East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 06, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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    . 4
Exclusively lor Women.
Tic Eastern Cloak, Strft,
Skirt and Waist Factory
Is now running full blast. By
calling you will find a large vari
ety of styles and prices.
vun me lacnitics oi our own
factory and being in close contact
with the largest and most success
ful designers and manufacturers
of these garments, we are enabled
t all times to display in this sec
tion the largest and most desir
Able collection.
In dressmaking we can give you
quick service.
All Work Guaranteed.
In Old Pendleton Shoe Store,
645 Main Street.
Ed. Eben, Prop.
"Tiie Girl From
Up Tnere."
Bys there isn't a collar, cuff or Bhirt
front laundered anywhere In the coun
trythat can compare with our laundry
work. The color and finish are su
perb, and they always give genuine
atiafaction to our patrons. Ladies
Unit waists are also laundered in a
manner that makes them look like
new, and the color is preserved longer
than by having them done by any
ether method.
J. F. Bobinson, Prop. Pendleton.
Come To Us
For your lumber and building
material of all descriptions and
you will save money and get
first-class stock. We can sup
ply you with
Poors, Windows,
Screen doors and windows,
building paper, hiUS, cement,
brick and sand.
We make a specialty of wood
gutters for barns and dwellings.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta 8t , opp. Court House.
Laatz Bros.
f OR
Coal and
Delivered Promptly.
p We are in the transfering and
trucking business and are pre
pared to move light or heavy arti
cles. OFFICE MATH ST., Near Depot,
Telephone Main 51.
Boarding and Day School for Girls
Flalshlnr and accredited college preparatory
annrm liuaica apeelalijr: Voice, Tiolln ana
tano. The Her. Andrea Bard, Frealdent oi
tnatMi. Ml Imogen Bojer, Principal.
Tamu two to JCO.
Young Man Make This Long Journey
on a Wheel In Pendleton Last
Night Interesting Experiences.
A young man aged 30 years arrived
in Pendleton last night on a bicycle,
claiming that he had ridden all the
way from Portland, Maine, having
lert that place July 20. The purpose
of his trip was to earn a wacer of
45000 on making the trip between
the two Portlands, the Maine and
Oregon Portlands, within a given
time and at a certain outlay of money,
he claims that he Is on time, having
plenty of time yet to spare and ex
pects to be in Portland within two
more days.
At Portland he will appear at the
telegraph office, get Identified and
wire a New York paper of the buc
cess of his trip. He has made notes
on the Journey and an aeount of his
trip will apear in a leading New
York paper. Wilson Is a bright ath
letic young fellow and claims to have
had some wonderful experiences by
wheel. He has ridden beneath the
shadows of the Chinese wall and
claims to have traveled by wheel in
nearly every land under the sun.
He claims the distinction of having
been sent out at a great expense to
search for the missing bicyclist Lents
and that after a long journey by
wheel, found the remains of the dead
man and was Instrumental in com
pelllng the payment by the foreign
government an Indemnity of more
than $18,000. While Wilson might be
taken for a fakir at first irlance. vet
Ian Investigation disclosed that he has
I credentials and that his trip is an
juortant one. He "refuses to give the
detail irauwtuBn iur which
he is maK.'S the tr,P an(J Poetically
ni-immripdirpK that his. name is not
Wilson, but behind it all he possesses
the equipment that snows mat ne has
strong backing.
His equipment consists of a late
modeled Rambler bicycle,, with many
additional Improvements, a set of bi
cycle repair tools, oil and chain lubri
cators, a canteen for carrying water,
a light arm; blanket, a late improved
Smith & Wesson revolver and small
cans containing sugar and coffee.
He has made the trip without stop
ping over more than 24 hours at any
one given point. He spent 24 hours
in Chicago, elx hours In Omaha and
Cheyenne each, three hours in Lara
mie and four hours in Pendleton.
Outside of the heavy rains in the east
and the privations of the desert he
has had rather an uneventful trip.
He did camp one night with two
hobos who attempted to rob him, but
he had his revolver close at hand,
and gave them a hearty surprise with
It. They did not know that he was
armed. He had camped near a farm
house and the two hobos came up late
at night and claimed to be hungry
and asked If they could Join him for
the night. He heartily consented,
shared his provisions with them and
they all soon turned in for a night's
sleep. Wilson was suspicious of their
conduct and quietly took his revolver
from the holster and placed it close
at hand and slept with one eye open.
Late at night when the hobos thought
he was asleep they rose according to
apparent pre-arrangement and made
a rush upon him. He flashed the re-j
volyer In their faces and they took to
their heels and he never heard from
them again. He merely fired a couple
of shots to see "them Increase their
The trip across the desert was the
most trying. He traveled four days
at one time leading his wheel most
of the time in the deep alkali sands
and only a quart of water to drink
during the time. He carries a canteen
holding this amount and has It wrap
ped in a number of layers of cloth in
order to keep it cool. On the long
run mentioned he soon exhausted his
meagre supply of water and his thirst
became so great that he bled from the
lips and tongue which became so
parched in the alkali dusMadened
When naked what he did for food
on this long run and in the sparsely
settled sections, he pointed to his re
volver. "Jackrabblts," he remarked,
"sustained me for many days. In
fact, I ate jackrabblts until I detest
them. Since J have reached the set
tlements of Ore con however. T pm
ft great many of them and find myself
reacning for my revolvor from force
or habit,"
"But when I got to Portland I shall
not worry farther. As soon as I take
In the city hurriedly and prepare
lot of material for my paper I will re
turn by rail to the Maine Portland
am beginning to like this country
though, and after I have fulfilled my
contract I may return here again."
Wilson loft at 9 o'clock this morn
Ing for Portland, via The Dalles.
The President's Double.
If tho president had been neoklnir
a double of himself, he could not hare
come more closely to the mark in the
man selected for Secretary of the
Navy, and while the resemblance may
De very striKmg, mere is no posalblll
ty of his being taken for the Exocu
tivo than there 1b of success In palm
ing off a substitute remedy for Hob
tetter's Stomach Bitters. It has be-
como so well known as a cure for
headache, nervousness, indigestion.
dyspepsia, constipation and malaria
that many unscrupulous dealers will
refill the bottles with a bogus article
and offer It as the genuine. Beware
of such counterfeits. The genuine
HoBtetter's Bitters has their private
stamp unbroken over the neck of
each bottle. Don't fall to try It.
Leasing the Lands is the Remedy Of
ferfld by One Sheepman.
D. R. Castldy, a prominent sheep
man, oi Kawiins, Wyo., has been en
gaged in the sheep business for 30
year, and thinks that tho only solu
tion of the dispute between the cattle
and sheepmen will be tbe leasing of
government lands.
In reality a stockman has no
business on government lands." he
said, "and so the sheepman has as
good a right as the cattleman. While
the present contention goes on among
the public lands of the country we
i'.kely tO heaf Of SUGep being kill
ed by masked men. and even of herd
ers being murdered. There Is little
possibility of bringing the perpetra
tors to Justice, as they will not give
each other away. Largo rewards
have been offered for their conviction
in Wyoming within the past few
years, but none have ever been con
"If the government should decide to
lease the public lands at a reasonable
figure for pasturage, a stop would
be put to all this wholesale slaughter
of sheep by masked men. There may
be objection to the leasing of the
ranges on the ground that the big
stockmen might obtain more than
their share, but the capitalist has the
advantage in all other lines of indus
try, and why not in the stock busi
"The leasing of railroad lands in
Wyoming and Colorado has done
much to quiet disputes and preserve
order among the stockmen. The Un
ion Pacific owns the odd sections on
each side of its track, but the even
sections are still government land.
The party leasing the odd section
from the railroad has a right to run
on the government sections, because
he can prevent other cattle or sheep
men from driving their herds across
the lands he has leased. A big law
suit was fought over this proposi
tion recently in Wyoming and the
lessee of the railroad lands won, after
the rounds of the courts, up to the
highest, had been taken."
Mr. Castldy has 7000 head of stock
ranging in the Blue mountains near
Baker City, and has no trouble with
the cattlemen there. "I tell my herd
ers to respect the rights of cattlemen
and miners," he said, "and so, when
these people desire to reserve .grass
for their own use, we keep our sheep
away. I have had very little trouble
since I have been Jn the sheep busi
ness, because I recognize the rights
of others as well as my own on the
government domain."
He .expects to winter his sheep near
Baker City, where he nas purchased
a large amount of hay. He intended
to ship the stock east this fall, but
finds that the ranges of Wyoming
are already overcrowded, and that
250,000 head of sheep must leave that
state this winter to make room for
last spring's increase.
A writer In The Country Gentleman
fives a method for curing bacon ai
follow: First trim all surplus fat from
the hams, removing the Joint; shape at
usual. Hub the salt In tboronghly on
the skin side, using a hog ear to do It;
then draw up the skin over the hock,
putting in a pinch of pulverized salt
peter, then filling up closely packed
with salt Place the hams on a table
covered with salt half an Inch deep,
fitting them in to occupy ns little space
as possible, but not touching. Now you
are ready for the dressing. Thorough'
ly mix the following articles (quantity
given for 100 pounds of bams): Ten
pound b salt, two pounds good brown
sugar, half pound ground blnck pepper,
half pound saltpeter, with which thor
oughly rub the flesh Bide, after which
put on nil the mixture that will lie on.
Bylibsorptlon the mixture will be eat
en np in from two to three weeks.
Then slightly sprinkle with salt In
six weeks the meat will be ready, to
hang up for smoking. Hang with wire
and be sure to hang with the hock
down. Dsc nothing but corncobs or
hickory wood for smoking. Spareribs,
breakfast bacon and small shoulders
for family use should be treated the
same as hnniB.
Ltrht and Convenient Crate.
J. A. Mncdonald sends The Breeder's
Gazette the description 'of a very satis
factory shipping crate. In the illustra
tion ,oart of the front side is cut away
to 6how tLc iuside arrangement. A
good size for a pig tro months old is:
Xength 40 Inches, depth 23 inches.
width 11 inches. For a pig eight weeks
old a length of 32 Inches, a depth of
utensils conveniently at .band' and. the
place for scalding and hanging ar
ranged. In scalding do n6t have the
water too hot This can be determined
by the use of a thermometer. Before
cutting up allow the hog to cool some
what, but be sure ana remove the fat
from tho entrails while warm, as It can
be done much easier and .with less
waste than when cool. Place the meat
when -cut np in a place above freezing
point, so that the animal heat may en
tl rely "pass out after which it is ready
for salting.
1Y Senaatloa Intended.
Among the printed and posted regu
latlons of one of tha New York public
schools are these Instructions for the
fire drill of the pupils:
"Fire Drill. (a) Three Bells To the
sidewalk and return with clothing.
"(b) Four Bells To the yard and re
turn without clothing." o
As a matter of fact this performance
is not as sensational as this principal's
ambiguity might suggest for the cloth
ing referred to is only the outer wraps
and hats of the children. New York
Moll and Express.
Flower Iloldera.
Blue or yellow china bowls are most
effective for flower holders for the ta
ble if care is exercised in choosing
flowers that hnrmonize with them.
Nothing is prettier than a fine bowl of
Marechal Nlel or Perle des Jardlu
roses, nnd 'a background of rich yellow
Is very effective for Liberty or Jacque
minot rosea.
Maine's Political Campaign.
Augusta, Me., Sept. C. The Maine
political campaign 'practically closed
initnv Thf. Alontinn Tt( M ha hplrl Tiort
Lct the COLD DUST twins do jour wore, i Tuesday, The campaign has been one
one of the most spirited the state has
ever seen in an off year. The demo
cratic congressional- campaign com
mittee has made a warm fight, flood
ing the state with literature and send
ing out stump speakers In every di
rection. They have not done this
with any hope of carrying any of the
congressional districts, but on ac
count of the Influence a reduced
republican majority will have on the
campaign throughout the other states.
They hope to cut the usual republi
can majorities down to such an ex
tent as to encourage democrats every
where to make a hard fight this fall.
ioItm the protlem of ear dih waihu. It cat
ertSSlciei dobes better Iran anytlur el.
Bom Ki work auickly, well and economical.
CtLuro. Wow York. Bowon. St Louiv
The Hon. John Allen, of Mississip
pi, famous wit of tho national con
gress for many years, now a member
of the National World's Fair Com
mission, has accepted an Invitation
to speak at ..ie Texas State Fair,
Dallas, Sept. 27.
HinrrntQ ciu.tx ron bwtwe.
IS Inches and a width of 9 inches will
be about right Crates for shipping by
express must be 'made as light as Is
safe from breakage. It Is not fair to
make a purchaser of a pig two months
old pay express rates on thirty or forty
pounds of crate when they can le made
sufficiently strong nnd weigh but half
as much. For ends and bottoms take
five-eighths inch seasoned spruce or
other tough light wood, one-half inch
stuff for sides and cover with space be
tween slats. In front Is a trough, T,
for feed and water. Just above is a
sloping board, P, running to tho top,
through which the feed in transit is
given. The upper compartment is pro
vided with a slide, S, on top, and inside
is the bag, B, containing the meal and
grain fare ample for the Journey. In
cold weather the sides may be boarded
np almost tight To pigs weighing
seventy-five pounds a standard of one
half inch stuff is nailed in the center
of the sides. Shavings from a shingle
mill make the best bedding.
Feedlnsr Hoar.
Nearly every one has n different way
of caring for and feeding bogs. I have
tried several different ways myself,
says Ed Edmonson in Farm and Ranch
of Dallas, Tex. I suppose that the
pigs are good Btock and have been well
cared for. I mean spring pigs of about
the last of May, at the age of from six
to nine weeks, and, as corn is out of
their reach, I turn them ;ut in the
field and let them get the young weeds,
nnd when the corn is in good roasting
cars I begin to pull and feed them.
Until that time I feed them a good ra
tion of corn and shorts. I continue to
pull' the corn until the pigs get large
enough to break it down, and if I don't
wunt them to eat all they will I take
them out Right here Is about the
hardest time of the year. On account
of hot dry weather there is nothing
green, so we have to feed too much
corn. I don't feed them all they will
eat and I turn them on the wheat ns
early in the fall as I can get it large
enough to graze on. The best combina
tion I have ever found is corn and
something green.
The Good Brood Sow.
A good brood sow should have a
short head, wide between the eyes,
good ears, not too large, as large ears
indicate coarseness nnd sluggishness.
The shoulders should be broad and as
wide on the upper line ns they are on
the lower line. The chest should be
good aud wide, and her Jowls should be
on a level witn lier lower lines. J. no
hips should be broad aud square, a lit
tle broader than her shoulder is a
good quality. The back should be good
and strong and slightly arched. The
sow should stand well on her toes and
be extremely lengthy between the
shoulders and hams with well sprung
ribs. She should be the progeny of a
mother who is a good guelder. A well
matured bow should produce from sev
en to ten pigs to a litter and at least
two Utters n year.
Killing: tlosrs For Home TJae.
Hogs from eight to nine months old
make the best meat and should weigh
from 200 to 250 pounds, writes an Indi
ana farmer to Prnlrle Fanner- Do not
feed for twelve hours previous to kill
ing. Have everything In readiness for
work knives sharpened and all other
A Wonderful Medicine.
Bilious and
Nervous Disorders,
Sick Headache, ConstipaiioM,
Wifld aid Pains ii Stoaach,
Impaired Digestion,
Disordered Liver and
Female Ailments.
Thomas Beecham, St Helens, Eng.,
and 365 Canal St, New York.
Sold by aU DrartfiU In United Statej.
la boxea, 10c am! 23c.
r z 1
AT Tilt
127 and 129 East Mis Street
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: & C R. Depot
When getting figures from
others on that lumber bill of
yours, don't forget to come
and see us. We carry a large
stock of all kinds of
Building Material
including shingles, door, win
dows, moulding, screen doors
and windows in fact, every
thing that is found in a first
class lumber yard.
Over 30,000 pounds of these
Stoves in our store.
W.J.Clarke & Ci,
Court Street.
The Best Hotel In Pendkfcc-
and aa good as any.
L A.
Headquarters for Traveling la
Commodious Sample Room, ,
Rates $2 pet dsj,'' :2
Special rates by week or month.
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt Dlnlngroom Sent
Every Modern Convear
Bar and billiard room in nnnnti
Only Three Blocks from De
Corner Court and Johnson Streets,
l'endlctcn, Oregon.
M. F. Kelly, Proprietor.
American Plan, rales $1.25 to$H"f"
European 11hu. GOc. 75c. SSlLr."
8reclal rate bv week or iiionU.!'.""16
Free 'bus meets all trains f;A3
Commercial trade solicited
Fine sample if;
Special Attention Given Country
Elegantly Furnished
Pnmrwvan Plan.
Block and a half from J
Sample room in cuim
50c m
Farmers CustoflJH
Fred Walter,-PW""'
Capacity 150 tmrreta dy
Kiur exchanged frr wbej
Flour, Mill Feed, Ohm3
alwuvs on uauu.
; Bouse
1 sranlt