East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 10, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    You always get GOOD GOODS at Alexander's.'
To make your selections for the new season's wants
from such a nice, fresh well chosen stock such as ours.
Everything is stylish, bright, crisp and new, so moder
ately priced, too. You'll not regret looking; chances
are you will buy. If you are wise we know you will.
We take great pleasure in showing and great care to
pink, blue, rose, lavender, grey. Daintily made, dain
tily trimmed, moderately priced. $3.48, $2.98, $2.48,
$1.98, $1.48, $1.25, 98c.
riMMYDtPTTXTArnTi T?TTD TJTTO P. W A STi! A rtnimmpr't cnmnlps nt n
AViMUUUAM A. vw . " - x
saving of more than one-hall We know it's a little
early for furs, but at our prices they won't last long.
Remember, samples are better made, better trimmed
than the regular line. See window display. Collarette,
scarfs and jackets, big assortment tc choose from at
$2.48. $4,48, $7.50, $8.50, $12.50 and upward.
Trimmings, New Skirts, New Jackets.
exander Dept. Store
LlMA r X I expect people to know what
rl WflWV LJJ T UU you have to sell If you don't
Jh;M$rtore can never be J HXCDTIQCO
jBOWA&Bflless It advertises ML V It I IOC I
Mr. and Mrs, B. D. Smith Entertain
at Their Home on Bear Creek.
An enjoyable party was given -at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. B. D.
Smith, at their home on Bear Creek,
Wednesday evening, to a number of
Invited friends.
The evening was spent In dancing,
games and a general sociable time,
with a splendid luncheon served In
the Interim. The grounds were bril
liantly lighted with candles, so bright
that the young people enjoyed games
of croquet to their heart's content.
The grounds had tho appearance of
a summer garden. Groups of beautt
fully dressed young women accom
panied by their escorts, strolled here
and there in the well-lighted grounds,
and hammocks swung and swayed' In
tho brilliant lights, while gay laugh
tor and soft words of friendship min
gled in a grand chorus of music to
those who are still young enough to
see the brigfit side of life.
Among the leading features of the
luncheon wore baked chicken, cold
ham, nut cakes, chocolate cakes,
cream pies, lemonade, Ice cream,
peaches and cream and many other
Music was furnished by Clarke
Sturdovant, His reputation is sufflc
lent guarantee that tho music was
Following woro among tho number
Misses Mabel Thompson, Irene No
leu, Katie Smith, Ester Hascall, Net
tlo Howe, Alta Boylen, Elsie Olcott,
Hazel Olcott, Nona Boyd, Adda Cable,
Nolllo Mulkey, Anna, Vesta and El
ma Boylen, Alice Warner, Beatrice
Byrd; Grandma Byrd, Mrs. Arley
Byrd, Mrs. H. Boylen, Mrs. Charles
Olcott, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Fremont,
Mrs. Fred Hascail, Mrs. A. J. Smith,
Mrs. Clark Sturtevant, Mrs. Ed Rhin
erson, Mrs. Toneman Cable; Messrs.
rE are Headquarters for Heating and Cooking Stoves and Steel Ranges,
We have this year prepared to furnish Heating and Cooking Stoves, 3
and Steel Ranges for those who are in the market to buy and we are
in a position to Bave you money. There is a difference in Stoves, but we handle 3
the Best I
ill Only
B?flBiK&rc the WKdejome yihcd&nlocXW
b-PiMi4 broWaeA la Acorn jtoybtffjPflr
Z i gm jne one bahlnjf Acorn BreaA
E; -,:Bold In Pendleton oulyby
And Sell Them
No Higher Prices
Than others. Our Line is Complete.
The Celebrated Acorn
Heating Stoves, Cook Stoves and Steel Ranges r3
are handled exclusively in Pendleton by us. 3
The highest standard is reached in, the Acorn s
Stoves. 3
Acorn Steel Range, size 8, four holes, high 2
closet, $35.00. , J
Size 8, six holes, sixteen-inch oven, high ;
warming closet, $40.00. 3
Size 8, six holes, eighteen-inch oven, high :3
warming closet, 44&.UU.
C. E. Byrd, Bert Piersol, John Black,
burn, Harley Howo, Fred Hascall,
Clark Sturtevant, Ed Rlnerson, Albert
Herbert and Robert Boylen, Owen
Byrd, Lewis Bettcncourt, George
Done. S.
"Lat the GOLD DUST twins do your work."
P. E. Patterson Loses $45 Which rje
Loaned a Stranger on Security of
' Forged Draft.
Whllo waiting between trains at
Umatilla a few days ago, P. E. Pat
terson was buncoed out of $t5 by a
man by the name of A. D. Lano.
Lane and Patterson had been work
ing in tho Palouso harvest fields and
Patterson concluding that he had
made all the money he wanted, an
nounced that he was going to return
to his home in tho East. Lano said
he was coming to Eastern Oregon and
would accompany Patterson on his
way. They became fast friends and
Patterson was glad to have Thane's
company. When they reached Uma
tilla the trains were lato and the
young men had to lay over several
hours. Tane became separated from
Patterson and when he returned said
he had become Involved In a poker
game and lost all of his ready cash.
He asked his friend to help him out
of the pinch by loaning him ?45. Pat
terson demurred, but Lano told him
he would give him all of tho security
ho wanted. Ho drew a draft from
his pocket calling for $2300 on tho
Pocatclla Brfnk. This looked good to j
Patterson and he took It as socurit
for tho ?45 until Lano could get some '
money from the bank. Lane then left
his friend and that was the last seen
of him. This did not worry Patter
son until he found that tho draft was
a forgery and ho had been buncoed
out of his hard-earned cash. Lane It
still at large although the officers are
making every effort to locate him.
Are you a slavo to housowork ?
has done more than anything olso to omancipato women from tho
back-breaking burdons of tho household, it cleans everything
about tho house pots, pans, dishes, clothes and woodwork. Saves
timo, money and worry.
Chlcaco. New York. Boston, St. Louts. Makers ot OVAL FAIRY SOAP.
So Says Miss Dollle Brown, of Downs,
A letter of Inquiry was received
Tuesday by Judge Thomas Fltz Ger
aid from Mrs. A. L. Brown, ot
Downs, Wash., wanting to know It
the marriage of Miss Jeannetto Xa
Pierrl and A. W. Melton, by tho judge
a few months ago, was legal.
There is quite a romance behind
the marriage of these young people.
Miss La Pierri came to Pendleton a
few months ago and was met the next
evening for the first time by Mr. Mel
ton. It wns a case of lovo at first
sight at least on the part of Melton,
but It seems that tho young lady was
looking for a graft of some kind and
married for the money she was lead
to believe tho young man possessed.
They were married tho second day
after meeting, and It was only a few
days after the wedding until tho
bride, finding that the wealth of the
young man was limited, left him with
out ceremony. She left a note be
hind telling her husband how she had
"worked" him and for him not to be
so "easy" next time.
The letter written to Judge Fltz
Gerald is supposed to como from tb
young woman's mother, and it states
that her name was not La Pierri, but
Dollie Brown, and instead of being
13 years of age, as tho llcenso stat
ed, she was only IB. Now she wants
to know if the marriage was legal.
Just what answer the judge will
mako to the Inquiry has not been de
A Society P.0II0 of London, Canada.
A.eorn Stoves
Cast Cook Stoves, $8.50 and up.
Acorn Heating Stoves
Acorn Air-tight, $3 to $J3.
Acorn "Round Oak," $tO to $25.
In our Hardware Store we have every
thing the line includes. ( ur business is
built up on the principle of good, honest
reliable goods at
Black Bread
Burned In an imperfect ovcq is za Sbomiuatioa
in the household.
White Bread
as it comes from the ovens of tbose perfect taken
and Fuel Savers
Stoves and Ranges
is perfection; wholesome, healthful, palatable.
No dough in the center; crust just brown cnoujb;
swccianu ircsniur oays.
Handled in
Exclusively by
W.J. Clarke Co.
1 ?
We want you to come in and see as, take a took at oar Stoves
and get the prices.
Democratic Convention Names Tick'
et Most Harmonious Proceed
Walla Walla, Sept. 10. Tho demo
cratlc county convention met In this
city yesterday, named a ticket, nass-
ed strong resolutions In favor of a
railroad commission, elected 18 dele
gates to the state convention, and
reorganized the campaign committee
for the ensuing year. The body did
us Dusiness with dispatch, but no un
usual amount of enthusiasm was man
ifest. The work required a little over
three hours time.
The convention was organized by
tho election of Francis A. Garrecht
chairman, and J. J. Schlllner, secre
tary. Tjie usual committees were
named and the forenoon session clou
ed until 1:30 to allow the commit
tees to report. In the afternoon the
ticket was named, a platform adopted
and other business transacted.
The ticket nominated follows:
Representative 12th district James
Representatives 13th district W.
H. Dunphy and Campbell Robinson.
Sheriff Patrick Donovan.
Auditor W. J. Honeycutt.
Clerk A. O. Haucrbacb.
Treasurer Harry Lasater.
Prosecuting attorney T. A. Paul.
Assessor C. C. Maiden.
Superintendent of schools Fred M
Surveyor James RIgsby.
Coroner J. W. Cobberly.
Commissioners Georgo Struthers
and W. W. Maxwell.
The work of the convention was
done harmoniously, there being but
few contests, and they of minor Im
portance. Most of the nominations
were made by acclamation. Tho res
olutions indorse a railroad commls
sion, condemn the republican party,
declaro for free trade, demand anti
pass legislation, and oppose the rail
road merger.
Excursion to Washington, D, C.
On the occasion of the O. A. R. en
campment, to bo held at Washington,
D. a, October 6 to 11, the O. It. & N,
Co. will sell round trip tickets at
$69.85. Dates of sale September 29
and 30, limit 80 day. Choice of
o Iomlon, Ontario,
Canada, is a beauti
ful girl who knows what
Buffering is and Wino of
Cardui has brought licr back
to health. She is ono of the
social favorites o her homo
and her recovery to health
has permitted her to enjoy
tho company ot her many
friends instead of lying 011
-bod o sickness and suffering. For
tho health she now enjoys sho gives
credit to Wino of Cardui. She writes:
"I have found Wine of Cardui an excel
lent remedy for female trouble. I suffered
for three years with terrible bearing-down
pains at the menstrual period. I could
hardly stand on my feet and was never
real well. Wine of Cardui was the only
medicine that I could depend on to do me
any good, as I tried several with no suc
cess, Wine of Cardui cured me and I
have now enjoyed perfect health for two
yean, and give you all the credit for I
know you deserve It."
For a young girl Wino of Cardui is
tLj best remedy to guido her through
womanhood by starting tho menstrual
flow ill .1 healthy and tint
ural manner. Mcnstruntion
started right Js very easy to
keep regular through tho
years of mature womanhood.
Then tho "change of lifo"
need not bo feared. TIiub
Wino of Cardui is woman's
beat relief from youth to
old age. A million women
liavo Becurod blessed relief
from their Bufferings by tak
ing this treatment. It relioves mon
strual troubles in an incredibly short
timo. In a simple, caso of deranged
menses Wino ot Oanltii never fails. To
relievo disordered menses is to removo
tho cause of other fomalo troubles. Any
physician will tell you that to remove
tho causo ot a diseaso renders tho euro
easy, in fact seldom fails to comploto
tho cure. If you would Jiavo tho samo
relief which Miss Markoll secured try
Wino of Cardui. You can take it with
out an examination and without any
publicity whatever. You can toko it In
the privacy ot your homo and secure
just as much benefit as if a doctor had
proscribed it for you. Thousands of wo
men aro feeling tho vigor of returning
health by taking Wino of Cardui.
A million suffering women
havo found relief in
Wino of Cardui.
Always Good, Always Fresh
Always Clean
Are groceries, fruit and vegetables when they come from our
store. We have nice, sound citrons, just the thing for preserv
ing. J nere is nothing liner that grows than these citrons.
Celery, string beans, egg plant and all the vegetables in
Cucumbers for Pickling
Wc have the very select kind, both large and small.
Fruits for canning. Pears, peaches, plum3, apples, etc.
Tomatoes for catsup. .
We are the headquarters for all kind of canning sut plies,
including sugar, spices, vinegar, etc.
The place to get clean, fresh goods. ;
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
Telephone Red 34 J
Frazer Opera House
Saturday Eve,, September J 3th
With a Powerful Cast and Magnificent Soenery. A play of true
neon mierwu Diuruijjg, oeiiHUiiunai and True to,
Uomedy, fliou, daughter Mid Tear.
Bennutloiml and True to Life, combining
and Tear. I)ula ulth life In tho WmtHrn
During the phenomenal run of "A Broken Heart" for the past two
seasons, the play hut never received Mi udveree prewa criticism.
PfilOES: 26c, SOo, 75o and $1,00.
49Seat8 on sale at Frazier's Book Store Thursday morning.
routes, going and coating.
All pmoM knowing UteaueiTM In
deb ted to sm will b!mm caU m&A sat
tta tt sir wecimiM. '
H. M. ftUXUf,
- 3