Classified Advertisements COUNT 8IX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. PR0FE8SI0N8 AND TRADE8. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. tasiness G&tds and Societies PHYSICIANS. W. O. COLE. OFFICE IN JUDD Hiding. OOlre hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 5 p. m. Teiepnoue. uea otx. L MITXKIl. M. D.. DESPAIN BLOCK, kits and corrects eye trouble, catar i' conditions and Impaired bearing, kes correctly fitted for refractive er- bra. Telephone, Main liai. r. 1. SMITH. OFFICE OVEIt THE indleton Savings Ilank. Telepjione, 80S enee telephone, turn am. OAnriELD, m. d., noMnorATn- piivslctan and snrceon. Office In bnildtnc. Telephone: Office, black rcsldence.Vblack 24. ti.T.iAM house. rnTSiciAN and. peon. Office, room 20, Jndd bnlldlnp. Main 721. uosiaence pnone, oiac FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEiannOItS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No, 2333, meets tecond ad fourth Tuesday of each month la Odd Fellows' ball. Airs. Ida uolcomb, Oracle Airs. Kettle KobDins, itecoraer. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All vlsltlne Sir Knights cordially Invited. S. Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, commander. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52, A. F. AND A. M., meets first and third Mondays of eacn montn. visiting Dretnren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, TV. M. ; Joe XI. Parkes, Sec. J. MTATJI ROOM 17 ASSOCIA- hlock. Telephone. Main 931 ; resl- : telephone, black 101. M. ID3NDERSON, riTYSICIAN Snrgeon. Specialties eye. ear. nose bront. OltTce In Savings Bank bnlld- P'Pbone Main 831. TENDLETON CIIArTER. NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, n. P., F. F. wamsley, secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic nail. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. F. Nowlln. C C: R. W, Fletcher, K. of R. and 8. Meets every aionaay in secret society uau. MODERN "WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tntullla Camp, No. 6309. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd cenows- nan. ueorce a. uambim, uon am; u. A. Kobbins, Clerk. spATnic ft Keyes. Store, rnrsiciANS. drs. Office one block west LYNN K. RLAKESLEE. CHRONIC nervous diseases and diseases of wo- Opp. Hotel Pendleton, Cor. water Jain Sts.. Pendleton, Or. 'Phone 73. DENTISTS. 4a9Kt ATJOnAN, DENTIST. OFFICE IN founding. 'Phone Red 71. UN. DENTIST. OFFICE IN AB- lon block, over Schmidt's new drug stlitlH ,'Phone Red 271. 5HITECTS AND BUILDERS. tHOWARD, ARCHITECT AND SU- tendent, mnses complete ana reus- i for bullalngs in ine ciiy or conn om 17 Jndd building. COLE, CONTRACTORS AND Estimates fnrnlshed on short - Job work a specialty, rrompt Shop on liiun street near nam. IAY. CONTRACTOR AND BT7ILD- Estlmates furnished on all kinds nrr. cement- walks.- stone walls etc. borders at East Oregonlsn office. .BANKS AND BROKERS. NATIONAL RANK OF ATHENA. con. Capital, 550,000: surplus ana Jflnoo. Interest on time .deposits. . In Foretrn and Domestic exchange. Itlons promptly attended to. Henry sms. president; T. J. Kirr, vice-presi-I E. L. Barnett, cashier ; F. S. Le- f assistant cashier. WOODMEN OF TnB WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41. W. of W. are held In Secret Society Hall every Saturday evening, visiting notch bors are always welcome, J. P. Walker, uicrc; j. 1-. Kan, (J. u. ATTORNEYS. BALLERAY A VoCOURT, LAWYERS, AB30 ciauou mincing. CARTER AND RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. unice in savings Bank Building. BTEPHEN A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AT uw. Hoom 14 Association BIk., Pen dleton, Oregon. HENRY J. BEAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association Block, Pendleton, Oregon. N. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY Office In. Association Block. AT LAW, E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 court street. L. B. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I'cnaieion, uregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD llnlldlng. 8TILLMAN AND PIERCE. ATTORNEYB at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitt ed to practice In United States -patent of fices and makes a specialty of Patent Law. Rooms, 10, 11, 12, and 13 Association Block. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE OLD 8EMPLB FEED YARD, 723 Cottonwood street. Lindsay & Doty props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Sad dle horses at all times. Horses for sale. Phone Red 41. PENDLETON BAVINGS BANK PEN- ra, Oregon. Organliea aiarcn 1. l capital, 550,000; surplus .190,000; : allowed on time aeposiis. n.i honrht and sold on all principal Special attention given to coi- W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier. FARMERS' BANK OF WESTON, Oregon. Does a general Dans tness. Exchange bought and sold. is promptly attenoea to. k. president: George W. Proebstel, sldent; J. R. Kllgore, cashier; dl- G. A. Iiartman, si. m. jonns. 1: G. D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert , G. W. Proebstel. NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE rvtnltxl 1.70.000 1 snrnlns. 105.000. tets a general . banking business. El and telegrapnic transrers soia on , San Francisco. New York and I nolnts In the Northwest Drafts on China. Japan and Europe. Makes ons on reasonable terms. Levi An irooMcnt ' w. V. Matlock, vlce-nresl- $?C. B. Wade, cashier: H. C. Quern- .Itsselstant cashier. fiesl photographers. fS f BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGRA sfeee of the city. Harvest, views, In- otos lor saie. r inisning aone ior irs. jaalu St., near bridge. 'J'none 6. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Stable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable 118 Alta street. COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. W. FROOME Prop. Livery, Feed and Boarding. All kinds "of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone Main 161. DEPOT LIVERY, FEED AND SALES Stables. First-class single and donble rigs for all occasions. 627 Cottonwood St,, 'phone Main 791. Elvln Craig, prop, OREGON FEED YARD, W. T. BOYNTON Prop. Special care given to horses left with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone Red 204 BOARD AND LODGING. THE STRAHON ROOMING HOUSE. MAIN St, Mrs. R. A. Strahon, prop. Nice large well kept rooms In new building, with food clean beds. mB WHITE LODGING nOUSB, 801 South Main street, M. T. Bradley, prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and clean, well kept beds. Lodging 23 cents. EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE, CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets: goods large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and Sue a night. Thos. Smart, Prop. VsE-r LECTRICAL SUPPLIES. sstasS 33 BROS.. COURT STREET. LA block. Electricians, dealers In elec- inpplles. nouses, stores, wired for lights Dens or telephones. Kiec- flxtnres of all kinds. Get our prices. worn a specialty. JRANCE & LAND BUSINESS. PARKES. OFFICE COURT ST. site Golden Rule hotel ; land office s. such as tiling of claims and lnl contests a specialty. HAILEY. JR.. U. 8. LAND COM- sloner Specialty made of land Al and proof; Insurance and collections. in juqq uuuaing, room 10. CABS AND CARRIAGES. 8ER TIRE HACK, NEW AND VERY -style, for the service of tbe Dubllc Carlln and Jes. 8. McKay. DroDa. at the Commercial Livery Stable or none aiain jui ana tne cacx win can f CAB LINE, ERWIN BAKER, PROP. epnone Main 833. stand in front or restaurant. SECOND-HAND DEALER8. 3E O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND 1 eoods boneht and sold. Court St,. ; House block. Call and see him. PROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND goods. If tbere Is anything you In new or second band furniture. 1 granite ware and crockery, call and prices, No. 212 Court St. BLACK8MITHING. HAND & SON FOR WHEAT RACKS and best in town. .814 Webb Bt. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board bv the day or week. Good table set. Rates $4 and $5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Netf, proprietor. TONSORIAL PARLORS. BILLY KRASSI0. BARBER SHOP AND BATH rooms. OpDneite Hotel St. George. Good workmen. Everything in tbe beat sanitary condition. AUTO HONORS. "Have yon ln-rn nwnrrteil nny blue ribbon In thrpp speed contests?1' "Xo; but I've been hot In the log by a farmer, lilt In the neck with unto, and ycstoiday 1 was presented on orilu- from the court. CQMMEFtGE-TRADE Local Market Prices, The following shows the prices paid on the local market: Pineapples, ?6 a dozen. Watermelons, $5 a dozen. Muskmelons, $3 a dozen. Tomatoes, 10 cents per pound. Peaches, 10 cents per pound. Apricots, 10 cents per pound. Plums, three boxes for 25c. String beans, 5c per pound. P.arsnlps, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 3c. per pound. Cheese, per pound, 20c. Onions, 3c per pound. Green onions, 25c dozen. Beets, per pound, lc. New Potatoes, lUb per pound. Garlic, 12 &c per pound. OREGON SCHOOLS. Pendleton Live Stock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, per doz., J 2. 50 to $3.50. Turkeys, per lb., 10c. Geese, per doz., J9. Spring chickens, per doz., $2.50 and $3. Ducks, per doz., $3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 20c in trade. Butter, 25c and 60c per roll. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. L. GREENAWALD, THE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First class repalrlnc with best materials. Shop in rear of Dlndlnger, Wilson ac (jo. JOHN WIL80N, FIRST CLASS SHOE- maker and repairer. Best material used and good work done. Shop 117 Alts, street. WANTED. WANTED A QIBLTO DO HOUSEWORK. AP ply to Mrs Bser, Jackson street. WANTED GENTLEM N BOARDERS BY TOE -weak; mod Libia iet. Mrs N. J. ixneiev. 302 water street, corner Johnston. WANTED NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR nouseaeeping. Apply at mis grace. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING momaund iln la roomi. 719 College street. opposite court house. Mrs. Alice Bmun, i-rop, FOR RENT-FIVE ROOM COTTAGE ON CLAY or Jos. B. welch, 120 uourt street. FOUND. FOUND LADIES' nANDKEUCHIEF AT EA8T Oregoolan otnee. owner can at mis omce. LOST. LOST ON THE STREETS OK PENDLETON, A wheat trTAr: auit&bla reward wUl be Dald lor returning (be same to W. F.Taylor,' at Pacific Coast Elevator Co.'s office In Sarlogs Bank Building. Choice Beef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per Tiundred, $3.103.25. Steers, $3.753.85. Hogs, live, $0. Hogs, dressed, 8c. Calves, dressed, 89c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb; next grade, 35c per lb; lower grades coffee, 25c to 15c per lb; package coffee, 15c per lb. Rice Best head rice, 12 c per lb; next grade, 8 l-3c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $5.25 per sack; do., 1G lbs. $1. Salt, coarse, $1 per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour, B. B. $3.25 per bbl. Flour, Walter's, $3.25 per bbl. Skins, Hides and Pelts. Portland, Sept. 6. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 25 35c; medium "wool, 30C0c; long wool. C0c$l each. Hides Dry hides. No; 1, 1C pounds and up, 1515c per pound; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds, 10c; dry salt ed bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, CO pounds and over, 89c; 50 to GO pounds, 78c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 5 5c; klp, sound, 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse hides, salted, each $1.502; dry, each, $1 1.50; colt's hides, each, 25 50c; goat skins, common, each, 1015c; An gola, with wool on, each, 25c$l, Pelts Bear skins as to size, No, 1, each, $5.20; cubs, $205; badger, pach, 1040c; wildcat, 2550; houso cat, 5 10c; fox, common gray, each, 30 50c; do red, each, $1.502; do cross, each $56; do Bllver and black, each $100200; flsher, each, $5G; lynx, each, $2.3; mink, strict- lyly No, 1, each, 50$1.50; marten, pale pine, accordlngto size and color, $1.50 2; muskrats, large, each, SO JOc; skunk, each, 4050c; civet or polecat, each, 510c; otter, for largo prime skins, each, $57; panther, with head and claws perfect, each $23; raccoon for large prime, each, 3050; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.505; wolf, prairie, (coyote), wtlhout head. each. 3035c: wolverine, each, $4i7; beaver, per skin, large, $56; do medium, $34; do small, $11.50; do kits, r,07Gc. Superintendent Ackerman Makes His Annual Report, State Superintendent J. H. Acker- man has completed his statistical re port of the schools of the state. The report covers the school year ot 1901 02 and tho statistics will be included in Superintendent Ackerman's report to the state legislature next January, Tbe report discloses some Interest ing facts in connection with the school population of the state from 158.S1S in 1901 to 134.4GG at the date of the report that has Just been com piled. In the same length of time tho enrollment has Increased from 97,745 to 100,659. The Increased enrollment' in the. schools has called for tho em ployment of additional teachers. In the year just closed the number ot teachers was increased from 4018 to 4510. Of that number of instructors employed In the schools of the state 143G have either state certificates or diplomas; 96G have first grade certifi cates; 880 have second grade; 538 hold third grade; GG are equipped with primary certificates, and 393 have teachers' permits. During the past year 1779 applicants took tho ex amination for teachers' certificates and of that number 432 failed to pass. In a year the number of private schools In the state has decreased from 133 to 109, while the number of pupils attending these schools has Increased from G891 to 741G. Th number of teachers in private schools during the year decreased from 420 to 371. Of the 2121 school districts In the state, representing 2125 school houses, 2080 have reported as requir ed. Ninety-four new buildings were erected during the year, as against 79 last year. Superintendent Ackermann's report Indicates a large population In th state, for the reason that In tho past year the number of legal voters for school purposes has Increased from C3.389 to 85.14G. An advance In the salaries of both male and femal teachers is observed. Last year the average monthly salary paid male teachers was $44.47, while tho aver age of the year just ended was $47 58. In the same time the compensa tion of female Instructors Increased from- $3G to $37.60 average salary per month. The estimated valuation of the school houses and biuldlngs of the state is $3,112,'ij2.79, with furniture and apparatus valued at $449,334.28 and upon which insurance to the amount of $1,207,037.50 is carried The receipts Increased from $1,C95, 987.22 to $2,338,074.93, and a corres ponding advance Is noticed in tho matter of expenses, which wore $!, 999,807.43, as against $1,4G1,070,33 The balance remaining Is larger this of $383,205.50, while for the preceding year the balance was only $134,910. 89. Statesman-Journal. TWO LINES. time .. .. 15c times 20c week .. 30c THREE LINES. 1 time 20o 2 times 80o 1 week 45c Extra lines: 10 cents each a week; 25 cents Una per month. FOR 8ALE. FOR RALE A DAVID BRADLEY ALL-RTEKL Hay lUler! (or sale at a harmln. 1 n !- pain, Uklah. Oregon. FOR BALE TWENTY ROOM LODOINO hotlne; furntuhed: will to sold alaharcaln: It will payyou to look Into this offer. Address u," care iww uregonian. MISCELLANEOUS. STRAYED FROM PASTURE RAY OELOINO, black points; Syoirs old; weight -boiit 12W: branded "A L" on right hip; small allt In tight car. Ten dollum reward will la nalil tnr Iia,a or Information leading to recoyery. O.K. Me- HORSnS TO PASTIIRR TIMOTHY. Oil chard and Drome crassest rood naatnra: picnty ot running water. Terms reasona ble. W. II. Ross, Mcnchnm. Oregon. KKLLAR BROTHERS, I'LASTRRINO and cementlnit. Cement walks a sna- clalty. nntlmnten furnished free. Yok guaranteed. Leave orders at lladley and Zahncr's cigar 'store. Main St., I O. box 104. WOOD SAWINQ, CONTRACT WORK A, It. Stephens. Headuarters at' Qras llnrbor Commercial Co., and Ncnman's Cigar Store. 'Phones Illnck 124 and Main 021. Most Effective Advertising. That advertising la tho most effect ive which attracts tho cyo and ap peals to tho brain. Strong adjectives may bo as much out of tasto in an advertisement as In a bit of more aspiring literature. Exaggeration Is always to bo avoided. People nowa days demand sincerity In nil matters of business. It is observable that all the big and successful advertisers are most careful as to their statements of fact.. They realize that confidence Is tho koy-stono In tho arch of trade. Their success came of their jealous regard for their work $100 RowarJ, 91S0. The readers of this caner will be nleas- ed to learn that tbere Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been Me to cure In all Its stages and that Is Ca tarrh. Uall's Catarrh Cnre Is tbe only posture cure now known to the medical iraternity. catnrrn being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood una mucous surfaces or tue system, tnere- by uestroylug the foundation or the dls ease, and giving tbe patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in uoing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for and case that It falls to cure. Bend for list ot testimonials. Address V. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. nuiu it uruggisu, joc. , Hall's Family Mils are tlx best. sold his 25 tons of chlttlm bark to S. h. Kane, of Corvallls, at three cents pound. He bad 20 peelers, half of theni young ladles, netted $1.,50 a day. I'atlence You say that man I was out with Is a member of a trust? I'atrJc3 Yes, he belongs to one of the big ones. Patience I don't believe It. He never tried to squeeze mo once, Yonkers Statesman. The Arbucko Coal and Transfer Co,, Is the name of a pew coal com pany organized this week at Hepp ner, with a capital stock' of $2,500,000. J. A. Douthlt. of Tho Dalles Times- Mountaineer, Is a candldato for tho appointment as superintendent of the state penitentiary. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Siioir link am Union Pacific PEOPLE EXPECT THE BEST In the way of luxury ami solid comfort when they travel via And they are never disap pointednot even tho inott exacting, for the FamouH Trains of this Famous Lino are all equipped wllh "The Best of Everything." Remember It Is theSrjort Line between Minne apolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Anything you wish to know about Comfortable Traveling gladly answered li. L. SISLER. Gen'l Agt 24S Alder Street, Portland, Ore. T. W. TCASDALU, (ieneral Faaseniier Agent, Bt. Paul, Minn, nsnnT Tlmo Snhcltile iasiys rot. From Pumllutou r&ou Chicago- Bait Lake, Dsnver, Ft. Portland Worth, Omahn. Kan Special tit city, tn. Louis, 8M0a.ks. tS p. m. Chicago and East. vl,t Hunt ington. Atlantlo Salt Liiko, Dcnrer, Ft. Kxnreu Worth, Omaha, Kan- BjtU m. sas City, St. Uuts, 11:10 p. sa. via Hunt- Chicago and Knit. lngton. at . Walla Walla,LewUton, FaatMall Bpone. Wallaco. 815 s Tm Pullman. Mlnneapo ..M a.wa.m, 11, at. Paul, DuluUi, P. Spokane. Krtf' Cn,cK Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates sub- An ect to chauge, B.uop.m. for Ban Francisco WP.ra. Ball every ft days. "Dally ' Su& Columbia River 40 p. . 8:00 pm. To Astoria and Way Sunday Saturday Landings. 1?P.V2!!: 'Wlllnmotto Itlvor. Boats leave Portland dally, except Bandar, (stage of wator permitting) for Willamette an4 Yamhill Hirer points Leave Leave ltlpnrla Bnako River Lewlstoa OS a. m. Illparla to Lovrlston 7:00 a. s. Dally Dally Kxcpt Mon Kicpt Mil F. F. WAMBLEY, Agent. Pendleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Bt. Paul, Ht: Louis, ICan Baa City, Ht. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and Sonth Portland and points on the Sound TIME OARD. Leave Pendleton, dally except Sundays at 7.-00. pm. ' Arrive Pendleton Monday. Wednesday nJ Friday 12W pm. Arrive Pendleton Tuawllr. Thnradav nnl Saturday 1029 am, Leave Walla Walla dally, east bound, duo pea. Arrive Walla Wulla dally, west bound, t am For Information reeardlns ratca and aooeaa modatlons, call on or address w. aha Ho, Agent, Pendleton. Oreron. B. B. UALDKKIIKAI), O. P. A., Walla Walla, Wash. MEN AND WOMEN. U Ilia tl for unnatural dlicharKa,lnlUni matlons. Irritations or ulcorttlona t to luwun. Ol mueuus mruiurtuu,, I rntuu Recutita. rainless, anu not umin "or snl la plain wrs-paL lir ciDrrM. prepaid, tar SI. 00. or 3 Ixittloa, tVli. Circular stmt vu rouast. CHICHESTER'S PILLS 5-EiiW Orlehiiil ami Only CJf nuliir, WJJSKiot IIMJIIr.HlKU'K KNUI.lHIf In JTV fl lii:i b1 ilttld I(MU1)U Loci, mU4 kIU (TJ fyi tttua iILUjo. 'laLtt in lhrr Iff Tumi I fp HubAtltutloniiftii'lliiiHitllun. Aikvwur I T krW DrUaTsTitt. trelul I S'f lal I J Ifttn M (wl I'sir fr!.i.ifi, I; rrlum JHall, lt bul liruyiuiH i'ittfUcMttr t IiiiiiIh1 ffe., Mmllut hsjutirv. I'llll.A., I'X The Northern Pacific KUNS Pulliiian Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. :HI PAUL TO MINNEAPOLIS IjUIjDTH KAROO OIIAND KOR1CH OIIOOKHTON WINNEPEO HELENA Hiid HUTTK, THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAOO WAHHINOTON PHILADELPHIA ' NEW YORK UOBTON kikI all tontu Eaxt and Hotith , fhiough tickets to Japan and China, via Tacoma and Northern Paclflo Steamship Co, and American line. TIMII SCHBDULH, Trains leave Pendleton dally except Sunday b I Ml I, (II, PENDLETON - URIAH STAGE LINE BTURDIVANT IJROS., Propn, Btaxe leaves Pendleton dallv. eirent HunflT at7a. m,, (or Uklah and Intermediate points. Bates t To Pilot Rock. 7fiot Pilot Rock and rs. turn. J,j To Nve. 11.28. Nye and return, IJ 4lb.t. I3.2S: to Alba and return, tl OOl'fo Uklah '0' 'ortlier Inlormatlon, Hue cards, inapt 12.60; to Uklah and return, li.GO. and tickets, oall on or wrlto W. Adams. pav latnn fWuarnn as a Ik (111 1 Ul 'Tl M OHlce In Qolden Rule Hotel, Pendleton v ' Thifd and Morrison his.'. Portianaroi's. unrmAtl Bllhnna Pills L4,c Lcca la um ot.r ca vaaii Ly 11 IcaJcia ut iLm Ubtiaum Church IMMi Ut ,1uImw.ii J'utiulu (ultt U wvntCASl la pit b, yuutt). l,ln Itnnl cl(Ktt potenoy. Lost Power, Night-Losses, Boermutorrhoeq lnomnlu, Pnlna In.lfack; Cvll pealrej), Samlnal ttnlsslons, Lame Sack, Nervous lo bllltv. Headaohe.Unrllnaaa In Marry. Loss of s s.iai Semen, Vurlcooele. or Odnsiipntlon, ut,ip. QulckneU of pia IrTIl phnree. Slops Nr- Iu,ImUii tail tm craat, SllmuUlct lb Uala ftut nt,e MnUff. ; ft Uut. c f f i j-j If null. S , ,1 V3 written t uiuit, tucur wwwrttiuau, itu t uj. CftcvunbM. AUclroas. plshop riomoOy o., Bun frunolsoo, Oak BOLD BY TAL.LMAN 4 CO., DRU GQI8TS, PENDLETON, OREGON.