East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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There is an army of School Soys and Girls to be sup
plied with tablets, ink, pencils, pens, pen holders,
etc., during the coming week, and we have the best
line of School Supplies for the money in town.
m Brock & McComas Company S
Putnam Bradley Stroni; ant: May
Yohe are pradually coming to the end
of their rope. Truly, the wapes of sin
is death.
They can tell tholr story .backwards,
forward begin In the middle or at
either end and see It clearly and won
j der why the blinded world cannot
see It. A few of the 'worst affected
even agitate these questions In the
.-est prosperous times, but they are
more popular when the people are
stirred up over panics or other unfor
tunate conditions when their minds
are open to anything without the pale
of common sense.
The St. Louis council scandal Is de
veloping even into deeper corruption
than first rumors put It A whole- w, Oovernor Stone uo lt or not
ionic example nnoum. ana uauDUcu now the ueaUon? The mners w
.will, be made of Uuse boodlers. walt on him through a committee and
A bull in Kentucky tackled a rail- ask him t0 0311 a special session of
road train. The train was derailed, j tne legislature for the purpose of
the engineer and flremeu were killed , navln Iaws passed compelling the
and the engine and tec cars were de
molished. It is not stated what be
came of the bull.
settlement of differences between la
borers and employers by arbitration.
It w!!I also be urged at the same spe
cial session, if called, to repeal the
Poor old Spain met Uncle Sam by j present law giving railroads a right
land and sea, her boy king went crazy, to carry on a mining business. There
a cyclone devastated a part of the Is no question but that laws may be
country and now she has a strike.
The sins of Spain cling to her, even
unto many generations.
Panama has become slack about ,
observing certain treaties, but Uncle
Sam has sent the battleship "Wiscon
sin over to see if he can persuade her
to not forget these little agreements.
Panama is not now rubbing up against
a small band of revolutionists.
A number of preachers have com
mitted suicide within the past few
weeks and several have gone Insane.
Ih-ink and dissipation can not be
charged as the cause of this. The
ways of nature are wonderful, and
none are spared when her laws are
violated, whether lt be saint or sinner.
It is now announced that the beef
trust Is thoroughly organized and will
begin operations as. soon as the fall
elections are over. Something has
already been operating sufficiently to
place beef beyond the reach of the
most of the poor people In the cities.
What will it do when the trust gets
in real operation?
Stories of the degradation of the
nobility continue to crop out. The
title, nobility, is a mockery and a
farce. What is known as the nobility
Is a decayed race. True nobility only
may be found now among nature's
noblemen, who earn an honest living
and realize that they are no better
than othsr men who are honest and
The Seattle Times sends out a
marked editorial warning people not
to co to Valdes until spring. What
ever aso the Seattle Times has to
grind, and it Is charged that the
Times always has one ready, that pa
per may rest assured that the people
of this section are not worrying over
Valdes. hades or any other foreign
sountry. They are perfectly satis
fled right here, thank you.
"Great Is Marconi. Ho thinks he has
now solved the wireless telegraph sys.
tem and made it possible to commu
nlcate by his system between Europe
and America with success. The ad
vancement of science is one of the
greatest wonders of modern times.
One would not be surprised now at
the accomplishment of anything. The
flying machine and the discovery of
the north pole are looked upon as
certainties at no distant day.
There Is a certain class of fanatics
that believe in certain ranatlc theo
ries who Imagine they see them so
clearly that If any one differs from
.them they think he Is a fool. So
cialists, free-lovers, prohibitionists
and Christian Scientists may be
placed as prominent among this class.
passed beneficial to the settlement
of labor troubles, but no law cun be
passed that will stand, that will give
one class an advantage over another,
or to compel any American citizen to
sacrifice his personal rights, or labor
when he does not desire to do so, or
employ men or pay them more wages
than he can auord. Laws are often
used for oppression, but they should
not be passed with that view.
By Sam L. Simpson.
(Dedicated to the memory of
George E. Strong, a brilliant young
Journalist, formerly of the Oregonian
staff, who, lmaginig that he heard
beautiful strains of music and sweet
voices calling him, wandered away
from a camp in the Cascade mountains
while his companions were sleeping
and was utterly lost, no trace of him
dead or alive having ever been
The camp fire, like a red night rose,
Blossomed beneath a gloomy fir;
When weary men in deep repose,
Heard not the gentle night wind
The priestly robes high over head
Heard not the wild brook's wailing
Nor any nameless sounds of dread,
Which to the midnight woods be
long. The moon sailed on a golden bark,
Astray In lilied purple seas;
And forest shadows weirdly dark.
Were peopled with all mysteries;
And all was wild and drear and
xVround that lonely bivouac,
Where mountains, rising range on
Shouldered the march of progress
The red fire's fluttering tongues of
Whispered to brooding darkness
And spectral shapes without a name
Were hovering In the haunted air;
And from the fir tree's inner shade,
A drear owl, sobbing forth his rune
Kept watch and mounrful homage
At Intervals unto the moon.
The travelers dreamed on serene,
' Save one, whose brow, curl-swept,
I Was damp from agony within;
! Who tossed and murmured as he
i slept,
The fretful fire-light on his face,
Wavered and danced In fitful play,
Until the old enchanting grace
Of young ambition on It lay.
The glamor of the rosy light
The heavy lines concealed.
And trembling shadows of the night
Beyond him, like sad spirits, kneel
ed; For his had been the lustress gift
Of genius lent by God to fow,
The splendid Jewel wrought by swift
Angelic art of fire and dow.
But like the pearl of Egypt's queen,
Twas drowned In pleasure's crim
son cup,
And lo, Its amethystine sheen,
In baleful vapors curling up,
Soon wreathed his brain In that dark
That has no kindred seal of woo;
And phantoms that with Oreus dwell,
In mystic dance swept to and fro.
Swept to and fro and maddened him
With gestures wild and taunts and I
And waved the withered chaplets
That he had worn In flowory years;
His spirit furled its shining wings,
Never ngnln to sing and soar.
And wove all wild Imaginings
In shapes of horror overmore.
The sleeper started, partly raised
Upon his elbow, leaned awhile,
And deep into the darkness gazed
With wistful eyes and brightened
"I hear sweet music over there,
The mountain nymphs are calling
He murmured, "How divlno an nlr.
"Oh. soul of mine. Is wooing thee."
"Coming!" He whispered, and arose,
And hi the air first reached a hand,
To clasp a spirit? No one knows,
Or where he stood can ovor stand
And lo. into the heavy night.
As led by hands unseen, ho fleil,
A Rtartllng figure, clad in white
Into the canyons dark and dread.
'Twas years ago. but trace or track
Of him has never yet been found,
For echo only answered back
The hunter's cull and baying
hound ;
Forever lost, untrncked, unseen,
In the upheaved and wild Cascades, ,
Forever lost, untracked unseen I
A shadow now among the shades
From some snow -wreathed and shin-;
lng peak
His soul swam starward long ago.
And now no more we vainly seek,
The secret of his fate to know.
While fires of sunset and of dawn
Flame red and fade on many, a
The myst'ry will not be withdrawn
From him, long lost from human sight.
And yet I sometimes sit and dream
Of him. my schoolmate and my
As wandering where bright waters
In some sweet life that has no end
Within the Cascades' inner walls.
Where nymphs, beyond all fancy
Soothe him with siren madrigals,
And deck him with their golden
rrrnmTr i imit rpynnvp the? cause of
rtlilljiurinz cruntluiw, rtil.rotvh bands, scaly
tca!MvriUi lalliU;; lialr, ami baby niilits.vlr.:
thecioree'l, inlLinieil.orlriluteilcuntllUonof
llic 1'ortEs. No oUir eoap ! to lie cotnpjra
wltb It for jireseivlug, purif vine, and beauu-lvlnztii-
skin, eciilp, hair, ami humU.anufor
all the iiunwa or the toilet, bath.aml nunxirr.
buhl throughout thr wurlii I'ontit Ditto
AND Ciikh. Colli'.. l'rop-. ISostoi). "Hoi to
have n Clear Couiulcxlou," tree.
I have bargained witlt a
competent Timber Craiaer
to locate
On the line o. a railroad
now nnder construction.
This means a big ohance
for llrst-comers. See
Have some good farms lor
First class work. All kluda of
Plumbing Supplies.
Tinning Everything in the
line of repairing and new
work done promptly and sat
isfactorily. B. F. BECK,
732 Cottonwood St.
Fall and Winter Wraps
Our new Fall Wraps have arrived and we are showing
seme of the newest things in 27-inch Jackets, three quarter
length Cloaks and long Capes. Don't miss seeing these beau
tiful Coats now on display at our store.
We have them in all grades from $4-.75 to $16 00.
Tailor-Made Suits
We have added a line of Tailor-Made Suits this fall and
can mere than meet competition in all grades.
We have a nice Serge Suit, made in the latest style for
Nice Venetian Suits, the latest shades, $12 50.
Fine Pebble Cheviot Suits, Oxford Grey, $15.00.
Rainy Day and Dress Skirts
We have them, all colors and all grades, from $1,50 to
$9.00 fcr the heavy goods.
Silk Skirts
Beautiful designs in black only, $12.00.
Dally East Oregonian by oarrler,
only 16 cent a week.
1 have a full line of the famous Bridge & Beach Cast
stoves and rangrs. All sizes. Guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Examine my
line before buying. My prices are the lowest, quality
T. C. lay lor
741 Main Street Phone Alain 871
Cover a multitude of commercial ilna; tnt you
will find our repairs to and relurbliblng of
carriages, wagom, runabout all torts ol ve-
blclei-are more than ikln deep. We make
"good ai nw" wherever pouible alwayi
make thing, better tbau we find them.
Call and tec that Winona Wagon of our
Steel covered hubt, no crankt, and Patent
Bearing! make It run to much lighter than the
old ttyle ol other maket.
S ni about that QASOLIJfK ENGINE
for your well or chopper.
Water St., near Alain, l'eudletun. Ore.
Joseph EH,
Babbitt Metal, best in the world, In
bars. Price $1 per bar, at the East
Oregonian Office.
Blue Ribbop
State pair
September 15th to 20th
You are invited to attend
and see the greatest indus
trial exposition and livestock
show ever held on the Pacific
Coast. Good racing every
afternoon. Camp ground
free. Come and bring your
families. For any informa
tion, write
M.. D. WISDOIJ, Seo'y,
Portland, Ore.
at run-
127 and 120 East Alta Street
All kinds for all pUr?t
Sash, Doors and
Planing of all descri
10 oiaer.
Don't place you,
Building Material until
consulted us.
Pendleton Planing M
Lumber Yard, k!
I Sell
The North GerEt-pRmA
steamship Company ar
best accomodations f fePW
going abroad. I ami ' '
to supply you with fc J. .AAI
and help you mab. .'teV$gi
your trip if you cot
' journey to Europe. Alikli
Railroad and stea "Gratz'B.'
ets sold to all parts ci . Wlco i'
ily Gree
JOS. Blfffi
The .l
b m m K-w r. "Tit'
I"-" ' ' Kem
Gray's Harbor Coa$
Opp. W; & C, R.Da
When getting figurest
others on that lumber?1
yours, don't forget to!
and see us. We canyifdiwtfl
stock of all kinds of S1!!"
Building MaUwal
including shingles, doqfrijjf
dows, moulding, screeaietoaj
and windows in fact, a-T7'a
thing that is found ini
class lumber yard. ,
1 CL
E. D. Boyd, in CoufJ
has the following invtf
in Real Estate to offtl
which will bring good)
One lot and 8-room
ing, $1200.
tfir arrp ranch neafi
ton, $2200. Also othsj
and ranches.
into no Qictrs' !
'4 tUlS Dlltl M 1
1 boarding house asfy
20 vacant lots in
parts of the city.
Easy Terms
Call and Investigate.
quickly Mceruln lur r,'u'y?Ji CoJS
lent liee. OMei: niJhM,S5i Wl
ijwtuJno'k. without ""tjiAl Si
rotation or nr Miemioc m"J,B,ty jgg
wri four montbi-II. iuiMMi
Ml NN & C0.36,B . "J, :,i
- ,rHli1