East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 04, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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Jr i
fci if
& ! 'Sis':
1 -
Exclusively lor Women.
The Eastern Cloak, Salt,
Skirt and Waist Factory
Is now running full blast. By
calling you will find a large vari
ety of styles and prices,
With the facilities of our own
factory and being in close contact
with the largest and most success
ful designers and manufacturers
of these garments, we are enabled
at all times to display in this sec
tion the largest and most desir
able collection.
In dressmaking we can give you
quick service.
All Work Guaranteed.
In Old Pendleton Shoe Store,
645 Main Street.
Ed. Eben, Prop.
"The Girl From
Up There."
Bays there isn't a collar, cuff or shirt
front laundered anywhere in the coun
try that can compare with our laundry
work. The color and finish are su
perb, and they always give .genuine
satisfaction to our patrons. Ladies'
Some of the- Quaint 9y!njc of T&ta
Plctnreaqne Leeal light. Who For
lean Kept Gotham'a Jndarea and
In a book entitled "The. Barrister"
Charles Frederick Stanebury has
brought together the best of the anec
dotes of Tom Nolan, who .was known
popularly among members of the New
York bar ns "Counselor Nolan." For
many year the counselor kept Judges
and lawyers of New York laughing,
and at political conventions he was one
of the Important, if not serious, attrac
tions. The counselor was himself sul
generis. His drollery was individual.
Borne characteristic stories from Mr.
Stansbury'B collection are here set
At a political convention a friend
asked Nolan:
"Isn't It strange, counselor, that
your friend Croker, who is such a
mighty power down your way, does not
get a nice political job for himself V
The barrister drew himself up, look
ing his Inquisitor over from the corner
of his eye, and then replied, with se
verity: " 'T!b a peanut brain you have.
Clancy, to ask me that. Is there anny
Job he hasn't got?"
Judge Horace Kussell told the follow
ing story: Nolan once had a client
' whose name was Mrs, Morlarlty. After
her case had been placed upon the
1 calendar Mrs. Morlarlty appeared ev
ery day lc Nolan's office with her elev-
j en witnesses. Finally the case reached
the top of the calendar, and isoinn was
on hand to try it The opposing coun
sel asked for a postponement Nolan
I fought the postponement with great
eloquence, laying much stress upon the
fact that Mrs. Morlarlty had been put
to enormous trouble and expense of
' AAmlH,. n. Joe in Ma nfVtno trlth hir
eleven witnesses. Judge Dugro, who
was sitting, was not convinced ep-
1 pnrently by Nolan's perfervid oratory
( and granted the adjournment. Then
the barrister arose.
"Tour honor," said he, "has seen fit
to grant n postponement of the case,
and. while I humbly submit to the rul
ing of the court, yet 1 would like to ask
your honor to do me a personal favor."
"Certainly, counselor, with pleasure,"
replied Judge Dugro. "What Is it?"
"Go you to my office," thundered the
barrister, "und Inform Mrs. Morlarlty
shirt waists are also laundered in a
manner mat niaKes tnem looK line tnIg nse uas been postponed."
new, and the color is preserved longer ' Witty and keen as Nolan was, he
than by having them done by any I once In awhile got the worst of an en
other method. j counter with a witness, as the follow
ing incident illustrates:
The plaintiff. Mr. Foley, was suing
t XT .1 nn,nlnai1 1 ...ft-
Pendleton. I , .T.,. n t v,i.
donkey to escape from bis stable and
J. F. Boblnson, Prop.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St , opp. Court House.
For All Kind of Building Material
Screen Doors
and Windows
Building Papei
and Sand
Ami Don't Forget Our Wood Q utter
For Barns and Dwellings
Laatz Bros.
Coal and
Delivered Promptly.
We are in the transferinf; and
trucking business and are pre
pared to move light or heavy arti
cles. OFFICE MAIN ST., Hear Depot,
Telephone Main 51.
trespass upon plaintiff's lawn. Foley is
in the witness box.
Barrister Nolan (for defendant) Tou
say that Mr. W.'s animal caused all
this Injury to your property?
Foley Yes, sor.
Barrister Where did you first see
this donkey?
Foley Tied up in defendants stable.
Barrister Where did you next see
Foley On me premises.
Barrister How do you know it was
the same donkey?
Foley (emphatically) If I saw yex
tied up in the sthable. don't yes sup
pose I'd know yez whin yea got loose?
The barrister excused Mr. Foley.
It was In the old superior court be
fore Judge David McAdam and a Jury,
and the barrister wns trying a case on
behalf of the plaintiff in a negligence
suit against the Twenty-third street
crosstown railroad, which was con
trolled by Jacob Sharp, who afterward
gave the name of "boodle aldermen" to
the world. On rising to sum up on be
half of his client Nolan launched forth
Artificial Ice
Boarding and Day School for Girls
Flnlahlnr and accredited college preparatory
eouraea. llujiea apeclalty: Voice, Tlolln and
piano. Tbe Her Andreaa Hard, Prealdent ot
TnutMC. Mlae Imogen Boyer. Principal.
Tarma W0 to JAOO.
ralapnon Main 100.
No Sediment to Foul
Your Refrigerator
No Disease Germs to
Endanger Your Health
vah orsdIll & ROSS
Into an attack upon-Sharp, who. had in
no manner appeared in the cose. Rais
ing his voice to a pitch that could be
heard by citizens in the City nail park,
he concluded bis peroration ns follows:
"And who, glntlemcn of the Jury, Is
Jacob Sharp? I will tell you, glutle
men. He Is a man so lost to all his
slnse of ethics and the rights of man
that for the sake of palthry prospec
tive dividends he would run a railroad
up your spine and make tics out of
your ribs P
When the bar of the city of New
lork gave a dinner at Delmonlco's in
honor of former Justice Abraham IL
Lawrence on his retirement from th
beach, one of the remarks Nolan mad
"There's Recorder Smyth. He's a
good Judge, a folne Judge, but be
thinks very man ought to go. to prison
at least wance,"
Nolan on one occasion was a candi
date for a municipal office, and In the
course of his canvass he asked a wo
man of his acquaintance If she would
use her Influence in obtaining for him
her husband's vote. "Sure, I will,"
Bald the woman. "Are we not ever
lastingly grateful to you ever since you
tot my husband off for stealing a gun?''
"No, no, my dear woman," cried the
barrister, "not for stealing a gun, but
for the alleged stealing of a gnu."
"Alleged be bothered." replied the
woman. "Come up stairs ana i ll snow
you the gun."
Once arguing a case Id behalf of
clients who were sailors and while In
the midst of an exhaustive display of
nautical scholarship Nolan was Inter
rupted by the court:
"How comes It, counselor, that you
possess such a vast knowledge of the
"Does your honor think," responded
Nolan, "that I came over in a hack?"
Tile Heonomlcnl 31nl,
The mule is ready to begiu work two
or three years earlier than the hone.
He can be put to pretty heavy pulling
when he Is three years old. and from
that time until he is forty. If he has
fair trentment and does not meet with
an accident, he is not likely to lose any
time. He is not subject to the many
ailments to which the horse Is a vic
tim, at least not to any great degree.
He lives about twice as long, and his
actual period of usefulness Is nearly
three times as long, for "the horse is
really not fit for heavy Bcrvlce'untll he
is five years old or after he Is twenty.
while a mule will often do good service
for forty years, and they have been
known to work fifty, according to one
writer, without being turned out at
any time during all that long period.
Like the ass, the mule will live npon
next to nothing, and during all his for
ty years of hard service a mule will
not require and generally does not get
hnlf the feed necessary to sustain a
horse during bis much shorter period
of usefulness.
We nave a new lot of those cele
brated Broadhead Dress Goods.
The best wearing, medium priced
materials on the market.
r Styles of new Waist n
n Materials at per yd, X
U 15c, 25c, 63c, 75c and UUU
Pencils, lc; pen holders, lc; pencil erasers, lc;
pens, per dozen, 3c; pencil tablets, 3c; ink tab
lets, 5c; composition books, 5c; 14 colored
crayons, 5c.
Where? AHanlce Growa.
The Island of Jamaica produces about
all the allspice that is used. It is known
also as pimento, or Jamaica pepper. The
tree on which the berries grow is ever
green, and the flowers grow in dense
clusters. These develop into small
green aromatic berries, the size of black
pepper. If nllowed to ripen, they be
come pulpy and lose some of their pun
gency. For commercial purposes the
berries are gathered when green, care
fully dried In the sun and afterward
packed in bags Holding ICO to 180
pounds and shipped. Pimento trees
grow in many parts of tropical Amer
ica, but nowhere do they thrive as in
Jamaica. The trees are never planted
by man and receive no cultivation
worthy of the name. The seeds are
dropped by the birds, and the rains and
the tropical sun do the rest Surplus
trees are cut down and become walking
sticks and umbrella handles. This spice
Is more mild and innocent than most
other spices.
tie Won tbe Yonnarater.
The Dev. Dr. Mackenzie of San Fran
cisco was once calling on a new pa
rishioner who had a "limb" of a boy.
She bad invited the doctor to dine.
"Willie," she said to her hopeful, "pass
Dr. Mackenzie a potato."
Willie seized the potato between
thumb and finger, and before his moth
er could utter a horrified remonstrance
he had tossed it across the table and
squarely into the good man's lap.
"Judgment!" cried Willie.
"One strike:" quoted the quick wit
ted clergyman.
"Willie. leave the table!" stormed his
"Madam." said the minister, "do not
Judge him harshly. See how beautiful
ly he put the sphere oter the plate."
And from that time there wasn't a
more earnest worker In all the big Sun
day school than that same Willie.
Boys' clothing, hats, caps and shoes; children's
handkerchiefs, lc, 3c and 5c; children's hose,
good quality, 10c; girk' Tam o'Shanter caps,
39c; boys' caps, good materials, a 25c value
for 15c.
t trULUt
Two Hospitals
Said Diabetes.
Brlght's Disease and Dlabete
Arc Positively Curable.
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: & C. R. Depot
Care For Hleeoaarh.
Hiccough usually attacks persons of
nervous temperament and young chil
dren who have overloaded the stom
ach. It may also be induced by eating
foods which have been too highly sea
soned. The moat useful remedy and perhaps
the moat Inoffensive and tbe best con
sists iu sucking a piece of sugar which
has previously been steeped in vinegar
or drinking a spoonful of good vinegar
in which some sugar has been dis
solved. If this Is not at once successful, a
second spoonful is certain to be so.
Peopla either cared or recovering from t&a
bore dlaeaMS are In ersry nard In tbtaeltr.
Mra. C. O. Matbeweon, proprietor of the Clifton
Hotel, Ml Powell atreet, la osa of thn. aad
makea this statement:
K3 fowtn St, Sac Traaetaea, Jfer. tl. mt.
Tor two jean I loitered sreatlr from dlatntaa.
rtnanr I had to (o to one of the hMpltak. tolas la
one of thU eltr rrry box. Threa phjfdnj ther
confirmed my eaia aa dlabetra, aad pal ma aader
treatment aad ilrlct diet. Getting no relief, I went
home. I rot itead!7 warn and went to another
wnknowa eltr hospital. The pbjataiana there akn
aald dlatetee, and (tated that ther cookl protons mr
Ufa, hat that 1 con Id nerer be well I left the hce
pltal after a few month completely broken down, the
percentage of near helot: 11 per cent. U waa at
thU Juncture I heard of the Fnlton Compoond and
entforlt. The Kcond and third weeka I besaa to
leep onlnterroptedlj, and found that the awfnl
thirst I had Uffered with fnr mm t MAM K .
left me. I am now an entlrelr dlfterent ixnoii.
thoagh Kill Uklas It to Iran permanencr. I bare I
recommended It to a nnmter an rettlnr favorable
malt. One wu a warm friend and aaothar li a
Berkeley attorney who had Brlfbt'i Dlieaie and h
bow perfectly mtored. I dUllke publicity, bat it:
that thli thin oof ht to be known.
Ilea. C.C. aUrntawaoa-.
Medical worxi acree that Brlrht'a Discus
sad Dlabotea are Incurable, but 87 peroeot. are
poaltlrely recovering nsder the Tultoo Com
poonda. (Common forma ot kidney complaint
and rcettmatltm offer but abort reaiatanoe.
Prtoo, II for tbe Bright DiaeaM sod fJJO for
(be Diabetic Compound. John 3, Fulton Co , 9
Montgomery atreet, San Francisco, aole com
potwdefs. JTree teata made for patiaala. De
tailpUTe pamphlet mailed tna,
F. W. Schmidt & Co, Sole Agent.
When getting figures from
others on that lumber bill of
yours, don't forget to come
and see us. We carry a large
stock of all kinds of
Building Material
including shingles, door, win
dows, moulding, screen doors
and windows in fact, every
thing that is found in a first
class lumber yard.
8TURDI V ANT BR08., Props.
Stage leavea Pendleton dally, except Sundays,
ai i a. iii.f lur uKiu aaQ wiermcaiai vcuDia,
BaleetTn Pilot Kock,73o; Illot Hock and re
turn. il.is: To Wye. 11,26. Nye and return, ta;
19 muxe. i va, to mare ana return, .a; TO
Alb. 13.25: to Albaaud return.U.OO:To tlktaa
at.sv; w ujtiau ua return, a-i.w
return, R.aft; To .
Office in Qoiden Rule Hotel, PMtttetwi I
3 I
Over 30,000
Stoves in outo
Court St
tBjjnjna. tr
for Tm-KrfS'
The Best Hotel fn
and as good at 1
Commodions Sample
Rates $2
Special rates by week
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt Dinin;
Every Modern
Bar and billiard rooMtie
Only Three Blocks if
Corner Cu ant Johnson jflf
American Iln, rotes 1 2JaS?;
per duv.
European 1'ltm. COc. 'SclgggT
special rule uyw'Kort
Prp 'hus mfpfK nil trains
Commercial trade solks
Fine sa:
Special Attention Given Com:
Scientifically Distilled,
Natural!) Aged,
Absolutely Pure,
Best and Safest for all uses,
ro- Eale by
5-f KfiSnfiMMf riaaaaaal
Elegantly FurnishlJ
50c, 75
Puronean Plan.
Block and a half from (
Sample room In conno
Farmers Custom
Fred Walters, ProprWJ
nn.u 1 m iwarmla a dny
Flour exchttngel ft',rwHSWS
Flour. Mill Feed, Cliopjei fS
always on nana.