East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 06, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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This Week Will Be a
Heavy Oxford grey pedestrian skirts, 9-inch CQ RA
stitched flounce, special ipU.UV
Novelty mixtures in brown and light Oxfords
strapped with the same material, flounce and
seven core flare skirts. An elegant value tor PK Kll
$8.00, special PU'UU
Upen seam uounce aitiruj 111 uiuuk, buuu vi mi
piped, worth $6.50, special PWv
Tam rnfAAKiVnrl ciinrrln rlmiVil a and nonnrrlinn fi) ft CA
OVf A" - "V . fill
1 9K to UJfl.UV
Great Special Sale and Display for the Week.
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
States registered distiller's guarantee
of purity and age and saves you tho
enormous profits ot Uto dealers. Read
the offer ot The Haynor Distilling
Company elsewhere In this paper,
They arc a reputable house, hate a
paid up capital ot halt a million dol
lars, been In business oror 36 years
and will do exactly as they say.
Daisy Wright has sued " Frank
Wright, in Walla Walla, for divorce,
on the ground of desertion. Mr. and
Mrs. Wright were married In Pendle
ton In 1S97.
VJ&fc Howard, farm loans.
'StkSlVinthinir cleaned at Joerger's.
.aatttaaan's tor cigars ana toDacco,
HJStlnds t Imported lunches at
J A dining room girl. Apply
!'hare them now. Shoes
rfish cooked in white wine and
crabs at Gratz's.
sn's Ice cream is perfection
kone in your order.
es' shoes, finest in styles. Best
ar. Lee Teutsch.
lunches at Phillip's restaU'
ipposlte Tallman's drug store.
still have a tew fruit Jars left
6 we will let go at cost The
new fashionable millinery for
winter is arriving daily at
weather has no terrors at the
Rule basement, where good
'beer is on tap.
grapes, Crawford peaches.
plums, cantaloupes, bananas,
Dtatoes and celery at Hawley
d A first-class stenographer
ewriter. Steady employment
person. Adress Box 105, Pen
;' Oregon, giving experience,
ad references.
jfKeeping correct time
eb, and will go in an
ther way when the pub
lic learns our prices.
Jfiicse Clocks are beautiful
to finish, handsome in ap-
fpearauce and guaranteed
jcuraie lime Keepers.
Jarin Clocks, full nlckle
Vsmaie, 76c to
fall Clocks, attractive
oases, $5.60 to (10.
Shelf Clocks, well made and
aervlceable. 3 to 16.50.
.,MautIo Clocks, very orna-
jueuiai, latest aeaigns, 6
to $18.
refer and Optician
text Door to E, Alaxander
Castle's for poultry.
Castle's for flsh, always fresh.
Everything new to see at Teutsch's.
Clamand oyster cocktails at M.
Nabisco wafers in all flavors at
Hawley Bros.
For sale :Fechtner's confectionery
store, on Court street.
Rohrman will supply you with
peaches at $1.25 per boa o
Latest style patterns tor fall suits
and trousers at Seibert & Shulz.
Three good ironera wanted at Do
mestic Laundry. Apply at once.
Popular books, fancy goods, sta
tlonery, retailing at dry goods profit.
Don't forget that ydu can see the
biggest assortment of shoes at
For Sale Five-room dwelling
house; must be moved at once. Call
on Joe Kll.
All kinds of city and country prop
erty tor sale. Rlhorn & Cook, room
10, Taylor building.
Drop into the cool, comfortable
basement of the Golden Rule and en
joy a glass of Schlitz beer.
Fruits, vegetables, nice spring
chickens only 25c, fresh ranch eggs,
20c, and fine creamery butter, at the
Standard Grocery.
The biggest assortment of Jardl
nlers ever shown In Pendleton, will
arrive next week at Rohrmans
Peaches $1.25 per box.
Don't forget tho dance at Armory
hall Saturday night Good Music and
a good time assured all who attend.
Gentlemen 75 cents, ladies free.
Those desiring to take lessons in
elocution, voice culture, etc, will
please call at Miss Agnes Dunbar's
studio, room 6, B. O. building. Pri
vate or class lessons.
For Sale 50 or 60 head of cows
and calves and 50 or CO head of yearl
ings. Twelve months' credit will bo
given purchaser to give approved se-'
curity. Address G. L. H care East
The homliest man in Pendleton, as
well as the handsomest, and others.
are invited to call cu any druggist
and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's
tfaisam for the throat and lungs, a
remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and
relieve all chronic and acute coughs,
asthma, bronchitis and consumption.
Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall
man & Co., sole agents.
You ought to keep a little good
whisky in the house. For accidents
fainting spells, exhaustion and other
emergency uses, it relieves and re
vlves. But you must have good whls-
ky, pure whisky, for poor whisky,
adulterated whisky is Injurious. Hay
ner whisky Is Just what you need, for
it goes direct from the distillery to
you, with all Its original strength
richness and flavor, carries a United
One Writer Says They Hare- Never
Shonn It In Literature.
Literature Is the final expression ot
human thought It women can lay
claim to a special faculty of Intuition,
why do they, not manifest It In their
writings? Intuition, If It means any
thing, means the faculty that gets
down to the genu of nctious and char
acteristics and focuses external traits
into a central verity recognizable to
the general public. Now, there Ote
more, female writers than male. No
woman poet has ever written nn in
evitable line, a line that flashes spon
taneously out of the unknown and casts
an illuminating light upou the abyss.
Woman has added practically nothing
to our stock of familiar quotations.
Take down your Bartlett or your an
thology, aud you may be surprised to
find that from Mrs. Browning to Mrs.
Meyncll women have never coined a
phrase which has passed into the com
mon currency ot-speech. Mrs. Brown
ing has indeed written fine lines, but
nothing of hers can be said to have be
come a household word.
Nor has any woman novelist created
any character that is generally recog
nized as typical. George Eliot haB
come closest with her Tito Melema
and Mrs. Poyser. 1'ou would appeal
only to the educated few if you de
scribed a person as a Tito or a Poyser.
But call a man a Don Quixote, a
Micawber, a Dogberry, a Falstnff. a
Colonel Newcome, a Bllfll, a Parson
Adams or Bob Acres, call a woman a
Mrs. Malaprop, a Becky Sharp, a Bea
trice, a Diana Vernon, a Meg Merriltes,
and even the Illiterate will mentally
classify the individual as you wish him
or her to be classified.
"Ah, but" you say, "In real life wo
men are the true intuitions. They size
up a man or a woman at a glance,
They are' never mistaken when they
trust to their Instincts."
I can only testify to my own experi
ence. I have not found that women's
snap judgments of character are lm
bued with -any special verity. They
form likes or dislikes quicker than a
man does because they are quicker on
the trigger of. conjecture. They can
only be one of two things, right or
wrong. If time proves that they are
right as they must be In 50 per cent of
cases, the right guess Is remembered
and treasured up by the slower minded
man as an extraordinary instance of
Intuition. The wrong guess is forgot
ten. William S. Walsh in Era.
Dust and hot sun would harm almost any complex
ion. Tan, sunburn and roughness of all kinds are
; speedily cured by using
Directions on package how to use. Very simple. A
-cent bottle of Pine Nut Cream, a ;o-cent Complexion
irush and a (rood cake of scan fwe surest Dr. Ollvpr's
5kin Soap) applied as directed on bottle will improve
four complexion greatly.
from Main St, Toward the Court House
DMA 80DA, 6c.
To Save Tempera and Collars,
"You button your collar the wrong
way," said the salesman as he was
selling neckwear to a customer.
"How is that?"
"You have buttoned the right side
last Now. when you go to take It off
you will have to tug at the end of tho
collar and crumple it, because you
can't get a proper hold of it, but if you
.had the left end ou top you could get
It off easily, then loosen the collar be
hind, and the right end could be easily
detached. That's why men have so
much trouble taking off well laundered
collars. Remember to fasten tli.e right
side first and then the left, and you
will save your collars and your temper."
"I never supposed there was a right
and a wrong way of putting on col
"Try both ways and you will see."
New York Times.
A Novel Feature.
A water merry-go-round
Is to
one of the many new and novel at
tractions at the Spokane Interstate
Fair this year. The general plan of
the boat merry-go-round will bo
something like this: A circular ca
nal six feet in width and two feet
deep will be dug. The diameter of
the space enclosed will be 70 feet and
the length of the canal will be about
220 feet In the center a post will
be erected from which 10 arms will
extend seven or eight feet from tho
ground. A boat will swing from each
arm and rest on the water. Each
boat will carry six passengers. The
boats will rest on 18 inches of water.
and as they will only draw about six
inches the gunwale of tho boats will
be on a level with the ground, or a
nine auove u.
Among tho many lnterestlne
achievements of human inventive
genius accomplished during the de
cade which has elapsed since the
World's Fair at Chicago, and which
will be seen at the World's Fair In
St. Louis In 1904, there will be the
the dirigible balloon, the wireless
telephone, the. transmission of sight
by wire and the telephoning from
railway trains and trolley cars In motion.
Twenty-nine men have their names
posted in Walla Walla county as
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse. .,.
A" ' '
.' itttv- if
. 7 be ' '.
Children's School Hose, Nice
Heavy Quality , all Sizes t pet
Pan .
Children's Union Suits, just
the Right Weight for this Sea
son the year, per suit
Children's Vest and Pants,
Fleece Lined, Medium Weight,
Best Value in the City, all
Sies, each
Shows Enterprise.
Weston Is fast coming totho front
and Is attracting attention from peo
ple who have money to Invest, and
all who go to Weston to look over
the city will find the very best accom
modations in Eastern Oregon at tho
Marshall House, Norval E. Bradley,
proprietor, who Is accommodating to
tho traveling public, gives them good
rooms and serves elegant meals at
reasonable rates.
All persons knowing themselves !n
debted to me will please call and set
tie their accounts.
CO g g g
22 S- l SMSS
iv- wi rji u'Ji
On 1
School Days
Are Here
2 bottles regular 5c ink, here
for 5c. "
20 slate pencils, 5c.
Slates, 5c, ioc to 33c.
Blackboard erasers, Sc each.
2c for a regular 5c pencil.
Large wide tablets, 3c and 5c.
School bags 5c to 45c.
Brownie lunch boxes, ic,i 5c
and 23c.
Pencil sharpeners, ic to 24c
Pen holders, ic to ioc.
12 pens, 5c.
Sponges, ic and 5c.
More 1b an idea that may
not havo oome to yon:
Why neatyour homo onk-
Inst take your meaki
ing the summor- at tL
French Restaurant
You'll enjoy our oooking
and the ouisirio served.
The French Restaurant
First elaai work. All kinds of
Plumbing Supplies.
Tinning Everything In the
line of repairing and new
work done promptly and sat-
Ufactorlly, 1 r
732 Cottonwood St,
Dally East Oregonian by carrier,
nly 15 cents a week,
Fancy cups and saucers, our own
importation, ioc to 95c.
Frederick Nolf
Santa Clans Headquarters.
Telaphone Main 4.
BUlct adherence to H aaablM m to s)Uy willing workers to rend
vperlor aerrlcs a bookkeepers ud cUaogrsphir. Oar Inttructloa la
onmnally thorough , fact ao wide! kaowM that reputation iloaa befen
a moat of our Undent. Qmallty always count. Bsamlna Uto r
fcdllUta better sow tfejw ercr Wat. XaUlnatrtoma, willing atndaaU auk
taU advancement la all eU4iaa Uksa. Call, or writs for our eatalogu.
I Park and Waahlngton Street A. T. ArmttrMg, LI,. B., Priacfea,
- 1
Come and get our prices on
The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes
all the modern ideas of the East, West, North and South,
so you havo a complete assortment to select from. We
keep our promise to save you money on Kurnitnrd, Car
pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings.
Next to Po8,o(lIce,