East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 04, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    You always get GOOD GOODS At Alexander's.
Of all the newest styles of the very best qualities in Dress
Goods, Silks, Ladies' Jackets, Waists, Walking Skirts and
Neckwear for the Fall and Winter of 1902 and 1903. Re
garding prices. You will find them right, too.
SILK AND VELVET "WAISTS Our styles are adapted from
Paris and Berlin models Made by the best waist maker in
New York CityThey are made of Persian velvet, Peur de
Chine silk, some with hand stitched embroidery, others
have Appliqucd lace in a wide range of colorings. Blue,
pink, cream, garnet, black, rcsidu and ciel. Prices, $12.50,
$10.00, $8.50, $7.48, $5.98, $4.98.
NEW DRESS GOODS Here are some good ones. 50 inches
wide, all wocl and heavy, in the new canvas, basket and
hop sacking weaves. They come in the shades of grey,
brown, mode, garnet, navy, black. Prices, $1,98, $1.48,
$1.25 and $1.00 per yard.
FALL JACKETS. An immense assortment in all the new
lengths, all the new cloths, all the new colors. A perfect
fit guaranteed. Don't you think that you had better choose
early? The nicest always go first. Prices, $15.50, $12.50,
$10.00, $7.50, $5.00, $4.48.
Alexander Dept. Store
u mi mm It i ti It . 3 1)11 A m ( tl 4i 3Ai.1l .1 A Jt J Sm am i ih u v Pi. i
Every Sunday
Dancing begins Sunday at 2 p. m. Admission to dancing plat
form 25 cents ; ladies free. Busses to and from the
grounds day and night.
nm m ttxi a uni rim minrriiTTiD ink h
pionio parties by applying to PETER SMITH, at Hotel
St. .George.
Or. Croupe Seriously Injured Much
Indignation in Weston Because of
Late Article of Spokesman-Review.
Weston, Sept. 4. Dr. C. W. Croupe,
of Walla Walla, was thrown from his
wagon last evening near Sal I rig's
camp and had his right shoulder dis
Dr. Croupe, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Kinney also ol Walla
Walla had been spending several
days at Sallng's camp, about 12 miles
east o Weston, hunting for big
game. On Monaay tne aocipr wouna
ed a bear, but the animal got away
from Mm. Yesterday the party went
out. on the Breaks of the north fork
of the Umatilla where they had better
luck, Mr. Kinney succoering in get
ting a fine black bear, but as they
were returning to camp In the even
ing, the left front wheel of the wagon
ran over a log In the road throwing
Dr. Croupe, who was driving, out of
tho wahogn against a tree. Falling
back from tho tree ho fell under the
wheels which ran over his shoulder
causing tho Injury. Dr. J. A. Best of
Weston, went up to tho camp last
night and reduced the dislocation.
Tho Injured shoulder, being the right
one, will prevent tho doctor who Is a
dentist, from doing much offlco work
for some time.
Misses Elllco Price and Pearl Wills
who have resided In Weston for sev
eral years, left yesterday for Pendle
ton whero they will mako their future
home. A large number of friends, lu
and about Weston, will follow thorn
with their best wishes tor all coming
Ellis Plnkcrton returnod Monday
from an extended trip through East'
cm Washington. Ho will teach school
during tho coming fall and winter at
Corvello in that stato.
Miss Clara Taylor, of Eugene, sis
tcr of Charles H. Taylor, proprietor
of tho Fair store, arrived In Weston
Monday evening. Miss Taylor will
teach during the fall and winter at
tho lower Dry Creek school.
Thomas Prico and family returned
yesterday from their camping trip on
Weston mountain.
Hon. (?. W. Proobstel returned
Tuesday from a month's outing at
Some newspaper wrt.ter with a
greater deslro to All up spaco than ho
has to bo accurate, has been clrculat
Ing a report that tho new normal
school building was unsafe, and was
to bo condemned. There Is not a
shred of truth In tho story, tho build
Ing Is as sound as any building of Its
kind In the stato. A groat deal or in
dlgnation was felt by tho peoplo of
Weston when this story was publish
ed In tho Spokesinan-ltRovlow a fow
days since, and they feel that It would
be well If that enterprising sheet
would try and get a corps of corrcs
pondents who would conflne them'
selves to nows Horns. C. H. HOAQ.
The Shoemaker is located in the
Teutsch Store. Shoes repaired.
New York Woman Made Her Last
Trip In Search of Fuel.
Unable because of the excessive
price caused by the local strike to
buy the coal she needed for her home
where four fatherless little ones de
pended upon her efforts, Mrs. Agnes
Lichtenberg, of Passlc, N. J., yes
terday paid with her life for her at
tempt to levy tribute on the coal
It did not appeal to her as stealing
to take a few lumps from eacu or
tho loaded coal cars standing row on
row In tho Erlo switches on Dundee
Island, near Passaic Sho had seen
others do It. She must do It or thero
could be no flro In tho two tiny
rooms at No. 1G2 Second street,
whero her llttlo brood awaited her.
It was dlro need that forced this
women to shoulder a bag and pick
her way among tho laden coal cars.
Going to the far end o itho yaru
All goods that were burned and damaged will
be on sale
Blankets, Millinery, Indian Robes, Yarns,
Trunks, Tailor-Made Suits.
These goods will be sold for practically
What we can't sell we give
away I
Big Boston
Corner Main and Court Streets.
Corner Court and Johnson Sts Pendleton, Oregon.
A Thorough. Live. l7p-to-Date Business College.
in Eastern Oregon and no Superior in the State.
Fall Term Opens September 1st.
The Best 3
Pupils Can Enter at Any Time, Embraces the Following Complete Courses, Each Indepen
dent of the Other.
' mw w nnmimn
on Contracts
Commercial Paper
Sales of Personal Property
and many other subjects, both inter
esting and instructive.
The Budget System
of Bookkeeping
"Actual Business Practice"
The student is taken by this meth
od step by step from the easiest
work of detail office business up to
the hardest and most difficult busi
ness problems. He is taught to
think and reason, and at each upward
step finds nothing too difficult for
him. He has been taught by a sys
tem a thorough course. -
When a student leaves the college
to enter business itfehe s fully equipped.
Business Course
Bookkeeping Correspondence
Commercial Law Penmanship
Rapid Calculation Business Arithme
tic Actual Business
Banking Insurance
Importing Brokerage
Partnership Conveyancing
Re,al Estate Forwarding
Incorporated Companies
Shorthand Department
Course of Study
Shorthand. The student begins
with the theory which is presented
in a manual of one hundred and
twenty pages arranged in twelve les
sons. Each lesson successively is
mastered thoroughly and written to
a required speed. The student is
next given a Universal Dictation
Course in correspondence, etc., sup
plied from twenty-six different busi
nesses, followed by a course in legal
forms and papers, depositions and
court reporting of civil and criminal
cases and speech reporting.
Typewriting We have several
standard machines in use, and the
mechanism in all their parts is ex
plained until the student is made
conversant with the care and use of
the typewriter. As the work of the
shorthand writer comes before the
the reader through the medium of
the typewriter, it is obvious that the
student must acquire a proficiency
which can only be attained through
proper instruction along the lines of
correct menthods followed up by ju
dicious and faithful practice.
Our Record in Stenography
Unequaled. And Why ?
It is because we have the best
teachers in the state and employ the
best methods in teaching.
We study the individual need of
each student, always watchful and
helping him in his weak places, en
couraging him in his strong points.
We teach the following system:
The Gregg Light Line, which is the
most successful and complete course.
Easiest to learn and most satisfac
tory to users. Come and investigate.
Shorthand and
A thorough mastery of the
principles of Shorthand, Cor
respondence, Phrasing, Pen
manship, Dictation, Manipula
tion of the Typewriter, Spelling,
Invoice and Tabular Work,
Manifolding, Envelope Direct
ing, Paragraphing and Punctu
ation, Capitalization, Care and
Management of Writing Machines,
Evening Classes: 3
and Fridays
sho began to pick a lump ot coal horo
and thero. Sho had flllod tho bag
by tho tlmo sho hnd reached tho
mlddlo ot tho long train.
Sho tied tho bag as ntio stood on tho
projecting end of a toal car. Then
sho rested it on tho bumpers and
Jumped to tho ground. At that very
minute tho train started. Tho coal
sho had tolled so hard to got was bo-
Ing borno away from her. Darting
between tho cars sho solzcd tho bag.
Tho cars gavo an extra Jerk at
that mlnuto. Sho was knocked off
her feet, but sho still clutched tho
bag. Its weight throw her headlong
across tho rail, directly In front of a
wheel. Tho next Instant tho wheel
had passod over hor neck, decapi
tating tho poor woman In a second.
Sho did not even havo tlrao to cry
Other women happening along saw
tho acldcnt. Their screams brought
tho trainmen. Thov- removed tho bag
from tho dead lingers that still
clutcnod It Then tho body was
placed on a rudo stretcher and taken
back to tho llttlo homo In Socond
Tho sack of coal was dumped back
on ono of tho cars. Now York Journal.
A Hunicrr Musician.
Daring the siege of Ladysinlth an of
ficer who was organizing a concert to
keep up his men's cheerfulness heard
of a sergeant In the Gordons who was
said to lie a performer. Ho found the
said sergeant aiid nuked him to con
tribute his services.
Tho sergeant was sorry, but said ho
"Why," siild tho officer, "you do play
something, don't youY"
"I did, sir."
"Well, whut'B your Instrument?'
"The bones, sir but I've ato 'cml"
Modem Inatauce.
"Ana now," no earn, "wo will seo
what our old friend tho apostle Paul
has to say. Step up here, Paul, ami
give us your testimony."
No, tho speaker wasn't n flippant
prosecuting attorney In tho celebrated
trial before Felix.
It was the Itev. Mr. Seventhly, tho
popular pastor of the Hlnnk Avenue
church, who was preaching a doctrliml
sermon. Chicago Tribune.
Ono or I'lclif. Cr7 JoU.. '
In his blogruphy of Kugeno FieW
Sluson Thompson says that shortly aft
er Uio humorist's arrival In Chicago I
occurred to him ono bleak day In De
cember that It was time tho peopl
know there was a stranger In town. i
Bo ho arrayed himself In a long linen
duster, buttoned up from knees to roU
lor. put an old straw hat on his hen
and, taking a ohabby book under ono
arm and a palf leaf fan in his hand, tin
mnrcneu all tuo way down Clnrk Htrecti
past the city hall, to tho oMee. Every
whero along tho roulo he was grceteid(
with Jeers or pitying words, us Ills opJ
pearance oxcltcd the mirth or rommln
cratlou of tho piiKHertiby.
When ho readied the entrance to Th
Dally News olllce, he waH followed by!
a motley crowd of noisy urchins, whom
ho dismissed with a grimace and th.
cabalistic goaturo with which Nleholae
ICooran perplexed and repulsed An
tony vun Cprlear from thu unit lenient
of the fortress on KeiisnolaerHteliU
Then, closing tho door In their nston-'
lulled faces, ho mounted tho two flights
of stairs to tho editorial rooms, whero
ho recounted, with thu glee of the boy
ho whs in such thing, the success at'
bis Joke.
Pri.Uo ot Work Writ Done.
I'crhapo thero is nothing elso s
productive of cheerful, helpful service
as tho oxprcHiilon of approval or praise
of work well done, and yet thero ir
nothing ho grudgingly, so meagerly,
given by employers. Many of them,
seem to tiiluk tbut commendation !'
demoralizing and tbut tho voicing of
appreciation will lend to llBtlew.nieur
and tho withdrawal of energy and In
terest. This evince but u poor knowl-
edge of humuii nature, which Is al
ways hungering for approbutlou. Hut'
how mistaken such views are is shown
by tho loyal and uimtltited service giv
en to those large minded men who
treut their employees mh uiembeiu of a.
family committed to their cure.-Suo-wuh.
Hrr ConaotHlluu,
At u continuation at Htrasnburg thfr
bishop asked of a pretty soubrette tbo
usual question of tho Heidelberg cate
chism; "What Is your only consolation la
life and death?"
Tho neopliyto blushed anil hesitated.
The Orst question was roneuted. mid
then she stammered out:
Ilio young shoemaker lu the noxt
street." London Tlt-Ults.
H. N. Robinson, L.L.D. I
Tlio Shook Too Borer.
"Did the coroner's Jury ascertain what
caused Howersox'a sudden death?"
"Yes. It appears that ho received a
riltlTnliUr'u thill It. I.lu ..w.-..t... .....II II
" "v n - ...mi.. n ,, .. ,
"Ut surclv thnt illil nnt kill MmW "V"'. '"""; iwuiui tommi 10
"That wasn't It. but .tout noon tl, ! '"J '"'W0. n0
Plumber himself called and said there " . , 1' " "Ur
Kcoe1r ,U waH.-I'lilladelphla Record.
Mrs. Hunt I Biinposu j,io Il'ortcr In.
the most truthful person In town., iiarloy moots ready sulo lu Uiko
Why, I verily believe she would tell1 'mint v at tint iiifiMilim fitp inii. t
tho truth oven about her.age. ! a pound iinsackod.
Mrs. I'lKe That wouldn't bo truthful i Onions worn rained In tho Jo!i
ness; It would simply bo eccentricity.-) Day country from tlu seed this year
Boston Transcript. i that girted lfi liifilnis.