! QAILYEVENIN6EDITK1 Eastern Oregon Weather Fair tonight and Friday; cool- I or tonight. 1 NO. 47523 EVENING EDITION I 1 7" js . X i . - - , I.. . 1 "V v u r plica ol DUmei dj tinur BW .fl kW jlBWBW I OS IN COLLISION rn : I inn MUh q HKI Uai M W" 1111 V IIIIUI VJUI nuutiun 1 1 . STOPS CABLE CARS. Telescope With it, Crushing v II I . 1 n.Urlr V rUHIIIIUSlI W..MWI .w .... O ' .10 ngwiMh a I I I lot of the Milwaukee avenue line morning caused a wreck of two cars. Louis Scure was fatally n 1-1 TTn.nn Tlnttoit T7 , Theodore Mutz, Kate Stowoll, i MiU .1 vtnvn i' nnmnHnn VHrn st m 1 1 injured ana nine oiaers icbb bu- V. VY UUU UU? fri A w-j . 1 M.t4-V. ! nmcihin rr fho El'rH ILL IUU UVUa X nrat11stn imir IIIIIIIII MIII'HH ...ni.mlnJ linanHfiln R nARHES INTO IKAIN. tui- -riMA tlek.fav Mrltettrt Train. Tnnlar Cant A IV rtf&nniP badly injured tnis morning in a Rinn of a Ban Mateo eiectric car Southern Pacific train No. 31. R. LACKEY'S RETIREMENT., Many Years Representative of it . -I.. U.Ai IUf I nun univcini'.v 111 i w - rf I'HlIli:ilL L11U.L. 1V1111UU1 UUHMU i T1H rl 1 H Til I'll I r III Til 1111 V VKIUO Lackey has ben a familiar figure 14 r rnp wnr n rj nn liirR wi iusm. be a gain to the world of letters, p. rnp r.Gicuraiea nistorian wui nn inTPt v nnviiLtJ tiiiith liiiiu iu . j . ii i j a ill V. ftTIIHI TIM IK III 1 II DIM III L: II nVIIllla LL1 V I II II1R rill'R HI1II IIIH ITlIIlllLlV. Ullll lRtnrv nr HJiironean Mora s. iroiu im ILK TmUllCULIULL. IL 1111 LIU lllOLl1 1' work ranKs above it. Alnn to in imLiin nnrmrn iiiith tu t.iir imn id r rT inn NniriT ni unrinmi i ttti iii some to be of more Importance mi ms nnnii nr mnnrnrn hpr. ne nn H7FI TTnn n -n 1 oinrv f it k. ri i' i ii i i i i im. ivi nil v iir iiiH urn tir wuikm iiuvc n. m r. M'l KV I M I1IIW Tli!iLIlIlC LLIO Wade vs. Gervlas. Henry Wade Instituted suit against n niH nwn iiro wirnni t. rnn rnnHnni ni 8hlpplng Affected by Strike. New Yorlc, Sept. 4. Shipping 1b be- No Blame Attached. Washington, Sept, 4. Admiral fir inn MAAlitAnf r irnmn.flau ti ir iitii mo jjrooKiyn suBiamua aam- aged plates. 1 """ I DIES OF ASIATIC CHOLERA SCOURGE OF MANILA TAKES VVELL-KNOWN MINER. Patrick Galvln, an Old Pardner of Daly's, Dies at Manila Had Valu able Mining Interests In the Philip pines. Manila, Sept 4 Advices received at the war department announce the death by cholera of Patrick Galvln, a former partner of MarcuB Daly and at one time chief of pollco at Helena. Mr. Galvln Is a well-known resident of Montana, and also of Alaska and San Francisco. He is said to have loft some very valuable mining prop erty which he has acquired in the Philippines in the last two years. Irish Socialist Coming. London, Sept. 4. James Connolly, organizer and loader of the socialist republican party of Ireland, was among the passengers sailing from Liverpool today for New York. Mr. Connolly purposes to make a tour of the United States to investigate the social and industrial conditions in that country. Estimates on the Prune Crop. j San Jose, Cal., Sept 4. The prune harvest has begun in this locality and conservative men estimate the crop at 85,003,000 to 95,000,000 pounds of fruit of good size and quality. The president of the California Cured Fruit Assocition estimates the crop of the state at from 125,000,000 to 150,000,000 pounds. COLLIERY EXPLOSION TWELVE MINERS KILLED AND SEVENTEEN INJURED. Terriffic Explosion at Cardiff, Wales, Last Night Ninety-six Miners Res cued. Cardiff, Wales, Sept 4. Twelve miners were killed and 17 injured in a tcrlfllc explosion that occurred at the MacLaren colliery last night Ninety-six other miners were en tombed but were rescued. Campaign Opens In Pennsylvania. Heading, Pa. Sept 4. The demo crats of Pennsylvania fired the first gun of their campaign here today and made the welkin ring with denuncia tions of Quay and Quaylsm and with enthusiastic predictions of democratic success at the polls in November. The occasion of the demonstration was the formal notification of the candidates named at the recent state convention at Erie. All three of the candidates Pattison for gover nor, Guthrie for lieutenant-governor, and Nolan for secretary of internal affairs were present, together with members of the state committee and other prominent party leaders from every county. The auditorium at the Mt. Penn Tower was found inade quate for the accommodation of the crowds and impromptu overflow meetings with speech making were held in the open air. A recoptlon in honor of the candidates In the Fifth Street auditorium this evening winds up the rally. Secretary Wilson to Resign. Washington, Sept. 4. It Is reported that Secretary Wilson will, early next year, resign from the cabinet to accept the presidency of .the Iowa State Agricultural College. Mount Soufferle In Eruption. Castries, St Lucia, Sept. 4. Mount Soufferle is again in violent eruption. It .began at midnight. It is not de termined yet what loss of life occur red. Montauk Bombarded. Fort Trumbull, Conn., Sept. 4. This morning the mimic war opera tions were confined to a naval attack upon Montauk signal station and' a bombardment of the field batteries. Lane Nominated. Sacramento, Sept. 4. Franklin K Lane, city attorney of Sari Francisco, was nominated for governor by the democratic convention late yesterday afternoon. Reconstruction is progressing quicker and easier in the Orange Itiver Colony of South Africa, than In the Transvaal. The difficulties of amalgamating the Dutch and Engllsl elements have been nearly overcome and everybody la apparently determ ined to settle down and obliterate as far as possible, the recent bitterness. TWO DEATH-DEALING TRAIN WRECKS TODAY o v' Engineer, Fireman and Passenger. Killed on Northern Pacific, and Brakeman Killed and Two Injured on New York Central Station Knocked Down an Embankment. 8 Spokane, Wash., Sept". 4. Pacific passenger train was wrecked neav Thompson Falls, Montana, last night. Engineer Owens and Brakeman Geistman and a pass- enger, whose name is unknown, are reported dead under the wrock. Five coaches and the engine wore ditched. Three Fullmans remained on the track. The wires are down and no particulars can bo ob- jjf ained. (5 WRECK ON N. Y. CENTRAL. Williamsport, Pa., Sept. 4. In a collision with project ing side-tracked cars on the New York Central at Keating today, Brakeman Shipman was killed and Brakeman Ern est and Engineer Miller wore injured. Eleven freight cars and the engine were demolished and the station house overturned and sent down a steep embankment. HELD OVER ON BAIL. Motorman and Conductor of the Car That injured President Yesterday, Have Their Case Continued Until September 18. Plttsfleld, Mass., Sept 4. Motor man Madden and Conductor Kelly, who were in charge of the car In yesterday's accident, were arraigned in the district court this morning, but the case was continued until Septem ber 18, pending reports of the medi cal examiner, Dr. Cole. At the trial the result of Craig's inquest with the medical report will be available. The defendants were released on ball The city council will take Immediate action to regulate the speed of trol ley cars. Disregards Court's Instructions. Charleston, W. Va., Sept. 4. The Jury In a caBe of which it is one of a number brought by the Winifred Coal Company against miners occu pying the company houses, but refus ing work, disregarded the instruc tions of the judge who directed it to bring In a certain verdict, and argu ment Is now being made as to whether they are liable for contempt. Toledo Short Line Sold. i Cleveland, Sept. 4. By the sale of the Detroit & Toledo Short Lino to an English syndicate, the Everett Mooro syndicate, whose suspension being threatened was tho cause of a panic some months ago, is enabled to release tho binding syndicate that tided them over difficulties by in dorsement. The road was sold for $1,500,000. Music Hall Damaged. Cincinnati, Sept. 4. Fire broke out this morning in the famous Odeon and Music Hall buildings. Damage estimated at -1200,000, " TEDDY," JR., DISCHARGES HIS GUN It Was Accidental, But it Found a Mark in the Anatomy of a Prominent Railroad Man, Hcdfield, S. D.f Sept. 4. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., accidentally discharg ed his gun this morning, the contonts The west bound Northern KILLED BY LIVE WIRE. Adolph Dewet, a Nephew of General Dewet, Killed at Butte Was a Line Man. Butte, Mont, Sept. 4. Adolph De wet, a nephew of tho famous Boer leader, was killed last evening by coming In contact with a livo wire. He has worked as a lineman here for the past two years. SUGAR FACTORY 8TART8. Beet Sugar Season Opens at La Grande New Shed Being Con structed With a Capacity of 1500 Tons. La Grande, Sept. 4. The brown sugar campaign of tho Amalgamated Sugar Company began yesterday and at tho factory all Is hurry and bustlo. Superintendent Ackerley antici pates tho moBt successful campaign in the history of tho factory, and about 80 tons of tho product will be turned out This brown sugar Is not placed on tho market, however, but Is turned In with the beets and ro refined, coming out the beautiful white suger. This campaign will last 12 or 14 days, when It is likely the monster mill will bo given a few days' rest, waiting for the beets tc thoroughly ripen before commencing tho regular run. About 24 men are employed at pres ent. A new beet shed is being con structed with a capacity of 1500 tonH and preparations nre going on rapid; ly for ihe banner run of tho company. Neely Out of Quarantine. New York, Sept. 4. C. F. W. Neo ly, chief figure in tho Cuban postal frauds, was released from quaran tine this morning. Ho says he is her to consult his attorneys and that his return to Cuba depends entirely up on the actions of congress. peppering, but not seriously wound ing a prominent Northwestern rail way official. SULTAN OF MACll) DEFIANT MORE TROUBLE IN SIGHT IN THE PHILIPPINES. Rebelious Sultan Says He Has No Desire to Be Friends With Any Nation. Washington, Sept 4. Mall advices to tho war department from tho Phil ippines Bay that tho sultans of Han calog and Maclu still decllno to bo conciliated. In his reply to tho mes sago of Colonel Baldwin, tho latter said that ho had no dcslro to be friendly with nny nation and doflant ly wroto: "It you don't want war leave the lnko region at once." NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York 8tock Exchange Brokers. Now York, Sept 4. -Wheat was fairly steady today, prices being nom inally unchnnged. Now York closing under yesterday, after selling H over. Primary receipts aro consider able under those of tho Bnmo dato last year. Closing prices for Docombor wheat wero 73 Ms Now York; C8 Chi cago. Closed yesterday. 7Z. Opened today, 73. Rango today, 73&073T6. Closed today, 73. St. Paul, 187. Union Pacific, 110. L. & N.. 152. Steel, 42. Wheat In San Francisco. San Francisco, Sept 4. Wheat $1.13. MORGAN CONFERS LOOKS LIKE A VIC TORY FOR MINER8. Announced That President Mitchell Is In Secret Communication With the Great Financier Concerning Concessions. Philadelphia, Sopt. 4. Tho North American announces today that J. Plerpont Morgan has been In secret communication with President Mitch ell to ascertain what concessions by the operators will result In tho return to work of tho miners. Mitchell Denies Conference. Wllkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 4. Presi dent Mitchell denies receiving any communications looking townrd con ciliation. J. Plerpont Morgan say that ho will prepare an answer to Iiaer's statement within a few days COURT PROCEEDINGS. Little Business on Hand Nothing Done In Regard to Meeting the Commissioners of Walla Walla County. Today Js the second dajf of tho county court This Is to bo a short torin. Llttlo business is to bo trans acted except tho viewing and allowing of bills and tho torra will end this week unless some unforeseen thing happens to detain the court. Some discussion has besn indulged In by tho court In regard to mooting with tho Walla Walla county com missioners sonio time in tho futuro to investigate and see what can be dono to protect tho Interests of tho people owning lands lying along tho Walla Walla River In tho vicinity of tho state line. For several yearB it has been apparent that much valuablo land would bo washed away along the river in tho vicinity of Milton un less Bomothlng was done to prevent It It will cost tho two counties sev eral thousand dollars to do tho work and this Is holding back nn effort on tho part of tho Umatilla cwmty offic ials toward doing the work. Walla Walla county is moro deeply Inter ested than Umatilla county. The commissioners of that county have been trying to pet a conforenco, but no dato has yet been set nnd it Is not definitely decided whether or not any thing will bo dono by tho Umatilla officials. "Do you think smoking Is Injuri ous?" asked tho careful friend. "I'm sure of it," answered Mr. Meekton, "Nothing Is worso for lace curtains than Brooking." Washington Star, Hop-picking Is now In full blast about Independence and prnHpects aro for a first-class crop, . The yield of hay and grain this year in Powder valley ie tho host over recorded. JUST LIKE TEDDY i Will Not Permit a Mere Acci dent to Change Program Mapped Out. SECRETARY CORTELYOU 1 WAS BADLY INJURED. Although Stiff and Sore From Severs Bruises, President Announces Front Oyster Bay That He Will Carry Ou4 Original Plan of Itinerary. Oyster nay, Sopt. 4. Prcsldoni Roosevelt arose at 10 o'clock thl morning and, contrary to his usual custom, undcrwont an examination by; Dr. Lung, who announced that hla condition wao good. Tho president 1 stiff and soro from sovoro brulsea. Secretary Cortelyou, It Is now con sldorod, waa tho worst Injurod of ami of tho living mombors of tho presW dontlnl party with tho excoptlon oft Driver Pratt Ho wont to his honw at Hompstoad, L. I., last night an this morning Is confined to his heS with a sovoro norvous shock nnd na merous painful cuts and bruises, tho worst bolng a split noao. Hla phy slclans say that It will tako soma tlmo for tho secretary to rocovor. Tho president announces that his pro gram will bo carried out as previous ly arranged. ,1 Entertains Russian Duke. Oyster Bay, Sopt 4, 3 p. m. Prest dont Roosovclt, although suffering badly with a swollen and discolored faco, ontortalnod tho Russian Oranol Duko Boris, Ambassador Casalnl and party at luncheon this afternoon- FOR DELICATE OPERATION. Warden and Prison Doctor In th. Tolls of the Law. Bolso, Sopt 4. A tromonduous sow satlon waa sprung hero last ovonln when It became known that warranto had boon Issued for tho nrrcst ol t Charles B. Arney, warden of tho pen itentiary, and Dr. J. IC Dubois, pris on physician. Tho chargo agalust tha mon la that of committing a dollcaU oporatlon upon Joslo Konalor, a Hffl prisoner in tho penitentiary. Tho warrants woro iBBued upon a complaint Bworn to by H. W. Dun ton, attorney for tho woman. Mr. Ai uoy Is In Pocatello. Dr. Dubois In understood to bo In town, but It waa not known up to a lato hour whothor ho had boon arrested. H la alleged thnt tho crlmo wn committed on July 23. It appoars tho matter was brought noforo tho board of pardonH In July by Attorney-General Martin, who had been placed in possession of tho facts by Mr. Dum ton. Mr. Martin wlshod to havo tho statement verified and Bomo action was takon, Other mombors of tho board thought some other course could bo pursued. Tho matter was loft In that stato at tho tlmo Mr. Martin went north. Whon ho returned ho found an abor tion had boon committed. It Is un derstood tho woman bun mado an af fidavit Implicating tho warden and physician and that other evidence concerning tho mutter has boon se cured. TRAIN ROBBERS,' Uncuccetsful Attempt to Hold Utf Mexican Road. Tuchoii, Ariz., Sept. 4. Roports reached hero of u daring attempt by, tl.rco American bandlta to hold up tho International Express on tho Sonora rullioad throe miles from Hermoalllo on Sunday morning, Tho explosion of a torpedo on the track caused tho onglnoor to stop. Three American covered tho engine crow while two robbers went to tho oxpresH car and demanded admittance, Tho iiiomboq gor replied with a volley of Bhota thiough tho door, tho bandits return lug the flro. Tho highwayman ga,vo up tho attempt, disappearing Into the orange grovax Bad News Confirmed. Yokohama, dept. 4. Tho Jap.inoMc (minor Tuka China, which has ro turned from uu Inspection of Inland of Torlshliua, reports tlmt tjie, volrunlo eruption .Utterly .devastated the Inland and tlmt, "uoljoil on Ii wat loft allvo. Ovor 150 persons were killed.