East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 18, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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Opportunity Worthy
Your Notioo.
If you suffer with kidney disease or
any nllmcnt arising from tin Improper
action of the kldnoys or urinary or
gatis, tills offer we mnUo to tho peo
ple of Pendleton should Interest you.
In the advancement of medical sci
ence, tho kidneys, tho organs of tho
greatest Importance to human health,
have not been neglected, nnd In placing
before you such a euro as Doan's Kid
ney Pills tho proprietors recognize
how far so many statements of tho
makers of similar preparations havo
fallen short of their claims, being con
vinced that no remedy for kidney
complaints In existence equals Doan's
Kidney Pills for such nllmonts;
strengthened In these convictions by
letters that are dally received of tho
work they aro doing for mankind's
benefit, old backs and young backs aro
being constantly freed from never
ceasing aches, and many a lame and
shattered one, stooped and contract
ed, Is strengthened, Invigorated nnd
Infused with now life. With such a
medicine an offer of this kind can bo
made without hesitancy, for while we
lose the box we give to you, we make
a friend that assists us in tho sale of
many others.
of Doan's Kidney Pills will be given
away free to every person suffering
with kidney ailments at the under
signed address. First come, first
eerved, and only this ono chanci
offered. Remember this Is not a sam
ple box, but a regular size box of
Doan's Kidney Pills which retail at
50 cents.
Free Distribution line Day Only.
Monday, September 2nd, at I
Brock & McComasXo.
Cor. Main nnd Courl Bte., Pendleton.
Cut this advertisement out and
bring with you.
Solo agents for the United States,
Foster. Mllhurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Railroads of the West Making Great
Few pcoplo havo nn Idea of tho
work dono by railroads to oncourago
western immigration. Fortunes are
spent for literature nlono. Every art
tnnt may attract attention is employ
od. Naturo's prodigality is mndo tho
subject of display. Her geographical
splondore aro reproduced by photo-
grapnic art, ana her geoloc cnl won
dors aro reviewed In tho most nllur-
Ing fashion. Anything to nttract
Anything fo Interest. Anything to
capture tho fancy. Tho best that tho
modern printing press enn produce
la none too good. Tho best talent of
tho literary artist Is not too much.
Hut whether It Is history or legend,
fact or fiction, truth or exaggeration,
It must bo the richest product of tho
People nro no longer given tlmo to
make up their minds. Tho railroad
agent makes up their minds for them.
Tho immigrant Is not the agent of
mnturp deliberation as In former
years. Ho Is tho Immediate result of
persuaslvo literature, persuasive rail
road representatives and other per
suasive efforts which have been di
rected to make an Immigrant of him.
Hundreds of men are employed by
tho railroads to Induce tho Kasternor
to go West and grow up with the
country. Tho Southern Pacific has
Immigration and land agents to tho
number of 256. The St. Louis & San)
Francisco has 373 men in tho field.
Tho Missouri, Kansas & Texas has
223 agents, nnd the Santa Fo, Burl
ington, Missouri Pacific nnd other
roads have their quota of men whoso
business Is to stimulate.
One of tho most liberal users of
printed matter Is tho ltlo Clrande. It
turns out nn enormous amount of 11
lustrated literature, moro than tho
general public In tho West has any
Idea of. Other prominent Western
roads aro not far behind, but tho
West In general reaps tho benefit.
It is difficult to say where all tho
people go who come West to locate.
Tho West Is so vast and so llttlo of
It is settled nnd under development
that the Immigrants who pour into
tho country year after year aro lost
in these great stretches of Western
They keen coming, however, and
every year tho people who come West
to locate grow in numbers. The
railroads carried more sottlers last
year than in any previous season.
This year they expect to break the
record. It Is expected that thousands
of people will take advantage of tho
colonists' rate which is being onereu
on nearly all the Western lines. Some
of these rates aro for ono way and
the people who rido on such tickets
como to stay. On other roads return
rates are offered, and many of these
tickets nre sold to heads of families
who come out to look around nnd find
a good location. Salt Lako Herald.
Unveiling at Gettysburg.
Now York, Sept. 18. Tho Now York
members of tho Socloty of tho Army
jof tho Potomac, undor escort of tho
Sovonth regiment, will leave horo to
night for Oottysburg to attoud tho 33d
annual reunion. The reunion will bo
of extraordinary Intorost this year as
a foaturo will bo the unveiling of tho
equoatrlnn statue or Gonornl H. W.
Slocum. Tho unveiling will tnko place
tomorrow, nnd will bo accompanied
by nn oxtensivo program of core
monies. Tho governors of Now 'York
Pennsylvania nnd Now Jorsoy will
speak, as will also prominent ofllcors
of tho army. Besides tho Sovonth
regimont of this city thero will bo in
attendance tho votcrniiB of tho Nine
teenth Infantry and fivo batteries of
nrlllory, which servod undor General
Slocum. Tho statue is erected by tho
stato of Now York, of which stato
General Slocum was a native.
America Remembers Kossuth.
Philadelphia, Pn., Sept. 18. This
week tho Hungarians throughout tho
world aro celebrating tho 100th annl
vcrsary of tho birth of Louis Kossuth,
the famous Btatcsuinn, soldier, orator,
write "Tho Fnther of Hungarian
Liberty." In tho United States, where
Kossuth was received with great lion
ors In JSGl.'tho Hungarians nnd their
descendants are commemorating tho
anniversary In various ways. In Har
nionle Hall, this city, tonight notable
exercises will bo held undor tho an
spices of the United Austro-Hungnrl
nn societies. Tho speakers will bo
Col. A. K. JlcClure, who wns a per
sonal friend of Kossuth: Hon. Chnrles
Emory Smith, former postmaster gen
oral, nnd Prof. Arcade Mogyorossy.
Well, What Do You
Think of That?
Shirts from a laundry not torn
all to pieces, not bespattered with
iron rust or too much blueing !
Just enough starch to keep them
stiff, not too much for comfort in
wearing. Where is this laundry
that turns out such good work ?
For answer, read the line below:
J. F. Robinhon, Prop. Pendleton
State Veterinarian McLean Orders
the Two Horses of Zeltz's Killed.
State Veterinarian McLean was in
Pendleton yesterday, where he
came to investigate tho ailment of the
two horses belonging to John Zeltz,
a farmer living north of town.
Mr. McLean confirms the statement
made by Dr. Christie that the ani
mals had glanders, but says that it
is a very mild form and that tho ani
mals were not very bad off. Ho or
dered them killed and burled In or
der to protect other animals.
"Whilo in a mild form," said Dr.
McLean, "the glanders Is not very
contagious, especially If tho animals
exposed are In good condition."
Ho stated further that every pre
caution had been taken in the mat
ter at Zeltz's place and no fear was
entertained of a further spread of -the
disease. Ho says that glanders is a
very rare disease In this country.
Dr. McLean returned to Portland
this forenoon.
Not Doomed For Life.
, "I was treated for three years by
' good doctors," writes W. A. Greer,
McConnelvIlle, O., "for Plies and FIs
'tula, but when all failed. Bucklen's
1 Arnica Salvo cured mo in two weeks."
Cures Burns, Cuts, Corns, Sores,
, Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Piles or no
pay. 25c at Talln.an & Co.'s drug
1 store.
Fruit Fair Excursions.
On aconnt of tho fruit fair to bo
hold at Walla Wnlla. Sept 22 to 28
I Inclusive, tho O. R. & N. Co. will sell
round trip tickets at $1.00. D.itos of
I sale September 22 to 27 Inclusive,
'tickets limited to three days." Child
I rcn half fare.
Scientifically Distilled,
Nattirallj Aged,
Absolutely Pure,
Best and Safest for all uses.
For talc by
Babbitt M.etal, best in the world, In
bars. Price $1 per bar, at the Eait
Oroflonlan Office.
Return Empty Kegs.
Those having empty kegs belong
ing to tho Schultz Brewery Company,
will nlease return thorn without fur-
I titer delny, and favor
I Pendleton, Oregon.
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to me will pleaso call and set
tle their accounts,
Free concert tomorrow ovening.
Free concert tomorrow ovening.
Freo concert tomorrow evening.
Tho Peoples Warehouse, 7 to 9 p. m.
Tho Peoples Warehouse. 7 to 0 p, m.
For Better Cities.
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 18. Delegates
from all over tho United States and
Canada will compare notes on tho Im
provement of cltlos, nt tho convention
of tho American League of Civic Im
provement in this city next week, it
is a comparatively now organization.
as this meeting will bo Its second na
tional convention.
Tho subjects to bo discussed cover
a wide range.. Somo of thorn aro
snioko abatement, outdoor advertis
ing, signs nnd street archltlcturc, tho
arts and crafts movement nnd publle
recreation. The annual address will
be presented by Prof. Chnrles Zeublin
of tho University of Chicago.
Grand Duke Leaves Newport.
Newport, It, I., Sept. IS. Tho Grand
Duke Boris, who has been dined and
wined during the past two weeks by
Newport's high society, leaves today
for New York, whenco he sails tomor
row for Europe. The grand duke ex
presses himself as delighted with
American hospitality. He says he had
no Idea of making such a long stay
in this country, but the sights have
been so bewildering nnd tho pleasures
so numerous that ho now regrets that
his engagements abroad make It Im
perative for him to depart.
The Orphan Brigade.
Franklin, Ky., Sept. 18. This town
donned holiday dress today In honor
of the survivors of tho Orphan Bri
gade, whose annual reunion was held
under tho nuspices of the local camp
of confederate veterans. This fore
noon thero was a parado, followed by
welcoming oxerclses with addresses
by Mayor Bryan, Captain R. P. Finn
and others. At tho big barbecue this
afternoon the speakers include Unit
ed States Senator Bato, of Tennessee
and others of wido prominence. The
reunion closes tonight with a big re
ception nnd ball.
The new Cloaks are here and they
are models of the Cloak Makers' art.
They -fit perfectlj'. arc beautifully
tailored and artistically trimmed.
We have a large assortment of
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, made
from good materials, that range in
price from
$3.00 to $4.95
Black, Navy and Brown Jackets,
made of St. George Kersey with good
linings. A $9.00 value for $5.4-5.
Castor and Light Tan Colored
Jackets, made of Boston Kersey with
line linings. A $10.00 value for $5.95.
1 1 B .
We Were
Too Late.
Seventy-Fourth Indiana.
Cromwell, Ind., Sept. 18. Tho sur
viving members of tho Seventy-fourth
Indiana infantry began their 18th an
nual reunion horo today with a good
attendance of the old Boldlors and
their friends. Tho two-days' program
calls for addresses by sovoral prom
inent speakers and a number of feat
ures of entertainment provided by
the local committees.
New Home of Detroit Elks.
Detroit, Mich. Sept. 18. Tho dedi
cation today of tho handsomo new
temple of tho Detroit lodge of Elks
was tho occasion of a largo gathering
or nrnmincnt. members of tho order
from several states. Tho now torn
plo is a magnificent structure of eight
stories and contains every modern
convenience nnd comfort.
Locomotives For Western Roads.
Chicago, 111., Sept. IS. A fcaturo
of tho westward freight shipments is
the large number of now locomotives
en routo to western lines made up of
tho product of the Amurican Locomo
tivo Company. It is estimated that
orders for nearly 600 locomotives wero
given out last week by various rail
roads centering hero.
At bedtime I take a pleasant herb
drink, tho next morning I feel bright
and my complexion la better. My
doctor says that it acts gently on tho
stomach, liver and kidneys and is a
pleasant laxative. It is made from
herb., and Is prepared as easily as
tea. It Is called Lane's Medicine.
Lnno's Family Medlclno moves tho
bowels each day. "Price 25c and 50c.
For salo by Tallman & Co., solo
Tho "U. Z." saloon at Colfax, Wash,,
was held up Tuesday night and tho
safe relieved of $300,
Brlght's Dlncnse nnd Dlnbctca
Are Positively Curable.
Upon bearing that Cnarlee A.'Newton, the
XarOmaater of tbo Southern Pnclfio Company
at Sacramento, bad a certain cao of Diabetes,
the basinets men who were Investigating the
Fulton Compounds, wrote him ashing him to
take It; but thjy were late, as ho bod already
board of it, ah per his letter In answer as
" SinsAMXxro, July 31. K01.
"Dear Slra: Yours of (lie 19th rtcelvrd, and I
thank 70a for your Information wording the Wa
ttles medicine made by J, J. Fulton. 1 waa perma
nently cured of Diabetea by thla medlolne, and I now
enjoy good health once more. I commenoed taking
It March "d, and June 5th waa pronounced cured.
I now enjoy my old diet In a wild form, but advance
more on It aa time icoes by, not wlablng to attempt
too much at onoe. 1 waa very bad with tbedtaeaae.
Tbe gravity waa lMf, and I waa aotak 1 could
acaroely walk. Tbe physician helped me some, but
aald there waa no cure. I then leard I aud went
to treating with tbe 1'nlton Compound, nnd only
took Ihree bottle when I commencfd to frel better,
and then kept on Improving until I mi restored lo
1 know of another cam of Illalct'-a, an engineer
on the road who had the dilate for four years,
lie went to luwoii to die. When I waa getting
better 1 went for blin Lo come to Sacramento logo
on the same treatment. On hla return he tielleved
no medicine would cure btmt but 1 prevailed upon
him to try It. ThU uas In Slay, lie la now ao
much Improved that be la on i la engine working
every day. There are alto two cascw of Ilrlght'a
Disease taking It whom 1 fold of It. 1 hope aome
Ijrndlcate will get this medicine aud bulkl tanltar
luma all over tun country for tbe treatment of these
dreadful diseases. Trusting 1 have not aald too
much, Yours,
"Cme. A. Nr.WTON,
" Yardmaiter, 8. r. Co.. Sacto."
Mrdlcnl work ngreft that IlrlRlit'a Disease
and DlabctoH aro lucurablo, but 87 por cent are
positively recnverlug under tho Pulton Cum
pouudn. (Common forms of kidney complaint
and rbeumatUm offer but short resistance.)
frlce.lt for tho HrlKht'nDlseao nnd tl.M for
tbo Diabetic Compound. John J. Fulton Co., Ml
Montgomery St.. San ' rancl.co, sole com
pounders. Free tests mado for patients. De
scriptive pamphlet mailed free.
F. W. Schmidt & Co., Solo Afjents.
have yotw
We are now showing the
elite styles in silk waists and
invite your inspection. La
dies, if you desire to" le well
dressed, come in and select
the pattern of goods that
meets your fancy and let us
make you a tailor-made suit
to your own measure, Per
. feet fits are guaranteed.
We will dc your
on short order.
The Eastern Cloak, Suit,
Skirt and Waist Factory
Next to Tallman's Drug Store
Stage leaves Pendleton dally, except Bun (lavs,
at 7 a. in., lor Uklah aud Intujmcdlotti points
Katei: To Pilot Rock, 75oi IMIot Kock and re
tarn. J1.25: To Nye. 11.24. Nye and return, Hi
To rildge, Jl 75; lo indite and return, U 60; To
Alba,ri.2.': to Alba and return, Sl.oo; To Uklab
ti.W, to Uklab and return, H 00
Office In Golden Rule Hotel, Pendleton
Cooper's old stnnd,
Main St., Near W. & CI Depot
A royal good meal for only
20 cents.
If you dine with us you arc
always satisfied,
A trial meal will make you
a regular hoarder.
$3 to
cook mmm
: Coort Shed. I
The Best Hotel in
annas Rondu,,,;'
Hoadquarters for Tran "
Commodious Sample Ir
Rates $2 &m
Special rates by wetk ciT.nf
Excellent Cuisine,
Prompt Dliilnpog 8"
Every iModern
Bar and billiard roonrrtce
A. Mj
Only Three Blocks feg
Comer Court and JolimTegou.
M. F. Kelly, Prcp&JSi
"jjjjij 1 J
American IM1111, rntenlS!Prel
purdHV. ,,Cj 1
KiiroiMinu IM1.11. noo.tHteBtoti
HiHHjiul rati'H ly week ij
Free 'bus meets nil trslnJ
Commercial trade iiC.Oi
" 1 lars.j.
Special Attention CiveottS
in tu
The East Oreponlan Is Eastern Ore
gon'a representative paper. It leads,
and the people appreciate it and show
it by their liberal patronage. It la the
arivertlslntj medium of this section.
GEO. DAnVEflUp'tep&
Elegantly Furni5
... iii-in.
Sample room
nnnv DAT13 . OW'
Farmers Cum
Pre.1 Vrtlter, W
, 11., iwi lirrel!,,',ii
Wlmir. Mil Kl.l Wfl U,
ftlWHVH on llHIl'l.