East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Will be delivered at jom residence
or pUce of tratlnera by carrier at
15c A WEEK.
Eastern Oregon Weather
Fair tonight and Saturday
WOIj. 15.
NO. '1 530
i - - ; :
RBlt-Starving, Wife Dies and
Daughter at Death's Door
fat Echo.
Armband Compelled to Remain by
fslck Wife's Side Until All Suffered
rjtrem Want Good People of Echo
te' Rescue.
"Echo, Or., Sept. 12. Special to
, Baat.'Oregonlan. In the death of a
MrflnCllflord at this place last oven
iBg.fone of tho saddest stories In the
..-irStatwy of this portion of the county
Jbirought to light. Tho husband,
i'wiWfand two children came here
'WirlyTln tho harvest season, the bus
ifcWrih seeking work. They were In
J.tevleptli8 of poverty.
iW'gfcortly after their arrival the
e4(ier was taken down with typoid
lever; and the huBband has been com
pelled to remain by her bedsldo and
theyAhavo tor mat ruasun ucu m-
f to the verge of starvation,
lowing the mother's affliction
if the children was stricken
a- girl of 8 yoars, and she now
death's door. The mother was
tniinu hv the nid of charitable
ma rr ttitu n1nra ntiil the father.
.atriniioti nnd heart-broken, sits
ilo Avnv nhihl'p bedside waltlnK
jtlme when the soul may take Its
I, which ovent is likely to take
nt nnv time.
rIiipa tho cood citizens of Echo
Innmn nf thn HflM nliCDt 01 IDO
rtunato family, they have come
) rescue and all of tne necessary
rill be rendered to tho unfortu
from this timo out.
u-ncf orpcnnlan renresenta
miiri not. ascertain where the
irtunate family came from, or
dng about its paBt nisxory to
'nSSed and Decrepit, He Passes From
'M - Deep Sleep Unto Death.
- Wi"en p'erro fours, an aged sheep
, therwr, lay down to take a nap at
KfthfJiome of Mrs. Eyraud, corner of
iSeventh and Rose streets, yesterday
morning, he probably little thought
jlf was to ne nts last long sieop. ine
"iman'.'was found dead about 7 o'clock
last evening.
JFleurs came to Walla Walla from
California about four years ago and
st!ncq then has been employed as
Ish'ejSp border by different sheepmen.
ITliopast two years he has worked
for$Davin Brothers. Fleurs brought
Saiband of sheep out of tho mountains
aatJSunday and was camped about
Athiee, miles north of town. Monday
-JfceeiLmc to town to secure supplies,
.Jlntding to return to camp yester-
dayrfevening. He went to the home
fjof-jMrs. Eyraud for breakfast. After
Seating ho said ho wanted to see Mrs.
.fEyraud's children, but as they had
.'fgon8tto school ho said he would wait
..-sUDUTTnoy rocurneo.
'J;Haurs lost his wife in California a
?,lewjmonths ago and .slnco thon has
ftdeen rather blue at times. He had a
,jgret fondness for children. Ho com--plained
to Mrs. Eyraud of being
sleepy nnd lay down In the dining
..room for a nap, .Mrs. Eyraud want
' .tfedlhlm to go to bed. hut he insisted
jorijlying whero he was. At dinner
-urao ni) was HHiii.'il 10 gei it i unu urn,
3but ho refused. The various mom
Ibers of the family left for work after
dlaner, leaving Flours on tho floor.
Mm. Eyraud attending to somo work
flhftho back yard. It was only at
awaken Fleurs that it was dlscover
tethe was dead. He lay on his stom-
I, using his arms as a pillow.
$pra. Keylor and Shaw who wero
men said me man uau iiruuauiy
wn dead threo hours. Thoy gavo
causo as heart failure and no In-
iest was deemed necessary.
Pleur was 58 years of age. It is
lught ho has some relatives in Cal-
B-nla. Walla Walla Statesman.
Teamsters' Strike Ends.
Chicago, Sept. 12. Tho strike of
b tAomatnru f thn Qulft PftPkllll
Inpahy ended today, Swift conced-
all the str(Ker8' uemanns excoin
fcstatemont of threo men dlscharg-
for Inanlinrrlliintlnn Thn nlant.
ictieally tied up for tho past two
vh. rcononoc i s auernoon ni uui
Claims First Located on Willow
Creek Sold For $300,000 Ore Runs
Over $100 Per Ton.
Baker City, Sept. 12. The rush to
the scenes of tho gold discoveries
still continues. Samples of ore taken
from claims on Willow creek In Mai
beur county, assayed in this city yes
terday gave returns of $127.67 per
ton. Tho original claims on Willow
creek have been sold to Col. Dewey,
of Idaho, for J300.000. The gold is
found In slate, carrying sulphurcts
and closely resembles that from the
celobrated North Pole mine In tho
Cracker creek district.
Baker City Man Sells 4000 to Eastern
Baker City, Sept. 12. Culbert Gale
a prominent sneepmnn of the county,
hss disposed of 4000 head of sheep to
Eastern persons. The deal is of re
cent consummation. Tho fact that
Easterners would come this far West
for stock purchases is regarded as an
advertisement of magnitude and
speaks volumes for this, section as a
sheep raising country.
Mr. Gale has announced that he
will immediately prepare for a trip
into the Stem Mountains, in Malheur
county, for the purjyose of restocking
the range and generally replenishing
his herds.
Will Endeavor to Persuade President
Palma to Veto the Bill Now Before,
Cuban Congress.
Washington, Sept. 12. Roosevelt
and his official advisors, it is declar
ed, are opposed to the Cuban loan of
?3G,000,000, and will endeavor to per
suade President Palma to veto it.
President Roosevelt's opposition is
based on tho fear that the Cuban
revenues will be unable to bear the
strain of tho debt.
Cuban Merchants Bring Suit Against
the United States for Import and
Export Duties Paid During Ameri
can Occupation.
Washington, Sept. 12. A question
has arisen whether the United States
or Cuba is. responsible for tho monies
collected from Cuban customs from
1899 to 1902. A suit is being brought
before tho court pf claims on behalf
of the Cuban merchants for the re
covery of both export and import du
ties during tho American occupation.
If successful tho United States will
be compelled to pay out $20,000,000.
The Cuban merchants claim that dur
ing the American occupation, Cuba
was a part of the United States,
hence the United States was unauth
orized to impose any duties and all
such taxes were illegally collected.
Lawyers Budloy and Mitchell have
been retained by the CubanB.
Set Aside Jwo Million Pounds for Re
lief of South Africans.
Johannesburg, Sept. 12. It Is offic
ially announced that 2,000,000 has
been set aside by the British ox
chequer for the relief of subjects and
foreigners who committed no breach
of tho neutrality laws In tho Boer
war, entirely aside from tho ta.uuu,-
000 set aside for tho Boers.
Several Shots Fired, But No One Is
Wilkesbnrre, Pa Sept. 12. Three
hundred strikers held up a trolley car
at Prospect Hill this morning, rough
ly handling seven non-union men.
Several shots were fired but no one
Fantastic Parade Interests Lenox.
Lenox, Mass., Sept. 12. Tho com
mittee having charge of tho annual
fantastic parado through Erlo Glen,
in Stockbridge, has completed ar
rangements for the affair, which takes
place this evening. This Is ono of the
most Interesting and novel events of
the season for Lnox and Stockbridgo
cottagers, many of whom, In weird
costumes, form a torchlight proces
sion and inarch through the dismal
Sensational Allegations Made
Against the Chesapeake &
Ohio Railroad,
Railroads Banding Together to With
hold Relief From Starving Strikers
Eight Cars of Food Never De
Cincinnati, Sept. 12. A petition for
an injunction against the Chesapeake
& Ohio railway was filed at Coving
ton, Ky., this morning in behalf of
the United Mine Workers to prevent
tho railway from delaying tho further
delivery of tho cart) of provisions to
the striking minors In tho West Vir
ginian coal fields. Sensational allega
tions are made that tho company is
conspiring with, tho operators to
starve the strikers Into submission
through cutting off their provision
supply. Instances are cited . where
eight cars of food, valued at $14,000,
freight prepaid, have been delayed
.12 days and are still undelivered.
Railroad Lobby Defeated Plank
Passed by Acclamation.
Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 12. Governor
McBride has won his battlo. The re
publican state couventjon has adopt
ed a plank for a railroad commission,
and the railroad lobby has gono down
to overwhelming defeat. The battle
was the most spectacular In the his
tory or the state. It ragod all the
afternoon in the platform conjmlttee,
and when Governor McBride's forces
by a vote of 17 to 19, won in the
committee, the lobby carried the fight
to the floor of tho convention. There
the carnage of oratory was continued
for Ave hours, with an hour's inter
mission for dinner.
Tho big fight was on a motion to
strike out tho plank providing for an
appointive commission, and it was de
feated on roll call by a vote of 308
to 262. Then a motion to substi
tute an elective commission Instead
of an appointive plank was made and
put. Before the vote could be an
nounced, C. W. Howard, of Whatcom,
one of the railroad leaders, moved to
adopt the McBride plank by accla
mation, and the long battlo was over,
Places Her Little Niece on Red-hot
Stove Poured Hot Water Down
Her Throat.
Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 12. Mrs
Isabella Kelly, of Douglas bay, 100
miles up the coast from Vancouver,
has been sentenced to a year's 1m
prlsonment on the charge of having
tortured and used extreme cruelty to
her niece, who lived with her, Myrtle
Frances Do Greek,
The child testified of Inhuman treat
ment at the hands of the woman.
She was horribly burned, and largo
patches of skin were burned olf her
arms and body. She said that tho
woman had hold her on a red-hot
stove. Tho woman thou threw her
into a barrel of cold, water. Another
time, Mrs. Kelly, held her on tho floor
while her son poured hot water down
tho girl's throat. Tho Kelly woman's
defense was that the child had In
flicted the injuries on herself to later
got revenge on her aunt. Tho woman
was removed to the penllentlnry last
Not Go to School With
Children of Non-Unionlsts.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 12. Three
hundred school children who attend
ed tho Lee Park school, struck today
becauso tho fathers of four others
had returned to work In the collier
ies. They passed a resolution that
they would attend no more until the
children of tho non-unionists wore
Forest Fires In Montana.
Anaconda, Mont., Sept. 12. The
high winds that have prevailed In this
vicinity for tho last few days have
fanned tho forest fires Into fierceness
not seen before In years. Thousandb
of cords of cut wood have been de
stroyed and many woodcutters ( have
had to abandon their cabins because
of tho approaching flames.
Feared That 400 More Wells
- Will Be Burned Before Ex
Thirty-seven Thousand Gallon Tank
Burning Furiously A Million Dal
lars Loss Already.
Beaumont, Texas, Sept. 12. This
morning hundreds of workmen threw
up a great dyko surrounding tho fire
districL It Is believed that the firo
will spread to more than 400 wells,
and cannot bo circumvented, and n
stiff north wind makes the situation
more threatening.
The blaze Is now confined to the
Keith Ward tract. Higgins' spoutcr
is the only well now burning and its
37,000-gallon tank is now burning fu
riously. The ground Is burning over
the devasted district. A million dol
lar loss has already occurred. Thous
ands of wildly excited spectators,
disregarding the heat, surround the
Special trains nre bringing enor
mous crowds to view tho sight. Be
yond seriously burning a watchman
whoso lanter caused tho fire, there
are no casualties as yet.
Later Hallf OH Tract Destroyed.
Dallas, Texas, Sept. 12. A tele
gram at noon from Harry Brothers,
heavy oil operators, stated that more
than half of tho Keith-Ward tract of
the Beaumont fields, is destroyed,
and tho fire is still raging. Tho Hig
ginson Company Is speedily arrang
ing to fight the well flro with steam.
High Price of Latter Makes Oil-Burning
Inventions Numerous.
Washington. Sept. 12. The pro
longed strike In tho East, while det
rimental In many ways, has been a
boon to oil Interests, and nowhero Is
this fact more plainly demonstrated
than in tho United States patent of
fice, whero tho work of Inventors
comes to light. Since the rich oil
strike in Texas there has been con
siderable activity among inventors
seeking to devise successful schemes
for utilizing and burning oil for fuel
purposes, both for tho production of
heat and power. But there has been
a much greater stimulation In tho
last few months, when it became ap
parent that coal prices wero to soar,
and that a cheaper fuel would be In
Up to the present time theie have
been granted about 1300 patents for
using oil for fuel. For tho ueo of gas
and vapors 2700 patents have been
Issued. At this time, however, tho
patent office Is receiving on an aver
ave of 2D applications weekly for pat
ents on devices of these two classes,
the majority of wnich are for crude
oil burners for household purposes,
loco re lives, steamboats and manu
facturing plants. These; patents fol
low two geneial lines one Is for sup
plying tho oil mixed with steam for
combustion, and tho other Is for
turning it into vapor and burning it
In that form. These two plans form
the basis Aor tho multitude of pat
ents now on record, and which nro
coming in daily. It Is stated by pat
ent office officials that there lu yet
much room for Improvement In burn
ers, and that, until less complicated
systems can he devised, which will
yet be safe, and comparatively cheap,
It Is doubtful if oil can replace coal
as the iwpular fuel, notwithstanding
the present differences In rout In fa
vor of oil.
Cornell's Football Prospects.
Ithaca, N. Y Sept. 12 Nearly all
of Cornell's football candidates havo
arrived and within a day or two thoy
will begin their initial practice for
tho season. The first game of tho
schedule will be played with Colgate.
September 27. Trainer Moakley re
gards Cornell's chances for tho com
ing season as tho most promising In
several yearB. The optimistic outlook
Is duo to the fact that tho majority
of last ynar'b team aro to play again
this fall. Including Fullback Sriiocll
kopf; Turnbull and Tydeman, ends;
Smith and Louder, tackles; Captain
Warner and Hunt, guards: Brewster,
fullback, anil Piircell and Collin, half-hacks.
Will Be Sent on the Panther to the
Scene of Rebellion In the Isthmus.
Norfolk, Va., Sept. 12. A detach
ment of marines Is being hurriedly
mndo up this afternoon at tho Nor
folk navy yard. It will Join others at
Lcaguo Island yard, all of whom will
bo hastened on tho Panther to tho
scene of tho Panama trouble.
Austrian Arrested for Vile Offense
During Coronation Week, Is Re
London, Sept. 12. Prince Francis
Joseph was discharged this morning
for lack of evidence on tho chnrgo of
nn unmontlonablo crime.
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade snd
New York Stock Exchange Brokers,
New York, Sept. 12. Tho early
markets were all higher this morning
but tho first prices wero tho top
ones. Liverpool unchanged, 6 11.
New York opened at 74, and
closed at 74. Chicago opened at 69?i
nnd closed at 60.
Closed yesterday, 74.
Opened today, 740'Ji.
Range today, 74074. ,
Closed today, 74.
Edwin Gould and A. J. Gassatt, of
Pennsylvania System, Main Promo
1 ters of Vast Scheme.
Jersey City, Sept. 12. Rumors of
a vnst combine of rnilrond, telegraph
and trolley interests is creating a
discussion today. It 1b stated that
President A. J. Gassatt, of tho Penn
sylvania system, and Edwin Gould,
who havo been together tho past 10
days at Bar Harbor, havo rcachod an
understanding for tho combine to be
effectled. Tho new combination In
cludes a merging of tho Postal Tel
egraph and Western Union and tho
purchase of all Now York and Phil
adelphia trolley lines. It would mean
tho greatest morgor over made.
Government Will Be at Great Ex
pense to Fix Up Big Guns of Bat
tleships Found Defective,
New York, Sept. 12. Tho heavy
usago of tho big guns of tho battlo
ships In tho recent maneuvers, has
left many defective Expensive re
pairs will bo necessary and ono or
two will have to bo roplacod, Includ
ing a 13-Inch gun on the Indiana, Is
tho belief of gun oxperts.
Immense Dammage Done Wheat and
Corn Crops Advance of 3 Cents on
Chicago, Sept. 12.--A killing frost
occurred last night In tho grain
growing belt of tho .Middle West.
The immense damage done tho wheat
and corn crops has caused advances
of 1 to 3 cents on the local board of
To Develop Kentucky Oil Industry,
Lexington, Ky, Sept. 12. A decid
ed Impetus to the movement looking
to the general development of tho
Kentucky oil fields Is expected to ro
sult from the conference) called for
this city today of all persons Interest
ed In tho Industry. A permanent or
ganization Is to bo effected for tho
purpose of assuring cooperation and
concert of action In the construction
ol pipe lines and retteries.
Harrow Road Fire,
London, Sept. 12. 'J'hu Harrow-
road fire, although believed to bo un
dor control, Is still burning furious
ly today. Occupants of tho adjoining
buildings havo been warned to move.
Forest Fires Raging.
Portland, Sept. 12. Forest fires uro
reported In all directions. Wires are
prostrated and great damage Is re
sulting. Tim Connelly Dead,
Chicago, Sept. 12. One-eyed Jim
Connelly, a famous sporting charac
ter, died at the bridewell today of
acute alcoholism. I
Rates From the East to Inland
Empire Points as High as
Those to Portland,
But Few of Them
Stop Oft at This
Point, But Go
on to Spokane or
Tho Immigration movement is now
being noticed In tho Inland Emplro.
Not a trnln has como to Pendloton
from tho enst or mhldlo states but
has had sovoral families on It with
through tickets oithor from St. Paul
or Chlngo, who nro destined to soma
point In tho Inland Emplro,
Most of theso peoplo hnvo tickets
for Spokano. Thoy como In over tho
through lino nnd transfer horo for tho
Inland Emplro town. Thoy aro com
posed of mon, women and children
and It Is no uncommon thing to roo
many wholo families who havo brokon
up tholr homes and are coming horo
io smrt anow In a land whero tho
blizzard and grasshopper novor de
vastates tho land.
Few Stopping Here.
Very few of theso peoplo nro stop
ping off at Pomlloton, although Pen
dloton and Umatilla county Is equal
to any paqf or tho Inland Emplro for
Its resources and openings for tho
homosooknr. The man who comee
hero with a little money, can got a
good location and find a homo which
will ho worth his whllo. But thoy
nro not coming here. Of courso,
somo drift hack Into this country
after going to their destination and
not finding what they nro looking for
there, but moro of them got dlBsatls
lied with tho country nnd begin to
schenio to get back to tho homo thoy
loft. Tho transportation companies
aro to blnmo for tho homescokors all
going to Spokano or Portland, From
Eastern tnrmlnuls tho companies
will soil tlckots to Spokano or Port
land at tho Samn prlcn thoy will Hell
to Pondlotnn. When a man gets a
ticket to Spokane or Portland ho goes
to tho end of tho road or na far as hla
ticket will carry him.
Ail Have Money.
Most of tho people coming to tho
west have moro or loss money. Thoy
como with tho Intention of buying n
homo and settling down to a quiet
llfo lu town or In tho country on a
stock ranch or wheat farm.
Government Forces Cut Down With
Machetes Desperate Fighting at
8anta Marta.
Kingston, Jnniaica, Sept. 12. Tho
German ste.uner VnlcnU' ui rived
hero today from Hanla Martn, capital
of tho department of Magdalenn, Col
ombia, and reports that desperate
fighting occurred there from Friday to
Monday last. Ono hundred govorn
ment troops wero killed, the railroad
was completely demolished and terrl
bel utrocltles wero committed. Tho
Valencia had to leave without a car
go. Tho attack by the Colombian revo
lutionists was started on the out
skirts of Hauta Marta on Friday last,
the government troops being over
whelmed and forced 1o retreat In
their march onto Hanta Mnrtn. tho
revolutionists wrecked tho railroads,
Several trains wore derailed and sev
eral lives wero Inst In tho wrecks,
When the Valencia sailed on Monday
the revolutionists wore ho near tho
town that Captain Crnniuevcr could
see the HuhIioh of their guns. Sev
eral buildings In Santa Marta wero
thou blazing, having been ignltod by
the few troops loft to oppose tho at
tack of the revolutionists, Tho town
at that lime wuk expected momentar
ily to surrender
Devices for Using Fuel Oil,
Washington, !. C, Bopt. 12. For
somo time past, especially since tho
antluacito coal strike, tho patent of
fice has boon doing a lively business
lu piotiocutlng Inquiries and looking
Into tho meriti of Inventions wliloh
patents aro appllod for, Intended to,
he iihod for tho production of both
heat an dpowor. Up to dato there
have" bc-nji granted 1280 patents for
using oil as fuel, and for the use of
gas and vapors 2701)