r Is " 1, t Vkr Pis, m FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1902. Exclusively tor Women, The Eastern Cloak, Salt, Skirt and Waist Factory Is now running full blast. By calling you will find a large vari ety of styles and prices. With the facilities of our own factory and being in close contact with the largest and most success ful designers and manufacturers of these garments, we are enabled at all times to display In this sec tion the largest and most desir able collection. In dressmaking we can give you quick service. All "Work Guaranteed. In Old Pendleton Shoe Store, 645 Main Street. Ed. Eben, Prop. "The Girl From Up There." Bays there isn't a collar, cull' or shirt front laundered anywhere in the coun try that can compare with our laundry wnrt Th pnlnr nnrl flnlaVi nrn niv. ..v. a iTO ti J '"""J" satisfaction to our patrons. Ladies' anirt waists are also laundered in a manner that makes them look like new, and the color is preserved longer than by having them done by any other method. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY J. F. Boblnson, Prop. Pendleton. BUY YOUR LUMBER AT THE Oregon Lumber lard Alta St , opp Court House PRICES A5 LOW A5 THE LOWES! For All Kinds of Building Material Including Doors Windows Screen Doors and Windows Building Paper Lime Cement Brick and Sand Ab4 Don't Forget Our Wood Q utter For Barns and Dwellings Laatz Bros. FOR Wood, Coal and Building Material Delivered Promptly. We are in the transfering and trucking business and are pre pared to move light or heavy arti cles. OFFICE MAIN ST., Near Depot, Telephone Mais 51. ml 7) fm) 2) ST. PAUL'S Boarding and Day School for GirlB WALLA WALLA, WAfln Finishing and accredited college preparat ry coorae. Muiiea ipeclaliy: Voice, tIoIId and lano. Tne Her. Andres Jlard, President ot Tnuleoa. Mlu Imogen Borer, Principal. Terms JiOO to poo. JODN GOUS (Concluded.) national platforms. We have not been elected for that purpose. The function of revising national plat forms belongs with conventions chosen for national purposes. Our function so far as national questions are concerned, begins and ends with an unmistakable identification of the democratic party of Ohio with the democrats of the republic "That can be done In good faith only by acknowledgelng the authority of the latest national exposition of party doctrine on national questions. "In my Judgment this convention ought to recognise the Kansas City platform. It ought also to pay the tribut of Its respect to the great dem ocrat who has In two national cam paigns brilllanty led us against the republican party and Its nllled hosts of non-partisan monopolists." Platform Declaration. The plftform contains the follow ing declaration: "We, the democrats of Ohio, here by acknowledge and declare our con tinued allegiance to the .democratic party of the nation, and on national Issues reaffirm and indorse the prin ciples laid down in the last national platform adopted at Kansas City and fully and ably represented In the presidential campaign of 1900 by Wil liam Jennings Bryan. Regarding those principles as opposed to imper ialism and colonialism, as opposed to government by injunction, as opposed 1 to trusts or trust fostering tariffs, as , opposed to all other legalized monop olies ana privileges. tuuucmu every effort to repudiate or Ignore them." Tlio ramilnnnr nf thp nlntfnini IS jchiaflv eC0ii;;Ie5 with miners of 1 state Interest, coming out strongly ' for "home government" by munlcl- palities and declaring for the else l tion of United States senators "by dl I rest votes of the people. DISTRESS IN A TENT. Poverty, Disease and Death in Knox Family County Aid. One child dead and another the and fe- he mother very low with b cartel var C tVi , nllt-ht whlr-h lifts be fallen tne famny of B ilvlne in a tent In the east end of town. Knox Is a laboring man, but having TA IT THAT'S ALL A pleasant tajtiug medi cine that acta as a mild laitlve; aidi digestion and gets at and removes tne ciu.e ol the disease. Keaulu are noticeable un mediately .No LiUure to care in 20 yar. j UMBER Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W; & C R. Depot When getting figures from others on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Building; Material including shingles, door, win dows, moulding, screen doors and wirdows in fact, every thing that "is found in a first class lumber ya'd. Read! Mead! We are offering this week some exceptional values in heavy all-wool Ingrains. These carpets were left over from last year's stock and are worth 75c per yd,' sale price 57c. You will see some of th patterns in the window. New goods just comi v. n Look for September ad. Jesse nFilzLre?. ff)P)rwfii.r.w.i...rtx35) a largo family anil belnc. unable to work hlmsolf part of the time, the falmly Is reduced to actual want. .Last spring they moved Into a tent to save house rent and a few weeks ago the mother took down with Bear let fever. Later two of the children took the disease and the 13-year-old daughter died Thursday afternoon. A few days ago the condition of the Knox family was called to the at tention of the county authorities and Dr. McFaul was sent to look after them. He found that the little child had been neglected until It could not be saved and the mother wns In a se rious condition. Thore was practically nothing In the tent for the family to eat and there was no money with which to buy. The family has been looked after by the county and friends of the unfortunate, and medical aid is being supplied by Dr. McFaul. Prospects are now favorable for the stricken ones. MOVED TO BURNS. Elmore E. Purrington Is Now Estab llshed In That Town. Elmore E. Purrington, who has been engaged In the newspaper, mer cantile and commission business in Pendleton for the past eight years has moved to Burns, where he will eugage In the lumber business. Mr Purrington thus returns to the scenes of his early life In Oregon. He with the eccentric Abner Robblns, who re cently died at Union, as a partnor having established the town of Drewsey, In Harney county, when that county was a part of Grant, soon after the Malheur Indian reservation wns thrown open to settlement. After the dissolution of the partnership, Mr. Purrington was connected for several years with the Lux &. Miller cattle Interests, ns cashier, with headquarters at Harney City. Can yon Eagle. A, MILLER RETURNS. Visited Seattle and Portland Is One of First Settlers In the Valley. A. Miller, of Pilot Rock, returned this morning from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Benjamin, at Seattle. Mr. Miller spent two weeks in the Sound metropolis and says Seattle is a live town and that the Elks' carni val was a great success. He returned by way of Portland and stopped to take in the Elks' carnival In that p,ace and savs Portiand is ahead of Seattle on its blowout, Mr. Miller is one of the pioneers of. Umatilla coun ty. He came here 40 years ago ana took up a squatters claim where the city of Pendleton now stands. He laten raded his claim to Mr. Good win for a team of cayuses. Mr. Miller was one of the early comers to the west and helped in the settlement of the county when it wns infested with Indians, Connerley Takes Full Charge. William Connerley has purchased the interest of his partner, Kit Hays in the Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard and Chop Mill, and will give the bus fness his personal attention. Mr, Connerley has had experience In con ducting the business, and horses left at his yard will be properly cared for and well fed. He will also con tinue to conduct the chop mill and will buy and sell hay, grain and all kinds of feed. Mr. Connerley has an Eastern Oregon and his many friends will be pleased to learn that he Is in sharge of the feed yard. $100 RewarJ, $130. The readers of thU paper will be pleas ed to learn that there la at least one dreaded disease that science has been atle to cure in all its stages and tbat Is Ca turrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only poslUTe cure now Known to tne medical 1 fraternity. Catarrh being a conatltutlon- Ial disease, requires a constitutional treatment, nail's Catarrh Care Is taken internally, acting directly npon tbe blood and mucous surfaces or tbe ajitem. t&cre by destroying tbe fonndatlon of tbe dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. Tbe proprietors bare so much faith In Its curative powers tbat tbey offer One Hundred Dollars for and case that It falls to cure. Bend for list ot testimonials. Addreu F. J. CHK.N'EY & CO., Toledo, O. Hold by drneslsts. 75c. Hall's Family I'llls axe tbe best. i Tipman vs. Lyons, I TlnlrlmnrA Mrt 3nnt K Ttio Eureka Athletic Club has prepared a good card for its boxing show to night. The star event will be a 20 round contest between Joe Tipman and Harry Lyons. Both fighters ap pear to be in splendid condition for the battle. This signature is on erery box of tbo eeunl&ti lJromoQumine Tablets it cures) a cold In Mao dty. WHEEL AND ITS WAY OBSTACLES OF MANY KINDS WHICH IMPEDE ITS PROGRESS. Oood noada a. Mlnhtr Force a a ClvltlalnK AKrnt-Coit ot Traninr tatlon nrdnrca TroOta of Producer. Work For the Roadmaker. One of the most Instructive papers of the good ronds convention in Buffalo In September was by Lewis M. Ilaupt. riillndelphla, member of the lsthmlnn canal comn..-l n. "Every foi ..id tnrn of a wheel," he said, "Is a revolution and typifies prog ress. It Is Immaterial whether It be a wagon wheel or a car wheel, a fly wheel or a wnter wheel, a turbine or a propeller, a ptiion or a pulley, a bicycle or a mobile, it Is always fascinating to see the wheels go round. "But behind the wheel to make It re volve there may be a crank; behind the crank there must 1h? n motor; behind the motor nil artisan; behind the arti san n capitalist; behind the capitalist an Inventor, behind the Inventor there Is the great Creator of mind .ami mat ter, the Incomprehensible God, the mainspring of all activities and possi bilities. "Intuitively the mind Is carried back In the spirit of the days of old, when the prophet Ezeklel stood on the banks of the river Chebar, In the land of the Chaldeans, and, looking into the opened heavens, beheld the four living crea tures which hod the likeness of a man going upon wheels. " "The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of beryl, and they four had one likeness, and their appearance and their work was, ns it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel. The spirit of the liv ing creature was in the wheels. And whithersoever the spirit was to go they went, thither wns their spirit to go.' "From thnt day to this the earth has trundled around her course In yearly laps, bearing to the children of the present csutury the fruition of this prophecy of the spirit and the wheels, j Well may It be said today that every thing goes upon wheels, but there are wheels and wheels. Some turn more easily than others nnd do more work at less cost, and thus we are brought directly into contact with the surface or roadway which the wheel harnesses ns a practical Question In economics, mechnnlcs and physics. "In addition to tho wheel nnd Its way there are obstacles of various j kinds which Impede its progress. zurASSAniiE fob wheels. There may be a mountain in the pnth or cataract In the stream, a chasm in the plnln, or It may be that rain has converted an earthen road into a slough, that a cyclone has drifted sand across a railway or a blizzard has fill ed a cut with snow. "Such are a few of the contingencies which obstruct the highways of com nierce and which It is the work of the engineer and roacmaker to remove where practicable. "What better and more condensed Instructions can be fonnd for this than those which came from the prophet Isaiah as the voice of him tbat crletb from the wilderness of Asia, 'Prepare ye the way; make straight in the des ert n highway for our God.' "Today Russia is literally carrying out these specifications in extending her nrea of steel from the Baltic to the Japan sea that civilization may ad vance by the peaceful revolutions of the wheel nnd not by tbe arbitrament of the sword. Romnn roads sub jugated and controlled tbo empire. Truly the wheel Is mightier than the sword as a civilizing agent" Following this preamble Mr. Ilaupt showed the relation of the rate of transportation to the profit to tbe pro ducer and the influence severally of the highway, the railwny and the ar tificial and national waterways In lim iting or extending the market range. In conclusion he said: "Very little of the 800,000,000 of tons of freight carried annually on the rail roads of tbe United States has Its origin on the line of tbe road, but mnst first be moved from farm, mine or forest over earth roads at an average cost of 25 cents per ton mile. If the average distance be but four miles the expense of transportation before delivery to the railroad would be $800, 000,000, while tho charge for distri bution may swell this to over $1,000, (00,000 annually, most of which goea to cover wear and tear. "The cost of transportation on our common roads may be greatly dimin ished by reducing the resistances and improving the grades, alignment, sur face and drainage. If reduced to even one-half the effect would be to double tbe area of the territory tributary to tbe railroads and so Increase their ton nage as well as tbo margin available for transportation. "As It costs much less to Improve roads than to open branch railroads as feeders, It would bo good policy on the part of railroads to unite with counties, townships nnd boroughs In developing systems of Improved trunk roads with laterals as feedcru to their own systems. Numerous .precedents for such n policy exist In foreign coun tries, where the results have proved Its wisdom nnd economy." Tans; I"o anil Tcamnklnjr. There Is but ono way of making tea, for T'nlcss the water boiling be To pour on wnter spoils the tea. The teapot Itself should be heated very hot before the tea Is placed In It and the boiling water poured on. It should be scalding hot water, or tbe lenves will float to the top. No less authority than Tung To, the Chinese poet. Is quoted for a recipe for teamnklnp. He says: "Whenever tea Ik to be Infused, take water from a run nlng stream nnd boll It over a lively fire. It is an old custom to use running water, boiled over a lively fire. That from springs In the hills Is said to be best and river water the next, while well water Is tbe worst A lively Ore is a clear, bright charcoal fire. When mnktng an Infusion, do not boll tbe wn ter too hastily. At first It begins to F-parkle like crabs' eyes, then somewbnt like fish's eyes nnd lastly It boils up like pearls innumerable springing nnd waving about 'This is tbe way to boil water." A teaspoonful of tea for two cups. with one for the pot, is tbe rule. mint's rorr&er Ilrclpe. In Germany nnd Itnly great honor Is paid to St Barbara, but until now no one has been able to discover tho exact reason. A German officer says thnt she Is honored because the invention of pow der is in a large measure due to her. Bcrthold Schwarz, a monk, he ex plains, opened.the "Lives of tbe Saints" on St Barbara's day and read the story of her mnrtyrdom, after which he reasoned as follows: "The heart of the Virgin was white as salt the soul of her tormentor was black as coal, and it was sulphur from heaven which punished him for bis cruelty. I will mix these three things, nnd it will be a wonder if I do not dis cover tbe philosopher's stone." He did mix them, and as soon as he put the mixture In a tire a tremendous explosion followed. Such, according to German soldiers, was thnorlgln of gunpowder. The Weddlnc Girt. It Is a golden rule to send a wedding gift In good time, tbe first to arrive be ing much more appreciated than that which is one of the many pouring in ( from all quarters during the last week. By adhering to this rule one will be Bavcd tbe annoyance of hcnrlug that the saltcellars are charming the third set nlrendy received. A month before the wedding day Is not 00 early to send the present, which should be accompanied by a visiting card. I Tbe package should be addressed to the bride. If one is intimate with tbe happy couple, nnd to the bride's house, addressed to the bridegroom. If It Is be with whom one Is best acquainted. Some Women Wtio Farm, Mrs. Richard Watson Gilder, whose husband is tbe editor of The Century Magazine, conducts a farm of 200 Acres. Abram S. Hewitt's daughters personally superintend the conduct of farms. Mrs. J. J. Glossner, whose hus band is one of Chicago's millionaires, has n farm In New Hampshire aud goes there early In May and remains until October. Miss Virginia Meredith, who Is at the bead of the' girls' depart ment of the agricultural school of the University of Miuuesotn, has a large stock farm in Indiana and Is known among stockmen ns oue of the most successful breeders of fine cattle In the west Mrs. Antoinette Wnkemnn has a farm of 120 acres at Hastings. Minn.. where she successfully raises and sells strawberries, gruin and hay, eggs, milk and beef. Washington Post Washing; ChllitE. Boll two pounds of rice In two gal lons of water, and when It Is soft di vide It Into two equal quantities. Put the one half Into a washing tub as It Is. rlre and water together. In this wnsb the face of the chintz, using handfuls of tbe rice instead of soap. Strain the second quantity of rice from tbe water and In the latter rinse. The chintz Is then ready for drying nnd Ironing. lie Was Warned. Miss Palisade I was very much sur. prised, Mr. Cleverton, that you were not at church this morning to hear me ing the solo. Didn't your friend Dash away tell you about It beforehand? Cleverton Yes; he was good enough to, Harlem Life. No matter how trifling a man is. bo wells up If asked advice. Washington Democrat Sad Reflection. It happens quite frequently that tbe self made man has u sou who Is simply tailor made. Puck. ACORN Stoves and RANG! Over 30,000 pounds of thejj oiovcs in our store. Coart Street. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props, The Best Hotel fn PcarM and as good as any. Headquarters for Traveling 1 Commodious Sample Reon Rates-$2 per da) Special rotes by week" or moirtJ. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Diningrootn Sent Every Modern Cornea Bar and billiard room in coiir Only Three Blocks from GOLDEN RULE HQ; Corner Court and Johnson Stra rendletou, Oregon M. F. Kelly, PropHetc HEATED BY STEAM , gg LFGHTED.'BY ELECTRIC f AmorlcnnlMnu, riues.$l -3 tt';&Tl!T periinv. 3 "''ten. Kuropenn J'lun. SOe. 7c. ill irVMRnr 8jKi!lal rates by week or:no4 JejaaBce jStjHeairo t- r-i ' li 1 1 1. ... c nil tnlr,c ' . i$rtaelpa Commercial trade sol! Fine sampl(fteflv. pr Special Attention Given foofltPj HOTEL ST. GEORi CORNER MAIN AND WEE; Farmers Cusfo; Fred Walter, Pr fAnnnifv 150 barrels a m. Flour exchanged ft2fc Klour. Mill Feed, OP!0 m aaBLJkBHMV1 lafaHsBnlJI &C3 iy3k?' GEO. DARVEAU, PK&S' Elegantly FurnlshefjRe Sample roo'nl'm cenRcONC ROOM RATE - BS rBoods. asssBBBBai new 0fPMtiSBBBBnIte - iavasnccft. k always on unnu.