East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 13, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    Boys' Clothing and Furnishings.
"Boys' sehnol suits, two piece,
f 1.50, 2. $2 50 aud 3.
Boys' school suits, thnc piece,
12, 2.50, ?3.50 and J5.
Boys' kuee junta, Mc, 75 tl
and $1.25.
Boys' Ions pants. f 1.60, $1.76,
42 ami $2 50.
Boys' sweaters, white, colored
and t-trlpifd, 50c to $1 75.
Boy' shirts, soft and s .iff bos
oms, 50c and 75c each.
Ik); s' caps, 25c aud 50a.
Boys' hats, all the late styles,
50o to $1 50.
Boys' shoes ( wn save vou 250
and 35c a pair), $1.25 to 2.25.
Every Day is a Bargain
Day at oar Store.
One Price Chthiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton
729 Main Street
Tom Johnson declares that he does
not want to be president.
A seat in the New York Stock Ex
change recently sold for SS1.000.
Kinc Edward, it is said, is In bet
ter health than he has been in ninny
Atlantic steamers are all over
crowded with Americans coming hack
American dressmakers are prepar
ing to invade Europe and will begin
with Paris.
The business men of Manila are
organizing to drive the Chinese from
the Philippines.
The greatest fire in the history of
the oil industry, is uow raging at
Beaumont. Texas
General Miles is on his way to Ihe
Philippines to make a tour of inspec
tion of the islands.
The beet sugar republicans of Utah
won out in their convention and ig
nored Cuban reciprocity.
Two American warships have been
sent to Panama to protect the Amer
ican interests at that place.
The train conductors, hrakemen
and locomotive engineers have merg
ed and formed the srreatest union in
history. , 1
Admiral Beresford, of England, is
coming to America to study the
American navy and to inquire into
the workings of the Morgan com
bine. A meat packing trust has been
formed in Chicago and all the pack
ers in the country will be merged in
to it- Armour & Co., are the leaders
in the affair.
The supreme court of New York
has decided that no hotel man, prop
erty owner or citizen has a right to
dispose of the privileges of the curb
to hack or draymen.
Farmers report that potatoes will
be small in Oregon this year.
The city of Burns boasts of four
weddings being celebrated there last
Drouth has caused a very short
crop of hay this year in Harney
In Mason county, Washington, over
500 acres of timber are burning and
the fire is spreading.
Two men perished yesterday and
manv more are missing as a result
of "the forest fires burning about
Harvesting is now in full blast in
Harney county, and the wheat Is said
to average duhubib jkji .
. i ... rn hi.cholo nr UCJ nuu
ipy Will 1 u u iiuuub uu -
Hotel Pendleton.
Devigh C Leezer. New York.
A. A Richardson, Quincy.
E. Everett. Baker City.
J. G. Slayden, Spokane.
J. W. Roung. Sanges.
J. A. MeFnrlane. Chyo.
Leonard A. Baker. Portland.
J. E. Martin. Seattle.
F. S. McMahon. Portland.
M. M. Robison. Siolcane.
H. C. Sampson and wife, Pullman.
Mrs. F. H. Wood and sons. Cleve
land. O.
A. S. Heatfleld, Spokane.
J. S. Miller. Chicago.
A. H. Cramer. Spokane.
Sadie McCoy. Colfax.
R. D. Fulton, Portland.
H. C. McConuell. Pennsylvania.
G. S. Youngnian. Portland.
E. Brydon, Portland.
William Mnher. Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.-
The Golden Rule.
.1. K. Sheldon. Blaine.
F. F. Penham and wife. city.
H. Johnson. Starlmek.
J. H. Walters. Starbuck.
J. McMann, Ukiah.
S. E ..McMuun, Ukiah.
F. J. McMunn. Ukiah.
Alice Darby. Springfield.
J. G. Helfrich. Spokane.
E. A. Helfrich, Spokane.
A. H. Enlas. Portland.
E. F. Hanley, Portland.
D. G. Edwards, Sunnyside.
L. E. Edwards. Sunnyside.
J. F. Mathews. San Francisco.
A. "W. Tichner. Spokane.
A. C. Howard, Spokane.
F. Winslow, Starbuck.
F. B. Dill, Starbuck.
S. E. Dill, Starbuck .
G. W, Dill. Starbuck.
TV. H. Dill. Starbuck.
Alex M. Dill, Starbuck.
J. T. Williamson, La Grande.
C. D. Rinker, Boston.
N. G. Naugh and wife. North Yak
ima. W. F. Woodstock, Nolin.
W. P. Allen. Long Creek.
M. J. Cockerlln and wife, Helix.
J. E. Cockerline, Helix.
Bertha Peabody, Lebanon.
A. G. Adklns, Portland.
James Oakley, Salem.
Will Oakley. Salem.
H. B. Gillette, Bosebirrg.
A. Nelson, Indianapolis.
J. F. Steunkel, city.
H. M. Willis, Athena.
H. Whiteiy.
street, this ovontng. This will be for
Uhe purpose of getting the teachers
together and give them an- opportu
nity to get acquainted before their
work begins in the school.
Outlook for Coming Term Is Good
Improvements In Equipment Re-
ceptlon to Teachers This Evening.
For "Pendleton Day" the O. R. & N.
Makes a Low Special Rate.
This year Spokane will hold hor In
terstato Fair October C to 14. The
The public HchctplB of Pendleton !Pro5M,:.e and enifrpri8,n.f pcopl
will open next Monday.
Children are hustling their books,
and preparing generally for the oc-
I fusion.
The members of the faculty, almost
all of whom are of last year's corps,
i hnvo all returned from their sum-
of that city are putting forth unusual
effort to make this season's fair sur
pass in point of Interest, anything of
the kind ever seon In tho north Pa
cific. A feature of the fair will be
"Pendleton Day." Thursday, October
9 and for this occasion tho O. B. &
N. Co. will on October 8 soli tickets.
mer-s outlug and vacation trips and'Spoknne and ntxlnii good untl, 0ct0.
are ready to take up their work with uer 15 nt te en. This Includes admls-
renewed vigor. City School Superin- snn t0 tue fair
tendent E. B. Conklln has returned '
I from Union, where he spent most of Fortune Favor a Texan.
the summer at the home of his pa' , ... , , . .
J rents, and has been devoting the past j , "avlnE distressing pains in bead
'week to organizing his work. Tht, 1 "nek and stomach, and being without
other teachers are equally busy pre-1 1J,C,BX ufln Dli, n.s 8
paring for the work or the coming New L,fo plIIa" writea w- p- Whlte
; term. 1 head, of Kennedale, Tex., "and soon
The school buildings have all been I folt llke a now man-" Infallible In
looked after and renovated where siomacn anu liver troumos. uniy Zbc
, they needed It. and the next nine a' Tallman & Co.'s drug store.
( months' school term promises to be a
1 successful one. Notice.
hill south of town, will have Its heavy An persons knowing themselves In-,
. . . - . ... . ' nMnil r " n tt. 1 1 1 vitnnSA nail n . .1 n.(
mi isoutn oi town, win nave its heavy " -" ,
An accurate esti- ue luo,r accounts.
i quota of students.
mate of the number In the different
' wards cannot be given, but there are '
three places at the present time
! where the children will be taught.
(All of the high grades will be in the
' brick tniililliisr nn flip lilll nnil ttm
building on West Alta street and one1
on East Court will be occupied by
the lower grades and primary depart
ments. 1
These buildings will all have to bei
used until the first of the year, when '
the public school expects to be able'
to occupy the old academy building,
This will gave five additional rooms
and the East Court street home of
the small children will be abandoned,
as well as the three rooms now used
in the basement of the high school
building. '
The academy's new building, now
under course of construction, will be
completed by the end of the present 1
year ami the faculty and students j
will move into it. The old building i
has been purchased by the school j
board and it will be fitted up for the
public school. I
The total number of pupils enroll-1
ed on the school books last year in
town was something over lOut), aud
the census gave the town a still larg-j
er number. This year the census,
gave the city a few more than last .
and the attendance is expected to be
a little above that of last year.
The Academy. '
President F. L. Forbes, of the Pen-
dleton Academy, has been busy forj
the past several weeks preparing for
the opening of the school. He has
done all in his power toward increas
ing the number of students for the
coming term and his efforts have met
with success. He expects to open the
school Monday morning with no less
than 150 students enrolled. The pro
fessor said last evening that he had p
been counting over the old students
from last year and found that 150 ofi
these would return this season. Thls
is not counting the new students ex-
pected. The total enrollment Willi
reach above 200 when they are all in.
These students come from all parts
of the surrounding country, but the
majority will be from Umatilla
All of the teachers are here or wilt
arrive this evening. Miss Efile Pat
terson, of Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Kloepfer, of Indiana, are the
latest to arrive, and Mis Strong, of
Portland, Is expected today. They
will all meet their charges in the
academy Monday morning, ana the
most of the day will be- deTOted to
getting the classes arranged, al
though some regular work, may be
And Every Form of Torturing -j
Disfiguring Skin and Scalp
Humors Cured by
Spkkdv Ccp.r Tnr.ATiin.ST Rathe thn
allected parts thoroughly with Hot Wateb
ami Cmoi-KA Soap. Next apply Cctnicha
Ointment, the prv.it skin curc.arKl Lutly take
a full time ot CmccisA ItlsOLTErr. Tht
treatment wilt afToril instant, relief jwimit
rvst ami sleep, anil jnint to a sprwiif. perma
nent, anil economical cure when all else tails.
SUTtrjhr. lV.e,Tni 3T. tt-23ror, Czrttrvr
flOAr.C OlITVTT.a. . l!HOLBKThlf ii.sK.
h)nii llai o asd Chiu. Cult-., tale Prop., Utoifc
How to Cure Ecatm.1M -tr booh, free.
A Parson's Noble Act
"I want all the world to know."
writes Rev. C. J. Budlong, of Asha-
way, R. I.. " what a thoroughly good (
and reliable medicine I found in Elec
tric Bitters. They cured me of Jaun
dice and liver troubles that had caus ,
ed me great suffering for many years.
For a genuine, all around cure they !
excell anything I ever saw." Elec-l
trie Bitters are the surprise of all for
their wonderful work in Liver, Kid
Stomach troubles, uooi
fall to try them. Only 50 cts. Batls
faction Is guaranteed Dy laiimnn s
Reception Toniaht.
President and Mrs. F. h. Forbes
will give a dinner party in honor or
the faculty, at their home on Webb
Cures more coughs and!
colcls than all other cough
cures together. Each
bottle we sell makes a
friend for
It's fully guaranteed for
all we claim.
25c and 50c a bottle only
Reliable Druggists.
Phone, Main 851.
rail and winter Wraps
Our new Fall Wraps have arrived and we are sho '
seme of the newest things in 27-inch Jackets, three quit?5
length Cloaks and long Capes. Don't miss seeintr thrs.,1.
We have them in all grades from $4w5 to $1G 00
Tailor-Made Suits
We have added a line of Tailor-Made Suits this faHan(
We have a nice Serge Suit, made in the latest stvV t
$9.00. J ""
Nice Venetian Suits, the latest shades, $12 50.
Fine Pebble Cheviot Suits, Oxford Grey, $15.00.
Rainy Day and Dress Skirts
t We have them, all colors and all grades, from $1,50 to
tif ,UU icr me neavy gooas.
Silk Skirts
Beautiful designs in black only, $12.00.
The people of Astoria thought theicc.
end of the world had come yester-
day and fell on their knees in prayer. BLUE RIBBON EXCURSION. !
crr,,,!. fmm the forest fires caused I
an unusual darkness. The O. R. 4 N. and S. P. Companies
A Deer Lodge. Mont., dispatch says Quote Low Rates to Oregon State
that Tom O'Brien, who escaped from Fair,
the state penitentiary three weeks' p the ,.Blue Rjbbon" State Fair,
ago- has returned and surrendered , Xq bj he,d nt Sajem Sept. 15 to 20 in
himself to the prison officials. ' cU8ive( Pendleton to Salem and re-
Burglars entered tho office of the , turn at $11.35. These tickets will he
Group Lumber Mill at Dayton, on sale Sept. 14 to 19. seven days
Wash., and blew open the safe and t limit. . .
scattered the contents over the yard.
However, the robbers secured only Colorado Springs and Return $50.
$24. On account of the meeting of the
Word has Just reached Seattle that ' Tenth National Irrigation Congress,
savcral earthquake shocks have oc- at Colorado 8prings, Col., October 0
curbed atoKe coast In Alaska be- to 9. the O. R. & N. Co. will sell tick
tween Mhlr-aiacler and Yakutat. At eta to the aboco point and return at
Dundas window glasses were broken $50. Dates of sale. October 2 and 3.
and several buildings collapsed. 1 Limit, 30 days. Stop-overs allowed.
We are headquarters for
all kinds of School Books
and Supplits A full line of
npw hnnk; nnw on hand.
We will take your old
books in exchange or pay
you ca:h. ?
We have a very large line
of School Tablets, the new
est and best. Over FIFTY
different kinds sow on dis
play. "We Never Sleep" is 3
thi title ct our big 5c pen:il
t-blet, with the picture of an
owl. It can't te beat. We
have several others of equal
ly good value.
Bonk Store.
Diffen-ent f rom Others
Jl"-causo it gets a' the cause
and removes it. Dr. 1'errin has
used it SO years in hU private
practice aud It CURES.
The only Internal Remedy.
An Interesting booklet at your
Always Good, Always Fresh
Always Clean
Are groceries, fruit and vegetables when they come from b
store We have nice, sound citrons, just the thing for presr
ing. There is nothing finer that grows than these citrons.
Celery, string beans, egg plant and all the vegetable;
Cucumbers fbr Pickling
We have the very select kind, both large and small.
Fruits for canning. Pears, peaches, plums, apples, tfc
Tomatoes for catsup.
We are the headquarters for all kind of canning si ?!
including sugar, spices, vinegar, etc.
The place to get clean, fresb poods.
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
I Tilephone Red 3J
1 have a full line of the famous Bridge & Beach Cast
stoves and ranges. All sizes. Guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Examine my
line before buying. My prices are the lowest, quality
T. C. Taylor
741 Main Street
Phone main 871
r. rpdhtiict
w. uinyuiui, rear of Lee
First class repairing, best materials.
. . . . ,
The bhoemaker is located ug-
Head Read!
We are offering this week some exceptional va'"tifc
heavy all-wool Ingrains. These carpets were Mt t'CwA
irom last years stock and are worth 75c per yd; sa . vj
?7C. You will see some of the patterns in the wj?!
New goods just coming in. Look for September ad-
T esse Za-ilSjn.g-
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::