East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 05, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    Danger I
Is the greater during the Summer and Fall months
of your children being troubled with Summer Complaint
in all its forms, and no home should pass through this
part of the year without a good remedy for this trouble
at hand. "Atwood's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcua
Remedy" is the best kuown preparation, on the market
today for the above named complaint. Get a bottle at
once, as it might be the means o: saving a LIFE.
For sale by
Brock & MGComas Company
Even the shows are going into the
merger business. Buffalo Bill's Wild
West show will now combine with a
big circus.
bled and that this was the cnuse of
killing the man, ns he did not intend
to shoot him. The average city po
liceman would have to stumble onto
a mark before he could hit it. The
marksmanship of the average city
policeman is about as accurate as a
woman's throwing.
between tralnB, without tho knowl
edge or consent of her parents.
m m m
People sometimes turn up the nose
and lift the eyebrows about what
they call "old-fashioned prudlshnoss."
A good deal more of that ancient ar-,
tide ought to find a market In this,
world, and if It did there would be
fewer hearts broken and fewer headr
that ought to bo. San Francisco
While on "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
company was at Corvallls one of the
"bloodhounds" used for chasing Liza
attacked a citizen who happened to
be passing the car of the company
The hobo element is clearing out
With the harvest season went their
harvest and now they are seeking
othnr fiplrts
jThe citizen kicked, landing a number
Fasting has been tried with success 11 foot incased in a shoe of larger
cs a cure for rheumatism. A case of proportions just back of the shoulder
long-standing was cured after fasting killing the canine instantly. The
several weeks, the patient living on showman tried the law and personal
water alone.
Yesterday was a day of disasters
the railroads. Four serious
appeals, but he did not get compen
sation for his lost dog. That doc
may have been in bear fights and
uue couger flghtSi and mnv uave attacked
wrecks occurred over the country and , benffa, t, Qf the jung,e
a number of lives were lost. It has
been a year of disasters throughout 1
the country.
The railroad man who was shot by
but when he ran up against a Web
foot he found the real thing.
The anonymous letter writer Is in
. . i j tt ' plaint has been made against this
an appointment of some Kind. He .
may feel compensated, however, in I class- ? should be isnoed- Tnose
the honor of having been shot by the I0 write anonymous letters are
rm j... v either cranks or cowards. A fool
jiicsmcui d auu. iuc.g ait; jubv ouui
fools in the world.
People of Pendleton should keep in
mind the fact that the Eastern Ore
gon Woolgrowers' Association will
convene here September 16, and his face.
should make preparations to enter
tain in a proper manner the men who
add so much,, wealth to the country.
thinks it Is smart and the coward
uses it as a means of saying some
thing to one against whom he has n
grievance at long distance, because
he has not the courage to say it to
It is reported that cattle are "eat
ing up" the roads in the Walla Walla
country. It will be remembered that
the people of that county had a
"straw day" on Labor day and scat
tered straw on all of the roads. The
hungry cattle wandering about the
country regard it aE a sort of free
lunch and are governing themselves
Complaints are made in Manila by
native women thatt heir husbands
are deserting them and coming to the
United States. It appears that a
great number of soldiers have mar
ried the natives and as soon as their
enlistment 1b over they take a trans
port to this country, leaving their
dusky wives behind. The Filipino
woman appears to be as "gullible as
other women.
It Is unofficially stated that the
great Pierpont has had a consultation
with President Mitchell and that the
coal strike may be brought to an end
If the money king has the power tc
bring It to an end It will be good for
him to do it It will be good work
to settle the matter from any reason
able source, but It Is a sad condition
for the country when one man may
wield such an Influence.
The Call has exposed society crooks
b.fore this, in time to balk their
schemes for marrying rich girls, un
der the pretense that they had social
and financial position equal to their
professions. To do this Is the duty
of a newspaper, but If the girls sub
mit to be caught on the fly, and jump
off a train and marry a seductive
stranger after an hour's acquaintance
our efforts are useless; we simply
can't get there In time.
This method succeeded in the case
of the much-wanted Mr. Watklns, of
New Jersey and several other East
ern points. He Is of an excellent
family, but resembles the Arkansas
horsethier. When thnt celebrated
horse-fancier was convicted and
brought before the court tor sentence
the Judge said: "Young man, you
are of good family. Your parents
gave you a good education, instead of
which you go up and down Arkansas
stealing horses."
The amazement Is that any right
minded girl, accustomed to social
safeguards, should permit herself to
be the dupe of a shrewd swindler
who meets her on a train and pro
poses marriage without reference to
her family or knowledge of her
In marked contrast to the opinion
of J. Pierpont Morgan that we are
but nt the beginning of the era ofj
trusts and combinations is that of!
Russell Sage, whose ability and long
experience in finance qualify him tci
speak with authority. While ndniltt-1
lug that temporary combinations may I
be useful. Mr. Sage says:
"When the business Is firmly cstab- (
lished the combination should be dls-1
rupted and conducted along individu
al lines. The embarrassment of one)
individual would not then mean the'
wrecking of the Industry. If a com-!
blnatlon Is continued after the Indus
try Is well established it becomes a I
monopoly and a menace to its own j
commercial life as well as to the gov-:
ernment. The American people will j
most certainly revolt against the
enormous combinations of industries
The success attending the comblna- j
tions of some Industries has led to i
the belief that the same success will '
mark the organization of other great i
combinations. This will not prove
so. and before many years every one
will realize it."
Many shrewd observers agree with
Mr. Sage. Before universal trust
making can be proved beneficial or 1
safe these questions must be answer
ed: 1. When every commodity Is con-t
trolled by a trust and Its price raised
like those of the meat and coal at
present, to the highest level, how can
people live and pay their bills?
2. When every industry Is capital
lzed at from four to ten times its ac-1
tual value how can all pay dividends?
3. If the people cannot get food and j
clothing, nor capital Its profit, what!
will become of prosperity and the
"era of combinations?" ,
A little of Mr. Sage's conservatism'
would wisely temper tho speculative
spirit or the day New York World.
Our new FALL MILLINERY has arrived and
we have put on display at our store the finest
line of street hats and trimmed hats for Fall
wear we have ever carried. Don't fail to call
this week and see the .NEW THINGS in Millin
ery. Our prices are away down, as usual.
New Wraps
We have just received a large shipment of
Fall and Winter Wraps for children, misses
and ladies, The newest styles, best assort
ment and lowest prices are found here.
Money back If goods are not satisfactory.
(By Ben King.)
Nothing to do but work.
Nothing to eat but food,
Nothing to wear but clothes
To keep us from going nude.
Nothing to breathe but air,
Quick as a flash lis gone;
Nowhere to fall Lut off.
Nowhere to stand but on.
Nothing to comb but hair,
Nowhere to sleep but in bed,
..othiup to weep but tears.
Nothing to bury but dead.
Nothing to sing but-songi.
Ah, well, alas! alaelj!
Nowhere to go but out;
Nowhere to come but back.
Nothing to see but sights.
Nothing to quench but thirst.
Nothing to have but what we've got
Thus thro' life we are curesd.
Nothing to strike but a gait;
Everything moves thit goes,
Nothing at all but common sense
Can ever withstand these woes.
1 have a full line of sporting goods. Winchester i and
16 guage shot guns, rifles, hunting coats, game bags and
all kinds of revolvers and ammunition at prices that are
right. Call and examine my stock before buying.
T. C. Taylor
741 Main Street
All kinds for all
Sash, Doors and
Planing of all description
to oiaer.
uuuaing material until von i
consulted us.
Pendleton Planing Mil
Lumber Yard.
Sewing Machines
The easiest renri
most satisfactory t
best machines made
Daring the monfi $vfm
September at ciKi
Bargain Hoose
The Roosevelts should go home and
remain there. The parading of the
presidential family has already cost;
the life of a trusted eecret servfee of
ficial, came nearly losing the natior
Its chief executive and his private.
secretary, and yesterday the
In this case it Is pleaded in behalf
of the victim, that the swindler used
hypnotism to gain control of her.
That may or may not be so. Probably
the fact Is he used no more arts than
the smooth ways by which he in
duced gentlemen, who were his fel
low passengers, to lend him several
hundred dollars and others to Indorse
his spurious checks. Such arts are
the ordinary equipment of all swind
lers, and are no more due to hyp
notic power than are the exploits of
Tracy, or other experts in deception
: rtn.l crime. Thure Is one) hard and
little fast ruig for men women, which
On September 15 the foundation
stone of the new Salvation Army
building In Cleveland is to be laid,
and- Senator Hanna has been Invited
to perform the leading pat in the
ceremony. Before he can do so,
however, it will be necessary for him
to join the Bricklayers' Union, for the
contractor only employs union men
on the Job. As Mr. Hanna Is a liberal
contributor to the Salvation Army
funds. It is expected that his applica
tion for membership in the union will
be received In the near future.
Let Us Do
Your Hauling
We do trucking and hauling
of all description at reason
able prices.
Your horses will be well cared
for if taken to the Old Dutch
Henry Feed Yard, corner
West Alta and Lillith streets.
Hay, grain and all kinds of
feed bought and sold.
Horses for sale at all times.
Successtor to Hays & Connerley.
Roosevelt peppered a railroad man j if observed will keep them out of trou
with shot, the failure to kill him not , We with such fellows. This Is never
. , , M , ,. ,.,. ,, under any circumstances, to take
being the fault of the 'kid with the a 6mooth well-mannered. well-dressed
gun." If the presidential party con- i atl(i SCrupuously polite stranger at his
tinues Its trip a few days longer the own statement of what he Is or what
papers may yet get material for scare he appears to be. One moment's re
r t- rn p1m ' flection should convince any man of
heads of the Tracy and Mount PeefgenBe that 8Uch feIlows with thelr
order, 'obvious intelligence and knowledge
of affairs, could not by any means be
A San Franelseo pollwman Is on(ln the sudden financial straits which
Mai far murder which occurred, while they plead as a reason for asking for
he was attempting an arrest. He 'money. And the good sense of any
.. . . . . ,.. . . ..., ' woman, who has cut her teeth. and
discharged his revolver at a criminal (ha8 gge en(mgh tQ go down gtreet
who was running and brought him tc ' t0 j,uy. a paper of pins, should tell
the earth. The officer claimed that her that no man of honor, fit to be
Just as he pulled the trigger he stum- her IniBband; would urge a marriage
E. D. Boyd, lii Court street, '
has the following investments .
jn Real Estate to offer, all of
which will bring good returns: I
One lot and S-room dwell- J
ing, $1000. j
160 acre ranch near Pendle-!
ton, $1200 Also other lots!
and ranches. j
3 lots near Sisters' school. ;
2 lots with dwellings on
127 and 129 East Alta Street
3 "
1 boarding house and lot. 1 ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN
20 vacant lots in .different
parts of the city.
Easy Terms
Call and Investigate.
U. 6. Supreme Court
U. 8. Patent Office
Trade Marks and Copyright!
TOO 1tli Ft., X. AV., Washington. D. C
Corer a multitude o( commercial sins; tut 70a
will and oar repairs to and refurbishing of
carrlagea, wagons, runabouts U torts of re
hlclea are more than akin deep. We make
good as nw" wherever possible always
make things better than we and them.
Call and see that Winona Waged ot ours.
Steel corered hubs, no cranks, and Patent
Bearings make It run so much lighter than the
old style ol other makes.
See ns about that GASOLIXE ENGINE
for your well or chopper.
Water Bt, near Main, Fendletoa, Or.
Joseph Ell,
Babbitt Metal, beet In the world. In
bars. Price $1 per bar, at the East
Oregonlan Office,
. 5
Oregon's t&&
Blue Ribboi)
State Faijj
September 15th to 20th
You are invited to atte
and see the greatest indA
trial exDOsition and livestci'V
show ever held on the Paa?
Coast. Good racing everet'j
afternoon. Camp grouijT
free. Come and bring yy
families. For any inforonjjjj
tion.jvrite STEL
M. D. WISDOM, Seo'y,
Portland, Ore.
The Columbia
Lodging House j
Cooper's old stand,
Main St, Near U CO
A royal good meaj for j
20 cents.
If you dine with us you 5
always satisnea. ,
A trial' meal will make 5
a regular boarder,