I" W'-tyi- a. Hi- :? Ml'! ' h f -ifi New Fall and Winter Hats Soft and Dcrbys The "Stetson" The "Longlcy" The "Elk Brand" A Guarantee Goes Wjth Every Hat. Prices $1.25 to $5.00 Closing out of Golf 8hlrts at Closlug-out Prices. Our Line of Men's and Bo.v'8 Shoes 1 the beat in the City. BAER DALEY One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton 729 Main Street PENDLETON WINS FROM BEET PULLERS WITH A SCORE OF 7 TO 6. Walla Walla Puts It Over Baker City, Making Two Games for the Sharp shooters and One Each for the In dians and Beet Pullers In the Pres ent Series. D ! Standing of the Clubs. Won. Lost P. C. Pendleton .... 24 10 .759 Walla Wnlla ..16 IS .470 La Grnnde... 14 19 .424 Hnker City 12 21 .3C6 Pendleton, 7; La Grande, 6. Walla Walla, 1; Baker City, 0. Afterh nvlng lost the first of the series to the Beet Pullers in Ia Grande 'Thursday, the Pendleton In dians redeemed themselves by doing the Pullers up to the tune of 7 to 6! cd by tho Indians and if they do not go entirely to nlccca the pennant is safo 'in their grasp. Today and Sun day will end the series with Ln Grande, and eight games are yet to he played with the Walla Walla ag gregation, and eight with Baker City. Tho next series will bo played In tills city with the Pakor City team. Tomorrow's Home Game. Tomorrow afternoon there will be a fierce nnd furious game of baseball on U10 local diamond. P.oy Alexan der's Wonders and an All-Pendlcton team are to cross bats for honors, and this will no doubt be a good atnn tour game, well worth the time spent in witnessing While the Wondors are mado tip or young follows and the All-Pondleton's of old ball players, It is expected .that the little team will hold the enemy down. Tho Won ders have played games this sea son nnd it is the only team In tho Northwest with a percentage of 1000. Jt has not lost a game. NEW DEPUTY ASSESSOR. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER G, 1902. I HOTEL ARRIVALS. GENERAL NEWS. The coal strike in West Virginia is practically at an end. It is reported -that President Mitchell of the Uinted -Mine Workers advised the miners to .return to work. , According to the observations of Director Campbell, of the Lick Ob servatory. California, a larce comet twill be visible to the naked eye with-) In the course of the next few weeks.) A Santa Fe special, carrying Mrs. j A. C. Dake and daughter irom Wins-, low, Arizona, to the bedside of a dy- lng husband and father at Denver,! Colo., made the remarkable run of '820 miles between the two cities in '20 hours and 12 minutes. The county superior court at At lanta, Ga., has Issued an order against the Creditable Loan & Se curity company, an investment con cern doing a large business through out the Gouth, enjoining the further payment of dues by certificate-holders and restraining the company from en forcing any fines or forfeitures, pend ing the further order of the court. ;The bill alleges that th ellabillties of the company to its certificat-holders amount to about $700,000, and the as sets, as shown by their sworn tax re turns, amount to less than $150,000, PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. I" Sheep throughout Eastern Oregon are reported to have been poisoned by licking potassium stones. Parties from Heppner have acquir ed over 3000 acres of land on Willow Creek and are prospecting for coal. t'The Ashland Fruit and Produce As-I Bociation has been shipping out Craw-' ford peaches in carload lots every day this week, and the heavy ship-1 ments are expected to continue fori the next ten days. A pioneers' meeting Is being held at Olalla this week. Over 20u0 peo ple are In attendance. It is being held near the famous Olalla battle field, on which pioneers and Indians battled many years ago. A feature of the session of the State Board of Equalization now be ing held at Olympia, Wash., is the Hotel Pendleton. W R. Glendenlng. Bruce Wallace, Michigan. Robert Vehee. xV. C. Newell. Portland. X. B. Macken. Portland. J. H. Schively. Olympia. C. A. Wiliets. Boston. George S. Re!!. Portland. Susie Bird. Missouri Bailey. Mrs. R. B. Xoyes, Mondamln. Mrs. J. W. IRime. Guthrie. F. S. Myers, Portlnnd. A. Roderick Grant, Portland. E. E. Moon and wife, Hurdl&nd J. H. Mendenhall. Seattle. I. A. Baker. Portland. W. F. Merriam, Minnesota. D. E. Hall. Portland. George S Bell. Portland. S. S. Gill. Spokane. W. J. Miller, Mmaha. The Golden Rule. F. J. Gardner. Portland. Mrs. J. E. Kidd, Canyon City. Mrs. F. A. oungerson, Canyon City. Winnifred Hunsucker, Canyon City Mrs. G. E. Bataw, Baker City. J. J. rtenry. Wheeling. Mrs. A. R. Graham, Harrington. Mrs. William Donn, Harrington. C. C. Forrester, Denver. F. M. Mulkey. Pilot Rock. Miss Nellie -Mulkey, Pilot Rock. G. F. Otis, Passadlna. T. E. Dorsey, Spokane. P. R. Tyos8em. Ellensburg. F. H. Beathe, Weston. Frank Stahlman and family, ara. V. F. Moore, city. J. Arlington, Weston. B. Johnson, Camas Prairie. C. M. Pierce, Weston. C. E. Craig, city. C. J. Fraker, city. Charles Serelt, Helix. J. H. Hascall. Pilot Rock. O. S. Davey, Walla Walla. Nate Paiz, Valley. George McGllvery, Spokane. P. E. Hunsucker. Spokane. W. Williams, Portland. G, D. Galley, Portland. A. J. Hall. Spokane. T. MIsb D. Hafner, Helix. Walter Hafner, Helix. T, Hemierdlnger, Golden Gate. Sol Lemey, -tmena. G. F. Jackson, Dayton. H. D. Lease and wife, Conover W. J. Hughes, Boise. Shep- A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him die, and a son riding for life, 18 under delinquent tax sale. As an ex-1 to ample. Pierce county has bid in $540,-1 miles, to get Dr King's New Disco 000 worth of property. ! ery for Consumption, Coughs and Henry Howe and Joseph Shannon. ! ?Jda Wl ot ,Lec3y,Ue who hail from Arizona, are the own- InJ- endured death's agonies from era of an old-time prospector's outfit asthma, but this wonderful medicine which left Baker City for Thunder' re instant relief and soon cured mountain a few days ago. The out-,nlm- He writes: "I now sleep sound fit consists of a uack train of fouriJr every night," Like marvelous cures burrows and two riding horses Friday. This shows that the was close and it was fast and furous up to the end of the fifth Inning, when Interest somewhat lagged and the teams did considerable rag chew ing from that on. "Up to the end of the third the tennis wont down in short order and the game stood 0 to 0, but in the fourth Pendleton pulled herself to gether and by the aid ot a few errors by La Grande at critical times; ran In five tallies. In hte fifth and sixth i nothing was made by the Indians, but in the seventh they made two, more, making the score 7. La Grande made her first run in the fifth when two men crossed home plate and In the sixth and eighth the same num ber were made In each. Considerable dissatisfaction was caused by the decisions of Umpire Russell, and La Grande claims to have last the game because of his unfair decisions. Clark Nelson, of Weston, Appointed to Fill This Place. Assessor-elect C. P. Strain, who will game) assume his duties as county assessor The Pendleton Brockboff, rf Fay. ss Schllls. 3b ... -Stovall. lb .. T. Adams, c . Hammond. If . Brown, cf Schmidt. 2b .. Taylor, p .... Score. abh 5 0 . 4 2 . 5 4 . 3 . 4 4 . 3 . 3 HPO A the first of the coming year, has an nounced that he will have associated with him as deputy, Clark Nelson, of Weston. Mr. Nelson Is one of the rising young men of the east end town and his many friends will be pleased at his good fortune. He is a native Or egoniau, having been born In Weston and Is only 21 years of age, but Is well fitted for tho position to which he has been appointed. He attended the Weston public schools and gradu ated from the Eastern Oregon State Normal in 1S98. Later he took the normal post-graduate course and the following year wont to Portland Business College from which instltu tlon he graduated in the present year. Excursion to Washington, D. C. On the occasion ot the G. A, R. en campment, to be held at Washington, D. C, October C to 11, the O. R. & N Co. will sell round trip tickets at S69.S5. Dates of sale September and 30. limit 30 days. Choice of routes, going and coming. Totals 3G 7 La Grande G. Adams, It . Edwards, lb . Black. 3b R, Brown, ss Thompson, 2b Bolin, rf ..... Shea, c Castner, cf McGucken, p , ABR 4 2. 11 HPO A 8 5 3! by to A mass meeting of employes of the different railroads in the state was held at Hillyard, Wash., last night. A resolution was passed denouncing the, railroad platform supported by Governor McBride as being detri mental to railroad Interests and rail road men in general. Dr. Taggart. of St. Paul, Is in East ern Oregon looking over the agricul of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchi Us. Coughs, Colds and Grip prove Its matchless merit for all Throat troub les. Guaranteed bottles SOc and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. Totals 34 C 7 Score by Innings. 123456789 Pendleton 00050020 0 7 La Grande .... 00002202 0 6 Earned runs La Grande, 4; Pen dleton. 2. Bases on balls By McGucken, by Taylor, 2. Two-base hits Black. Home run iBolln. Struck out By McGucken, fi; Taylor, 7. Double plays Schmidt to Fay Stovall; Brown to Fay. Umpire Russell. In Baker City. The game between the Walla Walla and Baker CU7 teams ended the same way that It did the day previ ousin favor of Walla Walla. This was a good, close game, however, and in this respect did not resemble the game of Thursday. The score was 1 to 0 and at no time were hon ors safe for either side. Pendleton Still Ahead. Pendleton Is still almost out of sight of Walla Walla, that team hold- 1 lng second place for the pennant. Eighteen more games are to be play- HY LADY'S DESK : : THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN CORRESPONDENCE STATIONERY the most New The product of celebrated mills England and Scotland. t Everything for the desk. Prices as low as quality will justify. ' F.W.Schmidt firCo. Reliable Druggists. Phone, Main 851. tural advantages of this section of the country. He says that from MIn-Lav ftdlled to th facultv. The University of Oregon. The University of Oregon will open its 27th session at Eugene, Wednes day, September 17th. The outlook for the year seems at present, very promising. c A number of new men nesota alone about ,5 000 people ill I throrough, fltted DOth Dy pre,)ara. come to Oregon and Washington as.. , . b exerjencei for their result or the low rate, wiiicn nas ueen; worJ The UnlverfjUy bllndings are made for this section of the country., be,ng ropared ana jmpr0ved during Captain Samuel Bass, who came to J the summer, the dormitory, gymnasl the Pacific coast in 1859, settling In un and Leady hall receiving especial Oregon, died at Whatcom. August 28. attention. Students intending to en aged 71 years. He hart ben promt- ter this fall are Invited to correspond nent in democratic politics in this (with the president relative to their state and Oregon for the last 40 1 work. Catalogues will cheerfully be years, holding numerous federal and i sent on application. state offices. He was born at Mount Holly. N. J., in 1831. ' Not Doomed For Life. "I was treated for three years by good doctors," writes W. A. Qreer, The Glenola has been busy for the naat two days transporting about 5000 sheep, belonging to John Little, on Antelope, from Lyle to The Dalles. They will be shipped over the O. R. & N. and Northern Pacific to Chica gb, where it Is expected that they will -bring a very good price, as they are in the vory best of condition. McConnelvllIe, O., "for Piles- and Fis tula, but when all failed, Bucklcn's Arnica Salve cured me in two weeks." Cures Burns, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Eruptions. Salt Rheum, Piles or no pay. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. Correct Stationery I It Is worth something to buy your Stationery where y the styles are correct. S We buy direct from the maker. No middleman to if. work on" his dead stock on us as "the latest thing." We keep abreast of the times. . We know what's 2j right. Our prices are right and our styles. Prices all the way from 10 cents to $1 a box. Paper and envelopes in S bulk, aud fancy tablets with 5 envelopes to match. We W have a few boxes left which S we are closing out at cost. 1 FRAZIER'S Book and I Stationery Store. I have bargained with a competent Timber Cruiser to locate Valuable Timber Claims On the line 0. 3 railroad now under construction. This means a big chance lor first-comers. See N.Berkeley Have some sale. good farms for Your money ba If ysH are Mt sctisffed DO YOTJ StJPPOSK ttt romrny with a capital of teaxooaooi tla h, k proud repataUon ot M Tears ot conunuous suocets, would make iscfa Twos?!?? ft out to Uie letter? DO YOU SUPPOSE we would JeopArdlze our suuidtos with the nubile m cf Hill irreawr nuceess by rilllmr to fulfil ur promise we mke ? DO YOU SUPPOSE we would make such aa offer It we did not hare tht n denM In the aaUtfrlntr aualltr of our roods 1 s WE KNOW we can pleas you and are you money, for HA.YNER winer. direct from our distillery to you. with all Ita orirlnal rlohness and flayor, amtrSfSl STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER'S GUARANTEE ot J?URTTY andAM J? you the dUt profits of the dealers. That's why It's best for medlelnal burnm. r4 million aatuaed customers. That's why YOU should try It. " J to.Y Direct from our distillery Sam DuUrs' Profits! PrcvMtt AdaltiratlH! HAYNER WHISK 4 PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE FULL $ QUARTS .00 EXPRESS PREPAIIi 4 We will send you FOUR FULL QUARTS of HAYNER'S SEVEN-YEAR. OLD RYE for ti.00. and we will pay the express charges. When you recelra the whiskey, try It and It you don't and It all rlebt and as rood aa you erer drank or can buy from any body else at any price, then send U back at our xpense and your t oo will be returned to you by next malL How coula an offer be fairer f We take all the risk and stand all tho expense. It the roods do not please you. Won't you let us send you a trial order Wi hip In a plain sealed case; no marks to show what's Inside. If you can ue SO Quarts, or can Ton. will land fnn enlng; 94.00. Uoarta an ft ome of your frtendi to loli for 916.00, by trelcht prepaid, Lhu "Write our nearest office and do It NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINN. DAYTON, OHIO ST. Levi. Mt, BO DisnmntT. tboy. O. ESTABUSBXD 186A Come to us for your FRUITS FOR CANNING m Si Apricots, peacher, We will supply your wants, plums and grapes. Canteloupes, Watermelons and fine cooking andj apples. j We make a specialty of supplying the cleanest groceries at the lowest prices. Prompt deliver)'. MARTIN'S FAMILY GROCERY AND BA The place to get clean, fresh goods. R. MARTIN, Proprietor Telephone Red 34 i faXIIJIXlIXAlIIlM THE PENDLETON ACADES Offers: College Preparatory Course BnBlncBB Course TeaoherB' Course Takes nil grades from Sub-Primary up. Graduate eate msu Class luHUok Colleges as Yule, Prinoetou, Stanford. L Graduates taking 27 weeks Supplemental Work can tak' Certltlcates on same basis as Normal ttcnools. i-au term op tember 15. For catalogue address F. L. FORBES, D. D., Princ Thero Is No Question a TartTTT ttjtt nmzror-rc att dvtjtjci PI It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nottj but the choicest wheat enters into Byers flour, : satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for brt -H or fancy baking. t-4 PENDLETON ROLLER W. S. Byers, Proprietor. GRAND PICNIC AT KINE'S 61 Every Sunday Dancini? begins Sundav at i d. m. Admission to danc u s , - . . , fnrm -c r.pnts Inrlipq frpp. Rnsses to and Ir0B ; grounds day and night. nWJTATTP AWT flW ftPflnffTia Vha mnvo nan be t. Dionlo Tjarties bv annlvine to PETER Simift St. George. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor. -its. ,-vt-jm