East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 05, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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New Fall and Winter Hats
Soft and Derbys
The "Stetson"
The "Longley"
The "Elk Brand"
A Guarantee Goes With Every Hat. Prices $1.25 to $5.00
Closlncrout of Go:f Shirts at Closlug-out Prices.
Our Llue of Men'e and Boy's Shoes 1 the best la the City.
Neither Game Wat Very Full of Spice
as Will Be Seen by the Scores
Pendleton Is Yet 200 Points Above
Walla Walla, Her Closest Competl.
tor for the Pennant.
It is the right ol every child
to be well born, and to the
parents it must look for
health and
How incon
ceivably great
tsthe parents'
.. . ft. responsibility, and how important that L' 1
no taint of disease is left in the blood
1 to be transmitted to the helpless child, cntaHius
Standing of the Clubs.
"Won. Lost. P. C.
23 10 .69S
15 IS 4S4
14 IS
12 20
Walla Waila
La Orande
Baker City. .
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton
729 Main Street
.43S j
.375 J
Pendleton. 4; La Grande, 9.
Baker City, 3; Walla Walla. 15.
rat the end of the Baker City-Walla
! Walla and La Grande-Pendleton base-
: ball caniK Tnpsdnv
' Pendleton came "down a notch In ! Ptessnian-olect Williamson., who be-
her cent column hut shp is still mo.!cause 01 Having oeen elected to con
sometimes fall, and Mr. Fulton's
hopes may be blighted.
It Is conceded by all that Senator
Mitchell will have much to do in the,
selection of his colleague, lie has a
strong Influence with the majority of,
the republican legislators, but It Is I
not certain that he has sufficient fol- I
! lowing to name the one who shall he
elected. It Is an open secret that Inj
1901 he made promises to Fulton to
repay him for his assistance In the
senatorial contest two years ago. and I w pitiable suffering, and marking its little brCi
that he was under great obligations sive SOres and erapUons, catarrh oi the nose and Uiroat, weaken !
to the Astorlan at that time, but swellings, brittle bones, white swelling and deformity. 'i
i""""5" '.' "' "cvu iuiKwieu in iintr rnn fmrmts look utnn such little stiflprm-i: J
'two years. There Is another to ti,cu,s.jvcs for bringing so much misery into the world?
wnom ionnior .viitcneii is unuer odii- .. .u.- wt-i.,. in T-nr -ctPtt, n ,- ... . " .T.Jf
cations of lonir standing For manv ""Lrm t," m s'T V1
, ... J . 1 ueaiuiv cnimrcn r icansc your own uioou anu ouuu up vocrt.
years iast Hon. Solomon Hlrsch has I ,.,. u', i,. iori r nrit fr ;.LJ.VC
been an ardent supporter of the sen
and Influence. Mr. Hlrsch has ever
had a longing to be V nlted States
! senator. Can Senator Mitchell afford
to turn down his benefactors for a
new-found friend? If not the promises
made Mr. Fulton may be easily for
gotten. And there Is another, who,
like Mr. Mitchell, is under obligations
; to Mr. Hlrsch. and that other Is Con
Ogden Armour. speaKing for him-;
telf and other Western packers, has '
conceded practically all the demands j
o the Meatcutters" and Butchers' '
Association, granting shorter hours ''
and more pay, and the threatened I
strike is thus avoided. 1
A Boxer proclamation has been
posted at Canton, Inciting the slaugh
ter of foreigners. It is ascribed to
the commencement of work on the '
Canton-Hankow Railroad, and to the
collection of funds for the payment
of the foreign indemnity.
Giles W. Jackson, a negro, has filed
application in the circuit court of the ;
United States, at Birmingham for an '
Injunction against the new state con-
stitution of Alabama. The petition
prays that the state registers be en
Joined from further refusing to put'
the names of himself and other qual
ified negro voters on the registration j
list. He also asks that the grand
father and understanding clauses of
the new constitution be declared un
constitutional. A few weeks ago there was discov
ered to the east of Fresno, in the
Serrias of California, the biggest tree
In the world. At the time It was said
that It measured 150 feet in clreum
ferance. John Muir. the great natur
alist. has just visited the tree, and .
says that it measures at the base
only 109 feet, and at four feet above
the ground it was only 97 feet In cir
cumferance. It is, however, larger
than General Sherman and General
Grant, which heretofore were the rec
ognized monarchs of the forest.
Hotel Pendleton.
J. A. Bryan. Salt Lake.
A. L. Xesberry. Chicago.
H. D. Kellogg. Michigan.
H. C. Howell, Si. Paul.
J. D. Goss, Sumpter.
A. B. Stoddard. Grand Junction.
A. D. Chase, City.
R. Wilson, Indiana.
J. P. Maple. San Francisco.
W. H. Woodworth. St. Louis.
M. H. Flint. San Francisco.
C. J. Freese. Spokane,
A. Slnshelmer. Portland.
A. S. Heatneld. Spokane.
M. H. Patton. Spokane.
F. D. Cramer and wife, Spokane,
Samuel I. Levi, Seattle.
: . E. Ransey. Portland.
A. B. KIdd and wife. Seattle.
Wfllfam Moher. Portland.
C. M. Sm'.th, Tortland.
Sol Harris. Portland.
The Golden Rule.
A. F. HJU and wife. city.
C. W. Markle, Spokane.
J. E. Meyer. Chicago.
D. L. Brase. Denver.
J. P. Havden and wife. Portland.
L. Mounty. Valley.
C. Cunningham. Portland.
W. R. McRoberts, Spokane.
J. D. Toomoy, Athena.
Arthur Mundt. Athena.
M Kupere. Athena.
Miss Eastman. Walla Walla.
S. C Kllgore, Athena.
Frankie Ogle. Athena.
Eva L. Ogle. Athena.
Susie C. Ogle. Athena,
H. W. Vogt, Athena.
R. E. Porter, Meaeham.
H. D. Skinner, Spokane.
J. H. Gold. Nebraska.
H. Gettman, Nebraska.
C. F. Kidd and wife. Kenesaw.
J. H. Grelnor, Spokane.
N. Panterbery. Nebraska.
Mrs. H. H. Wolfe. Dayton.
Jesse Moore. Helii.
H. Harrison, Alaska.
than 200 jiolnts above Walla Walla,
which is the highest team in the
league. La Grande went up a notch
at the expense of Baker City, silll
taking the Gold Diggers farther down
the line. Baker has been behind In
the league for several weeks and
om present indications will remain
vou have not onlv enlarged 3-our capacity for the enjoyment
r His political success has been YJtuV halite. '
" - "e 10 .nr. nircus ucmuj, -rV. . .,- A.. .V.V. o1r- ,1., ..j
troubles as i. i. S. it searches on t even
poisons, ana removes every taint from
and builds up the general health, If
are growing tip around you, right the
putting them on a course of S. S. S. at
a purely vegetable medicine, harmless in its effects, and cas
by both old and youug without tear ot any bad results.
Write us about vour case, and let our physicians advise
This will cost you nothing, and we will also send our book on
elan diseases. THE. sxvxrr specific CO., AtUw
aad Mi
gress and Is a hold-over state senator
will have some considerable voice in
me selection ot a senator. Much oil
Mr. Williamson's success Is due to the
influence of Solomon Hlrsch and his
Immediate friends. Can Mr. William' J
son afford to forget such favors as
the venerable Hlrsch has conferred
g Come to us for your
DESK : :
The Gaston Souring mills are run
ning day and night, and farmers are
bringing their grain in so rapidly that
Main street has been completely
blockaded for the past week. The
Sill and warehouse are almost filled
The Dalles Times-ii.ountaineer Spec
ulates on the Subject.
Who a few years ago would ever
behind. Walla Walla claims to have:upon The Dalles Times-Moun
the strongest team they have had
since the league season opened and
will. It Is claimed, win most of the
present series. If she does it will put
the Gold Diggers so far behind that
they will not be able to catch up.
Pendleton Is so far ahead that
there Is little possibility of her loos
ing the pennant. Apparently the.
only contest Is to see who takes sec-1
nnH nlflrn n the. lino Atthr,icK IJ.i ., '
dleton now has the weakest battery I
she has had since the season opened. '
the rest of the team Is as strong as
ever and with the addition of another
pitcher w-e can remain where we are
in the percentage column. Taylor.
Stovall and White are the pitchers
now. and while they all pitch a fast
game, are not so good as "Baby"
Wonders vs. All-Pendletons.
If yon do not see the baseball game
between the two amateur teams on
the Alta street grounds Sunday after
noon, you will miss a treat. Follow
ing Is the line-up between the two
Wonders L. Cronin, catcher; Kru
ger, short stop: Froome, first base;
Castle, center field; O'Hara, left field;
Alexander, second base; F. Hartman.
third base; R. Cronin. pitcher; Mays
right field; Baum. sub. j
All-Pendletons Fletcher, left field;
Maskrey, second base; Chapler, third
base; Cox. center field; Allen, catch
er; Stott, short stop; G. Hartman
first base; Downey, right field; Drake ,
The product of the most
celebrated mills in New
England and Scotland.
Everything for the desk.
Prices as low as quality
will justify?
We will supply your wants,
plums and grapes.
Apricots, peaches, p.fp.
F.W. Schmidt& Co.
Reliable Droggists.
Phcue, Main 851.
Canteloupes, Watermelons and fine cooking and i
apples. arr
We make a specialty of supplying the cleanest k:
groceries at the lowest prices. Prompt deliver-.
The place to get clean, fresh goods.
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
Telephone Red 34 1
The Pendleton Business Gou
Large, well lighted, well veotilated arjd
Comfortable Rooms.
Commercial Course BookkeeolnK by actual business trainfeM
vided by "SadUr's Budget Sybteni," thorough and complete. 0J
Law enters Into every business transaction, and provides the studenlij
edcre of his rlchta and how to protect his interests; Commercial As!
; Correspondence ana i"eumansnip.
1 ! Stenographic Course Shorthand by the Gregg Xdght LiwXS
have thought that John H. Mitchell inV. fir. 4nA Vnnumm.nt nf WritlSp ni Aln.
and Harvey W. Scott would ever have PLUMBING ,
Umatilla County Young Man Loses
nm ycuujicu nunc i rjrag to uci wnisnea tnrougn tne same tin norm
a Marriase License. j Nothing was ever too bad for Harvey q
xue x-or.iaua urypUmau says: A Dal ngnnmi. juuu. ne ueuuuuceu ,
The democratic primaries at Spo- from Umatilla county, who called at saint. The English language contain-.
kane resulted in an overwhelming the county cleric's office yesterday : ed no word too harsh to apply to !
victory for Senator Turner. Out of for a marriage license, met with a t John. But time has changed. Har-'
250 delegates elected in the city, the double misfortune. He was unable to j vey Imagines now that his old thorn, :
forces of Mayor Byrne had less than secure the license because he had no j John, is a pretty good fellow. He is . g
a doten. The mayor, foreseeing de- witnesses with him to swear the girl J the great luminary who dictates Ore-1 ffl
feat, practically withdrew his opposl- was over IS years of age and that , gon politics (names United States ,
tlon. there was no legal impediment to the senators), Harvey must have a little j
- , tininr WVi on Vio tto ntir rf tho nf. . hM ni"-- i n r- nrnnriH hie Vipftrtfpfir
ADout s a. m. jionoav, are uesizw - ---- o- - w
tho ninir- mill nf Fj Tinrhin at See into the hallway where he had : Who is going to be elected United I ffi(?;S
-inevllle Besides the building and ,eil E'rl, he discovered that she States senator at the coming sessions
ontents tools belonging to a number was nowhere to be seen. She was of the legislature? So far nobody In I have bargained with a
of mechanics were destroved. Fire- Pne- and the -voun& man anxiously the state, except John W. Fulton, ot , competent Timber Cruiser
men were soon on the ground, and inquired of the bystanders If they had Astoria, has been able to venture a ! to locate
saved four other buildings in the 8&en anything of a sweet young wo- positive prediction, and he says he
neighborhood that had caught fire m&n arrayed in white, and what had is the forthcoming statesman who Is,
from the terrific heat. become of her. Several had observed to represent Oregon In the upper
such a girl, but were unable to inform house of congress. But certainties
The admissions at the Portland car- the youthful would-be benedict where
nival Wednesday were somewcat sne j.a gone,
First class work. All klnde of
Plumbing Supplies. q
Tinning Everything in the 1
line of repairing and new
work done promptly and sat- a (
hfactorilv. I
B. F. BECK, !
732 Cottonwood St. $
Corner Court and Johnmn Sta Pendleton, Oregou.
Offers: College Preparatory Course
Business Course
Teachers' Course
over i-.uvj. u: mu. ciuvu a xtle young man rusneu out and ,
Timnortinn WPrp Visitors brOUght intO omxn thp In omrfh nt his
the city by the regular and special missing betrothed, and finally disap-
trains. The Tacoma special, gaily neared. Whether or not he found
decorated and consisting of 12 ner js something the boys at the
coaches, carried 105 passengers and rni-.rt house did not ascertain. The
the Seattle special, which arrived an 2;alr had the appearance of an elope-,
hoar and a half after, at 4:30. had ment. The deDUtr county clerk who
1200. waited on the gentleman, and gave j
There Is a general rush to locat. him pointers concerning how to oh
Umber lands in Baker and adjoining a witness, suggesting that some g
counties since the purpose of the in- owis men at the hotel wnere he was .
tenor department to establish a large staying might know th girl and that
timber reserve ia BaMem Oregon has waa legal age. and would there-.
beoeme known. Already bints of fre be able to help him out of his g
fraud on the part of Umber emtoer predicament. Bat the young man $
and heair are nfe. it is said that had not returned at the closing hour .
several timber locations are known . , . ... ?
to embrace well known raining claims N Doomed For Life. i
and in some instances mines that "I was treated for three years by,
ave been worked for several years good doctore." writes W. A. Greer, g
re seW to be included in Umber lo- McConnelvllIe. O., "for Piles and Fls-
catlone. The locator is obliged tc tula, but when all failed, Bucklen'e
establteh by competent evidence, that Arnica Salve cured me in two weeks."
the Umber land t more valuable for Cures Burns, Cuts, Corns, Sores, ;S
the Unbar aad atone it contains than Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Piles or no ,
for mlalng purpose. The Ume for pay. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug,i
final ateof will come In October when store,.
protests will be made. It l known
that several have been prepared al-, The Free water Times has been sold
ready and there will be more tp fol- by H. C. Janes to Mrs. Gertrude Mfr
low. Q"7.
fin tfor4:
It Is worth something to
buy your Stationery where H
the styles are correct. j
We buy direct from the !
maker. Xo middleman to A I
work off his dead stock on ;
us as "the latest thing."
We keen abreast of the J
times. We know what's
ritrhl. Our nrices are ritht
and our styles.
Prices all the way from 10 '
celitu to $1 a box. si;
Papr and envelofrf In
bulk, and fancy tablets with 1
pveloi to 'match. We
nave a lew boxes lett wnicn
Stationerj' Store.
Takes all grades from Sub-Primary up. Graduates enter tgfi
man Class in such Colleges as Yale, Princeton, Stanford. SSl
Graduates taking 27 weeks Supplemental Work can take ijiM
Certificates on same baia as Normal Schools. Fall term opem 1
temoer 10. ror catalogue suanss
F.L. FORBES, D. D., Prindpat
On the line o. a railroad
now under construction.'
This means a big chance
' for first-comers. See
I N. Berkeley
There Is No Question
It is the Snest grade it is possible to make. Nothic?
but the choicest wheat enters into Byers' flour, and
satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for breai
or fancy bakiug.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Have some good farms for
T AT TJT A MirC Write the
lmUAaml JJlXuilMj oftnfan for a I
,'alogtfe of them. A fall sopply always kept In stil
we are clewing out at cost.
Book and
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure-Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
1 1