East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 06, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    greatest of those activities, and Call
fornla as the Empire state of the
West ought to have at Washington a
delegation able to take tho lead In
shaping the work. Now York "World,
Is the greater during the Summer and, Fall months
of your children being troubled with Summer Complaint
in all its forms, and no home should pass through this
part of the year without a good remedy for this trouble
at hand. "Atwood's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhma
Remedy" is the best known preparation on the market
today for the above named complaint. Get a bottle at
once, as it might be the means of saving a LIFE.
For sale by
Brock & McComas Company
I Vs r.v'1 lA a 1 10 comui,t crime, for he gets to liking
f Vuav 4 ViiVV3ClJ it. It becomes a habit, a vocation thH
J same as any other calling.
Ith as at last been decided to evac-
! uate the northern portion or the Mar-
uo not lorget ttie Eastern Oregon -Unique Island, and it Is stated that
oo.growers Association meet here tne southern portion mar be eventu
"1"'m',w ally abandoned. Its strikes the aver-
And now grafters are trying to nge dUzen of m ulet and undls
crafts the magnates of the steel trust. turbed country very forcibly that
It is a case of dog cat dog. . i,ont Peleo save a " hint" several
, weeks ago sufficiently plain to have
The last of the .fakirs of this bar- caused every one that could to have
vest season are doing the town. Crime abandoned that Are and flame-cursed
is also decreasing. Only one " human country long before this.
being was Incarcerated in the city, .
jail" last night. j The Boer generals are apain in
uouuon anu they are receiving an
Tom Johnson lauds Bryan for the
latter's work. It may be well to laud
Bryan for what he has done as he
wili not probably do much more that
willb e effective.
ovation equally as great as upon their
former visit. The liberty idea set on
foot in this country in 1T7C is grow
ing with such rapid strides that the
j crowned heads, if they knew the real
President Roosevelt will hunt lions sentiment of all mankind, would be
in;November. Teddy, jr.. ought to go abIe to 8ee the end i monarchies)
along. If he should fail to get a shot and serfdom. Republican, forms of
at.a lion he might take a pot shot at poernment, in sentiment, have ar
his companions. rived throughout the country, and
they came to stay. It is not to the
The southern cotton mills have Boers that the people of England are
been merged, the telephone systems paying tribute, but to the cause they
I the west will te merged, and if this fought for.
merging keeps increasing there will
Of all tho kind anQ Christian ways.
The most humane and sure,
Of obtaining information,
Is, perhaps, the water cure.
It's a thing I've made a study of;
And, If you will allow,
And leud me an attentive ear,
I'll prove it to you now.
We'll suppose you've caught a native;
And you've pinioned him tight.
Till his elbows grit behind him,
And the cords cut in and bite.
Aud you want some information,
But he answers, "Atnlgo!"
And perhaps he doesn't understand.
Or else he doesn't know.
So you kick his legs from under;
And you fling him on the floor;
And you fill your biggest buckets,
From the butt behind the door.
And you jam a funnel in his mouth,
And deluge water down,
Until he's swollen horribly.
And Just about to drown.
Then grasp your rifle, muzzle end
(Here s where you're most humane)
And ram his stomach with the butt.
To squeeze him out again.
And so, repeat the dose until
He's at his dying throes.
When he generally gives it up.
And tells you what he knows.
He may scream and beg for mercy;
He may weep and say his prayers;
He may call aloud on God In heaven.
But only heaven cares.
For that's the surest trick of all.
To make a Tagal tell
The things he does or doesn't know,
The latest thing
from hell.
Bortrand Shadwell.
Sec'y B'd of Education, San Francisco. i
Hon. J. A. Simpson, Secretary of tho
Board of Education of San Francisco,
Cal., writes s
have found Peruna an ideal tonic
Some months ago I suffered with aeu
ntsthenla wstemlc catarrh), earned
by too close application to office work.
My system seemed worn out and I felt
far from well. I found Peruna bene
fited me ver' much. It built up the
entire system and made mc feel like a
new num. I believe it ts wcu wortny
tbeblgh praise bestowed upon It."
Systemic catarrh always gives fair
warning of its approach, and can be
easily warded oft by the proper treat
ment. Floating brown specks before
tho eyes, mental confusion, fits of ner
vous headache, sleeplessness, flashes of
heat, chilly sensations, palpitation, Irri
tability, despondency; any of theso
symptoms or all of them should be
promptly met by the use of Peruna.
Congressman E. V. Brookshlie, from
Indiana, In a recent lotter from Wash
ington, D. C&ays
"From what my friends say, Peruna
is a good tonic and a safe catarrh cure."
E. V. Brookahlro.
Cover a multitude of commercial tint; kntyoa
will Sad our repairs to and refurbishing of
carriages, wagons, runabouts all sorts ot ve
hicles-are more than skin deep. We make
"good as new" wherever possible always
make things better than we find them.
Call and see that Winona Wagon of ours.
Steel covered hubs, no cranks, and Taunt
Bearings make It run so much lighter than the
old style ol other makes.
See us about that GASOLINE KN'GIXK
lor your well or chopper.
Water Bt near Mala, Fndlstoa, Ore.
Joseph Ell,
All kinds for all pii
Sash, Doors and
Planing tjf all descriptic,
Don't place your t
Building Material until
consulted us.
Pendleton Planing
Lumber Yard,
"Summer Catarrh," a book written by i IJ T) WUO Q v (J I TVTT TJTJ U
, . -rr a I II U II II llalil .III I I I I I . n n
Bruce, of Sturvcsant HelehU. Brook. -"""nan, rreuaent ine arunau XimiLUJtJU"UnVVUUll J.
The Hon. Wallace Bruce and Mrs. ,
be nothing left to merge very soon.
The death of Thumler and his para
mour on the high seas brings to a
quick end a guilty life.
One of the most gratifying features
of the republican situation in this
They had ' can,palen is tiie extent to which the
eloped from San Francisco, Thumler been renominated. It is an evidence
leaving a wife in Chicago. The wages
cf sin is deatl.
The King of Italy has shown him
self both progressive and liberal. He
has placed at the disposal of Marconi,
the inventor, a battleship in order
that he may continue experiments
with his wireless telegraphy system.
Now that it has been demonstrated
that our defenses are weak at the en
trance to iieiF York harbor, a big ap
propriation will be in order at the
next session of congress. It is a
question of whether It Is weak or
whether there is a graft behind it all.
The selection of the site of the'
coming Lewis and Clarke exposition
at Portland is at last to be made. Its
location has been as difficult as was
the capture of Tracy. The wrangle
over the location began about the
time the noted outlaw made his es
cape from the Salem prison.
that the party has learned the value
or maintaining at Washington men
who by long service there have fitted
themselves to take an Influential
part in national legislation and to
guard and advance the Interests of
California and ot Their own districts.
If some of the foreign countries
think Uncle Sam's coast defences are
weak they ought to pick up a row
with this country and test the matter.
There Is a sort of idea prevailing in
this country that Americans fight
better in real war than thsy do in
mimic maneuvers.
George Hart, a Philippine soldier,
"has sustained the reputation of his
namesake, the "Father of his coun
try." The war records had George
down as dead with cholera, and
though George is patriotic and did
not like to place the records in a
false light, his love for the truth
compelled hlrn to come out and an
nounce that he was not dead.
The Chinese outrage in ilalhcur
county wi.1 be investigated. It Is
claimed to have been one of the
greatest outrages of the kind In this
country. It was purely a case of as
sault and robbery. It was not fc race
riot, but a deliberate crime against
the' laws. The same punishment
should be meted out to the criminals
as should be done had all of the per
sons involved been white men and
American citizens. Too many crimes
are committed under the excuse of
prejudice against certain classes. The
The need of experienced men in
congress has hardly ever been greater
tcan at present. It Is becoming more
and more evident that despite the
disastrous results of the tariff tinker
ing a few years ago tho issue of tariff
revision is going to be one of the
most important before the next con
gress. In the eastern states the move
ment among democrats is to revive
the cry for tariff reform and to make
a campaign of education for the pres
idential election in 1904. Moreover,
a considerable number of republicans
have shown themselves willing to en
ter upon reciprocity treaties that
would materially affect many Ameri
can industries. It so happens that in
the early movements toward reci
procity and tariff tinkering the indus
tries of California are more extensive
ly exposed than those of any other
one state, or perhaps any other two
or three states. We need, therefore,
at the capital, men who will be of suf
ficient influence and force to guard
California interests not only against
the possibility of democratic tariff
tinkering, nut also against the dan
ger involved in the various reciproci
ty propositions that may be brought
forward by republicans themselves.
In all lines of work experience
counts for much, but in hardly any
other line does it count for so much
as In a congressional career. The
older states of the Union learned long
ago the value of keeping a strong del
egation at Washington virtually un
changed from one congress to an
other. The result has been that
states of comparatively minor Import
ance have by reason of the long ser
vice of their representatives held in
congress much higher prestige than
states far more wealthy and more
California constituencies can learn
a profitable lesson from the example
of the states whose people have had
sense enough to re-elect good men
term after term instead of hunting at
every election for a new man. Our
state has many Important interests
whose development Is largely depend
ent upon legislation at Washington.
The recent large appropriation for
rivers and harbors and the passage of
the irrigation bill may be taken as
evidences that the nation Is about
to enter upon an epoch of internal im
provements and developments on a
scale far surpassing anything that
has been done hitherto. The west
l.vn, X. T sailed from New York on Sanitarium, , on the subject of tho ner-
the Anchor liner Columhla n fw ! as cusruroances pecuuur ro sumiuM,
days ago. for two months in Srnflnnii
and while abroad will promote the Medicine Co Columbus, O,
project of a replica of Robert Burns' i
birthplace at the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition, St. Louis, in 190-i. Mr.
Bruce was formerly consul general at
Babbitt Metal, beat In the world. In
sent tree to any oduress Dy xne .rerun bars. Price $1 per bar, at the East
1 Oreoonian Office.
When there is a falling off in flesh in
woman or man there is "something
wrong.'' And that something wrong is
generally a loss of nutrition due to dis
ease of the stomach and the other organs
oi aigesuon anu
nutrition. Some
times this loss of
flesh is accom
panied by variable
appetite, but in
many cases the ap
petite does not tail
and there may be
a constant desire
to eat. Languor,
nervousness, irri
tability, sleepless
ness, are symptoms
often associated
with this loss of
nutrition and fal
ling off in flesh.
Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery cures
disease of the stom
ach and other or
gans of digestion il
and nutrition. It enables '
the perfect digestion and assimilation of
food so that lost flesh is regained and
the physical health re-established.
I had saffen-d from Indigestion and only
those who have suffered from it know what it
reallr is,' writes Mrs. M.I Pagan, of 1613 East
Genesee St. Syracuse, If . V. "X had had severe
stacks of headache and rllrrinos. with cold
bands and feet : everything I ste distressed me,
bowels were constipated and wugrounng very
thin and Htrvout. I cannot half express the bad
feeUngs I bad when I commenced taking Ir.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I took nine
bottles of the Discovery and have taken
several bottles of Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Pellets.
I 1 commenced feeling better with the first bottle
and kent on ImnnirlnF. Now I am so erreatlv
1 L , 1 . 1. r,j , . aa. . r.-iX- r.r it
UU IWTCU lil 111.1 .11 1U J 1 1 IV. 11 Ul UIIV1. w. ....
1 most heartily recommend these medicines to
an suffering as I was.'
The People's Common Sense Medical I
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on 1
receipt of 31 one-cent stamps for expense I
of mailing only. Address Dr, K. V.
Pierce, Uuhalo, . Y.
Our new FALL MELLINEBY has arrived and
we have put on display at our store the finest
line of street hats and trimmed hats for Fall
wear we have ever carried. Don't fail to call
this week and see the NEW THINGS in Millin
er1. Our prices are away down, as usual.
New Wraps
We have just received a large shipment of
Fall and Winter Wraps for children, misses
and ladies, The newest styles, best assort
ment and lowest prices are found here.
Money back if goods are not satisfactory.
criminal is ever looking for an excuse will of course be the scene of the
X pleasant tastlag medi
cine that acts u a julid
lustlrp; alat digestion
and gets at id removes
the cuoje oitije disease.
ItesnlU are noUoeable im
mediately, Ho (allure to care in 20
I have a full line of sporting goods. Winchester 12 and
16 guage shot guns, rifles, hunting coats, game bags and
all kinds of revolvers and ammunition at prices that are
right. Call and examine my stock before buying.
T. C. Taylor
741 Main Street
Sewing Mad
The easiest
most satisfac
best macnines nil
Daring tne
September at
Bargain HooaF
I Oregon's m
I Blue Ribborygj
j State FH
September 15th to 0tl
You are invited to ii
and see the greatest r-rm
trial exposition and livesW
show ever held on the Par?!
Coast. Good racing cWefc
afternoon. Camp grc
free. Come and bring f,
families. For any iofesa
tion, write
ar t TTTTonnmr c'.
Portlead, I
The Columbhl
Lodging Hous
Cooper's old stand,
Main St, Near W.& CM
A royal good meal for M
20 cents.
If you dine with us yo j
always satisfied. Q
A trial meai win '--
a regular boarder.