nZaaaalatfK! OassiHed Advertisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORD8 TO THE LINE. Is Catcts and Societies I-AND TRADE8. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. ANS. FFICE IN JUDD 10 to 12 a. m.; Red S71. ffiifDESPAm BLOCK. tGnmtmlWG ironoira, iraiar- is 4S1 Impaired hearing. W 'lrte"yfor refractive er tSWMn 1181. kWH.i OFFICE OVER TflB rMii Mil. leiepuone, oui MIS BUI. Tens : iIJn nnifcnnlfn, 'itterai an5 surgeon. Office In iaaa Be. 're' X iw.- ItejsMe 11 UlMMaaB IHBBaES 1 naaaatKiBaWM nsraaswRin aaw rats-. Office, black priYSICIAN AND .20, Judd building. nee 'pnone, oiaca OM 17 ASSOCIA- Main 031 ; resi- Cl. N. PHYSICIAN tics eye, ear, nose Tings isans duiiq- IICIANS. DBS. one block west 1 tJi'Tf KB, cnnoNic Ms liases and diseases or wo- Hotel "lMton, cor. Or. Water Phone ft hmn.;iwiiiiT, OFFICE IN Idlcg. .TfcewJted 71. kDWWMHP.' OFFICE IN AS block. rBcb.mldt's new drug oni Be WIVtt "TECTftjb BUILDERS. ",WAttD..-ARCHn,F.CT AND BTJ--daoH. afcea,ifcomplete and relln- for bulldlnaavtn the city or coun- tnilT'-3a.BHdlns. S: RACTOIIS AND nrnlshed on abort neclnlty. Prompt street near Main. OR AND HUILD- Ished on all kinds Iks. stone walls etc. xa atjJlaii;Orei;onlan office. BROKERS. mm RANK OF ATflENA, 160,000: surplus and t 03 time deposits. Domestic exchange. attpmleri t-n- TTpnpT ST. J. Kirk, vlce-presl-1 ;i cashier: F. a. Le- FRATERNAL ORDERS. UOYAL NKIOnnORB OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets second ad fourth Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellowa' hall. Mn. Ida nolcomb, Oracle: Mr. Nettle Robblni, Recorder. TIMATILLA TENT. NO. 27. K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All t.ttinr. ntr iCnlt-hta eordlallv Invited. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. TOVnr.ETON LODGE. NO. 52. A. F. AND A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month, visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. 11. ; Joe u. i-arses, ec. rnNDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, H. P., F. F. Wamsley, secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic Hall. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. F. Nowlln. C. C: R. W. Fletcher, K. of R. and S. Meets every Monday In Secret Society Mall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Tutnllla Camp, No. B3!9. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' nail. George A. Hamblln, Con sul : G. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF TnE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp. no. 41. w. of W. are held In 8ecret Society nail every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk : J. P. Earl, C. C. ATTORNEYS. BALLERAY A VcCOtJRT. LAWYERS, Asso ciation Building. CARTER AND RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office In Savings Bank Building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AT Law. Room 14 Association Blk., Pen dleton, Oregon. HENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association Block, Pendleton, Oregon. S. BERKELEY. ATTORNEY Office In Association Block. AT LAW, E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Court street L. B. REEDER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. JAMF.S A. FEE. LAW OFFICE IN JUDD Building. STILLMAN AND PIERCE. ATTORNEYS at Lnw. Mr. Stlllman has been admitt ed to practice In United States patent of fices and makes a specialty of Patent Law. Rooms, 10, 11, 12, and 13 Association Block. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TnE OLD SEMPLE FEED YARD, 723 Cottonwood street Lindsay ft Doty props. Llverv, feed and ssle stable. Sad dle horses at all times. Horses for Bale. 'Phone Red 41. IYINGS BANK PEN rcanlzed March 1 0 : surplus $00,000 time deposits. Ex Id on all principal itlon clven to col !sh. nresldent : J. N. (ait; jr. J. Morris, 'cashier. K OF WESTON. T"nrraaMi Does a general Dan Jt san-haswe boncht and sold, e promptly.' attended to. R. Hbrealdeat !jeorce W. Proe betel if'tnt: !j9lKlIgore, cashier: dl- ' Al'BiHii. M. M. Johns. T. .'Bnr2ja. F. Kllgore, Robert "1. w. Preeeetel ITIONATjV BANK OF PENDLE- , rpltIVf-$W,f00:, $05,000, "In -flWiiMMLl -?tinnlilni? htlfllness. Ex- China,, Japan and Europe. Makes on treasouanie terms. Levi An 3:"WaeTe.iffashlcr; n. C. Guern- "latrCMRter, tPHOTQSAPHERS. WMAN.tiHIADING PnOTOGRA- I tbstieltr.!. narvest views. In o for; ajfje. Finishing done for I jiala.'WS.wnear bridge. 'Phone ECTRfjCAL 8UPPLIES. :tR0a"0URT STREET, LA ck. Electricians, dealers In elec- pMs.., Safnes, stores, wired for rhts. Mm or telephones. Elec- area ct all kinds. Get our prices ra b aimiaicy. -V-1' tNCE tal LAND BUSINESS. FARMS, OFFICE COURT ST. 1 GoMea Rule hotel: land office sncb1 Jlling of claims and Inl itesta a specialty. UL?7lJn.. U. S. LAND COM- iiy maae or isna ni inrance and collections. aiding, room 16. T HHU BTaajfaRci laWH MaWA CARRIAGES. ACK. NEW AND VERY the service of the public. Jas. H. McKay, prona. erclal Livery Stable or ,ji ana the nact win call ' -4 TnE PITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Stable. M. J. Cnrnev. proprietor, for One turnonts. Stable 118 Alta street COMMERCIAL STABLES. O. W. FROOME Prop. Livery. Feed and Boarding. All kinds of tnrnonts. Competent drivers. Op posite notel Pendleton. 'Phone Main 101. DEPOT LIVERY. FEED AND SALES Ktables. Flrat-clnss slnele and double rigs for all occasions. 027 Cottonwood St, 'phone Main 701. Elvln Craig, prop. "lie told nie he caught a fish three feet long;." "Ho told me he caught one six feet long." That shows that he thinks you are twice as big a fool as I am." COMMERCE-TRADE OREGON FEED YARD. W. T. BOYNTON Prop. Special care plven to horses left with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone Red 204 BOARD AND LODGING. THE STRAHON ROOMING HOUSE. MAIN St., Mrs, Ri A. Strahon, prop. Nice large ell kept rooms In new building, with rood clean beds. rnE WHITE LODGING nOUSE. 301 Bon'th Main street. M. T. Bradley, prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Hood comfortable rooms and clean, well ept beds. Lodging 25 cents. EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE. CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets: poods isree. clean room with comfortable beds, tntefi 25c and COr a night. Tbos. Smart Prop. nOTEL ALTA. CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board bv the oav or wees. Good table set. Rates 4 and 15 per weeK Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. u Neff. proprietor. TONSORIAL PARLOR8. BILLY KRA8SIO. BARBER SHOP AND BATH rooms.. Onnle Hotel St. George. Good workmen. Everything In the beat sanitary oonmtion. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. L. GREKNAWALT), TnB OLB RELIABLE Shoemaker. First ola reoa'rlne with bst rnnterifila. Bhoo In rear of oinninger, wuson JOHN WILSON. FIRST CLAPS SHOW- tnakea and repairer. Best material nsed snd good work done. Shop 117 Alta street FOR SALE. FOR BALE A DAVID BRADLEY ALL-STEEL BsvBler: for sole at a bargain. J. B Dei- paln, Uklah. Oregon. ERWIN BAKER. PROP. 853. Stand In front of 1AND DEALER8. IEL, NEW AND SECOND light and sold. Court St.. kk. Call and see blm. I DEALER IN SECOND (f there u anything yon second band furniture. are and crockery, call and Vi court Nt. &KSMITHING. ION FOR WHEAT RACKS bt In town. 314 Webb St' FOR SALE GASOLINE ENGINE. WITH pipes, tanks and Ottlnn. reartv to oper ate, five to six horse power. Economical In the nee of fnel. Price $250. Eaat Ore conlan office. Pendleton. FOR SALE AT THE EAST OREOONIAN office, targe hnndlee of newspapers, con taining over 100 big papers eaa be ob tained for 2ft cents a bnodle. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED nOt'PEKKEPINQ rooms and sin le room. 71 Collero street, opposite court houso. Mrs. Alice Smith, Prop. FOR RENT-FIVE ROOV fOTTAOE OS CLAY street, between Webb and Railroad. Inquire of Jw B. Welch, 120 Court street. WANTED. WANTED GENTLEMAN BOARDERS BY TITE week: good table eet. Mm N. J. Longley, 302 Water street, cornerJohnston. WANTED NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. Apply at tbli office. Local Market Prices. The following shows the prices paid on the local market: Pineapples, $6 a dozen. Watermelons, $5 a dozen. Muskmelons, $3 a dozen. Tomatoes, 5 cents per pound. Peaches, 10 cents per pound. Apricots, 10 cents per pound. Plums, three boxes for 25c, String beans, 6c per pound. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 3c per pound. Cheese, per pound, 20c. Onions, 3c per pound. Green onions, 25c dozen. Beets, per pound, lc. New Potatoes, lVlto per pound. Garlic, 12c per pound. Pendleton Live Stock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, per doz., $2.50 to S3.50. Turkeys, per lb., 10c Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., 12.50 and 3. Ducks, per doz., $3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 20c in trade. Butter, 25c and COc per roll. Choice Beef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.1003.25. Steers, $3.753.85. Hogs, live, $C. Hogs, dressed, 8c. Calves, dressed, 89c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb; next grade, 35c per lb; lower grades coffee, 25c to 15c per lb package coffee, 15c per lb. Rice Best head rice, 12c per lb; next grade, 8 l-3c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $5.25 per sack; do., 10 lbs. $1. Salt, coarse, $1 per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour, B. B. $3.25 per bbl. Flour, Walter's, $3.25 per bbl. Skins, Hides and Pelts, Portland, Sept. 11. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 25 35c; medium wool, 30 COc; long wool, C0c$l each. Hides Dry hides, No. t, 16 pounds and up, 1515VSc per pound; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry calf, No. 1, under 6 pounds, 10c; dry salt ed bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, CO pounds and over, 89c; 50 tn 60 pounds, 78c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and hulls, sound, 5c; kip, sound, 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse hides, salted, each $i.b0z; dry, each, $l 1.50; colt's hides, each, 2550c; goat skins, common, each, 10 15c; An gora, with wool on, each, 25c$l. Pelts Bear skins as to size, No. 1, each, 15.020; cubs, $2G; badger, each, 1040c; wildcat, 2560; house cat, 510c; fox, common gray, each, 3050c; do red, each, $1.5002; do cross, each $56; do silver and black, each $100200; fisher, each, $G6; lynx, each, $2,3; mink, strict lyly No. 1, each, 60$1.50; marten, pale pine, accordlngto size land color, $1.E02; muskrats, large, each, 50 10c; skunk, each, 4050c; civet or polecat, each, 510c; otter, for large prime skins, each, $57; panther, with head and claws perfect, each $23; raccoon for large prime, each, 3050; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each. $3,500)5; wolf, prairie, (coyote), wtihout head, each, 3035c; wolverine, each, $47; beaver, per skin, large, $5C; do medium, $304; do small, $11.50; do kits, fi075c. The hops were contracted by Port land dealers at 12 cents a pound. Inasmuch as their value Is at least 10 cents a pound above that figure, the dealers have landed a cool profit of about $1500 on tho lot. It goes hard with tho grower these days to lino tho pockets of tho dealer with gold in this fashion, but the dealer must havo the money. Tho market does not yet know where It Is at, and no trading Is re ported. Everybody Is waiting for the other fellow to move first and set a precedent for values to work on. Just now there Is no telling at whnt figure the market will open, but tho top fig ure will probably be between 22 and 25 cents per pound. Tho market does not generally get under way until most of the contracts arc filled, and this time will come probably early next month. It Is not believed that there will bo so many "shorts" as there were last year. It there are any this season their Identity has not yet been revealed. The Eastern market rules dull. Advices from New York yesterday were to tho effect that everybody there waB waiting for U ture developments. The total Oregon crop will proba bly be between 85,000 and 90,000 bales. October will be a busy month In trading, and it is expected that by November 1 about 30,000 bales will have been moved. Last year at that. time 20,000 bales had been moved The crop last season was 73,000 bales of which 64,000 were shipped to mar ket by rail and 9000 by water. TWO LINES, 1 time 15c 2 time 20c 1 week 30c Extra lines: 10 cents each THREE LINES, 1 time Ma 2 times SOo 1 week 45c a week; 23 cent line per month. MISCELLANEOUS. STRAYED FROM PAST t'RK BAY GKt.niNO. black polnt:ftyent old: weight about 1J00 branded "A I." on right hip: email silt In right ctr. Ten dollar reward will be paid for horse or Information leading to recovery. G. K. Mc Clctlnn, Pendleton, Ore. KELLAR BROTHERS, PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a spe cialty. Estimates fnrnlshed free. Wo guaranteed. Leave orders at Badley ai Zahner'a cigar store. Main St., V. O. tH 104. WOOD SAWING, CONTRACT WORK A. It. Stephens. Ileaduartera at Gravs Harbor Commercial Co., and Nenm.m's Cigar Store. Tnonoa Black 124 and Main 021. TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0.R.&N. OREGON SHORT LINE and UNION PACIFIC TYPEWRITERS AND HUITI.IES-F. 8. MF.U. rill, Spokane, sgent New Pemmorc for Kin em Oregon. Fatorn Wahlnglon and Idaho. Second-hand typewriter, iiippllct, renting, repairing. ca and elsewhere as tho jurisdiction of the Sovereign Oraud Lodge ex tends to every civilized country of tho world whero tho Odd Fellows has se cured a footing. Though the dele gates proper to tho Sovereign Grand Lodge meeting number but several hundred those In attendance always Includes thousands of Odd Fellows. Patriarchs Militant, Sisters of Ho bokah and other branches of tho order. COLUMBIA SOUTHERN GRAIN. Will Carry 20,000 Tons More 'Than Last Year Out of Sherman County, Portland, Sept. 12. President Ly tie, of the Columbia Southern rail road, expects his line to carry 75,000 itons of wheat and wheat products out of Sherman county this year, Last season the road carried out only about 55,000 tons. Tho increase of this season's crop Is noarly 50 per cent over that of last year. Most of the increase Is in tho southern half of the county, too, so tho Colum bla Southern will get a longer haul than it had on the traffic of last year. And the O. It. & N. reduction of 10 per cent In tho Columbia valley will apply to Biggs Junction, thus cutting off about 25 cents a ton on nil wheat brought to Portland. Less than 4000 tons of flour and millstuffs were brought out of Slier man county last year, but this year's exports will be materially greater, for two more mills will bo In operation There was but one mill shipping last year, now thero Is a second mill at Wasco, with a dally capacity of 200 barrels of flour, and a now mill at Moro, capable of turning out 150 bar rels a day. These will soon bo In op eration and thero Is certainly wheat enough to keep them going all tho year. The harvest of Sherman county will not he. completed until woii In to October. Most of tho heading Is now done, hut It will take weeks to finish the threshing. Tho farmers aio very prosperous, and many now settlers are going Into tho southern part of the county. This will glvo additional grain acreage next year. HOPS ARRIVING. One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars Made on First Consignment, Portland, Sept, 12, Oregon hops ore already coming to market. Eighty- eight bales arrived In Portland yes terday from the yards 6f Ed Hall, of Harrlshurg, and C. C. Hayes, of Junc tion City. They are "Fugglo" hops. an early variety. The hops are on the East Side in tho Southern Pacific warehouse. Receipts of the product will Increase from now on. This 88- bale quantity is tho first large ship ment to arrive In Portland. 1 Odd Fellows Arriving at Des Moines. Des MolneB. la., Sept. 12. Crowds of men wearing tho familiar Insignia of the three links in their coat lapels are to he encountered at every turn on tho strets of Des Moines today, They arc tho advance guard of dele gates to tho Sovereign Grand Lodge meeting to he held here during tho coming week. The large number of early arrivals Is taken as an Indlca tlon that tho attendance will eclipse all estimates, Hotels and boarding houses aro rapidly tilling and many private residences havo heen thrown open for the acommodatlou of the visitors, Delegates numbering In tho hundreds aro already here from Illi nois, Indiana, Nebraska. Minnesota, Kansas and other states and word has been received at tho convention headquarters that special trains aro on their way hearing largo numbers of visltoiH from tho East, the South and from California, Washington, Ore gon and othPr status of tho far West, Not only will every state and territory of tho Union bo represented at tho gathering, but fraternal delegations aro to ho present from England, Gor many, Canada, Mexico, South Amerl- Massacre of Paoli, West Chester, Pa., Sept. 12. Ex tensive preparations are being mado for tho observance of the 12fith anni versary of the massacro of Pnoll next week, and If good weathor shall pre vail the monument grounds, near Malvern, where U10 celebration will take place, will swarm with sovoral thousand people, including prominent members of the Sons and Daughters of tho American Revolution and var ious other patriotic societies. Tho program will consist of patriotic music and addresses by several ora tors of note. It wns on tho night or September 20, 1777, that tho troops commanded by General "Mad An thony" Wnyno, retreating from tho battle of Urnndywlne, woro surprised by the British general, afterward known as "FlIntleBS Gray." Tho Brit ish general forbade his men to firo a shot, ;ind to mako suro of It took their flints away, whence his nick name "Fllntless." Tho night was In tensely dark, mid the Hessians fell upon tho Amorlcans without n mo ment's warning, nnd bayonettod them, only tho genius of General Wayno saving tho entire nrmy. After tho Continental troops had retreated, tho sick and wounded wore cruelly put to death and the camp burned. On the following day 53 of tho victims were burled In 0110 grave and during tho remainder of the revolution tho battlo cry which Mired the hearts and strengthened the arms 01 tho patriots was "Itemomber Paoll." In J 877, Just 100 years after tho masacro, tho present monument wns erected over the spot where the patriots wcro hurled. It lb a modest shaft of Quln- cy granite, surrounded by an Iron railing, nnd appropriately Inscribed. rarAar Tlum SoliMulo nun roa From I'imhIIpIoii raow Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. Purtland Worth. Omaha, Kan Special City, Bt. Louis, i-M p. m. Chicago and Kaat. vU Hunt ington. Atlantlo Salt Lnko, Denver, Ft. Kxpreis Worth, Omsha, Kan- 6:ua m. sna City, St. i.oill, 1I!I0 p. a, via Hunt- Chicago and Eait. ' Ingtou, m Walla Walla,Lewlnton, Spokano, Wallace g "A a m Pullman. Mlnueapo 8.15a. m, Hi rt. Paul, Dululii, -P-- Milwaukee, Chicago Spokane. ,,, Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates sub- imn m Jt'Ct to change. ivnn m S:00p. m. rorSanFrnncUco 0m. Ball every i days. , I)iliF s9r Co,umbU ,,lfer ) P.m. 8:00 p m. To Aitorla and Way Sunday Hatunlay Landings. 10 MO p. m. Wtllnmotto Hivor. Boats leavo Trtland dally, oieept Bandar, fatnge ot wator permitting) for V lllamaUe and Yamhill Itlvi-r points. ICave Leave""" ltlpsvla Bnakft lllver Lewtatoa 4 J04 a. m. Illparla to Lcwlaton 7 tt a. m. Tavllsr Dm- EicptMon Kicpt Meal F. F. WAM8LKY, Agent, Pendleton, firm 3 Battel&hip Iowa Aground. Now York, Sept. 12. Tho United States battleship Iowa Imb run aground near Capo Nossa Sonhora de Desterro and tho Island of MIlo, ca bles tho Herald correspondent nt Hlo do Janeiro, Brazil, Tho Iowa had just finished target praetlco and was returning to Friars Islnnd, Tho Ilia- zlllan minister of marine has ordered warship to go to tho aid of tho Iowa. Capo Nossa Sonhora do Des terro Is on tho Island of Santa Cath- arlnn, 1C0 iiiIKm uMithwui tf Kin ; Janeiro. The Island is about half way letween Montevideo, Uruguay, and 1 uu) an Janeiro, tiio lowa is tno nag- r 1 ship of tho South Atlantic squadron, lal I TO UU near Admiral (ieorgo W. Hummer is n command of the South Atlantic sta tlon. Captain Thomas Perry com mands the Iowa. Tho crulsor Atlanta is tho only other watshlp In tho South Atlantic squadron. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Curs, Elegant Dining Girs, Tourist Sleeping Curs. fBr. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH KAIIUO TO UtHAND KORKU OROOICSTON WINNEPKO HELENA mid L BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WAHHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YOHK UOBTON anil all pointa East ami Bouth Through tickets to Japan and China, via Tacoina and Northern I'nclflc Hteamahlp Co, and American lino. TIMK SCIIKDUI.K. Trains leave Pendleton iUIIv eirtl Bund at7Wlp. m. For further Information, lime cards, map and ticket, call on or write W. Adama. Pan. dleton, Oregon, or A. 1). OHAKLTOh. Third and MorrUon HU Portland. Or. Washington & Columbia River International Cricket. Philadelphia, Pa.. Sept. 12. Tho series of fontests to determine tho In ternational cricket championship com menced today on the Gcriuuutowu creases and LOtiHlileiahlo Intel oki Is manifested In the result by lovers Take this route for Chicago, Ht. Paul, Ht. Louis, ICuu. huh City, Ht. Joe, Omaha., and f tho game. Though tho Canadian ''fiWi'fA All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound TIMK tlAKD. Leave Pendleton, dally except Sunday al 1M. pin. Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday and Arrive Pemtieton Tuesday, Thursday ant team Is not to Htioug this year ns In Saturday lows am former yeais the players showed up Leave Walla Walla datlr.eaat bound, pra. well 111 the opening and apparently "' w" WaJla dally, westbound, tlOaia. they will hi- able to glvn tho I'hllu will he uhl( dclphla team a liuril tussle for tho hampfonshlp honors, Tho contesets will be concluded to morrow. For Information resardlnv ratoa and acootaw oiudatlona, (.ail oil or aililreaa V. AIIAMB, Agent, Pendleton. Oreron. ,8 U. OALDKUIIKAD.fl. P. A., ' Walla Walla, Waah. MAMunAr. neao"rarDC,rb"oupiDENB .a,wH.lnmm. W Via rVKU I WntL"ril4 Kr.alVen.U, rou 01 aa ppjggK ...., .iiuiriMcni'ufiif,iaiduuiua rrencu pnyaw-ian, win quicKijrcure 3 I. .air "c..,u..jc uiv-mi-vui tug Kt-ur-ruuvu organ, aucn a l,os injiutu, SMaouikua. -feS J;m'"" llBck.kiriuliiul lliulailum, Nrrmui lirltlllly, a'liuatlea ! 'tim ;aIIMeliJIrrj, Kaliullutf itralna, Varlr'l. inl Cuiiallainlluai, aRsaW liktoiutalMiuuKijyrlaroriiialiL I'n-veo'jiuuloLiiiMiif illiunri- l,lciilliioltlic-ktJ -'V-sW Jlatoiutall liuuxijydaroriiialiL I'n-veo'jiuuloLiiiMiif dKcliunri,.ulili.iilriiutLliixJi lewla 10 hirjjii,rrJ,u.'UiiiI ud tlm Imrrurs of liuixifncy. rdltKNilt'lvaaawilbe , . . - ..... u j n h.w ,MV unwti; wife W il IUil(Ul,H-4. IUI 1111,41, at.OUa HHHf and rtatores small wi-kb: iirguna. ' mi.. r.KSuHf re ciirw ny n--inr,,ll-cutwl-rrt-nts(i trouuim with froatatllilav PiJri,f,.&BJt,IeAu? ""' rnuriii-! if s ilruot tUucl a inimuuwiit euro. SLMaboxtoria V waji. nviiu l"r riia, I. firi-iiiHr hiiu n-.lln,f)l'i. a. iurtuiMi"i, -.,., i n Mar sva, hui rruicHrn. cai- BOLD BV TALLMAN 4 CO.. DHL) GQI8T8, PENDLETON, OREGON.