East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 05, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    IN6 EDITION 1 T" . "X.
Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonlghta nil Saturday, fair;
warmer Saturday.
NO. 4530
-- m mr i j
L lUUOUVWli vii v
to Chattanooga, Ten-
WILL. ACCUWni nim.
at Convention of Brother
Locomotive Engineers
fill 0 lllMW . I l'""y
Bar. Sent. B. President
L'Vnrt nartv departed on the
jKjt 9 o'clock this moraine wiw
. j'.-i inn forrvlnr nut t hp
'Swratorlp as planned. Secretary
- -".I" ... .m -1-
sighpBi suffering from the accl
SMi time has forced President
ufiiit' to decline many invita
a.l.flLrlc!lt vnrlnua cities of the
Wiring his present trip. The
ftimmj"'"' l Chattanooga, Tenn.,
xHWesident will be a speaker
tSStvention of the Brotherhood
thin Invitation is in ac-
ith a promise made to the
officers a long tune since
to Chattanooga a stop will
Wheeline. W. Va.. and on
trio. Asheville. N. C, will
These are the only stops
Kor by the schedule.
isldent expects to be back
Bay by next Sunday.
Damara Kaffirs Are Devastating En
tire Orange River District Along
German Border.
Cape Town, Africa, Sept 5. Since
peace has been declared In South
Africa a band of CO Damara natives
under Kaffir chief Nokborst, has been
looting the entire Orange River dis
trict near the German border. Ger
man and British authorities have
united in fitting out an expedition
with instructions to exterminate the
of Peter Nelson Will Have
ng In Franklin County.
Falla. Sept. 5. It is believ-
Bposal of Oscar Bradshaw
Kellett, the alleged mur-
Peter Nelson at Pasco has
Ben decided, word was
Dived by County Attorney
from Attorney Rudkin, at
ima, in which the Pasco
signifies a desire to try
sera at Pasco. The date of
alnary examination has not
i The men will no doubt be
falla Walla until the date
elr arrest Bradshaw and
ve been Kept separate
thne has much to say regard
i.fc'jte8co murder and when ques
edias to what he thought would
jfteitfxwlth him, Killett replied: "I
WjtJ Lamar Charged With Being
Arcn uonspiraior.
;, N. J., Sept 5. In an argu
y in the case of Hodge
e United States Steel Cor
asking for an injunction to
e retirement of 1200,000,000
and substituting equivalent
e corporation attorney,
created a sensation by
Pavifl S. Lamar as being an
plrator, heading a gigantic
ng scheme for the purpose
ng money by holding up
es. He also declared that
as only Lamar's figurehead,
Jnusually Quiet Non-Union
kllowed to Go to Work Unes-
iby Troops.
ua, Pa., Sept. 5. Panther
falley is ip such tranquility
non-union miners went to
morning unescorted by
vo weeks' rations, however,
the trops this morning,
an intention of the soldiers
on guard. At Shenandoah
when troops were called,
suble threatened, the mob
York Prohibitionists.
, N. Y., Sept 6. The pro
of New York believe in
early start and as a con-
their state convention met
two weeks in advance of
lean gathering and three
fore the democrats meet
attendance In eood. the
Including a number of wo
paidates will be named for
&nd other state officials to
ff at the coming election.
Men, Women and Indians Will Ride
In Honor of Roosevelt
Omaha, Neb., Sept 5. In honor of
President Roosevelt's visit to Omaha,
on September 27, a horse race of 600
miles from Deadwood to this point is
being arranged. Rough Riders, Indi
ans and "cowgirls" are expected to
compete, and the sole condition Is
that each rider must use one horse
for the entire distance.
Duffy vs. Selloff.
Chicago, 111., Sept 6. What prom
ises to be one of the best bouts seen
in Chicago for some time is carded
for the Transport Athletic Club to
night The prospective contestants
are Martin Duffy and Otto Selloff.
Though not In the first division both
men are known as aggressive fighters
possessing considerable cleverness
and as a consequence a fast go is expected.
Tennessee Miners Quit
Knoxvllle, Tenn., Sept 5. Three
hundred miners employed by the Coal
Creek Coal Company have quit work
on acount of the failure to reach an
agreement on the scale of wages for
the year beginning September 1.
Has Placed a Battleship at His Dis
posal to Continue His Work in
Wireless Telepraphy.
Rome, Sept 5. King Emanuel has
ordered that the battleship Carlo Al
ber be placed at the complete dispo
sal of Marconi In order that he may
continue his experiments in wireless
telegraphy In America and Europe.
Northern Part of Island to Be Evac
uated at Once Southern Part May
Also Be Deserted.
Paris, Sept 5. The minister of
colonies today ordered the definlt'
evacuation of the whole of the North
ern portion of the Island of Martin
ique. In case the dormant volcanoes
of the southern end show signs oi
awakening an evacuation of the en
tire island will be ordered.
Canada's Wheat Crop.
Montreal, Que., Sept. 5. Crop re
ports received by the big milling com
panies which have their offices in this
city, show that the wheat crop In the
Canadian northwest Is very heavy.
The harvesting Is now well under
way and weather conditions are re
ported favorable. The yields con
servatively estimated at 60,000,000
Traveling Salesman of North
west on His Way to Lisbon,
Dies at Sea.
Otto M. Thumler' Elopes With Mrs.
Antoinette Young, of San Francis.
co Real Mrs. Thumler Heart
New York, Sept 5. Cable advices
irom Lis ooii touay tell of the death
oi Utto iM. Thumler, a traveling salea
man who hat, made Nevada, Calif or
ilia, Oregon and Washington lor
many years. He died en route, to Lis
bon and was buried at sea with the
woman supposed to be his wife,
whoso death preceded his but a lew
hours. It has been learned through
the American Consul at Lisbon that
the woman was in reality Mrs. Antoi
nette Young, with whom Thumler
eloped from San Francisco, where the
latter resided and where he had
headquarters. The real Mrs. Thum
ler, who resides In Chicago, is total'
ly surprised and heart-broken.
Mimic War Said to Demon
strate That New York City
Could Be Destroyed.
Opinion Among Experts That an En.
emy of the United States Could
Damage Coast Towns.
Fort Trumbull, Sept. 6. At 7
o'clock this morning Hlgginson's fleet
returned to Block Island. His ma
neuvers were so exceptionally clever
that the general opinion prevails
among experts that while the vessels
employed in last night's midnight nt
tick upon Fort Wright might have
been put out of action it has been
demonstrated that an enemy with
sufficient fleet could force the ap
proaches of Long Island Sound and
make a disastrous dash upon New
Statistics From the Treasury Depart.
ment Show a Great Increase In Ex
port and Imports,
Washington, Sept 5. The latest
figures given out by tho treasury bu
renu of statistics, shows that the ex
portation of manufacturers' from tho
United Stntes lias been nearly
ten millions, and tho Impor
tation of manufacturers' materials
$30,000,000 greater In tho soven
months ending August 1, than in tho
corresponding months of tho preced
ing year.
Escaped Mexican Under Sentence
Death in Custody.
Benson, Ariz., Sept 5. Augustine
Chacon, a noted Mexican bandit, who
escaped five years ago from Graham
county jail three days before he was
to be hanged, was captured near Na-
co, In this county, last night by Cap
tain Burton C. Mlssman, of the Rang
ers, and Billy Stiles, who has been in
Mexico some time searching for Cha
con. He was today turned over at
this place by Mdssman to Sheriff
Parks of Graham county, who will
take him to Solomonvilie to undergo
the death sentence passed upon him
nve years ago.
Count Bonmartinni Murdered and
Robbed of Large Sum of Money,
New York, Sept. 5. Dispatches
from Bologna report, says a Rome
dispatch to the New York American
the murder there under mysterious
circumstances of Count Bonmartinl, a
rich land owner and son-in-law of the
famous surgeon, Professor Murri
count An unknown woman Is be
lieved to have admitted to the pal
ace several desperadoes, who mur
dered the count and fled with 100,000
Noted Anthropologist Dead.
Berlin, Sept 6. The world-famous
Professor Rudolf Vichrow, German
pathologist and anthropologist, died
this afternoon at the age of 81. Pro
fessor Vichrow wrote 130 text-books,
Guide to Roosevelt.
Denver. Sept. 5. John Hoff has
been engaged to guide President
Roosevelt on a big lion hunt, which
the latter has planned for during No
vember In Colorado and Wyoming,
The Chehalis Valley Creamery.
owned by Frank M. Kaupisch, burned
at Chehalis, Wash., Tuesday. The
building and contents were valued at
$5000, and were insured for $3000.
The fire caught in the engine room,
which was full of smoke before it was
discovered. The hop kilns near by.
belonging to John Dobson, were on
fire several times from flying shingles
but were saved. The creamer' will
be rebuilt
The women republicans are organ
izing clubs over the state of Idaho
and will enter the campaign In earnest
Standard Oil People Plan to Control
All Independent Telephone Lines
East of the Missouri River.
Cleveland. Sept 5. The Standard
Oil Company officials are negotiating
with the Everett Moore syndicate for
the purchase of all independent tele'
phone companies controlled by the
latter. If this deal Is accomplished
their plan is to absorb all independ
ent companies of New York to the
Missouri River.
1500 KILLED.
United States Consul at Fort de
France Cables That at Least That
Number Were Killed.
Washington, Sept. 5. Consul Jew
ell, from Fort de France, cables the
state department confirming 'the Mt.
Pelee disaster of August 30, and says
that 1500 at the most conservative
estimate, were killed.
Merger of Southern Mills.
Huntsville, Ala., Sept. 5. Sixty
Southern cotton mills have agreod to
form a merger. The capital will be
underwritten by New York banks.
The Manila mails which arrived re
cently give evidence of friction which
may prove serious in the end and In
the workings of tho educational
bureau in Manila. It Is hard to find
anything in the nature of tangible
charges, but there are general expres
sions of discontent among the teach
ers with the system under which they
are operating, which may cause some
apprehension in the personnel in a
few months.
Generals Dewet, Delarey and Botha
Received With Great Enthusiasm
at London,
London, Sept 5. The Boer gener
als, Dewet, Delarey and Botha left
their hotel this afternoon and drove
in an open carriage to the colonial of
fice. An immenso crowd gathered,
and the drive was a tremendous ova
tion. Joseph Chamberlain and Gener
al Kitchener were waiting to receive
Postoffiee Topics Discussed.
Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 6. At the
sessions of this, tho concluding day
of their annual meeting the Michigan
postmasters discussed the following
subjects: "Business of tho Register
and Money Order Department;" "The
Rural Free Delivery System;" "Third
and Fourth Class Matter, can they
not be judiciously combined;" "The
Fourth Class Postoffiee and its Mas
Louis Lange Nominated.
Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 5. Louis A
Lange, of Fon du Lac was nominated
for secretary of state on the first bal
lot of the democratic convention to
To Visit Rome.
Rome, Sept 5. John M. Farley
Bishop Corrigan's successor, is ex
pected to visit Romo Immediately
after his consecration as archbishop
Presldent'c Floral Tribute.
Now York. Sept. 5, President
Roosevelt ordered an expensive floral
wreath sent to Craig's funeral, before
leaving on his southern trip.
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, Sept. 5. Tho grain
markets wero all strong today and
prices closed near tho high point It
looks as though wo had seen tho low
market for tho season. Liverpool
closed Vz higher, G 10. Now York
opened 73V6 nnd closed at 74. Chi
cago, 6SW to 68 Tb.
Closed yesterday, 73,
Opened today, 73.
Range today, 7374H.
Closed today, 74.
St. 'Paul, 190.
Union Pacific, 110.
L. & N.. 1B2V4.
Steel, 41.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, Sept. 5. Wheat-
Wheat In San Francisco,
San Francisco, Sept 5. Whoat
Endorses Kansas City Plat
form and Lauds William J.
Bryan for His Work.
Rev. Blgelow, Noted Lecturer and
Minister of Cincinnati Heads
Ticket Johnsdon's Boom for Pres
ident Launched.
Fire Under Control.
Bramwell, W. Va.. Sept 6. Th
fire In tho Pocahontas mino Is now
under control.
Twelve Persons Escape From the
Guards at Kleff.
Kieff, Russia, Sept. 5. At luncheon
today 12 political prisoners throw a
cloth over tho guard's head and mado
their escape. So far thoy havo not
been enpturcd. Tho government places
great Importance on thoir escape,
as it is considered part of an antl
government plot.
Mrs. Hootman, of Walla W,
r Sof
Suit Against Dfrecto
Walla Walla, Sept 5. "BasobaH
must be stopped in Walla Walla." so
says Kate Hootman, who lives next
door to the baseball park. To show
that sho means business, Miss Hoot
man has filed suit against R. B, Cas
well, one of the directors of tho base
ball team, charging him with main
talnlng a nuisance and declaring that
the playing of ball games must be
stoppnd on the present park.
Deep Wells In South Dakota.
Acordlng to a recent list of well
borings in South Dakota over 400
feet deep, published in No. 61 of the
Water Supply and Irrigation Papers
of the united States Geological Sur
voy, out of about 350 borings 6C are
over 1000 feet flpep and two reach a
depth of 2500 feet, or nearly half a
mile. The majority of these wells
have strong flows with sufficient
head to raise the water in the pipes
from 100 to 500 feet above the sur
face. This great pressure Is used to
furnish power for a variety of pur
poses. At Aberdeen the sewage If
pumped away by power derived from
an artesian well: and elsewhere In
tho state electricity is generated foi
light and power purposes. Tho power
from the wells can bo easily controll
ed, and greatly adds to their value;
Its use does not Interfere with sub
sequent use of tho water for othei
Soldier From Indiana Contradicts Of
ficial Report From tho Philip
Kokomo, Ind., Sopt. 5. 3eorgo
Hart, a Kokomo soldier in tho Phil
Ippincs, who since June 30 has been
officially dead of cholera, Is alive.
With the official notice of his sup
posed death which reached hero yeB
torday, came a lettor from Hart, writ
ten July 15. to his father. Tho son
says ho was in the hospital, but re
covered. Tho father saya George
would not toll a lio, even to confirm
tho government records, and that he
Is surely alive.
Major Brackett, Nephew of T. B,
Reed, Commits Suicide at Peoria,
Peoria, 111., Sept. D. Major W. S,
Hrackett, nephew of Thomas Brack
ett Reed, killed himself with a pistol
at the hotel hero yesterday. Ho had
recently sold an extensive ranch in
Montana for $50,000. It 1b supposed
that ho was insane.
West Virginia State Fair.
Wheeling, W. Va., Sept. G. Ar
rangements nro ail complete for tho
opening of tho state fair horo next
Monday. Tho management has ar
ranged one of the finest list of at
tractions ever secured for a similar
liiBtitutlons, and has spared no ex
pense to provide a meritorious exhi
bition. Tho various departments will
bo filled with choice exhibits and
there wJU bo riurnoroiiH attractions In
tho way of entertainment. Tho racing
program will commence Tuesday and
continue four days, during which
time purtTH aggregating $0,500 will be
Kalier Makes Friends.
Berlin, Sept. 5. Knlser William's
conciliatory speech recently al I'o
son, judging from press comments
has almost totally eradicated tlio anti-
German feeling.
Cedar Point, O., Sopt. 5. The dem
ocratic Rtato convention horo waa
principally tho occasion of booming
its presiding officer, Mayor Tom U
Johnson, for tho presidency, and In
troduclng Into Ohio politics Hot.
Herbert Blgelow, Paator of tho Vine
stroot Congregational church, at Cin
cinnati. Tho convention wbb in session losa
than throo hours, and had only one
ballot, most of tho tlnio being dovotod
o speeches. It wns a Johnson con
vontlon throughout Tho platform
was adopted as it camo to him
through tho committee
Tho only conlost for a nomination
In tho convention wns for food com
missioner. Ex-Mayor Bruck, of Co
lumbus, waa nominated ovor Senator
Kraus of Clovoland, tho neighbor and
porsonal fnend of Johnson.
Bruck got tho support of all tha
Germans and ox-soldlors who wore)
in tho convention, and through an ex
cellent organization broko tho John
s.ii slato, thus causing tho only
scono of old-tlmo coutosts that thoro
waa in tho proceedings.
Tom Johnson's Speech.
Mayor Johnson rocolvej an ovation
upon hiB arrival. Hon. W. J. Fryo,
chairman of tho ftato central com
mittee, delivered an address dealing
with crmpalgn work in tho Btato.
Mayor Johnson wns then Introduced
as temporary chairman, and was re
ceived with continued cheers, speak
ing as follows;
"Tho principles of democracy, al
was old, but never obsolete, confront
uh today, both In local and In nation
al questions. Ono of theso national
questions rolates to trusts. For this
ovll our adversaries advlso publicity
as tho romody. Publicity! That
might protect Investors ngalnst fraud
but how could it protect tho public
against monopoly, which Is tho basis
of trusts? Men whoso Incomes have)
InareaBod but littlo or not ut all, but
whoso living oxpeuscs havo Incrcasod
onormouBly, why should they dnclnro
for publicity? What is needed Is not
examination of tho account books of
thct rtiBts; it la tho swooping of mo
nopolies from tho statuto bookH of
tho jicoplu.
' 'Tho money question Is also na
tional. And lot mo toll you this !o
no dead Ihbiio, uh some would havo
us boliovo. IKiud though it may hi
In ono foim, it is allvo In other and
more radlcul forms. So long uh Wall
street interests illctato our financial
policies, tho inonoy onoHtlon cannot
dlo. You know tliat.I havo never ac
cepted tho dootrlno commonly known
ns '16 to 1.' I have worked with thoso
t ho do accent It becauso I havo bo
lloved, as I boliovo yet, that tho froo
slivor fight was tho first protest of
tho American peoplo against morion-
oly tho first great struggle horo of
tho muHBcs against tho privileged
clasHOs. It wob not froo silver that
frightened tho plutocratic loaders.
What thoy fearo waa froo men.
"Wo huvo In national doIIIIch the
vital question of solfgovornment.
Shall wo continue to govern dlHlnnt
colonies from Washington, aH distant
provinces were governed by Homo
before her full, und an crown rolonloa
aro governed by tho British Kmplro
today? That question also Ib nt tho
bottom a monopoly question. Thoro
would bo no subject colonies. If colo
nies could givo no monopoly franchises.
Hut national questions aro not for
uh to deal with In this stato conven
tion. Great an Ik Ohio In territory
and population and wealth : Important
hh Hhe Is In tho sisterhood of states,
Influential as lior democracy Ih capa
bio of being in tho councils of tho
national party, Mho Ih not wont
enough, cor Important enough, nor
Is her democracy Inlliiontlal enough
to warrant this convention in dlctat
lug national policies or remodelling
Continued on pago six.)