrln. MISCELLANEOUS. 3TRAYKD FROM PASTlTRK-n.Y OEI.niNO, black r)lnt ;.) yenrs old; welsht bont mi branded "A I." on right hip; small ullt In right ear, Toi dollar rewurd will he pld lor home or Information leading to recovery. (!. K. Mc Clellan, Pendleton, Ore. KELT, A It BROTHERS. PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a spe cialty. Estimates furnished free. We guaranteed. I,cave orders at Radio? s Zahner's cigar store. Main 8t, P. 6 In 104. FOR SALE GASOLINE ENGINE, WITH pipes, tanks and nttlnss. ready to oner- rite. Are to six horse power. Economical In the nee of fuel. Price SZOO. East Ore conlan office. Pendleton. In fact, It was freely predicted at this time last week that another week San Francisco Markets. Thero is no change of any conse- would not see wheat remaining at GO Quence in this market. Shippers aro cents, but would go at least a few purchasing whdat in tho Interior of cents higher. While a few small lots the state on a basis of $1.15 per cen aro being disposed of every day In the tal, but sales are not very large. The county, very little, compared with the export Interests seem to havo the sit Immense crop, has been sold In that uatlon well In hand and have plenty of time. The tie-up In the shipping fa- srain In warehouses for present and cllitles Is still effecting the wheat early loading vessels. The fleet is he movement. Charters are still low. but coming quite large and an actlvo not enough cars are In position to movement In shipping wheat foreign transport grain enough to tide water will shortly take place.' At present to fill all boats now awnltlnc loads vessels are loading slowly, as ship for the Orient. When a relief will I'ers desire to take their time in lieu come Is only a thing to be guessed at of the poor markets abroad in tho nopes or a revival snorxiy. Aimers WOOD SAWING, CONTRACT WORK A. it. Stephens, iiennuarters at Grays Harbor Commercial Co., and Neuraan'a Cigar Store. T'lones Black 124 and Main 021. WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. COMMERCIAL STABLES. O. W. FROOME Prop. .Tilrerv. Feed and Boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent rtrlvors. On poRite lintel rennleton. Thone Main int. DEPOT LIVERY. FEED AND BALES Htahles. First-class slnele and donhle rles for nil oeenslnns 027 Cottonwood St., 'phone Main 701. Elrln Craig, prop. OREGON FEED YARD. W. T. ROYNTON Prop. Special care elven to horses left with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone Red 204 PHOTOGRAPHERS. COWMAN, XEADING PHOTOGRA jr 'of"thef city. Harvest views. In photos for, sale. Finishing done for idfs.. mala 8t, near bridge. 'Phone rro. ELECTRICAL 8UPPLIES. -a BEOS., tlCOURT STREET, LA " BiBMCtrlcIans, dealers In elec- i, B';"sJ)pBftiiHes, stores, wired for ' or telephones. Elec. fixtures et Ml kinds. Get our prices, f work. ..itH!alty. URANCE aV LAND BUSINESS. H. 'PARSES, OFFICE COURT ST. oslte .Golden Rule hotel ; land office M.'such Minllng of claims and Inl r coatestsjstlspeclalty. HAILBY"; JR., U.i. LAND COM toner gpseialty made of land HI ind proof; 'Insurance and collections. In Judd .julldlng, room 10. Cf. AND CARRIAGES. m-xm HACK, BOARD AND LODGING. TIE STRAnON ROOMING nOUSE. MAIN St., Mrs. R. A. Strahon, prop. Nice larce ell kept rooms In new building, with rood clean beds. HIE WniTE LODGING TIODBE, S01 South Main street, M. T. Rradley, prop. Tonsekeeplne rooms and lodging rooms, lood comfortable rooms and clean, well tept bens. Lodging 2n cents. Local Market Prices. The following shows the paid on the local market: Pineapples, ?C a dozen. Watermelons, $5 a dozen. Muskmelons, $3 a dozen. Tomatoes, D cents per pound. Peaches, 10 cents per pound. Apricots, 10 cents per pound. Plums, three boxes for 25c String beans, 5c per pound. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 3c per pound. Cheese, per pound, 20c. Onions, 3c per pound. Green onions, ,25c dozen. Beets, per pound, lc. New Potatoes, IVic per pound. Garlic, 12V4c per pound. prices are buying milling wheat on the basis of $ per cental. Boston Wool Market. Boston, Sept. 18. There Is a quiet movement in wool that amounts to considerable volume when all put to gethor. The feeling is that prices are hardening, and that wool not sold to day will be wanted tomorrow. Lead' Ing wool dealers say they feel comfor table about the market; that It Is early to sell wool and at full prices. Fine territories were especially firm, with wools of a medium grado well held. There is a fair movement going on. Fine staple territories, 505Gc; strictly flue, 5355c; fine and line medium, 50G2c; medium, 444Gc. California wool Is In pretty steady. Pendleton Live Stock and Poultry, request, with a firm market. North- I it i i .1.. rortr.. Chickens, hens, per doz.. $2.50 to e, n V0""1"-' . KWAr ,"lma- UJUUU' $3,50. middle counties, 4S(anuc; southern, nKfne; six to eignt moiuns, ijuplic Turkeys, per lb 10c. Geese, per doz., $9. Serins chickens, ner doz.. S2.G0 nml 3. Ducks, per doz., S3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 20c in trade. Butter, 25c and COc per roll. "iMPIRfi LODGING HOUSE. CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets: goo?K 'sree, clean rooms with romforrsble beds tares 25c and COc a night. Thoi. Smart, Prop. nOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set. Rates J4 and 5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Neff, proprietor. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. I. GREKNAWALI), TnE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First clans rcnutrln with bt iimieriaiH. Mnoninrearni mnmna'Ar. wiiuin a. bu, lOnN .WILSON. FIRST CLASS SHOE- maker and repairer. Best material need and good work done. Shop 11T Alta street. FOR 8ALE. NEW AND VERY the service of the nnhllr. ad Jas. S. McKay, props. esamercla! Livery Stable or :J01 and the hack will rail FOR PAI.E-A NEW REMINOTOV HYPE writer; a DsrgRin. uauat tnisomce. FOR RALE A DAVID BRADLEY ALL-STEEL Hay Bler; for sale at a bargain. J. B. De- imu, uKian, tfregon. CA'IJHH, ERWIN BAKER. PROP. iktahi SSS. Stand In front of ECOMHAND DEALERS. 3H O-BAIKL, NEW AND SECOND sreew .Bongut and sold. Court St., Bninw, Lau ana see mm. .DEALER IN SECOND 'If thero Is anything you or second nana rurnitnre, e and crockery, call and so. -I-' uourt Ht. :k8Mithing. ON FOR WHEAT RACKS St In town, 814 Webb St. UAL PARLOR8. (BARBER SHOP AND BATH se lintel tit. ueorge. Good rthlng In the beat sanitary FOR RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms ana sin to rooms. 719 Collero street. opposite court houio. Mrs, Allc Smith, Prop. FOR RENT FIVE ROOM COTTAGE ON CLAY street, between Webb and Railroad. Inquire orjss B. Welch, 120 Court street. WANTED. W A NTED G ENTLEM N BOARDERS BY TnE Week! COOd tAhle At. HfPd M I Ta1nv 302 Water street, corner Johnston, WANTED NICELY FURNISHED ISOJMB FOR housekeeping. Apply at this office. WANTED GIRL TO DO COOKING. APPLY tO Mrs. Wllllttm ItpAfflA Thntnntnn utrattt between Alta and Webb streets. ' OLD NHWBPAPISiiri TO POT UNDER Carpets. On ShelTea. walls, nr tnr wratv ping purposes. Old newspapers In large bundles of 100 each at 25 rents at hnnll. at tha EAST OltEOONIAN office, Pendle ton, Oregon. Choice Beef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.103.25. Steers, $3.753.S5. Hogs, live, $C. Hogs, dressed, Sc. Calves, dressed, 89c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices, Coffee Mocha and Java. best. 40c per lb; next grade, 35c per lb; lower graaes coneo, 25c to 15c per lb package coffee. 16c per lb. Itice Best head rice. 12c per lb next grade, 8 l-3o per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $5.25 per sacn; ao., iu lbs. $1. Salt, coarse, $1 per 100; table, $2.50 per iuu. Flour, B. B. $3.25 per bbl. Flour, Walter's, $3.25 per bbl. The Wheat Trade. I'ortiajHL Sept. 18. The wheat market durlng--the past week has been a steady one. Sales have been made daily, but there has been no great activity displayed In securing wneat, as exporters are all navlm? a uimorm price, and no great demand exists lor tho cereal. A ereat manv lioldera are Imbued with the Idea that freights being lower wheat prices should advance, but they overlook the tact unit the cargo market at London Is dull and a great deal lower than a year ago, and the demand Is not vory urisK. farmers that are selling at present are uie onos that realize eventually more on their crop than those that hold for higher prices. The latter are eventually compelled to pay storage and Insurance on the same and after deducting this from the results of the sale, find that he who sells early comes out usually ahead. There Is no Incentive for the exporter to try and load up, as nearly every house In tho trade has plenty of wheat, Judging from the receipts of less. Here Australian wool Is firm as to be almost out of the question. The little offering is held too high for the trade. Combing choice, scoured basis, 753V78c; good, nKg'74e: average, 70Q 72c. Str Louis Wool fAarket. ONis,- Sent. 18.4-Wool null Mb. 1 aim Hirva medlunii coarse, dj; terrl hC17c ent. 18.4-Wool null liory aid Wesrffrn ci llneL lG0fc; Skins, Hides, and Pelts. Portland, Sept. 18. Sheepskins- Wool Valley. 12A15c: Eastern Oregon, S14c: mohair, 2C28c. Hides Dry hides, No. 1. 16 pounds and up, 16jg15c per pound; dry kip No, 1, C to 15 pounds, 12c; dry calf, iso. l, under 5 pounds. 10c: dry salt ed bulls and stags, one-third loss than dry Hint; salted hides, steers, sound CO pounds and over, 8Sc; 50 to CO pounds, 78c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 5 b'ijc; kip, sound. 15 to 20 pounds. 7c: veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 8c: green (unsalted), lc per pound less; cuiis, lc per pound less: horso hides salted, each $1.502; dry. each. $10 1.60; colt's hides, each, 2560c: goat SKins, common, each, 10016c; An gora, with wool on, each. 25c(SJl. Pelts Bear skins as to size. No. 1. eacii, $5.20; cubs, $25; badger. each, 10040c; wildcat, 25060; house cat, BjplOc; fox, common gray, each, 30050c; do rod, each, $1.5002; do cross, each JBOC; do sliver and black, each $100 0200; fisher, each, 6Bo; lynx, each, $203; mink, Btrict lyly No. 1, each, 5O0$1.5O; marten, paie pine, accordincto slzo and color. $1.6002; muBkrats, large, each, 5 10c; skunk, ench, 40060c; civet or polecat, each, 5010c; otter, for large prime skins, each, $507: nanther. with head and clawB perfect, each $203; raccoon for largo prime, each. 30 0 50; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.50 06; wolf, prairie, (coyote), wtihout head, each, 30036c; wolverine, each. $407: beaver, ner skin, large, $506; do medium, $304; ao Bmaii, $i 01.50; do kits, 60 076c. "United States Department of Agriculture, Cllmato and Crop Hullo tin of the Weather Bureau, Oregon Section, for tho week ending Thurs day, Sept. 18. Portland, Ore., September IS. Tho weather has been dry and very smoky in the western portion of tho stato. On Saturday tho winds became west erly nnd tho smoke drifted to tho eastern sections, and smoky condi tions became general In nil parts of tho stato. Tho forepart of tho week was warm and sultry, but tho last three days were cool ind seasonable Tho grain crop has now nearly all been threshed and tho farmers In many sections are hauling It to tho warehouses and mills. Tho yields, al though generally below expectations, will piobably amount to un avcrago crop, especially of oats and barley. Hop picking Is drawing to a rloso; the yields aie good and tho quality Is above the average. Prune drying will begin this week. Tho prune crop is variable; some orchards will yield a full crop while others will not pay for picking; those orchards on high land as a rule will yield the best. Pastures are very short ami tho supply of milk continues to decrease, Stock lu some sections Is also beglii' nlng to loso llesh. Tho third crop of alfalfa has been secured in good con dition with Quality and yields up to the average. A fair crop of pears has been mar keted; apples havo dropped consider ably In some sections, but the crop will yield fairly well and bo aliovo the average in quality. Root crops all need rain, and potatoes will bo smaller than usual because of the dry weather. Columbia River Valley. Helix, Umatilla County, S. T. Isaac. Cry and warm, Grain all in sacks, and being rapidly delivered to ware houses. Many farmers nro preparing their summer fallow for full seed ing. Duncan, Umatilla County, K. S. Wll bur. Vory dry and hot. Hanges aro In need of rain. Adams, Umatilla County, C. S. Fer guson. Harvest over; wheat about all hauled In, quality good. Haiti need ed badly; the smoke from tho forest fires makes everything ho dark that lights are necessary. Plateau Region, Claruo, Wheeler County, L, II, Hale, Hot and dry. Sheep coiillng Out of the mountains, finiss vory short on tho range. Third crop of alfalfa very good, Stock on the range failing olf In llesh, TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0.R.&N. OREGON SHORT LINE and UNION PACIFIC rsrAST Tlmo Schrilulo ' ils roa From riMulloton raox I Chlcsgo- Bslt Lake, Penror, Ft 1'nrtUnd Worth, Omaha, Kan Special tnt CM J, St. LrniU, 8Mi,a, ft rt) p. in. Chlcsgo and Knit. vU Hunt ington. Atlantic Fait l.iku, Ponr.-r, Ft. Kipreni Worth, Omaha, Kan- rnS m. City, Ht. l-ottls, 11:10 p.m. via Hunt- Chicago and Kutt. Ington. nt p. i, i Walla WatlaXewloton, Ki in rulliuKn, Mlnncapo M S.lSa. m, H, M. ril,i, imiuih. -P- Spokane.- ,n'J,,'E.uskuee' chlc Ocean and River Schedule. FKOM PORTLAND. All ailing datos sub- n-onn m Ji-ct to change. . 0.-00 p. m. v'ur 8a Knlllcl,co i a p. ra. Ball every &tlajrs, Columbia Itlrer To Astoria nd Way I andlngi. Bnsko Hirer Itlparla to Lcirlaton lfflp.B, Bandar Pslly" except Huniiaj 8 :00 p m. Hatnnlar 10. -00 p. in, Wllliiimittn UlvtT. Hosts leave l'rtlaml dally, except Band?. 'Uge of Mtor permitting) (or Willamette a&a Yamhill lllver points. Leave i KlpHTta 4 a a. in Pallv Eicpt Monl Kiont Leave Lowliton 7:00 a. nt. uaur Mea F. F. WAMHI.KY, Agent, Pendleton. TO RUNS Put I man Slccpit.g Curs, Klegiint Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. sr. pa uii MINNKAPOIjIH DUIiUTH FAKGO i GHAND KORKB CIIOOKHTON WINNKI'KG HBLKNA nnd THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WAHHINGTON I'HIIiADBLPHIA NEW YORK; 11O8T0N untl all jKilnts Ir&at and fiouth Through Uitel to Japan and China, via Tsooma and Northern I'acldo btejinihlp Co. and American Hup, " ' riii K SciiltuULli. at'w)"!.! m" ''et"lleton ilally except Sunday .1?ri'Sr!n" '""rniauon, llnis cardt, inapt and tlckeU.callon or write W. Adamt, Pci. dleton, Oregon, or a. I). OIIA1UTON. Third and Morrlaun HU Portland, Or. La Grande 8treet Carnival. On September 27 tho O. H. & N. Co. will soli tickets l'endieton to I.a Grando and return, on account of tho street fair and carnival, nt ono faro for round trip $2.20. Tickets sold September 27 only, at this rate, and limited to oxplro September 28, Washington & Columbia River Railroad CHICHESTER'S PILLS Orl.titml iiiid Duly f.Yiiultit. J it rl A Hlfcmluril Kriitciljt ') 1 t-i ai tiHrii ntW1''' t'HIWII-hJ kM'H K.M.I J n 'in 11,1 'Jiiiiiilir. 'u'H 1. , i'im wio ti H' 'n 'I ul.v tifl ullirrs llifue hybIIIuUwHki 1 illMlliM. Akvvir llctilur. 'J' 'lliiiiinlul , t II....LIit furJ-bJii, .. r tjrii Hull. $ -1 1 t. k! lm k ur , I'llll A., IA MEN AND WOMEN"; , U lllfitfl for uiiDlurU irrUtttioDsj or ulctirfttloi.tf ui diuguui intiaurtiiii, SI Take this route for ChlcaKO, Ht. Puul, Ht. Ixitils, Kan. sH City, Ht. Joe, Onmlm, and All Points Hast and South Portland and point on the Sound riMK DAKI). 7 wf'ptti j''""11bU"1' d"7 cept Suudars at Arrive l'endieton Monday, Wednesday and rrfuay 12 pin, Arrive l'endieton Tuedav, Tbuttdar and Saturday louoxin. tavt) Walla Walla daily, eatl bound, 00 pu. Arrive UalU Walla dally, west buuud, 80 ata. I'aliilrH . fiud not aatrij ttvAJCCstucdCo. et,nt or iloniu4, LcicwiTi,o.CE52 " "ivctrws. ur en b lu rjitlu nil-sul H tfnr-WiLfPC 8 H.Ai,i)KitiiKAi),o ,:,;. For tnlurinstlon rpardlnir mln unH iv,m. tuodatloni, call on or addrets W. ADAMH, Agent. .iluril'i'lra'j.l i. 'at J-lrJ ' ll? I f.nm . 9r,nion Mlahopa' Pills uo la i. ut vr.r, i i i ,j. ,. n. 11 ""Ui"'.i'"'". tijuniiiMk,, Oure Lost Manhood, Im- V m lnif;?cfl kv,,1P.ro."l Oomlnnl emissions, turn Uuox, nartplin lie ',t'T i!l'V.l Heaauch,ynlltne to Mil", i-ps of t-'-l Bamon, Vnrfcooele. -Kvar TDUI. I W ICn ni! Or tVallUS. I IwU Are lmeJ,M(-, SX S niMinit ttuii.jl.ntv u - aiiuibdii uiirma tiarnctuv t. o. K.in Kr tnc ico. qhl 80LD BY TALLMAN 4 CO., DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREGON. V