East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 13, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    Have yoo seen the
As displayed by the New Store. It
la universally admitted that noth
ing nobbier or more stylish has ever
been shown In this city.
This week we offer a
Beautiful Peau de Bole J)I AQ
Waist, tucked yoke, JM.gO
French sleeve for t
Each day adds something new
and attractive to this rapidly grow
ing house.
R V iV'H Yesterday brought us
-WwH 60 dozen new Flannelette
!VOV''V; Wiaprers, fancy trim-
sL ''Y'wSLSa med, heavy fleeced.deslr
CffrS able patterns, as a leader
New Goods New Prices New
Methods of doing Business.
e Teutsch
fer Bros. Dry Goods Company.
8KPTEMBER 13, 1902.
HowJurt,-rJann loans,
lothkf'-ifewiecl at Joerger's.
iLn'sitacHMgars and tobacco.
naiVlfiported lunches at
enderiortery at Martin's Fam
:ery raaitBakery.
ana wlH&supply you with
er box.
of fruits and veg-
ounger & Son's.
at Phillip's restaiv
lmon's drug store.
homo-made confec-
Jar treat for your
no terrors at the
ment, where good
Crawford peaches,
toloupes, bananas,
d celery at Hawley
at- turns
bum liiil
was lost between
al parsonage and
store. See classl
further particulars.
eeler wishes to an
studio of music Is
coming season at
Jteat -eregonian building.
4 AM f wt-class stenographer
ewrltar.. Steady employment
penes. Adress Box 105, Pen
Oregon, , giving experience,
ad 'MSMMcea.
Keeping correct time
esandwill go in an
Jther way when the pub
ic learns our prices,
fttese Clocks are beautiful
n tofeb, ".handsome In ap
jeraiK and guaranteed
looamtenime keepers.
VlB'Clocks, full nickle
Mfc,3hio $2.50.
SPkck8, attractive
sMee,1 1Mb to $10.
Mielf Cloaks, well made and
ervlebl, 8 to 0.50.
4ant!e, Clocks, very orna-uental,-
latest designs, $C
rdKtmad Optician
($ttU B. Alexander
Castle's for poultry.
Whltaker, the dentist.
Castle's for Dsn, alwayB fresh.
Everything new to see at Teutsch's.
Clam and oyster cocktails at M.
Wo have them now. Shoes.
Nabisco wafers In all flavors a
Hawley Bros.
Gregg's coffee, the best, at F. S.
Younger & Son's.
Crawfish cooked In white wino and
fresh crabs at Grate's.
"Wanted Bell boy at Hotel Pendle
ton. Apply at hotel office.
Fine sound citrons for preserves,
at Martin's Family Grocery.
Lowest prices on new and second
hand school books, at Nolf's.
Latest style patterns for fall suits
and trousers at Selbert & Shulz.
For Sale House and lot: enquire
of F. P. Light, care Oregon Lumber
uigars, touacco and smokers' sup'
plies at Jack Candish's, Patton's old
Don't forget that you can see the
biggest assortment of shoes at
All kinds of city and country prop
erty for sale. Rlhorn & Cook, room
10, Taylor building.
Honor bright spices, baking pow
der and extracts, can't be beat, at F.
o. lounger & son's.
A new Remington typewriter is of
fered for sale at a bargain In the clas
slfled columns of the East Oregonlan
Mrs. Campbell now has on display
zoo pattern ran and winter hats,
which include all the best creations
of millinery art.
At the office of Judge Fltz Gerald
the marriage of W. B. Waugh and
Isa M. Phelps was solemnized by his
honor Friday evening. '
The biggest assortment of JardI
triers ever shown in Pendleton, will
arrive next week at Rohrman's,
Peaches $1.25 per box.
For Sale 800-acre wheat farm, 10
mnes rrom Fenaieton, all summer
fallowed; nearly all fenced. Good
spring on It. Address Box 495.
Another dance will be given in Ar
mory hall Saturday night. Klrkman's
orchestra will furnish music. A good
time promised all who attend.
Koeppen's drug store Is giving free
with each 25 cent bottle of Pine Nut
Cream, for a limited time, a rotary
band fan, the greatest novelty of the
Master Thomas Dobson, the boy
vocalist, and sister, Mrs. Margaret
uouson Logan, the pianist, are so
well pleased with Peudleton that they
have decided to spend this evening
and Sunday here. Last evening, with
Mr. Bruce, they gave a second con
cert at Wakefield & Co.'e music ware-
rooma to a large and appreciative au
dience. A carload of fino furniture will ar
rive this ovening for Baker & Fol
som, which will be loaded on drays,
form In line and proceed to the store
and unload. This is one of the larg
est shipments of furniture ever
brought to our city.
The honillest man in Pendleton, as
well as the handsomest, and others,
are Invited to call cn any druggist
tnd get free a trial bottlo of Kemp's
Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
remedy that is guaranteed to cure and
relieve all chronic and acute coughs,
asthma, bronchitis and consumption.
Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall
man & Co., sole agents.
Been Passing
Will Be Told
For a limited time we will give
away, free of charge, one of those 25
cent Rotary Hand Fans An auto
matic instrument equal to any elec
tric or water power fan with each
25 cent bottle of Pine Nut Cream.
A. C. Koeppen & Bros'.,
People Who Have
Eastern Oregon by
What Is Here.
N. Berkley, real estate dealer, re
turned this morning from Portland,
where ho went to confer with the Inv
migration agent of one of the big
trans-continental railroads in regard
to the ImmiKratlon movement whlh
is now on.
Mr. Berkley Is making a strenuous
effort to turn the eyes of the man
with means, who Is seeking a home
in the Northwest, toward Umatilla
and surrounding counties. He is get
ting out a list of lands for salo In
this and several of the adjoining
counties to send to prospective home
seekers. In theso circulars will be
found a description of each tract of
saleable land, Its advantages and re
sources as well as the price for
which It can be purchased.
The Immigration movement for the
past year has not been touching
Umatilla county to any great extent.
The work of Mr. Berkley is to see if
this condition cannot be changed.
He, as well as many other conserva
tive men who know the situation,
contend , that there Is no better ad
vantages In the great Northwest
than can be found in Umatilla coun
ty and Eastern Oregon. This section
has been passed up in the past. This
is because of the transportation com
panies' rates to terminals.
One can get a ticket to Portland,
Spokane and Seattle from Eastern
terminals at the same rate as to Pen
dleton, and these terminals have
been advertised by the railroads and
commercial organizations more ex
tensively than the Inland towns and
This has taken the homeseeker by
Pendleton and set him down In West
ern Oregon towns. Some of these
hear of the advantages In Umatilla
county and finally drift here, but
many of them never hear of this sec
tion. In the past there has been little
effort made to Bet the advantages of
Eastern Oregon before the,, eastern
ers. Mr. Berkley will endeavor to
place such literature before the peo
ple of the East as will Inform them
what we have here. A wrong Idea Is
prevalent In the East about Eastern
Oregon. It is thought there that this
is only a vast plain with no advanta
ges and that it is only suitable for
They do not know that this Is one
of the richest spots on earth.
Farmers Unable to Move Their
Wheat on the W. & C. R. for Lack
of Cars Railroad Does Not Stand
by Promises Some Wheat Shipped
Via O. R. & N.
It is now estimated that more than
one-half of the Umatilla county
wheat crop of the present year is con
tracted. The yield of the county is 3,500,000
bushels and 1,500,000 or more has
been sold. The 500,000 bushels will
have to be kept In the granerles for
home use, such as feed and for seed.
Comparatively little of this wheat
has been shipped. Most of It is yet
in the field as hauling is only fairly
tind-v good headway. What Is sold
Is only contracted and to be deliver
ed later.
More grain has been shipped out
of the east end of the county, over
the O. R. & N. lino than has gone out
of the country tributary to the "High
Line.'" Very little has gone to tide
water over this line and it runs
through one of the greatest wheat-
raising sections of the county. All
of the Helix country is tributary to
this and the dealers are much exer
cised over the situation and outlook
for shipments. There Is a shortage
of cars and a practical tie-up on this
hue as a result. It was announced
by the W. & C. R. Company during
the early season and before ship
ment began, that there would be am
ple transportation facilities tor all of
the shipping that would bo needed
along their line, but In this the com
pany has not kept Its promise. Just
when the situation will bo relieved Is
a question.
The Price Outlook.
The present price of wheat is 50
cents. This has been the prevailing
price for several weeks and the Indi
cations are now that wheat will go
up within the next few days. This
assertion Is made because of the fact
that seldom before, at the opening of
tlie market, has the price remained
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse.
One Week Beginning Saturday
Style J la Gteyt Tan, Black and Blue, at $6.98
Style 2--In Mixttires, Red, Tan, Black and Grey, $7.98
New Fall Waists for school wear, at 89c
New Waistings, Exclusive Patterns, $
only two of a kind, per yard, 60c to
36-inch All Wool Canvas Suiting, just CAp
right for School Dresses, per yd, - lJUL
Children's School Plaids, large range OCT
of Patterns and Colors, per yd. - Z.LlC
School Hose, Extra Heavy Fast Black, Q
all sizes, per pair - C
Children's Natural Wool and Jersey IP
Ribbed Shirts, Pants, Drawers all sizes, i-)JC
Agents for: Butterick's Patterns, Royal Worces
ter Corsets, Trefousse Kid Gloves
at a strong figure so long at a time.
It usually flucutates and the market
is uncertain, but this season it has
remained at 50 cents with a decided
ly strong tendency. Charters are al
so lower than usual and this goes to
foretell a rise in price. The man who
sold a few weeks ago at 50 cents,
may have cause to regret It within
the next 10 days.
Dr. Whltaker Returns.
After nearly three months spent In
pleasure seeking, Dr. C. J. Whltaker
has returned to Pendleton and re
opened his dental parlors. Dr. Whlt
aker and William Atchison left Pen
dleton the 12th of June for Coos Bay,
where they remained 10 days. From
there they proceeded to Gray's Har
bor, and then to Qulnault Bay. There
they spent most of their tlmo while
gone, and had a pleasant tlmo hunt
ing and fishing. They killed some
elk and deer and all the small game
they wanted. They also had all the
fishing they wanted and brought
home a 10-gallon keg of pickled trout
which they will have for future use,
Alter leaving ijuinauit they were
rowed down the river to the ocean
by Indians and then took tho train
for home. Mr. Atchison remained In
Portland and will not be homo until
Dressed and undressed. Kid
body, jointed, bisque, rubber
and rag dolls New goods.
Pocket Books
25ci 35c ani 48c for a new lot
of ladies' pocket books and
men's purses.
School Supplies
12 lead pencils, 5c; 20 state
pencils, 5c; pen holder and
pen ic, etc.
S. L. Thomes, of Counell, Wash.,
has Just finished harvesting 4200
acres of wheat which yielded him
over 100,000 buBhels.
K hi
Sanford's, Stafford's, Carter's,
Diamond, Barnes', Arnold's,
Thomas', etc., etc., 2c, to
98c a bottle.
Hero is an ldoa that may
not havo come to you:
Why hoat your home cook
ing moals ?
Just tako yonr meals dar
ing the Bummor at the
French Restaurant
You'll onjoy our cooking
and tho cuisine Berved.
The French Restaurant
Pocket Knives
The "Frederick Nolf"
forged blades, stag or
handles, 18c to 85c.
Santa Glaus Headquartors,
Telephone Main 4.
Strict adherence to M raiblci m to fvally willing workers U natm
nperior terric ui bookkeepers u ieaogTRphert. Oar (attraction la
nnmutlly thorongh fact to widely kaemi tint reputation alra briaje
ms moit of our itudest. Quality iltijri ronaU. Uxtuitae late mm
fccilltlci better bow t&aa rret Wore, Imiutrlou, willing itudcaU auk
rapU advancement ia ail eUdUa take. CaM, or write for oar catalogs.
k. T, AreuUoag, LL. B., Priad
g 10 O ,
&3 f? I 1 "id Washington SUecU
pV t" Q JS Come and get our prices on
n :? o m S-
o o
The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes
all the modern ideas of the East, West, North and South,
so you have a complete assortment to select from. Wo
keep our promise to save you money on Furniture, Car
pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings.
Next to Fostofflce,