East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 10, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Is the greater during the Summer and Fall months
of your children being troubled with Summer Complaint
in all its forms, and no home should pass through this
part of the year without a good remedy for this trouble
at hand. "Atwood's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcua
Remedy" is the best known preparation on the market
today for the above named complaint. Get a bottle at
once, as it might be the means of saving a LIFE.
For sale by
Brock & fWcComas Oonnpamty
ii mi id --T'iiii. ..'m-
the republican party expect thn sup
port or tins wing or us party aim
treat It lu this manner. That negro
... . - -' will believe that tlio president's
.. OM .uxn. , au-1 friends are democrats It Is just tho
"I way they have always treated him
ju, 11 was uranue, says waua
Walla! Still Walla Walla was doubt
less mighty glad.
The Portland carnival Is reported
as great, and the state fair will bo
better than usual, and September 10,
the Woolgrowers will open their
meeting at Pendleton, and It promises
to be a good one.
That "King" Morgan turned a deaf
ear to the striking miners, now Gov
ernor Stone, of Pennsylvania will try
his hand. Ho will confer with New
York capitalists. If this Stone could
crush the coal operators it would be
great for the country.
It is claimed that thoro aro moro
believers in socialism in Idaho than
there are democrats. Socialism has
been growing for a number of years
and has just been on tho eve of tak.
ing the country a number of times,
but It always winds up at tho end of
the campaign In tlio same way
smaller when the campaign closes
than when it opened. It will lake
panics and disasters to finance to
illinium suuiuiisiij, or any in mu uiiiur
theoretical tomfoolery that may be
sprung by dreamers.
Tho largo shipments from the Pa
cific coast are attracting the atten
tlon of Wall street. It is only a ques
Uon of time until Wall street will
move to the Pacific coast. It is no Idle
dream to prophesy about the great
future of this country. All that it ha3
ever lacked was water to make it the
leader of the world, and water is com
The great West is coming to the
front In a hundred ways. The sordid
and aristocratic East is losing ground
politically and every other way. None
but a big-hearted westerner, as pres
ldent, would camp out, ride horse
back, march through the streets with
laborers and feel at home among all
classes, as President Roo3evelt, a typ
ical westerner has done.
Mr. Blnger Herman is one of the
most important men in the state just
now. The sheepmen want to hear
him talk and so do the miners.
Sumpter has invited him to speak at
that place. If the land commissioner
would do it ho can give the people of
this country a great deal of valuable
Information and relieve them from a
great deal of guessing.
In a franchise scandal in St. Louut
In which the millionaires aro Impli
cated, four city councllmen have been
arrested and aro lodged In Jail for
corruption in office. If all of the
councllmen who have been guilty of
corruption in offleo were arrested on
short notice it is claimed that there
would not bo a quorum left with
which to hold a meeting In a majori
ty of the large cities of the country.
While New England and Southern
farms are wearing out and going to
wreck, the great West is building up,
and that too, upon a foundation that
13 so permanent that the storms of
time will never phase it The soil of
this country Is of unknown depth and
Its richness has never been measured
for want of a test in the full sense.
Only such things as raise themselves
have been tried hero yet. When ex
perimenting begins there is no telling
wnat tho standard will reach.
Grand Duke Boris, tho first cousin
of the czar. Is paying this country
a visit. He has been drunk at high
society entertainments given in his
honor over since he arrived in this
country, having gono so far as to fill
a young woman's slipper with wino
and drunk from It. Ho called at the
president's Oyster Bay homo a few
days ago and Mrs. Roosevelt was not
at home. She set a good example to
American women. It is bad enough
for American women to tolerate these
idiots when they are only naturally
crazy, without having to receive them
when they are placed far beyond the
hope of a lucid moment by intoxi
Percheron or French draft breed.
known in tho cities as tho Norman; I
V . . . I
lrum rninco Bomo 01 our importers
brought 200 last year, and brought
still moro this year. The Importa
tions of Belgians, English Sires and
Scotch Clydednlos nro nil increasing
for our draft horso production, whllo
our importations of French coach
German coach and Hacknoy horses
is annually growing.
Eight or ten years ngo these stal-.
Hons would not sell for more than"
$200 to i000; now they readily soil
at $2000 to $5000 ton times as much.
They nro chiefly bought by companies
organized to Improve horso breeding
in different localities of the horso
breeding states: Ohio, Indiana, Illi
nois. Iowa. Kansas, Nebraska, Mln
nesotn. Wisconsin, Michigan and Mis
sourl. The little American trotter,
while the fastest horse in tho world,
bred for speed, but lacking tho sizci
and beauty or carriugo horses, Is role
gated to the sporting raco track
much as the thoroughbred is fit only
for racing. The draft horso Is now
the most profitable and most popular
horse with the American farmer, who
requires a good draft team for his
farm work. The little trotters are In
creased In size nnd utility by cross
Ing with tho largo handsome coach
m m
The whole world wants more com)
horses. Englaiiu, France and Germany
cannot supply their cities and their
nrmies. Russia, with 25.000.0CO horses
has no good horses for export. Amer
ica is the only country from which
large supplies may bo had. and when
our increased horse production be
gins to mature, wo can supply tho
world as well as our own Increased
market interests in all our crowing,
It I rni. . - , ... . '
i-mco. niu u-Miuri iraue win always
maintain good prices for our horses.
and whllo many farmers may still
raise scrubs, tho enterprising Ameri
can farmers get tho best Improved
horses to be found In tho horse-breeding
countries of tho old world. Now
they breed to suit tho market de
mand for high-class horses to supply
tho markets of the world. Scientific
Our new FALL MILLINERY has arrived and
we have put on display at our store the finest
line of street hats and trimmed hats for Fall
wear we have ever carried. Don't fail to call
this week and see the NEW THINGS in Millin
ery. Our prices are away down, as usual.
New Wraps
We have just received a large shipment of
Fall and Winter Wraps for children,- misses
and ladies, The newest styles, best assort
ment and lowest prices are found here.
Money back if goods are not satisfactory
Germany begins her mimic war to
day at Frankfort-on-the-Oder.
Banditti in Cuba aro on the ram
nMin Thpv nro klrinannlnK
Planters, defying the rural guards fear that tho mnjaT
With all .our American ingenuity
and enterprise in manufacturing elec
tric cars and automobiles to relieve
the horse of the drudgery of increab
Ing work and the cruelty of drivers,
tho horso is being advanced to a
higher plane of utility and luxury.
There Is no longer a demand for the
cheaper grades of street car horses.
Tho African war took several thous
and, but tho armies of tho world call
for the better class of horses. The
old cab horse, that stands in the
streets day and night, is being sup
planted by automobiles in cities
where good pavements prevail, just
as the horse was relieved from the
street cars by electricity ;thus, step
by step, tho horse is being advanced
and we welcome every improvement
in mechanical power as a blessing to
the horse.
The srowth of our cities and In
dustrial centers increase the demand
for horses of a better class. Tho big
draft teams In our city streets indi
cate the prosperity of this country;
and it is tho ambition of our manufac
turers to get tho finest draft horses
to bo had. While our merchants anu
express companies aro Increasing the
number of handsome, activo norses
tlio grocers and tradesmen utilize
many of tho cheaper animals. Whllc
a few wealthy people own an automo
bile they must have fine horses, anu
with tho cheap price of vehicles in
America, with so many big factories,
almost overbody has a horso and car-
irage, whllo all who can aaoru u
have handsome coach and carriage
horses tho prices of which aro high
er than over before known. The de
man! for all tho better classes of
horses is far greater than tho supply,
because our farmers became discour
aged six or eight years ago, and quit
breeding, when panic prices were be
low the cost of production, anu "
Good Healthy Action
is easy to have by taking1 this
famous old remedy To look
well and keep well, use
Sold ETCxywherft-In boxes 10c. and S&c
I have a full line of sporting goods. Winchester 12 and'
16 guage shotguns, rifles, hunting coats, game bags and
all kinds of revolvers aud ammunition at prices that are
right. Call and examine my stock before buying.
T. C. laylor
741 Alain Street
T .
All kinds for all purposj
Sash, Doors and
Planing of all description J
Don't place vour nr..
Building Material until you J
uuiiauiicu us.
Pendleton Planing
Lumber Yard,
ROBERT FORSTER,.froprietcr
The Columbia
Lodging House j
Cooper's old stind,
Main St., Near W. St Ql
A royal good meal lot ou
20 cents.
If vou dine with us voir
always satisfied. j
A trial meal will make ;p
a regular boarder. i
and having things , their own way.
About tho best thing that Httlo Cuba
can do Is to come nnd beg her way
Into Undo Sam'B houso, on any kind
of terms, where she will find pro
tectlon for herself from her pons.
Tbero Is too much Spanish in thoso
people for them to get along decent
ly for somo time yet to come.
Kaiser William and his brother
have made application for member
shin in tho Now York Yacht Club
Or 'nurse they wU he admitted. Thoy
01 nt to now fo'!ow Teddy's oxamplo
and Join some of tho labor unions.
All hinds of froaUish things aro done
by orowned heads and high officials.
But after all should not men occupy
ing high stations bo required to show
the same eligibility for membership
as tho regul ar applicants?
Just because a good
wmibi soon disnlaco the horse.
With tho return of prosperity came
the increased demand for horses, but
a higher class and at higher prices.
Wo now have an era of Industrial
horses and horses of luxury, never
beforo known In the history of tills
country. After our civil war In 1805,
wo discovered we wero horso poor,
with millions of little trotters, mules
and ranch ponies. Wo began import
ing draft horses, and later tho largo
handsome coach horses, to Increase
tho size and utility of our American
horses. We Imported theso animals
liv tho thousand from Europe to tin
prove our own mom liberally than
atlon has over imported nny
pure breeds of stock, and when prices
.irnnimd the export buyers took 50,000
to 75,000 a year to Europe, until our
prices last year got so high tuai uiey
could handle but a lew.
With tho revival of commercial
tirosDorltv canto tho increased do
maud for good horses; and with o
breeding for a few years, tho horse
republican buyers soon culled out tho. good
"colored gentleman" got too close to "
ito President Itoosovelt's carriage In rallied' to horso breeding
' North jCarolina one of tho secret sor.as prcc8 aflvflnCjed. 'and our importers
vice raenMIld ,hlm out with a double lftro aealn annually. Importing yap
undeVcut under 4ho Jaw. How can loads of pure-bred stallions of tho
Next Monday the prides of your homes will start to school. You know
that the Clothing they wear has a great influence on their minds. If they
are attired in a bright, new, well fitting Suit and are weJl dressed, they are
proud of their appearance and are in a happy frame f mind. We know
this, too, and have prepared accordingly,
Remember we advertised 20 For older boys get one of our $5,00 Q"H"YE7Q
percent, discount on Children's O'Hoolilmns 6.00 &ttJEi.
Clothing, Sale to close September These when new are much bet- 7.00
5th. This means t"5 off a ter than, they look. 8.00
great saving to the mothers of Little Shoes at Little Prices,
Pendleton. , , , , . , r , 1
We liavo sovoral kinds of school
- - - Young men's suits in all the $JO.OO; shoes.
new stylish patterns, ages 17 o OO
Boys' Three-Piece Suits 18, 19, 20. These are made J50Q Do yu want tho WEAK WELL
Undo of extra strong wors- $2.50 , &00 kind?
ted and sowed with silk; cut 3,00 nce Henry Cut 20 QO , , uu
in tho lute ''(Jnston" stylo. In 3.50 ou do-ad afc a 1,tt,a
this suit your boy will rapid- 4,00 price.
ly advunco on tho road of c'nn u 1 t 1 rn 1
knowledge. o.w You can't boat tho Oak Tanned
Boys' Furnishing Goods (That's lig Too Spaco, Easy Fitting,
r "Ked School IIouso Shoes," $1.25
Boys' Two-Piece Suits. COond U5
BM . BA1 $1.50 JUST LIKE PAPA WEARS . 0ur '.Little Dovil" Hard Wear
iJctler known as tho "Al C . n n . . .1
phonbo." Theso will cause 2.00 blurts hrs Shoes ut Small Trices, get tho
tho hoy to be very polite. 2.50 Stockuujs . gftng, li0Ml.25 and 1M
,uu Suspenders Waists And thoso Young Men who
Gloves Handkerchiefs woar 8i08 2 to 5 hold trf "
If your bovs are mischievous $2,50 Neckt'es Money pair of Iron Shod Shoos at ifl.OU
buy thftii one of our q'rrrv Sweaters Overcoats $1.75 and 2lf)0
IM7Piibnwncr dilt: r'nf Mackintoshes Underwear ,n, . ,
Katzeitjaininer ults 5,00 shoes' Overshoes Thoso aro veritable wondor
These s and hatd knocks. 60Q Suits