East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 10, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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8073 Clothing and Ft?nisnings
Hoys' 60I100I 8U Its, two piece,
1.60, 2. f2.60 ami 3.
Hoys' school suits, three piece,
12, $2.60, R60 and 5.
Jloys' knee pints, 60e, 7oc $1
and $1 23.
Hoys' long pants, f 1.50, $1.76,
$2 ami $2 60. '
Hoys' Hweitors, white, colored
and 'tripod, 60c to SI. 76.
Hoys' shirts, soft and Bllli'boj
onis, 60e and 76o each.
Ho s' caps, 25c and 60c.
Hoys' lints, all the late styles.
60c to $1.60.
Hoys' shoes (wo save you 2"io
und 35c a pair), $1.25 to f2.25.
Every Day is a Bargain
Day at oar Store.
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Ratters, Pendleton
729 Mam Street
m 1
A candy trust has been incornorat
cd in New Jorsoy with a capital stock
or $y,uuo,ooo.
Rockefeller now owns a park con
taining 90.000 acres, in the Adiron
dack Mountains.
King Edward did not forget to wire
President Roosevelt his congratula
tions on his escape in his recent ac
cident. Redmond, the Irish leader, says
that Ireland will he made too warm
for despots. He denounces the proc
lamation of the Crimes net
The strikers now claim that thoy
have practically won their fight in
Pennsylvania, and are urging the men
to stand by them to the end.
Louis S. Desporti has been sentenc
ed to McNeal's Island for IS months,
for embezzling government funds
while postmaster at Bridges, Idaho.
Frederick Cams, the Nebraska
"Tracy," has armed himself with a
Winchester and is hiding in the Win
nebago reservation north of Omaha.
Senator Hawley, in a daze, fell un
conscious the other day, and It is now
doubtful if he will bo able to return
to the senate from his Connecticut
The Northern Pacific has purchas
ed the Bellingham Bay & Eastern
railway, an independent road .con
necting Whatcom with Uf Northern
Hannah Weston, who braved perils
of Indians to carry powder and shot
for the revolutionists' first naval
fight, is at last to have a monument
erected to her for bravery.
Commander McCrea, of the Ma
chlas, has not received commenda
tlon of his own government for his
action in the Bocas del Toro situa
tion, but the German officials have
highly commended him.
It now comes out that the corrupt
St, Louis councilmen took a most
binding oath upon entering into their
plan to steal in the franchise deal.
They swore they would lie and steal,
and that if any one should divulge
their work, his tongue should be torn
'out and his throat cut
Exchanges of Oregon tell of many
Easterners coming to this state this
Clackamas and Tillamook counties
are being seriously damaged by for
est fires.
A telephone line is being put in
from Burns to Prineviilo and thence
to Ontario.
The people of the Panhandle coun.
try want a now county, with Hunting
ton as the county seat.
The 29th annual meeting of the Or
egon State Medical Society is .being
held at Portland today.
This week the first gold har was re-
Hotel Pendleton.
Sidney Arnold. North Yakima.
R. W. Rupe, San Francisco.
G. L. nyler, San Francisco.
Miss Clark Druwsoy.
.Miss Campbell, Bums.
R. M. .McAllister. Minneapolis.
F. Howard and wife, San Francisco.
George Harris. Portland.
A. Nylander. Portland.
M. Doty. Portland.
E. L. Tatom, city.
James Leslie, Seattle.
E. Blackburn. Seattle.
F. D. McPherson, Santa Cruz.
T. W. .McPherson. Santa Cruz.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
F. D. Cramer, Spokane.
S. O. Sakin, Portland.
F. J. LeGrow, Athena.
William Maher, Athena.
C. M. Smith. Athena.
Miss Eva D. Froome, citv.
G. W. Wilcox, Wisconsin.
W. J. Manning, The Dalles.
W. O. Korten, Chicago.
J. A. Pardee. Omaha.
Fred Roth. Portland.
G. Chidister. Spokane.
E. E. Turbush, Salt Lake.
J. O. Williams, Heppner.
W. AV. Lipsett, Heppner.
The Golden Rule.
C. O. Kloeffer, Plymouth.
M. E. Kloeffer. Plymouth.
Mrs. Eugene Scott, Kansas.
J. A. McGowand, Portland.
J. M. Burke, Portland.
J. E. Meyer, Chicago.
E. H. Thompson, Portland.
B. Holcomb, Seattle.
S. H. Carmichael, Weston.
C. Cunningham, Portland.
P. E. Hunsucker, Boston.
G. L. Thatcher, Portland,
Rev. W. O. Miller, Lexington.
S. A. Frans, Spokane.
C. F. Ryan. Oregon City.
J. N. B. Gerking, Athena.
L. C. Preslo, Weston.
T. J. Berg, Walla Walla.
A, Madden, Lone Rock.
Abe Albrow, Brlggson.
H. Fanning, Cold Springs.
E. S. Tinkham, city.
O. A. Baker, city.
Roy Coonse, Salem.
R. R. Black and wife. La Orande.
Myitle Whistler, Chicago.
L. J. Sims, Whitney.
A Parson's Noble Act.
"I want all the world to know,"
writes Rev. C. J. Budlong, of Asha
way, R. I., " what a thoroughly good
and reliable medicine I found in Elec
tric Bitters. They cured mo of Jaun
dice and liver troubles that had caus
ed me great suffering for many years.
For a genuine, all around cure thoy
excell anything I ever saw." Elec
tric Bitters aro the surprise of all for
their wonderful work in Liver, Kid
ney and Stomach troubles. Don't
fall to try them. Only BO cts. Satis
faction Is guaranteed by Tollman &
For "Pendleton Day" the O. R. & N.
Makes a Low Special Rate.
This year Spokane will hold her In
terstate Fair October C to 14. The
nrogresslve and enterprising people
torted from bullion taken from the 1 of that city are putting rorth unusual
wMto Hnmr, ninn in Custom Oregon. ! effort to make this season's fair sur-
While preparing to commit suicide pww in point of Interest j wytWns of
last week a man in Vancouver died tho kind over -con in the north Pa
of heart failure superinduced by ex- clte feature rtttaWr wlHta
c,f,mpnt- 1 9 and for this occasion the O. R. &
Mining m.n who have visited thoN Co wl on October 8 sell tickets,
willow urecu uisinci Bay mm u win Sp0kano and return, good until Octo
. 11.. ! 1. .... 1 nnl.l fl CI 1 t I . .. . . . a
prove ono of tho richest gold fields In
tho world.
School opened at La Grande Mon
day with an attendance or 010 pupils.
Half of the rooms of tho building
were overcrowded.
The Oregon Law School is a now
her 15. at SC.EO. This Includos admis
sion to the fair.
Fortuno Favors a Texan.
"Having distressing pains In head,
back and stomach, and being without
annetlto. I began using Dr. King a
organization lately formed In tho city f New Life Pills," writes W. P. White
of Salem for tho purpose of conduct- ,oad, of Kennedale, Tex., "and soon
Ing a coliego of law. ! felt Ilko c new man." intaillbio in
According to tho Hluo Mountain stomach and liver troubles. Only 25c
Eagle William Porcival, tho stock- at Tallinan tc co.'s urug siore.
man reported to have been killed In,
tho range troubles, is still alive.
Twenty-three carloads of salmon;
wero shipped from Astoria Monday.
Colorado Springs and Return $50,
On account of .the meeting of tho
Tenth National Irrigation Congress,
rri, not. I., in Atlnntln iinrtR Mini con- 'at Colorado Barings. CoTL Octobor C
Btituto one of the biggest shipments to 9, tho O. II. & N. Co. will soli tick
over mado from Astoria. I ets to tho aboco point and return at
50, Dates of sale, October 2 and 3,
"When a man marries his troubles Limit, 30 days. Stop-overs allowed,
1,ni,ln Tioplmng Tin hn fltimltdn't
kick. ' Ho has a partner to chare It Ladles' ehoos, finest In at7les. Best
I ror wear, .ueu uuuibcu
aMis. l,alf and La,f-
Sheriff Will Be Compelled to Levy
After That Date This Year's Show
Ing Good Washington Law.
Only 25 days nioro In which to pa
taxes and save levy and tho cost of
the levy, is the stern condition under
tho low confronting tax-payera.
The new law makes lovy compulse
ry on tho part of the sherirt after tho
first Monday In October, which comes
on the 6th. Then the penalty and
costs of lovy will bo added to the
penalty already attached.
The Old Law.
Under the old law If a tax-payer
tailed to pay his taxes and made a
good excuse to the sheriff in his ca-
paclty as collector he could defer tho
levy at Ids discretion and give tho
tax-payer more time. This, ns a mat
ter of course, was done frequently, as
ofllcials aro never Inclined to oppress
ciMzens when they can avoid It. A
great number who were able to pay
their taxes took advantage of tlds
leniency and as a conseniiciico tax
collections were often behind.
Better Under the New.
But tho new law lias mado collec
tions better all around. Many of tho
property owners took advantage of
the law which gave them 3 per cent
off for paying up on or before March
15. and ninny also took advantage of
the law permitting them to pay half
of their taxes and saving penalty by
paying before March 15.
Better collections have been made
and tho books show fewer delin
quents this year than over before in
the history of tho county. A greater
number of property owners paid all
of their taxes than those who only
paid half.
To Save Costs.
But It Is now necessary for delin
quents to pay up before October 0
to save additional costs, and this ap
plies especially to those who have
paid half of their taxes. Having
gone this far and saveil the lu per
cent it would now he bad for them
to permit the time to lapse and thus
have to pay the penalty of lovy at
The sheriff can show no leniency
After the dato named no kind of ex
cuse or plea will enable him to assist
tax-payers. All taxes become subject
to tho nenalty on that dato and no
power under the law can give relief.
Careless Business Men.
It is astonishing how careless men
aro in regard to paying taxes. A
great number of men, and even husi
ness men, permit the time to pass and
then find a penalty assessed against
thew, whlh they will havo to pay
hereafter, and which they could havo
saved by paying up in time, and
which they were amply able to pay
In time. At least three-fourths of tho
tax-payers took advantage of the new
law and paid up prior to March 15.
A great number havo paid up since
that time and those who expect to
save further costs in the way of pen
alties will have to pay up before Oc
tober C. Tho cost of lovy is usually
large and tho property owner who
permits this penalty to be attached,
when ho can prevent it, wastes just
that sum negligently.
Real. Estate Looking Up.
The tax assessor is busy making
up his 1902 rolls and will havo them
completed by March 1, or possibly
earlier. The work has not proceeded
to that point where a synopsis can
bo given, but It is safo to approximate
.1 substantial increase in real estate
values for this year. The improve
ments on homes, acquiring now
homes, and the substantial citizenship
settling in this county from many
points, accounts for tho Increase of
valuations in this class of property.
The Washington Law.
While tho new Oregon law has re
sulted in good collections throughout
tho state, a prominent official said
hat he thought tho Washington law
was still better. In that state any
ono may go to the tax rolls and pay
the taxes duo by another, tako a re
ceipt for tho same, and from tho dato
of payment his receipt hears interest
at 16 per cent. By reason of this law
speculators aro always on the look
out and when they see taxes due on
good property thoy immediately pay
tho taxes and but few tracts of land
become delinquent for taxes. It also
stimulates property owners and they
look after tho payment of their taxes
moro promptly. It Is claimed that
under tho Washington law no sales
aro mnde, mid tit? costs of lovy, ad
vertisements, etc., are nil saved, and
that while tho law would apparently
work a hardship in the fact that one
man cau pay another's taxes without
Ids consent, yet it results In good
all around and prevents running costs
up even against tho property owner,
except the per ceiit which Is allowed
as interest to tho person paying tho
taxes. A receipt Ib practically a
deed, subject to redemption, nnd tills
Is nil of tho cost that attaches to col
lecting tnxes In that state.
But the nmln point Hint should he
Impressed upon Umatilla property
owners nt present, tho ofilcors say, is
that thoy should pay their taxes on or
before Octobor G nnd save a lovy and
tho costs attached thereto.
Parsons Has Two Navajo Blank
ets Taken From His Porch.
Col. Wllllnni Parsons Is lnmontitig
tho loss of two flue Navajo Indian
blankets which wore taken from tho
veranda at his home, on East Court
street this morning.
Col. Pnrsons made a collection of
these, blankets while engaged in tho
government servlco among tho Nava
jo Indiana 12 yenrs ago. These blank
ets aro very valuable as they aro
scarce and lie prized his collection
very highly, not only for their Intrin
sic value, hut as keepsakes. Lost
night two of tho blankets were left
on tiie porcli nnd when the family
arose this morning they wero gone,
hut their loss was not discovered until
about the middle of the forenoon.
One of the blankets was worth
ibotit $50 and tho other $20. The
largo ono wns soven feet long and is
red with diamond shaped figures
while the small one is red with stripes
of black.
There is no clue to the theft.
The li'uimcnt bottle and flannel strip are
fntuilinr objects in nearly every household.
They are the weapons that have been used for
generatious to fight old Rheunmtisiu, nnll are
nbout as effective in the battle with this giant
disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers
would be in modern warfare.
Rheumatism is caused by nn acid, sour
condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irritating- matter tint . u,
i tim ii..to ...,-., ,i 1 ....... ...i ., tttfl
else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corrodin tr nnHiViM 2
were deposited .there by the blood nnd can be reached only through theM,?!
Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the achM J
pains, but these are only symptoms which arc liable to return with en3l
pllnturn nf tlir. ttffif tnr tlm rnnl ilidncr 1iao tnotwir- fl, 1.1. 1 . """SlI
- fa- - , - ..v..j--.., wilt uiuuu and (
. f . 1 I T, , . . 1 . ,, 1
uiL- iiiiecieu.
Rheumatism cannot be radicnlly and periuatieiitlv Wm
lms npmi nurifirrt. nnil nn riiui(K- ilna tln'a o i '
and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stn
, . of- rich., strong blood to the affected parts SI
dissolves and washes out all foreign materials mmm
sufferpr nlitnitis hnnnv ro1iif frmii tin. t,i..: '
i-z-j Hiiimmf pj.
S. S. S. contains no potash or other iuIhm5 i
is a nerfect vegetable blood tmrifinr mj '
exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge allJi
write about their case, aud we will send free our special book on Uheumifyi
ana its treatment. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta, 6t
The Pendleton Business Coller
Cor recti i
Statimwry 1
II U worth something to
buy your Stationery where as
the styles uro correct. jg
Wo buy direct from the S
maker. No middleman to
work off his dead stock on g
uh as "the latest thing." S
Wo keen abreast of the S
times. Wo know what's S
rliflu. Our prices aro right
and our styles. ffi
Prices all tho way from 10 js
n ts to $1 a box, rfi
2 Puner and . envelopes
E bulk, und fancy tablets with
k- envelopes to match. Wo g
linve a few boxes left which
wo are closing out at cost.
Book anJ I
Stationery Store.
i! Hi
f Before f Atto
Uslna Uiln
' CutlcuraSoap ' CutlcuraSoap V
Face Humors
Pimples, blackheads, simple rashes,
red, rough hands, falling hair, and
baby blemishes prevented by Cuti
cura Soap, a sure preventive of in
flammation and clogging of the Pores.
SoldthrouffhouttheworM, 1'ijttik IIrco tnnCntM.
CoKr..l'ropft-,liOfcton llotaLrfreutiac4llumor,fr66.
Large, well lighted, well ventilated aod
Comfortable Rooms.
Commercial Course Uookkeeping by actual business training iiTf
vlded by "Sadler's Uudgot System," thorough and complete. CJomat!
Law entera Into every business transaction, and provides the student ifffc
edge of his rights nnd how to protect his Interests; Commercial Arithitaw
Correspondence aud Penmanship.
Stenographic. Course Shorthand by tho Gregg Light Line
Typewriting, Hiielllug, Puragriinhliig, Punctuation, Correspondence. MiAjf
ing, Care nd Maungemeut of Writing machines.
Call at the ofllce of or write to H. N. ROBINSON, LL.Di, PriJ
I "I... -A 1 T..I CI.. T lti r ' 3
ksuruur iuun uuu juiiusuu ois X'uiiuitUUli, wregOU.
Cures more coughs and
colds than all othor cough
cures together. Eaoh
bottle we sell makes- a
friend for
lerm begins beptemuer 17th. This school is located psy
in the safest town in the Northwest for young people.
Regular Academic, Collegiate, Music, Elocution and Kj
Business Courses. Separate and first-class dormitory jjg
accommodations ior uoys anu gins.
Business Department, Shorthand and Typewriting, 1
$30. Bookkeeping and Business $30. lotal in
cither, with. board, room, lights and tuition, 138 for
the year.
OUR MOTTO: "Thorough Instruction and Praotioal
W. C. HOWARD, A. B., Pres.M
Offerst College Preparatory Courso
Business Course
Teaohors' Course
Taken all grades from Sub-Primary up. Graduates enter FreiE ;f
Class iii'Hiicli Colleges as Yale, Priucetou, Stanford.
Graduates tiUting-7 weeks Supplemental "Work can take Bid,!
Certificates on same bads as Normal S
teuiber 15. For catalogue uddresu
It's fully guaranteed for
all wo claim.
25c and 50c a bottle only
F.W.Schmidt &Co.
Reliable Drcggiste
Phone, Main 851.
I have bargained with a
oompetont Timbaif Crnisor
to locate
On tho lino 0- a railroad
now undor construction!
This moans a big chance
for flrat-comors. See
Have somo good farms for
Bohools. Fall term oneiu
F. L. FORBES, D. D., Principal.
It is the finest grad6 it is possible to make. Nothing C'-j
but the choicebt wheat enters into Byers' flour,
satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for bread Zc
or fancy baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Every Sunday
Dancinc beeins Sundav at 2 o. m. Admission to dancing PJj-
form 25 cents ; ladies free. Busses to and from the Kg
grounds day. and night.
RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove can be engageg
St. Onorcrft. II
1 Mead! Mead!
We are offering this week some exceptional vaH
heavy all-wool Ingrains.
trom last year's stock
57c. You will see some
New goods just coming
These carpets were
sale rS
and are worth 75c per yd; saI.e fSrJW
ne of the patterns in the wte 1
ig in. Look for September aa. j-,
1 Jesse 3-111-'
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.