East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 10, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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The Best Hotel In Pendleton
and as good as any.
M l I II I I I
Headquarters for Traveling Mon.
Commodious Sample Rooms.
Rates $2 per day
Special rates by week or month.
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt Diningroom Service.
Every Modern Convenience.
Bar and billiard room in connection
Only Three Blocks from Depot.
Comer Court and Johnson Streets,
rendletou, Oregon.
M. F. Kelly, Proprietor.
The Chief Executive) .and Twenty
Governors of States to Assemble at
the World's Fair.
World's Pair, St. Louis. Sopt. 9.
Tho arrangement- of President ltoos
ovclt's trip to Bt. Louis, on tho occa
sion of tho allotment of sites for stato
buildings, provides for his arrival in
this city on October 1. Ho will visit .
tho World's Fair grounds to attend J
the ceremonies In tho afternoon of ,
tho 1st, and will remain over night In
tho city, leaving on tho 2d. Thirty
two states and territories will bo
represented, probably 20 of them bj
their governors nnd World's Fall
commissioners, tho others by their ,
commissioners. Soveral of tho gov
ernors will bo accompanied by their
staffs. A vast assemblage of tho
people of many states Is expected on
this occasion, as tho 24 railway sys
tems which have their terminals here
havo announced excursion rates from
every direction. An attractlvo pro
gram of ceremonies Is being formu
lated and the three days will bo given
up to the entertainment of visitors
and a general jollification.
American Plan, rates S1.2G to $2.00
per tlnv.
Ktiroponn Plan. ,'il)e, 7oc, $1.00.
Special rates by week or month.
Free 'bus meets all trains
Commercial trade solicited
Fine sample rooms
Special Attention Given Country Trade
Turpentine Men Meet.
Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 10. Tho
Turpentine Operator's Association,
which was organized last September,
began Its llrst annual meeting In this
city today. More than ono thousand
lumbermen, naval storesmen and
others Interested In tho Industry Ail
ed Burbrldgo's theater when tho gath
ering was called to order by Presi
dent Covington. The opening session
was devoted largely to formalities,
whic hlncluded addresses of welcomo
by Mayor Fletcher and others.
Tho convention will continue Its
sessions through tomorrow. Tho prin
cipal business is to consider and act
upon the recommendations prepared
by tho executive committee. Among
other things tho commltteo recom
mends thai tho operators make the
box cut for tho noxt season the samo
as was cut during the past season.
It Is also recommended that the scale
of prices and all minor details bo
left unconsidered for another year,
thus allowing each operator to act
independently in these matters. Tho
report of President Covington shows
that tho operators saved $C a barrel
as a result of the operations this year
through tho regulations adopted by
the association.
Western Golf Championship.
Chicago, 111., Sept. 9. Tho fourth
annual championship tournament of
the Western Golf Association began
today on the links of the Chicago
Golf Club and will continue until Sat
urday. The winner In tho competi
tion will bo the Western amateur
champion golfer for tho year, and his
club shall have the custody of tho
Georgo It. Thorne trophy until the
next annual championship meeting.
Today's play was devoted to a 36 hole
medal score qualifying round. Tho
participants include some of the best
amateur players in this part of tho
country and an unusually successful
tournament Is expected.
Elegantly Furnished
Steam Heatea
European Plan.
Block and a half from depot.
Sample room In connection.
60c, 75c, $1.00
Let Us Do
Your Hauling
We do trucking and hauling
of all description at reason
able prices.
Your horses will be well cared
for if taken to the Old Dutch
Henry Feed Yard, corner
West Alta and Lillith streets
Hav. grain and all kinds of
feed bought and sold.
Horses for sale at all times.
Successtor to Hays & Connerley.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
ij&JKr 'Capacity 150 barrel a day
JKM"' Flour uxeUnuwi fr whtt
:Wm yirrMillnr JiiiiiM Kiwd, ej
t'di- bIwiow on ,tai..Mi!-:V, i
Alabama Police Chiefs Meet i
Tuscaloosa, Ala., Sept. 9. Chiefs
of Police of tho leading cities of Ala
bama, members of tho state organiza
tion, are holding their second annual
meeting here. The gathering was
called to order In Elks' hall at 10
o'clock this morning, Chief C. W.
Austin, of Birmingham, presiding.
Mayor Cochrane welcomed the vis
itors and the remainder of the session J
was occupied with routine business.
This afternoon the members took a
ride on the river. Papers on topics
dealing with crime and criminals will
be read and discussed tomorrow.
Oil Fuel to be Discussed. !
Chicago, 111., Sept. 9. Tho travel
ing Engineers Association began Its
tenth annual convention at tho Strat-'
ford hotel today with a good attend
ance of members representing tho
leading railroad systems of tho Unit-1
ed States and Canada. The sessions
of the convetnlon will continue sev-1
eral days and a wide range of sub
jects relating to the branch of rail-,
road.ng represented by tho members
of tho association will bo discussed. ,
Among other things tho advantages
and disadvantages of oil fuel locomo
tives will be exhaustively considered.
Dogs Are Kings Today.
Newport, It. I., Sept. 9. Tho auto
crats of tho canine kingdom had
thing pretty much their own way at
the Casino today. The shows of tho
llhodo Island Kennel Club aro al
ways well worth witnessing, but tho
present one is more interesting man
any of the previous ones, tho exhibits
Including tho pets of all the wealthy
Newport cottagers. Among tno win
ners were distributed this afternoon
tho tronhies offered by tho Ladles
Kennel Association of America and
other organizations of dog fanciers,
Good Huckleberry Crop.
Weston, Ore., Sept. 9. uie huckle
berry crop has rarely been so good in
tho mountains above here as tnis sea
son, and if nickers go well up Into
tho hills, berries will bo plentiful for
a week or two yet. Thero aro not so
many berries to a bush as usual, but
tho slzo is larger, returning campers
comnarinir them to largo size cher
ries Tho mountains havo been tun
of huckleberry hunters slnco tho sea
son onened. nnd supplies yfor thous-
ands of Jars havo been obtained.
Ex-Secretary Day's 8on Weds.
Caro. Mich., Sept. 10. William Day
of Canton, Ohio, son of former sec
retary of State William Iu Day, waa
married hero to day to Miss Estello
McKay, daughter of Hon. William
McKay. The ceremony was quietly
performed at tho home of tho bride,
tho guests Including only the rela
tives and a few Intlmato friends of
the .eontractlBg parties.
rt n
wlli the United States collect Taxes on
during the Month of December, 1903?
(Cigars bearing Sj.oo per thouaaad tax.)
- . erfcfl fiA e given ,n lanuaryt '93, to the persons whose estimates
3iq-,'jKJJ,JJ are nearest to the number of cigars on which $3.00 tax per
thousand is paid during the month of December, 1902, as shown by the total sales of
stamps made by the United States Internal Revenue Department during December, 1902.
Distribution will bo made ixs follows i
$5,000.00 In cash
5,000,00 "
6.000.00 "
2. 500.00 "
2(500.00 "
2. 500.00 "
20.000.00 "
To the (1) person estimating the closest -s.
To the 2 persons whose estimates are next closest ($2,500.00 each)
To tbe 5 persons whose estimates are next closest (01,000.00 each) . r
To the 10 persona whose estimates are next closest. (gSOO.CO each)
To the 20 persons whose estimates are next closest .(1250.00 eaoli) ,
To the 23 persons whose estimates are next closest (5100.00 each)
To the.... 50 persons whoso estimates aro Dext closest (350.00 each)
To the. ...100 persons whose estimates aro next closest (825.00 each)
To the.. 2.000 persona whose estimates are next closest. ($10.00 each) ,
To the .3,000 persons whose estimates are next closest ($5.00 each) I 5,000.00
lu tnc BU.wu persons wnose estimates arc next closest we win semi
to each one box of 50 "Cremo" Cigars (valuo $3.50 per box) 75.000.0O
35,213 porsona .-. $142,500.00
Every 100 bands from above named cigars will entitle you to four estimates.
(One "Florodora" band counting at two bandi from the S cent cigars mentioned; and no leu
Iban 100 bandi will be icceivcd at any one lime lor estimate).)
Information which may be of value in making estimates: the number of Cigars now bearing $3.00 Tax per thousand, for which Stamps
487,092,208 Clears.' In March, 1603, 510,500,027 Cigars.
479-.31S.t70 " April, 1903, 016,835,163
400,983.717 " " May, 1003. 623.035,007
were purchased, appear below :
Id December, 1000,
" December. 1001,
January, 1003,
" February, .1003,
In case of o He in estimates, the amount offered will be divided equally among tboso entitled to It. Distribution of the awards will bo
made as soon after January 1st, 1003 an the figures are obtainable from the Internal Revenue Department of tbe United States for December.
Write your full name and Post Office Adtlrcu plainly on packages containing bands. The .Postage, or Express charges on your packsgo
must be fully prepaid, in order for your estimate to participate.
All estimates under Ibis offer must be forwarded before Dcccaiwr III, 1902, to the . . FLORODORA TAG COMPANY, Jersey City, N. J.
You do not lose the value of yourbsnds. Receipts will be sent you for your bands, and these receipts will be lust as
good as the bands themselves in securing Presents. One band from "Florodora," or two bands from any of the other Cigars
mentioned above, will count in securing Presents tho samo as one tag from Star," " Horse Shoe," Spear Head," Standard
Navy," "Old Peach and Honey, "n" J. T." "Master Workman," "Piper Heldsleck," "Jolly Tar," "Bootjack." "Old Honeity,"-1
"Razor," or "Planet" Tobacco; or one "Sweet Caporal" Cigarette Box Front.
fltnd each estimate on a prU ploo ol paper, with your imim unit uddreii plainly written on catli. Blank forms for MUmatea will b aaallod upon application.
Illustrated Catalorruo of Presents for 1003 nnd 1001 will he ready for distribution about October 1st. 10O2. and will be mailed on
receipt or ten cents, or in looacco lags, or iweuiy ci;ar uaims.
M C. Church Conference.
Rensselaer. Ind., Sent. 10. Clerical
and lay delegates to the number of
evewl fciwaftd, are bore for tbe
North Indiana Methodist. Episcopal
conlorenco, which will bo In session
during the remainder of th.s weelt.
Bishop Vincont in the presiding off!
cor nnd during tho three ovonings of
tho conference there will be ad-
uresses uy a number of speakers of
than us
Maine wont wnMifioi
27.000. The iegni
Mve ,more.aemw,- ,
... i