East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 10, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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E -T GIVES UP CONTRACT. I P""""" BamBBBi wnanaa--ma-aa-aan-aaaa-
-This Week Will Be a
aw Oxford crey pedestrian skirts, 9-inch tfQ KA
tnViPrl flnnnp.fl. Rnocial t '
mrnl t.v m iyt.urfiB in brown and licht Oxfords
Siranped with the same material, flounce and
gpen gro flare skirts. An elegant value for JCqJjQ
$:00, special v" 'I,.A
aSen seam flounce skirts in black, satin 54, Rft
Pped, worth $6.50, special Vx,ww
Ifiiw Mercerized single, double and accordion O0 RA
&nrnr1 mfflrt underskirts from SI. 25 to ipa.VV
Great Special Sale and Display for the Week. '
Lee Teutsch
?Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
J..AiHoward, farm loans.
.Oet'tpotblng cleaned at Joorger's.
Neiiwiin'a for cigars and tobacco.
.All'&HJds it imported luncheB nt
. t i . .
( TnlltBOil
1 icim
i -Kin
)1 :s
them now. Shoes.
jh cooked in white wine and
ibs at Grate's.
mder celery at Martin's Fam
iery and Bakery.
mn will Bupply you with
at $1.25 per box.
Hi's Ico cream Is porfoctlon.
Teleyfabne in your order.
1 'Tlwlbest variety of fruits and veg-
iUWaiat P. S. Younger & Son's.
lunches at Phillip's restau-
moslto Tallman's drug store.
lew fashionable millinery for
winter is arriving dally at
reathor has no terrors at the
Rule basement, where good
boer is on tap.
grapes, Crawford peaches,
lums. cantcloupcs, bananas.
:!notatoes and celery at Hawiey
Thoi.blEBest assortment or jardi-
allien! jjjS'over shown in Pendleton, will
"Arrive '.next week at Rohrman's.
Feacitea$1.25 per box.
Wanted A first-class stenographer
- and.f typewriter. Steady employment
itoi'iightjperson. Adress Dox 105, Pen
iKituSjOregon, giving experience,
"i salary ".and references.
w - v
3 At .bedtime I take a pleasant herb
Mtdrlnk, ho next morning I feel bright
"'and my omploxlon is bettor. My
doctqrfsay's that it acts gently on the
i stomach, liver and kidneys and is a
2 pleasant laxative. It is made from
jlierbDaud is prepared as easily as
j.tea.' JIt'l Is called Lane's Medicine.
jXane'Bjamlly Medicine moves the
f bowelflffench day. Price 26c and GOc.
WorwMle by Tallman & Co., solo
4)! Jfc(W(rtSji
2'UKeeping correct time
.MAves, and will no in an-
wvy.' i ' i." u
giUiliui way wucu viic uuu
'lie learns our prices.
fi These ClockH are beautiful
in linisii, luuiusome m ap
pearanco and guaranteed
"'acourute time keepers.
Alarm Clocks, full nicKie
plate, 75c to $2.60.
Wall ClockH, attractive
cases, $5.50 to $10.
Shelf Clocks, well made and
serviceable, $3 to 0.50.
Mantle Clocks, very orna
mental, latest designs, $0
3 to $18.
eweler and Optician
Next Door to R, Alexander
Owing to Much Bad Luck and Lack of
Laborers, George Schorr Will Not
Finish Walla Walla Bridge.
Georgo Schorr is In town from
Walla Walla settling up his bills in
curred here -while building the piers
and doing the concrete work for the
new W. & C. R. steel bridge across
the Umatilla Rivet-. Mr. Schorr says
that the foundation work for the new
bridge across the Walla Walla river
for the same road, is about half com
pleted, but he has given up the con
tract and the company Is now finish
ing the work.
M. Schorr has had considerable bad
luck In doing his contract work for
the W. & C. It. Company on the foun
dations for the new bridges. Iast
winter, after having done several
weeks work on the Umatilla River
bridge, the high water washed out the
foundation nnd It had to bo replaced
at an additional cost.
M. Schorr says he has had all kinds
of trouble this summer in getting
men to do the work. On the Walla
Walla River bridge he employed 90
men in July and 10 days of August,
and at no time had more than 15 men
at work. These he paid from $2 to
$2.50 a day. The men were all hobos
and would work a few days and then
The company expect the steel here
In a few months and then tho new
bridges will bo placed as soon as
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse.
Castle's for poultry.
Castle's for fish, always fresh.
Everything new to see at Teutsch's,
Clam and oyster cocktails at M.
Nabisco wafers in all flavors at
Hawiey Bros.
Gregg's coffee, the best, at F. S.
Younger & Son's.
For sale Fechter's confectionery
store, on Court street.
Fine sound citrons for preserves,
at Martin's Family Grocery.
Latest style patterns for fall suits
and trousers at Selbert & Shulz.
For Sale House and lot; enquire
of F. P. Light, care Oregon Lumber
Don't forget that you can see the
biggest assortment of shoes at
Full line of school books, tablets,
inks, pencils at lowest prices. Nolf's
Book Store.
Honor bright spices, baking pow
der and extracts, can't be beat, at F.
S. Younger & Son's.
All kinds of city and country prop
erty for sale. Rlhorn & Cook, room
10, Taylor building.
Drop into the cool, comfortable
basement of the Golden Rule and en
joy a glass of Schlltz beer.
Carrier's millinery opening. Pat
tern hats on display Wednesday nnd
Thursday, September 10th and 11th.
West and Furnish shipped two cars
of fat beef cattle via tho W. & C. R.
lino Tuesday evonlng billed for Puy
allup. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
C. D. Wilson, living near the base
ball park, died this morning. It will
be interred this afternoon.
For Sale 800-acro wheat farm, 10
miles from Pendleton, all summer
fallowed; nearly all fenced. Good
spring on It. Address Box 495.
Henry Abbott donated $5 to the
city treasurer this morning, at the re
quest of tho city recorder, for being
drunk and found asleep on the side
walks. Abbott Is from Pilot Rock.
The Knox family, camped in the
Byors grove, are reported to be con
valescing from their recent sickness.
One child died of scarlet fever and the
mother and another child wore very
low for several days.
Tho regular monthly social of Wil
liam Martin Encampment, which
taues place the first meeting in 'each
month, has boon postponed to sec
ond meeting, which will be Wednes
day evening, September 10th. All
mombors take notice.
W. J. Clarke & Co., tho Court street
hardware merchants, have the exclu
sive sale of the Acorn stoves and
heaters in Pendleton, and havo an
especially Inrge and varied line on ex
hibit at their store. A large adver
tisement in this issue gives informa
tion on tho stove question that will
prove beneficial to thoso contemplat
ing buying stoves.
Baker Brothers today added to t'.elr
lino a magnificent new rubber tire
modern cab, which contains all tho,
very latest Improvements and Is ele
gantly finished throughout. The cab
is from Cunningham & Co., of Chica
go, and is one of tho best vehicles
made ,by tho firm. Baker Brothers
havo placed tho now cab at tho sor
vlce'of the public and It will be found
In front of the French restaurant.
City Officers Will See That Rubbish
and Filth Are Removed The
Health of the City Very Good.
"Clean up your back yards."
This is the mandate being Issued
today by Health Officer Dr. W. G.
Cole and Marshal-Protem P. H. Fee.
Around every business house and
placo of business In a town there is
always a lot of rubbish which if not
looked after closely and kept cleaned
up regularly, collects filth and the
health of tie people Is endangered.
This has to be looked after by the
neaixn otncers and those who are
more careless than others are order
ed to remove tho accumulation.
Every so often the officers make a
tour of the town and make a thorough
investigation nnd the people are com
pelled to use sanitary precautions.
Today local officers are making this
tour. Every back alley and out-house
is being inspected and where there
is any accumulation of filth It will
have to be removed by the property
owner or business man.
The officers are only making tho
business portion today, but expect to
make a tour of the whole resident
portion of the town within a few
days and every citizen's place will
he looked after.
General Health Good.
In speaking of the sanitary condi
tlnn of Pendleton TInalth nfflrer Colo
said this morning that it was gener
ally good and the health of the town
was quite good for the time of year,
New Waistings, Exclusive Patterns,
only two of a kind, per yard, 60c to
36-inch All Wool Canvas Suiting, just
right for School Dresses, per yd, -
Children's School Plaids, large range
of Patterns and Colors, per yd.
School Hose, Extra Heavy Fast Black,
all sizes, per pair -
Children's Natural Wool and Jersey
Ribbed Shirts, Pants, Drawers all sizes,
Agents for
Butferick's Patterns
Royal Worcester Corsets
Trefousse Kid Gloves
P. Companies
Oregon State
The O. R. & N. and 8.
Quote Low Rates to
For the "Blue Ribbon" State Fair,
to be held at Salem, Sept. 15 to 20 In
clusive, Pendleton to Salem and ro
turn at $11.36. These tickets will be
on sale SepL 14 to 19, soven days
Dust and hot sun would harm almost any complex
ion. Tan, sunburn and roughness of all kinds are
speedily cured by using
Directions on package how to use. Very simple. A
25-cent, bottle of Pine, Nut Cream, a so.cent Complexion
Brush and a good cake of soap (we suggest Dr. Oliver's
Skin Soap) applied , as directed on bottle will improve
your complexion greatly,
Steps from Main. St. Toward the Coart House
DMA flODAi Go, .
Uncle Sam Will Stop a Gigantic Steal
In the Northwest.
A Washington dispatch says that
Investigation develops the beginning
or what promises to become a great
scandal growing out of the purchase
by syndicates and Individuals of lands
of deceased Indians allotted at prices
considerably below their value an
abuse which tho Indian office Is try
lng to check.
As yet, It Is confined to the souths
western states, but the speculators
are rapidly advancing westward and
northward, threatening In a short
tlnie to penetrate every Indian reser
vation containing allotted lands In
Oregon and Washington. There are
strong intimation, backed by evi
dence on file, to show that several
agents are in collusion with the spec
ulators, and are Inducing heirs to
agree to sell at ridiculously low figures.
Commissioner Jones advocates the
advertising of all lands belonging to
deceased allottees, the tracts to go to
the highest bidder, but congress must
first sanction this plan. There are in
Oregon 470,000 acres of allotted In
dians' land, 372,000 acres in Wash
ington, and 3 88,000 In Idaho, a largo
portion of which belongs to heirs of
tho original allottees, now dead.
About 178,000 acres of Oregon allot
ments are at Klamath, 140,000 at
Warm Spring, 77,000 at Umatilla and
33,000 at Grand Ronde, with tho re
mainder at Sollitz.
Commissioner Jones says these
lands are very tempting to specula
tors and, unless some remedy Is soon
devised, tho Northwestern Indians
will be swindled out of valuaolo pos
sessions. No complaints have yet
been had from that section, but are
Tho most desirable lands In Wash
ington are D1.000 acres at Colvlllo,
17,000 acres at Puyallup and 211,000
acres at Yakima. Tho Lapwai reser
vation, Idaho, contains most of the
coveted lands In the state.
World Beaten.
"Savable," tho distinguished son of
Salvator, won the Futurity stakes at
Shcepshead last Saturday. This great
horse is from tho Pacific coast, and
his proud owner John Drake, won
$300,000 on tho event. Nothing to it.
Our horses, men and women boat the
world. If there's anybody wants to
challenge let him got In quick before
we start the start is all we need.
Lakoviow Kxaminer.
Passenger on O. R. & N. Injured at
Huntington and Operated on at Ba
ker City.
Baker City, Sopt. 10. Edward Wood
a resident of MIddleton, Ark., fell
from the early west-bound train this
morning at Huntington, and suffered
tho loss of both feet. Ho was brought
to this city upon tho same train and
cared for at St. Elizabeth hospital.
Dr. LewlB, of Huntington, accom-
muled the Injured man to this city,
aiui after a consultation at the hos
pital, tho limbs were amputated abovo
tho ankles. Mr. Wood is about 22
years of age.
School Days
Are Here
2 bottles regular 5c ink, here
for 5c.
20 slate pencils, 5c.
Slates, 5c, ioc to 33c.
Blackboard erasers, 8c each.
2c for a regular 5c pencil.
Large wide tablets, 3c and 5c.
School bags 5c lo 45c.
Brownie lunch boxes, 1,
and 23c.
Pencil sharpeners, ic to
Pen holders, ic to 10c
12 pens, 5c.
Sponges, ic and 5c.
Child Died.
Robert Jr., tho six-months-old child
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wynu. died
Tuesday at their home on McKay
Creek. The cause of death was chol
era infantum.
"Now Is the Appointed Time."
The O. R. & N. Company has Just
Issued a handsomely Illustrated pam
phlet entitled "Oregon, Washington
& Idaho and Their Resources." Peo
ple In the east are anxious for In
formation about the Pacific North
west. If you will give the O. R. &
N. Company agent a list of names
of eastern people who aro likely to
be interested, the booklet will be
mailed free to Buch persons.
Fire In Skamania county 1b driving
many people from their homes.
Fancy cups and saucers, our own
importation, ioc to 95c.
Frederick Nolf
Santa Claus Headquarters.
Horo Is an Idea tbnt may
not havo oomo to you:
Why hoatyourhorDBPook
jgr U8&U7
Just take your meaUt v
ing tho Bunimor at tL
French Restaurant
You'll onjoy our cooking
and tho oulsino sorvod.
The French Restaurant
Telephone Main 4.
City Girl (pointing to a wild plant
liv M10 wavslde): "What's that?"
Country Cousin. "That'H milk weed."
City Olrl "O yes: what you feed tho
cowa on, I suppoaif."
Mn. B. "Dear ,m4!,. What lovely
closets this flat ha! Agaitj-r-"Mftd-um,
those are .not ill, closets, tlioy
o t
I I 9 o .
III 43 I
111 t g W
EE 2 r 1 1
1 v
Strict tdherenc to h enable tu to qualify willing worker to tend
perlor lerrica u bookkeeper u Umog rapher. Oar Imtruetiom U
nnntntlly thorough a fact ao widely kaowa that reputation aloa brine
j oioat of our atudent. Quality iwy conata. IUamlna into mar
frdlltlea better now thaa rar Wcr. iBdaatriou. willing atudaaU Btakva
rapU advancement la all atadlcs takeav. Call, or writ for our aUlogua.
Tuk and Washington Street A. P. AraaUong, 1,1 B., Prindo,
2 01
Come and yet our prices on
The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes
all the modern ideas of the liust, West, North and South,
so you have a complete assortment to select from. Wu
keep our promisu to save you money on Furniture, Car
pets, Stoves, Kangcs and Household Furnishings.
Next to PoBtoltice.
T FflAT RT A TSJICS. Write the East Ore
LsEyfk.Ls Dlvilla gonfan for a free cat
alogue of them. A foil supply always kept In stock.
are the wwu&AA .