INGEDITiQN 1 Tl DA11Y EVENINB EDITIOH iun.v ill f n it m. i it v,iuiiiiti.i f Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight and Sunday partly cloudy; coolor Sunday. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER G, 1002. NO. 453 t 5. HESITATES 1 I lUUu lo, nuauuuucu i UtlT IW DC Cw I MB Lirrl-i T1 ATYMJ DCI CIT Has Been Commissioned Government to Proceed of 160,000. i , mt I I A a requested M. Lacrolx, scientific mission which the. cessation of activity i 1 1 . . , eland of Martmioue -was to undertake the man' n -nnrTnnnent obsorvatorv illshed to watch Mount croix, accompanied by ,vy officers, is now pro- a long conference with or colonies this morn MSllt Fort de France now has tiaucra, wmcn ii wuuiu ua more in a snort time. pisly considering the evac- lartlnique, France hesi adon the island, thus ox the danger of being sell- rival power. 1ENT OF FORWOOD. In-General of the Army, ity Years' Distinguished leaches Age Limit. bn, D. C, Sept. C After aguished military record, period of more than 40 fcon-General William H. i the army will be placed list tomorrow by opera' ge limit. General Forwood the head of the medical of the army three months 1 retirement of Brigadler- luerg. He is a native of a graduate of the medl- ent of the University of In 18C1 he was ap- m surgeon in the regular -service in the civil war Dly by his skill and do- work, but by dash and grjowt won the admiration or HMKli whom he served. His mttmier fire was remarkable, WUHtW of Gen. Forwood that he Sred- to the wounded when idfsfeell were falling around Wm much skill as though f tMplnd the walls of a hospl- ittle of Galne's Mlll,.Va., F. McElhone was shot enemy outside the union rwood saw him fall, and, place by a huge tree ear by, determined to his comrade's body at portunlty. when night ng surgeon, with two pt across the enemy's e pickets on guard and here McElhone fell. He d, as they supposed, but untied, and with great at the risk of capture ed In getting the suffer- ack to camp. HIb recov- and tedious, but he was red to health, and lived to tell the story of his cue by Surgeon Forwood. o most interesting lncl . Forwood's career is Itls losby's men. Jt Mppon- wood church, when Sur- u, with tno regimental Capt. Cram, and two or riding to Gen. Durford's lie and a half distant amp. on tne way tney ly surrounded by about 's men, who seemed to m the ground, and, with ked, compelled a sur- tho little party ox union- t armed. The prisoners ed to a house some dis- woods, the headquarters as evidently, and shortly there we're released on being deprived of their ulpment, and started r caron. Surgeon For- r, would not acept pa ng doctor was turned d, to be sent to somo Jn- The prisoner was . between mounted men nd rear, and In the mid- 'it the procession start- Mm SP 3fc mem cd out. In passing through a dense forest of young pines Forwood broke away from his captors and mado a dash for liberty, and, desplto the fact that every effort was made to capture him, succeeded In getting away unin jured by the fusllade of shots that were fired Into 'the woods he travers ed. The superb physical courage Gen. Forwood unites that higher quality, moral courage He has never known the fear of contagion, but has exposed himself rather, and again and again las Bought opportunities to study the scourges that have visited tho coun try. When the epidemic of cholera broke out at Fort Riley in 1863 ho was the only medical officer at the post, and his untiring efforts and the skill with which he confined the dis ease to a certain area will always be remembered by those who served with him during that terrible period. TROOPS AT PANTHER CREEK PENNSYLVANIA STRIKERS SAID TO BE RESTLESS. Major Gerhart Finds It Necessary to Send Troops to Allay Apparent Un rest Tamaqua, Pa., Sept 6. "This morn ing Major Gerhart found It necessary to send troops through Panther Creek Valley to allay an apparent un rest No conflict, however, took place. More trouble is feared. Dowle Again in Auditorium. Chicago, 111., Sept 6. Dr. John Alexander Dowle will resume hjs at tack on Chicago sin In the adltorlum theater tomorrow. When he removed to Zlon City last spring It was believ ed that his regular Sunday "ram pages" In the auditorium had become a thing of the past, but evidently the money flowed more freely Into his coffers from tho Chicago nudiences that packed the big hall than is the case at Zlon City. However this may be the last Issue of Leaves of Healing that "Elijah II." is to return to the scene of his former trials and the overseers, evangelists, deacons, mem' bers of the seventies, and in fact all members of the Christian Catholic church In Zion are expected to turn out in force to bid him welcome. 1 TO CHATTANOOGA MINERS JUBILANT ARMED GUARD WITHDRAWN FROM WEST VIRGINIA, Strikers Return to Work at Charles' ton Many Mines in Operation to Their Fullest Capacity. Charleston, W. Va.. Sept. 6. This is tho biggest day in surrounding coal fields since the strike began, Many mines are already In operation to their fullest capacity. More men are at work than before the strike, All armed guards were withdrawn this morning. The returning miners are jubilant. COMING TO THE NORTHWEST. Rush tf Settlers From Eastern States to Oregon and Washington Unu sual Passenger Business of North em Pacific. Portland, Sept. 6. Charles S. Fee, general passenger and ticket agent of the Northern Pacific at St. Paul, passed through the city early this morning on the way to Seaside, where his family has been spending the summer. Mr. Fee is pleased wnn tne great volume of business being done in the, Northwest and the wonderful evidences of improvement and pro gress being made. The Northern Pa cific is having the biggest passenger and freight run of business Irpm this section ever known. In speaking of tho subject of set tiers from the East who will take ad vantage of the low rate offered by the roads, Mr. Fee thinks that there will be the greatest rush to Oregon and Washington ever experienced. There will be a rush of people who are coming .to make a home and who have means to do so. He thinks the future of the Northwest Is an assur ed repetition of the past few years of growth and progress. Minneapolis Mayor Out Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 6. A. A. Ames Is no longer mayor of Minneap olis, bis resignation' recently tendered and accepted having become effective today. This is the climax of the po lice corruption scandals which have agitated the city and ocupled the grand Jury and the courts for two months. The ex-mayor Is in falling health and it is doubtful If he ever returns to Minneapolis unless forced to do so by the courts. The President Receives a Great Ovation Spoke on the Trust Question to a Large Audience at Wheeling, Wheeling, W. Va., Sept. 6. The president's train ar rived at 9 o'clock this morning. President Roosovolt's faco is badly discolored but he said he was feeling all right. Secretary Cortelyou still feels tho effect of tho accident, and seems to keep up through strong determination. The arrival of the train was a signal for an ovation. Roosevelt addressed a large audience from tho McClure House balcony, devoting his remarks largely to tho trust question. He reiterated the belief that a constitutional amendment was necessary to deal with the corporation problem. ALL MUST RESPECT LAW. "In dealing with tho industrial questions," said tho president, "we must not be willing to accept less than is possible nor come to a standstill by defending the impos sible. Our stupendous corporations should cortainly como under government regulations and supervision. Tho na tional government must be given some such power, and nil men, big and little alike, made to respect the law." PRESIDENT INDIGNANT. Cambridge, Ohio, Sept. 6. As tho president's train pulled through hero President Roosevelt's attention was called to an alleged interview published lately in Philadel phia, in which ho was quoted as saying that he had hopes that tho Pennsylvania political leaders would settle tho anthracite strike. The president very indignantly entered a deniaT"and said that neither there nor elsewhere had he ever expressed such an opinion concerning the strike. COMING TO THE NORTHWEST. Washington, Sept. 6. All plans here are being ar ranged on tho understanding that President Roosovolt's program will bring him here only a short time between now and December. During the holidays he will go South. Immediately after congress closes the president goes hunt ing in Colorado. He will spend six weeks in April and May in a trip to the Pacific coast and the Northwest. SPOKE OF McKINLEY. Columbus, Ohio. Sept. 6. The president -made a brief speech, when the train stopped hero this afternoon, devoted entirely to the memory of William McKinley, this being the first anniversary of his assassination. lie highly eulogized the principles and purposes of tho martyred president. New Head of Army Surgeons. Washington. Sept 6. The new sur geon-general of tho United States armv Is Colonel Robert Maltland p'Reilly, who succeeds to the honor tomorrow on the retirement of Gener al Forwood for age. Colonel O'Reilly was selected by the president for the Important position of chief medical officer because of his high standing in his profession and his popularity among the officers and men. Colonel O'Reilly is a nattoe of Philadelphia and Is 57 years of age. He was edU' cated In the public schools and re ceived his professional training at the University of Pennsylvania. Before his graduation, however, he respond ed to the urgent demand for medical men for the army service during the civil war and received an appoint ment as medical cadet Jn 1864. In the following year he was honorably dis charged, but re-entered the military establishment In 18C6. Since then Colonel O'Reilly has served In vari- Lous parts of the country and Cuba. During President Cleveland s two terms he was the official physician for the president and his family. At tno ouioreaK or tne Spanish war ho was appointed lieutenant-colonel and chief surgeon of volunteers. Colonel O'Reilly was a member of tho com- mission appointed to select winter camps for tho troops mobilized dur ing the war, and for a time he was chief surgeon on tho staff of General Wade, president of tho commission on the Spanish evacuation of Cuba Since December, 1901, ho has been chief surgeon of tho department of California. NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. New York, Sept 6. Tho foreign markets woro unchanged today. Liv erpool closing 6 410 for Docomber wheat Thcro was consldorablo wheat for salo at tho opening to tako prof its from tho recent advance Tho opening was Vi lower, 73, and tho closing 73. Consorvatlvo tradors favor purchases on tho breaks. Closed yesterday, 74. Opened today, 73?i. Rnngo today, 7373. Closed today, 73. St. Paul, 190. Union Pacific, 110. U & N.. 152. Steel, 41 U. TO RACE ACROSS ATLANTIC WILL COMMUNICATE DUR ING THE ENTIRE TRIP. Steamers Bismarck and Philadelphia Will Try Their Speed From South ampton to New York. Southampton, Sept 6. A groat trans-Atlantic race between DIsmarck I, and the Philadelphia, started at noon, when tho lattor sailed for Now York. Tho Bismarck sails tomorrow morning. Both will use picked coal and aro equipped with wireless para phernalia, expecting to communlcato with each other during tho ontlro trip. International Fishery Exhibit Vicuna, Sopt 5. Tho International Fishery Exhibit, which opened today in connection with tho eighth Aus trian Fishery Congress, Is ono of tho largest and most comprohonslve ox hlblts of the kind over held In Eur ope. The various displays Include fresh and salt water fish and water animals, breeding apparatus and pearl fishery, natural and artificial foods, literature and history, manufactures from fish materials and Illustrations of tho various methods of cooking and preparing fish food for tho table. Tho exhibition will contlnuo three weeks. A BREWERY BURNED BREWERS' COMBINE IS ACCUSED OF INCENDIARISM. Indianapolis Democrats. , Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 5. The democratic congressional convention of the seventh district is In session this afternoon In Masonic hall. The names of those principally heard In connection with tho nomination are Albert Sahm, L. P. Harlan and Wil liam V. Rooker, Cardinal Gibbons Recovered. Baltimore, Sopt, 6. Cardinal Gib bons was sufficiently recovered to officiate at "mass this morning. BODY OF MURDERER BARTHOLIN FOUND A Confession of the. Murder of His Mother and Sweetheart Found On His Body. Chicago, 111., Sept. 6. An American extra says: "The body of Murderer Bartholin was found near Ricevillo. Icwawhcre he lad killed himself. A letter in his pocket confesses the murdor of his mother'and Mlnriie"Mitcholl." " Plant Operated by Union Men Who Were Locked Out Several Months Ago Loss Estimated at $100,000. Cincinnati, Sopt. 0. Tho plant of tho Independent Browing Company, that has been operated by union em ployes elnco tho browors lockout ot several months ago, was destroyed by incendiary firo this morning. Unionists chargo tho deed to tho Brewers' combine. Tho loss la esti mated at $100,000. TROUBLE NCHGAGO Complo Tie-up of Building Industry Threatened by the Union Teamsters. CONTRACTORS GIVEN TILL TUESDAY TO ANSWER. Teamsters of the Windy City Declar That Master Contractors' Assocl. tlon Discharged a Driver Because He Was a Union Man. Chicago, Sopt. 6. A complcto tie-up of tho building Industry of this city fas threatened by tho refusal of tho nat ter contractors' association to roln stato a teamster who tho unions he ctare, was discharged bocauso ho be longed to a union. Tho contractor aro given until Tuosday to answer. If they fall to satisfy tho teamsters union, no building material ot any kind will bo hauled. Pious Fund Arbitration. Tho Ilaguo, Sept C Tho Interna tional arbitration tribunal, which la to denido tho Pious Fund claims caso botweon tho United States nnd Mox lco, mot today and formally organis ed. Tho argumonts will bo begun about 10 days hence. Thoso In at tondanco aro Sir Edward Fry, of Eng land, and F. Do Martons, ot Russia, arbitrators for tho United States; T. N. C. Asser and Savornla Lolinmann, of Holland, arbitrators for Mexico,-' and co.unsol who will conduct tho ar gumonts for tho two parties to tho dispute Tho American counsel con sists of Judgo William L. Ponflold, solicitor of tho stato department; Jackson II. Ralston, ngont for tho United States; Walter 8. Ponflold and Honry V. Armos, assistant counsol. Tho Catholic church In America, which Is vitally Interested In tho case, Is represented by Archbishop Rlor dan, of San Francisco, and Oarrot Mo Encniey, tho archbishop's attornoy. WALLA WALLA NEWS. Fltzslmmons' Prayer. Fltzslmmons, the prlzo lighter, lius been mado somowliat of a butt, for ridicule because in referring to his recent defeat In the prlzo ring he said: "I prayed to win HiIb fight. It was tho flrst tirifo I over prayed to win. I lay In that room and prayed: 'Ood give mo strength to win this battle, and I will ho thankful'. Amen." Thcro does seem to bo a false ring about that. But why should It be any more Incongruous for a prize lighter to pruy with sporting zeal for dlvlno strength to "slug" his adver sary, than for a clergyman to pray with patriotic fervor for military vic tories? Is it so much inoro religious to kill than to "slug?" San Francis co Star. Well. Known Farmer Dies of Bright' Disease Miss Hootman Would Stop Ball Games. Walla Walla, Sept. C Colonol A. J. Puffer, ono of tho woalthloBt and best known farmors of Walla Walla county, dlod ycRtorday In a local hos pital, Uright's (IIbcuso liolng tho lm modlato causj of death. Colonel Puffer had been n strong man until rocont years, and not until last Sun day did ho tako to his hod In tho last sickness. A. J. Puffer wur born In Now York stato In 1831, coming West about 30 years ago. Shortly after landing In tho West lio located at Dayton and engaged In tho hotel business. In 1885 ho purchased -180 acres of land on isiiroku Flat, a section tnon un popular, but slnco having made a rep utation ns wheat land. To this hold ing ho added rapidly, at tho tlmo of his death tho aggregate being over 3000 arros. Aftor reaping several good crops and selling nt high prices, Mr. Puffer retired nnd camo to this city, whnro ho had Just llnlshed a magnificent rcsldenco on Washington street. Tlio funeral will, tako place tomorrow. A "Colored" Explanation. A Eugeno paper prints tho follow ing explanation of tho Mt Peleo dis aster as uttered by a colored preacher which for lucidity certainly takes tho cake: "Do earf, my fr'en's, revolves on axes, as wo all knows. Som'fln suah am noedod to keep 'em uxles greased, bo do good Iawd In his wis dom an' fo'slght, put lots of potroll- urn In do howols of do oarf for dat purpose. Do Stan'ard Oil Comp'ny comes along an' 'xtrux dat petrollum by borln holes In do earf. Do earf sticks on its axh'H, an' won't go 'roun' no more. Dero Is a hot box, Jus' do same bh If de earf was a big railroad train tin' don my fren's dere am trubble." Residents of Crook county have formed a Stock and Agricultural Fair Association, and have raised 17000 toward a stock show in that county this fall. Walla Walla, Sopt 0. It Is up to tho superior court of Walla Walla county to say whether or not base ball Is a nuisance under tho stato law and as such can bo abated by odlcers of tho state. Miss Kato Hootman, n spinster who resides near tho city ball park, has begun nn action In the superior court, alleging that tho gnmo of baseball is a nuisance, os conduct ed on the local grounds, being noisy and causing crowds to gather nenr her property. Hho askH that tho court doclaro tho gamo a nuisance and havo It nbated, ns would bo tho oaso with a statutory nulsanco of any other sort. Tho matter will tako Its course on tho culendar, and the outcome of tho case will be watched with Inter est. MIsh Hootman claims to havo been sorely annoyed by the frequent games, and every hall that has been found In her yard has boon promptly confiscated by her. Texas cotton planters will grow two acres of Egyptian cotton for experi mental purposes, samples of which will bo sent to the World's Pair al St. Iniis, Egyptian cotton Is being uned extensively for tho manufacturo of imitation silk. . -, ..'.ML.. '