East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 06, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    Kaa always get GOOD GOODS t Alexander's.
to maKO VOur selections ior uic new stabuu s wsuia
from such a nice, fresh well chosen stock such as ours.
Everything is stylish, bright, crisp and new, so moder
ately priced,- too. You'll not regret looking; chances
ire you will buy. If you arc wise we know you will.
e take great pleasure in showing and great care to
Dink, blue, rose, lavender, grey. Daintily made, dam-
Sly trimmed, moderately priced. $3,48, $2.98, $2.48,
1.98, $1.48, $1.20, ac. 7
IATE FUR PURCHASE A drummer's samples at a
avmg ot more man one-nan we Know us a niue
srlv for furs, but at our prices they won't last long.
Jemember, samples are better made, better trimmed
nan the regular line, bee window display. Collarette,
cans and jackets, big assortment tc choose Irom at
B.48. $4.48, $7.50, $8.50, $12.50 ana upward.
rimrjoings, New Skirts, New Jackets.
:ander Dept. Store
Spokane, Wasn.
October 6th to 14th, 1902, Inclusive.
Horses, Hogs
Cattle, Sheep
Arts Exhibit ffiSii
it Exhibits The Northwest
it Day Racing ZW&Sj'
I.lnl CrU:UUo. Farm Products
0! All Kinds
$25,000 In PREMIUMS
IUSIC -Amusement extraordinary. Concession privileges of
Ifor sale. Write for catalogue. GEO. H. MARTIN,
iK LEAKE, AdvertJfing .Agent. Mgr. ana becy.
izer Opera House
BAKER fc AVELCir, Managers.
The First Real Big Show of the Season
ious Georgia Minstrels
incarnation of Mirth, Melody, Music and Darkey Fun.
1 EiiKJiiroiuent
e Mnrnvn hrrnh-y tc THE CICLONESOF
3 muiiAAu nviuuuij
PRICES: 25o, 50o, 75o and $1.00.
'Seats on sale at Frazier's Book Store.
! D-flf TICT The Shoemaker is located in the
Teutsch Store. Shoes repaired.
Laying of Corner Stone for New
Church Personal From the
The corner stone of tho new Chris
tian Church, being built at this place,
will be laid 'next Sunday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock. The new church, which
is to stand at the corner ot Fifth and
Adams streets, is to be one ot the
finest churches In the county.
Miss Alcy Foss was In Pendleton
"E. O." Speneo was up from Pen
dleton Wednesday playing his old
trick hustling for his newspaper.
Miss Kitty Sharp went down to
Pendleton Wednesday to make appli
cation for a school In the Juniper
Mrs. Callender and daughters will
leave Athena the first of tho week
for Portland, where they will make
their future home.
Keller Bros.,, the brlckmasons, are
up from Pendleton. They have the
contract for laying tho wall for the
new Christian Church.
Tharp Bros, have started suit in
Justice Chamberlain's court against
Louis Bcrgovln for tho recovery ot
money duo on a note. Will M. Peter
son Is attorney for plaintiffs.
Tho many friends ot Miss Beth
Bradley will bo pleased to learn that
she will arrive In Athena noxt week
on a visit Miss Bradley left her
home In Omaha Saturday, and is now
In Portland.
Gotlleb Werner, Formerly of Helix,
Commit Suicide at Connell.
Helix, Sept. 6. 3otllcb Werner, a
homesteader of Franklin county, Hv
lng a few miles from Connell, com
mlttcd suicide by hanging himself to
a coat hook in the Connell hotel
Wednesday night. Werner had beon
working In tho harvest fields of the
Eureka Flat country and returned
home several days ago. After arrlv
lng he spent most of his time in town
and was drinking heavily. Ho bo
came despondent a few days ago but
his friends did not think ho Intend'
ed doing away with himself and paid
little attention to him. Ho Is of
German descent and Is single. Little
is known of his relatives. He was 54
years of age.
srial. Best workmanship.
fs Do
lo trucking and hauling
description at reason-
lorses will be well cared
taken to the Old Dutch
Feed Yard, corner
f Alta and Lillith streets.
grain and all kinds of
sought and sold.
for sale at all times.
to Hays & Connerley.
Jp Supreme Court
8. Patent Office
Utikj and CopjriibU
N. W Washington, D. C
E. D. Boyd, in Court street,
has the following investments
in Real Estate to offer, all of
which will bring good returns:
One lot and 8-room dwell
ing, Jiooo.
160 acre ranch near Pendle
ton, j2op. Also other lots
and ranches.
3 lots near Sisters' school.
2 lots with dwellings on
i boarding house and lot.
20 vacant lots in different
parts of the city.
Easy Terms -
Call and Investigate
Faculty All Secured and Future Out
look Bright Much Wheat Sold
News of a Personal Nature From
the Weston Neighborhood.
Weston, Sept. 6. The Eastern Or
egon State Normal will open its doors
for the 1902-8 term next Monday
The first day will be Consumed In
enrolling students and getting things
in working order and the actual class
work will not begin until Tuesday.
The outlook for the coming year at
the normal is much brighter than
ever before In Its history.
A large number o students who
have signified their intention of en
tering the normal will not be able to
enter at the opening owing to the
harvest work not being completed.
Notwithstanding this fact, , however,
the faculty, and especially the re
gents, are well pleased with the out
look and the number of students now
in sight. Many are coming from a
distance and the school will be filled
with students from all over the state.
AlthouEh tho dormitory will accom
modate a large number of boarding
students, the faculty is making every
effort to get rooms and board at pri
vate houses as a shortage in accom
modations Is anticipated.
The new faculty, as announced a
few days ago, has been secured and
all are pleased with them. Professor
Martlndale, who Is to be at the head
of the institution, comes with high
recommendations and all of the other
teachers are Instructors of much ex
nerience and ability.
The new building is not yet ready
for occupancy, but all It lacks is tho
placing of the furniture and curtains.
When this is finished the school will
remove from the old building. The
board of regents is rushing things as
rapidly as possible and it Is expected
that the school will be In the new
ouarters by the first of October. The
new building is first-class In every re
spect, It Is said to be one of tne
strongest and most substantial new
school buildings In the Northwest,
and Its Interior arrangements are
modern and up-to-date.
Wheat Sold.
Farmers hereabouts are selling
their grain freer than the farmers of
nnv other nart of the country, ac
cording to reports. R. Jamleson,
fnr the Pacific Coast Elevator
Company, has purchased the follow
ing lntK of eraln within the last few
days: From J. H. Key, 750 sacks;
O. F. Scrlmsner, 4UU sacKs; airs. it.
Hjvnolds. 11C sacks. J. H. Price,
agent of the Kerr, Glfford Company,
hnnphf 1000 sacks of barley. 776 sacks
of wheat; of A. R. Landsdale, 800
iiiKhiR! of Ilv Winn. 800 bushels;
JM. A. Bryson, 250 sacks; C. C. Barth,
1250 sacks; S. r . Hyatt, iw sacKs;
J. N. York, 5500 bushels; A. B.
wnndR 4000 bushels: J. B. Hart.
lnidhols. In addition to the above
hoM within the nast few days, sev
eral small lots have been sold and
before this many other large crops (
were contracted. Tho wheat sold,
mnRtiv hroucht 50 cents, but a little
of It, which rated as off grain, sold
as low as 47 cents, me uaneyi
brought 75 cents.
Pendleton high school. Miss Alma
has gone to Ellensburg to resume
her studies in tho Washington stnte
normal, and Miss Elizabeth left last
Saturday for Rossland, B. C, to en
gage In teaching. The latter was ac
companled by her younger sister,
Miss Welthy.
Link Swaggart got four shots at it
big black bear, near tho Toll Gato,
a few days ago., This Is. supposed to
be the same bear which has frighten
ed tho Toll Gato country about this
time of year every season for the
past three or four years, and Is seen
by hunters and stock herders.
The authorities are making an ef
fort to protect the bridges and prop
erty in this city from tho ravages of
Pine Creek. Every year this Btream
has played all kinds of pranks with
the bridges near town, and many
have been washed away, costing the
county several thousand dollars to
repair them. The authorities have
become tired of this and are going to
put a stop to the whole matter If poS'
sible. A long buttress Is being built
In the lower part of town for this
purpose and the protection of these
Weston Mountain adds to Its re
nown by an excellent yield at tho Joe
Wurzer place, four miles east of
town. Mr. Wurzer got 1640 sacks
from 80 acres, or 47 V4Iushels to the
acre, counting 135 pounds to the
sack, which figure many of the sacks
will certainly outweigh. About threo
bushels were lost per acre. His bar
ley averaged 45 bushels.
Rev. C. H. Nye, an Oregon pioneer
and a well-known "old timer," of the
Weston neighborhood, is hero on a
visit at his son's home near town,
and. will remain for three months
among old friends and scenes. Mr,
Nye Is now a resident of Westport,
Miss Clara Taylor arrived Monday
from Eugene, and begins teaching
next week in the March district on
Dry Creek. She was met at PendlO'
ton by her brother, C. H. Taylor.
R. E. Bralley, late of Wasco, Or.,
Is In the city, and contemplates lo
eating In Weston for the winter to
school his children. Mr. Bralley is
a retired farmer, having sold his
ranch In Sherman county.
Miss Edna Moulton has gone to
Basket Mountain to teach school this
fall and winter in that neighborhood
Miss Moulton was among the appll
cants receiving second grade certlfl
catcs at tho recent county examina
W. J. Baker and family have re
turned from an extended outing at
Hldaway Springs. They leave in a
few days for San FranclBco and will
reside permanently In California If
Mr. Baker's health 1b thereby benefit
R. H. Simpson Js recovering from
a very painful attack of erysipelas In
the hand. Mr, Simpson expects to re
turn soon to his business at Baker
Mrs. Jane Hartman, of Pendleton,
Is visiting at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. George Marsh.
Henry Lane, a bartender, shot R.
M. Prldemore twice at Burke, yester
day and Prldemore died goon after
ward. The caso appears to be one
of murder. Lane Is In jail.
Local News.
Hon. T. C. Taylor, ex-senator, was
In town Thursday and Jn company
with Hon. G. W. Proebstel, examined
the now state normal building and re-,
norted that the story circulated that
the building was cracked and settl
ing, making It unsafe, was absolutely
false. Mr. Taylor sayB the building
Is perfectly safe.
The Misses Ellce and j'earie wins.
have gone to Pendleton, where they'
have been entered on the staff of the
la 1 in stages tUtre
hould be cleanjuiets,
Ely's Cream Jlaln
deaase,aootkea and heala
Uie diaeaaed membrane.
It cures catarrh Mid dnt e
jwoj a cold la the bead
t'rtiara Balm U placed Into the ooetrila, spreads
oyer the membrane and la absorbed. Jtellaf la Im
mediate and s cure follows. It la cot, drying dota
not produce aneezlng. Large Size, CO eeats at Dni.
glata or bf mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents bjr mall.
ELY BHOTUEKS, M Warren Street. Hear York.
All goods that were burned and damaged will
be on sale
Blankets, Millinery. Indian Robes, Yarns,
Trunks, Tailor-Made Suits.
These goods will be sold for practically
What we can't sell we give
away !
Big Boston Store
Corner Main and Court Streets.
No. 720 Seventeenth St.,
"If every tuff erincr woman
has the tame experience with
Wine of Cardui that I had,
your medicine will be most
popular. About a year ago
I began to have a worn out
tired feeling with lassitude,
pains in the back and head
which kept Increasing every
month. I felt that I needed
tome thin?, but to get the
right medicine was the trou
ble. I finally decided on
your Wine of Cardui and only needed to
take three bottles when I was fully re
covered." rjJJTlHEN Miss Itoso Owens, who
I WW I kRS a responsible position in
I " I tho Govornniont servico at
Washington, D. 0., decided to
try Wine of Cardui, sho made a wiso
choice. Over a million women have
been relieved of fcmalo weakness by this
same Wine of Cardui. It is not a
strong medicine but may be taken everr
day in the year by any woman with
benefit. It does not force results, but
corrects derangements of tho menstrual
organs. It strengthens tho nervous
system, gives tone to tho bodily func
tions, acts directly on the genital
organs, and is the finest tonic for wo
men known to the science of modicino.
Jftit llou thzuu.
If you are a sulTcritig wo
man wo wouict say 10 tou
that Wine of Cardui seldom
fails (o complete! euro any
caso of fcmalo Ills. Weeny
emphatically, it never falls
to benefit. Evoxy day hun
dreds of sufferers are writing
to our fulies' Advisory De
partment. The letters are
opened by persons compo
tunt to give advice. Mrs.
Jomn was cured bv follow
ing Iho advice which was freely given
her by tho Ladies' Advisory Depart
ment. .Bliss uwena was curou wunoui
advice by just buying a $1.00 bottle of
Wino of Cardui from her druggist and
taking this great medicino in the pri
vacy of her home. No doctors ex
amination, troatuient or advice ia nec
essary. You havo read what these, two
enrol women havo written. Ia this not
enough lo lend you to determino to bo
rid of suffering t
August 13, 11)00, Mrs. W. If. Jones,
of Cameron, Mo., writes:
"I suffered terribly at monthly periods
for three yean. I would sometimes go for
seven months with no flow at all. Now
I have toy health back again and am
exotctlntr to be confined la January. I
cannot praise your medicine enough."
A million suffering women
liaio found relief in
Wine 6f Cardui.
The Pendleton Business College
Large, well lighted, well ventilated ard
Comfortable Rooms.
Commercial Course Bookkeeping by aotual bushiest training a pro
vided by "Sadler'H Budget System, " thorough and complete. Commercial
iinn uiiiriamiAOTDljr uunjimv liniiouv.liflli Ullli imrvmon Hia IflUMUIIV U KIII1W1
edge of his right ami how to protect hl intercut; Commercial Arithmetic,
Correspondence and Penmanship.
Stenographic Course Shorthand by the Gregg Light Line Byntem;
Typewriting, Spelling, Paragraphing, Punctuation, CorreMirondence, Manlfold-
iug, ivurc aim iiiuiiugeiiieui. i w ruing uiuciiineH.
Call at the olllce of or write to If. N. ItOUINHON, LL.I)., Principal,
Corner Court and Johuaon Bta Pendleton, Oregou,
Mead! Mead!
We are offering this week some exceptional values in
heavy all-wool Ingrains, These carpets were left over
from last year's stock and are worth 75c per yd; sale price
57c. You will see some of the patterns in the window.
New goods just coming in. Look for Septemher ad.
ZT r3C