East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 13, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weathet
Will be dallrered at tour reitdmc
or pUce of builneta by carrier r.t
5c A WEEK.
Hair tonight ami Sunday
NO. 4o'.l7
t-f r r t r r tin ninrmnn v
ruueriy duiuv m&t leai.
50 r Buzan Says That Conver.
of Stock Into Money and Fall
to Give in the Money for Taxes
Account for It.
total valuation placed upon
a county property by the last
nt 1b $5,972,823.64. This
decreaso In the valuation of
taxable property In the county
6 since the assessment of
as the total valuation of
1901 was $6,108,519X0.
W''Wfionly explanation to this de-
i.ns given by Assessor Buzan
the money and livestock is
8? He says he cannot go down
e man s pocket and see what
in H or he cannot go out onto
jEnno and count the number of
i.. horses ana sheep, or other
. He has to take me iax
word for what he has In
omparlson of Figures.
97 the acres of tillable land
county wero 326,763.87. valued
70.535. Non-tillable land, 512
value, $528,067. The number
n and city lots, 9325, value,
Improvements on city lots,
Improvements on lands not
$40,790. Miles of railroad
8.08: -value, $814,750. Tele
and telephone lines, miles,
value, $20,697.75. Rolling
$118,154.20. Stationary en-
manufacturing machinery
Merchandise and stock In
,217,000. Fanning implements,
buggies, $121,020. Money,
Notes and accounts, $107,-
ares of stocks, 2072, value,
uJ. Household furniture,
r- and jewelry, $80,195. Num
cattle. 17.949. value. $196,810.
jfefotg; and mules, 10,001, value,
imm' Sheep, 173.898, value, $217,'
mtrM Swine, 3370. value, $7607. Dogs,
urosa vaiue oi prop-
Exemptions, $16,-
vTlMrtlSjTeBders may get an idea of
tae aeaparauve vaines or ine conn
ty's taxable property, a summary of
the 1901 asseBBment is given below
-Acres-of tillable land, 320.958.97;
rjuue, .,-$1,954,100. Acres of non-tilla.
blo''lasd, 485,803.60; value, $507,137.
Improvements on deeded and patent
ed Jaad, $349,785. Number of town
anfc-clty lots, 8629; value, $384,020,
laajprovements on town and city prop
erty, ff08,619. Improved land not
towied .or patented, $14,095. Miles of
antlil bed. 212.18; value, $817,148
UmKWC telephone and telegraph,
$19,B79.50. Rolling
$110,815.80. Stationary en-
manufacturing machinery.
H$,JW:Merchandi8e and stock in
trade,-$ei6,G55. Farming implements,
WkgeM and carriages, $169,660.
MWioy.aoteB and accounts, $205,460.
Sr87!of stock, 2072, value,. $78,-MuWCt-j
Household goods, furniture,
yatahiitf' and jewelry, $117,020.
ET0?eand mules, 12,708; value,
WXjm. Cattle, 17,053; value. $212.
(M$ffeeop, 185,667; value, $228,805.
swBS.faiZu; value, $ifiK7. Dogs
JMW $110. Gross valuo of property,
rS,lS,819.64. Exemption, $422,597.
8 88.05 ra value,
Passenger Train on the "Frisco" Col
lides With a Fast Freight at Re
public. Springfield, Mo., Sept. 13. A St.
Louis & San Trlsco passenger train
collided with a fast freight near Re
public this morning, killing Fireman
Rose and fatally injuring Engineer
White, seriously injuring the other
engineer and fireman.
Piatt, of New York, Holds a Caucus
With Bosses of Republican Party
to Determine That Question.
New York, Sept 13. Senator Piatt
and leaders and prominent republi
cans, are this afternoon holding a
meeting at .the Fifth Avenue hotel
to arrange the details for tho com
ing state convention. The chief in
terest and point of discussion centers
on whether a plank indorsing Theo
dore Roosevelt for president in 1904
shall bo put in the platform.
Governor Stone and the Offl
cials of the United Mine
Workers Meet,
American Steamer Wins.
New York, Sept. 13. The Ameri
can liner Philadelphia has won the
trans-Atlantic race with the Feurst
BlBmarck. The former arrived thlB
morning, but the latter has not yet
The Feurst Bismarck was sighted
off Fire Island at 1:30, making that
ship 14 hours later than the Amen
can liner.
Strike at Trieste.
Trieste, Sept. 13. The strike of
dock laborers is assuming serious
proportions. Stokes and Lloyds' men
Joined at noon adding 1200 more to
the strikers ranks. The port is cram
med with laden ships.
Visit Tomb of McKinley.
Canton, O., Sept. 13. Mrs. McKln
ley, Mrs. Hobart and son Garrett,
visited the martyred president's tomb
this morning. Mrs. Hobart will be
Mrs. McKinley's guest on the annl'
versary of William McKinley's death,
Telephone Wires- Cut Feared That
Strikers Will Attack Colliery Dep
uties and Police to the Scene.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 13. This
region is again In a furore this morn
ing and the strikers are using vio
lence. Fifteen union bricklayers en
route to vcrk at Parsons, were mis
taken for non-unionists, and were at
tacked by a mob of 75, mostly for
eigners. They stood their ground and"
fight ensued. Frank Staniel, a
striker, was serlouBlj' wounded, and
Beveral others injured. The arrival
of deputies prevented a possible losr
of life. Previous to this tho strikers
disabled a trolley line, stoned the
cars and drove the passengers away,
At midnight the telephone wires of
Henry colliery were cut. Fearing
that it was to be attacked, a big
force of police and sheriff's deputies
hurried to the scene and are now
guarding that colliery.
Great Hopes of the Anthracite Strike
Ending Morgan Also Takes a Part
In the Settlement
Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 13. Tho
conference between Governor Stone
and President Mitchell lasted all
night, the governor retiring at 5
o'clock this morning. President
Mitchell and Faney are on their way
to Wilkesbarre. Tho governor, it is
believed .gave Mitchell and the dis
trict leaders terms on which Morgan
would settle the strike. What they
are Is mere conjecture, hut that some
offer has been made seems' certain.
When the meeting broke up all
conferences with reporters was de
clined, but the following was given
out on a written slip:
"President Mitchell, Fahey, Duffy,
Senator Flynn, Colonel Richardson
and Governor Stone have been in
conference. All differences between
the miners and operators have been
discussed with the object of gaining
the best solution of the trouble.
Later No Proposition Made.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 13. Presi
dent Mitchell, before retiring, after
his arrival this morning, said that
Governor Stone had made no proposi
tion for a settlement of tho strike.
President Mitchell, it is understood,
will issue a statement tonight detail
ing the proceedings of the conference
with Governor Stone last night.
Forests of Western Oregon
and Washington Devastated
by Fire.
value of taxable property
equalized l-y the board
,tion, $5,085,924.64.
on Dollar Peach Crop.
rd, Conn., Sept, 13. The
nc of the Connecticut, nench
nhnrl Its mnvlmnm tMn u'Pfllr
yield in this state will be
pproximately $1,000,000. The
matured well and the quail
riy good. An experimental
ge shipment to London will
the coming week and the re-
lift toRi lq nu.'fiittri Willi .r.itr.
e growers.
Fathers of Such Infants to Be Lashed
With the Knout
. London, Sept. 13. In a dispatch
from St. Petersburg the correspond
ent of the Dally Mail relates that the
commander of the Cossack station at
Warblnck, anxious that his district
should show a preponderance of
males, has ordered that the author
of every girl- baby born in tho dls
trict shall be given 50 strokes with
the knout.
Several men, says the correspond
ent, have already been knouted.
Millions of Feet of Best Oregon Tim
ber Going up In Smoke Fire Rag
ing in Many Places.
Portland, Ore., Sept. 13. Smoke
from forest fires in the Cascade and
coast ranges has become so thick
along tho Willamette and Columbia
rivers as to make navigation perilous,
In the forenoon tho smoke and fog
made It impossible to see clearly
more than 100 yards and steamers
are compelled to run by the compass,
This morning the fires came so near
this city that a layer of ashes and
cinders an elgth of an inch thick was
spread over the entire city.
The fires are raging in all diree
tlons, destroying many millions of
fine timber. Although the United
States government has taken precau
tions to guard against forest fires,
it is believed that not for 20 years
has so much timber been destroyed
in one season. In many cases, barns
and houses in isolated localities have
been destroyed. There has been no
rain, for nearly two mouths, and all
vegetation has become so dry that a
good rainstorm Is the only thing that
will stop the fires.
It is impossible , to estimate the
loss, but already many hundreds of
thousands of dollars worth of timber
has been consumed.
Towns, Logging Camps, Railroads
and Farms Destroyed People Flee
ing for Their Lives.
Portland. Sept 33. Fires all over
the state aro spreading with a prob
ability of many lives being lost. The
situation at Grcsham and In the
Troutdalo districts is considered des
perate as also Is Oregon City. Most
of tho logging camps of the lower
Columbia havo been burned. Tho
whole country Is a sea of flames.
Farmers are spending sleepless
nights fighting the fire and have their
household goods loaded on wagons,
ready to lleo at any moment.
Ashes are still falling In the city,
and tho smoke is so denso ns to ne
cessitate the use of lights. Kavlga'
tion of the Columbia River is delay
ed because of darkness.
In Washington.
Tacoma, Sept. i3. The fires con
tinue throughout the western coast
of Washington with no possibility of
an abatement until a strong wind or
rain comes.
Six lives so far have been lost. All
the Northern Pacific bridges and tres
tles between EInia and Gate City
have been burned. The forests in
Cowlitz and Clarke counties along
the Columbia are ablaze. Tho towns
of Itayvlllo and Iondon, in Chehalls
county aro destroyed.
Thirty squaro miles of timber In
Mason county Is ablaze. It Is im
possible to get details from Gray's
Harbor, as the lines are all down.
Will Release $4,000,000 From the
United States Treasury To Be De
posited With National Danki.
Washington, Sept. 13. Secretary
Shaw announced this morning that
ho had mado arrangements to release
$4,000,000 of tho treasury holdings by
depositing it with those national
banks that possess free or unpledged
bonds, Ho has nlso ordered, to an
ticipate tho October payment of In
terest, $4,250,000. Ho declares that
tliero Is no occasion for alarm over
the present conditions of the United
States treasury.
Morgan and Hanna Now Turn Their
Attention to Religious Business
Will Erect Big Church in Manila.
New York, Sept. 13. J. P. Morgan
and Senator Hanna, with George Mil
lar of this city, James T. Houghtcllng
of Chicago, W. 11. Crocker, of San
Francisco and Samuel Mather, of
Cloveland, are tho signers of a state
ment Issued today asking for funds
for the work of tho Episcopalian
church in the Philippines.
"It is important," says tho state
ment, "that American Christianity
should bo in a position to carry on
sucii work among the natives as will
convince them of tiie benevolent In
tention of the people of tho United
The sum named as sufficient to
yield an adequate and fixed income
is $1,000,000, and Mr. Morgan's hank
ing house will recelvo this sum, tho
signers agreeing to Invest It and pay
out the Income. Of tho $1,000,000
about $75,000 Is in sight, exclusive of
the $148,000 in hand for buildings. It
is said that Mr. Morgan gave $100,000
to build a cathedral at .Manila,
The Guest of Clement Grlscom, Who
Is to Be President of Ship Com
bine. Now York, Sept. 13. Senator Han
na, this morning began a two-days'
holiday as the guest of Clement Grls
com, who is to bo tho president of
Morgan's ship combine, on tho lat-
tor's yacht. Affairs of importanco
are expected to bo discussed, espec
ially legislation bearing upon tho
question of tho ship subsidy and Pan
ama canal.
Said to Rival Many of the
Great Coal Deposits of the
Railroad Will Be Constructed to
Mines and Extensive Mining Will
Begin Upllml'ted Capital Behind
the Promoters.
Tho Morrow county coat discover
ies aro more valuable thnn has over
been thought, even by tho most en-
Says He "Hears Not, Sees Not, and
His Lips Are Sealed."
Boston, Sept. 13. Admiral Schloy,
who has nrrlvod from his summer's
vacation In tho mountains, said:
"I hear not, seo not, nnd my Hps
aro sealed. To mo tho navy Is a
thing of tho past. After a life of ser
vice I nm out of it and done with It"
Failed to Swim Channel.
Dover, Eng., Sept. 13. Tho English
swimmer Holmes, who failed to swim
the English Channel a fortnight ago
made another attempt yesterday. A
storm arose and compelled him
leave thu water after two hours.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, Sept. 13. Whoat-72?',.
Government Unable
Isthmus Road Open
iv wpvvv uivmitvm.
a congressional candidate to
tr n t l ... . .. .i.ii
t . uiunn uw. i.iiu luiiiiini-
, i, i) ' 'nniw nrA Rnvnrn
1 .
In Memory of McKinley.
Buffalo, Sept. 13. While cities and
towns throughout tho country will
observe the first anniversary tomor
row of the death of President McKin
ley, the city of Buffalo, where the
lamented president breathed his last,
will give perhaps the most striking
evidenpe of the general feeling. In
pursuance of a request issued by
Aiayy .Knight, public and private
buildings will display half-masted
flag's. There will be public memorial
exercises with prominent speakers,
and nearly every church in the city
will hold special services.
Keep the
Washington, Sept, 13. Consul
Malmross cabled the state depart
ment this afternoon from Colon that
the insurgent army was advancing
on the city. He greatly fears that
the government will be unable to
keep open the Isthmian traffic. Sec
retary of the navy 'Immediately cabl
ed Commander Mclean, of tho cruis
er Cincinnati, who will land what
marines he has and endeavor to pro
tect the American Interests till tho
arrival of the Panther.
Panther to Sail Monday.
Washington, Sopt. 13. The Pan
ther will sail from league Island
navy ard Moiiday with 300 marines
ror uoion. Tiie navy department an
nounces Its intention to keen war
ships at Colon and Panama to pre
vent a bombardment. By sending
these marines th United States will
have a sufficient force to keep trans
Isthmian traffic open and to maintain
Fire at Beaumont Now Under Con
trol One Acre a Mass of Flames
Forty Derricks Destroyed.
Beaumont, Texas, Sept. 13, Tho
oil fire stands still at noon. Ono ncro
of splndlc-top heights Is a mass of
flames and 40 derricks have boon de
stroyed, the oil being thrown from
tho bottom of Higgins' 37,000-barrel
tank will In time starve the flames.
The Texas Flora gusher is still
ablaze and throwing flames 80 feet
Ten houses and six mills were
burned at Elam, Wash., yesterday.
Causes Frightful Explosion
eer Seriously Injured.
Pittsburg, Sept. 13. Three lank
cars of gabollue aro a (I re on the West
Pennsylvania railroad at KIskemena
tas Junction. A freight train ran in
to one, wrecking tho engine and caus
ing a frightful explosion. The engi
neer was seriously Injured. Consid
erable property Is endangered by the
Mayberry Dropped His Purse Before
Robber Reached Him and the Free
booter Only Received 75 Cents.
Another hold up took placo In Pon
oloton last night. Whllo Harry May,
berry, a sheophorder from Pilot Rock
and a companion, wero walking along
Webb street Just opposite tho W. &
u. It railroad stock yards, about
o'clock, a masked highwayman np
proached thorn from the roar and pro
seining an ugly-looking gun. orders
their hands up, and they oboyed. Tho
robber received tho sum of 75 cents
for his trouble
It was a sort of intuition on tho
part of Mayberry, however, that pre
vented tho robber from getting nioro,
When tho highwayman rcadB this
statement, ho will doubtless kick
himself for not being quicker In his
work. Whllo Mayberry and his com
panlon wero walking along. Mayhor
ry heard footsteps upproarhlng from
the rear. Tho thought struck him
that he was going to bo held up, lie
took a woll-lllled purse from his
pocket and cautiously dropped It
down by tho sidewalk without stop
ping. Beforo going half a dozen
i(tops further the robber overtook
them and took tho only 75 cents re
malnlng In Aiayberry's pocket. Ills
companion had no money. Tho sheep
border afterwards returned and so
cured his puiso, containing tho
Papers were also luken from tho
persons of the men held up, hut thoy
were of no value. Tho officers urn
working at tho case, but as the Ao-
scripuon oi mo robber is meagor,
moro is not much nope of bis cap
Officials Deny the Charge.
Norfolk, Va., Sopt. 13. The offic
ials of tho Chesupoako & Ohio today
denied any discrimination a gainst
mo shipment of piovlslons shipped
to miners, and characterize tho con
Kplracy charge of tho tho United
anno workers as absurd,
Tho discovery moans for Eastorn
Oregon ai d tho Pacific Northwest
moro than tho discovery of gold.
George Consor, ono of tho host
posted men connected with tho mines
stated In Portland yeatorday that de
velopments had brought out great
surprises to tho promoters. Tho vlons
nro broadonlng with depth and the
quality of tho coal Is not only Im
proving, hut Is of a bettor grade thnn
wns over anticipated.
Some of tho coal Is now thought
to he nuthracito and ono of tho vein
Is turning out n splendid quality of
coking coal. As a steam coal tho
tests have shown Morrow county coal
to bo a suporlor quality. Tho pros
pects are that In a short time a vast
mining region will bo opened thoro.
nnd the whole Pacific Northwest will
ho supplied from tho Morrow county
mines. Largo plants will ho put In
at nnco nnd n railroad will be Built
to the mines early In tho ne.w year.
Men of means have Investigated
tho situation nnd have offerod tho
promoters unlimited hacking. Thu
railroad will bo extended from llep
nor up Willow Creuk at an early date.
It Is claimed that tho road will bo
put through with a rush nnd may he
complotod by January 1. Tho domand
for fuel warrants speedy action In
opening up those coul fields to the
One of tho veins has dovolopod into
a 12-foot vein nnd this is thn ono that
Is thought to bo anthracite. Tho
soven-foot voln contains good coking
coal. Thoro aro a number of veins
of fino grado coal, but tho two largo
veins havo reached tho greatest stage
of development and huvo been moro
thoroughly tested than tho coal from
tho smaller veins, It Is claimed by
persons in a position to know that
tho discoveries In Morrow county will
rival many of tho grentust coul fields
In tho LIlBt.
Eastern capital was quick to boo
tho Importance of this discovery and
havo already boon free In making In
vestigations and offorlug capital. "It
Is not a case of boom, but an Impor
tant dlsrovory of a solid resource to
tho country," said u prominent citi
zen yorlordny. "With coal und oil
and gold added to hor resources East
orn Orogon truly deserves the mnno
of Inland Empire."
Fourteen Jews Killed in Hunuary,
and More Trouble Anticipated.
Vionnu, Austria, Sept. 13. In an
antl Hemetlc uprising yesterday at
Czcnstnhnu, Hungary, 14 Jews and
ino olllror were killed, and 13 wero
wounded. Troops nro being hurried
to the scene.
Boers Emigrate to Madagascar.
Paris, Sept. 13. It Is repoited that
ex-State Secretary Iteltz and other
Boer Irreconcllables have decided to
emigrate to the Island of Madagascar.
People of New York Protest.
Now York, Sept. 13. A big public
mass mooting to bo held nt Madison
Square Garden tonight, will protest
against tho refusal of tho coal oper
ators to arbitrate.
To Consider Per Diem Car Charoe.
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 13.-Members
of thu Hallway Transportation A (iso
lation are gathering In lluffalo for
an linitortant mooting, Tho chief
subject to ho considered Is tho per
lloui car chargo systtnu in practical
operation. It Is expected that sta-
Ictlcs will bo submitted showing thu
exact working of the new method,
which wont Into uffoct July 1. He-
ports thus far received show that thn
argcr railroad systems havo been ob
liged to Increuso their clerical forces
nil huvo Incurred other oxpeuues In
onnectloii with tho per diem plan
that havo tended to create somo dis
satisfaction with tho nuw system.
News From
Washington, Sopt,
Potter's gunboat, luu
under Pa
nama date yttsturday cahioa. tho nuvy
dopaitmcnt the followfmipj'ltev'nlu
lloulstu aro now near railroad lluo
Hltuutlou serious. Isthmian tumult
still open, however