East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 03, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    New Fall and Winter Hats
Soft and Dcrbys
The "Stetson"
The "Longlcy"
The "Elk Brand"
A Guarantee Goes With Every Hat. Pricos $1.25 to $5.00
Closing out of Golf Shirts nt Closing-out Price?.
Our Line of Men's ami Hoy's Shoes Is the best In the City.
One Price Olothiers. Furnishers and Ratters, Pendleton
729 Main Street
f--4 feast (fevxaift
Two thousand delegates are in at
tendance at the fifth session of the
International Mining Congress at
Butte, Mont.
Returns from the election in Ar
kansas indicate that tho success of
the democratic ticket, headed by Jef
ferson for governor, is complete. An
extremely light vote was polled.
William Trottman, of Park City,
Utah, became demented Monday and
after trying to beat tho brains oat of
his -wife and two daughters, shot him
self through the heart with a Win
3:lans: for lie new Philippine cur
rency are t-loiit completed. It has
been determined that the new coins
of distinctly Philippine type shall be
poured into Manila at the rate of
J2.250.000 a month.
Threo aeronauts and it newspaper
man started out to make a trans-continental
voyage in a balloon from
Denver Sunday. A storm struck the
balloon and carried It over Pike's
peak wrecking It 27 miles north o
Tho defendants in the merger suit
brought by the state of Minnesota,
havo filed their answers in the Unit
ed States circuit court wherein thoy
deny that any combination of paral
lel lines was made for the purpose of
preventing competition.
Gen. Eli Torrence, commander-in-chief
of the G. A. ft., has issued an
appeal to the Grand Army veterans
asking that they contribute funds to
aid in the erection of the home for
Confederate veterans now being built
at Mission Creek, Ala.
Of the Monroe doctrine. President
Roosevelt said in his speech at Proc
tor: "It is a doctrine of peace, a doc
trine of defense, a doctrine to secure
the chance on this continent for tho
states hero to develope peaceably
along their own lines. Now we havo
formulated that doctrine. If our for
inflation consists simply of state
ments on tho stump or on paper,
thoy arc not worth tho breath that
utters them or tho paper on which
Hotel Pendleton.
II. C. Baker, Wallla Walla.
V. II. Olmstead.
W. H. Garrett. Portland.
II. E. Harris, Portland.'
A. H. Galloway. Portland.
Ed Blackburn.
M. II. Fly. Colorado.
F. Y. Schuck and wife.
H. P. Brands, Portland.
Miss Josephine Nixon, Kalamazoo.
J. D. Laldlaw. Waltsburg.
D. Shults. Spokane.
E. C. Hendricks, Portland.
G. W. I.oundagin, Wiittsburg.
J. W. Taber. Granite.
The Golden Rule.
J. F. Gardner. Portland.
C. F. Van Dewater, Cincinnati.
J. C. Walker. Nebraska.
J. M. Walker. Tacoma.
J. H. .Mills. Port Townsend.
Ingabo Stockslager, Hailey.
Mrs. William nodrigue. Salt Like.
Mrs. T. Etlier. Salt Italic.
Mrs. U Strohns. Dixie.
A. W. Tickner. Spokane.
W. G. Espoy. Portland.
Wm. J. Moore, Spokane.
W. L. Davis. Portland.
O. D. Itinker, Spokane.
Mrs. E. Tausick, Walla Walla.
L. Cunningham. Portland.
M. W. Buggs, Boise.
A. J. Johnson. Portland.
Dick Smith. Helix.
Roy Linsnei, Ridge.
C. J. Fraker, City.
John Hagan, City.
C. Peterson. City.
George I.. String, Boise.
W. M. Spror, Elgin.
Emma ICeough, Salt Iako.
0. S. Witlets and family, Cordan
1. Stockslager, Hally.
.Mrs. JCella McWutt, Boise.
A Boy's Wild Ride for Life.
With family around expecting him
to die, and a son riding for life, 18
miles, to got Dr King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesvllle
Ind., endured death's agonies from
asthma, but this wonderful medicine
gave Instant relief and soon cured
him. He writes: "I now sleep sound
ly every night." Like marvelous cures
of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchi
tis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove Its
matchless merit for all Throat troub-
they are written. Remember, thatJles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00
the Monroe doctrine will be respected
as long as we have a first-class eft!
cient navy and not much longer."
The secretary of the Interior has
affirmed, tho decision of the general
land office rejecting tho application
of C. W. Clarke to select a tract in
the Spokane land district, Washing
ton, In lieu of land relinquished in
the Stanislaus forest reserve, Cali
fornia. Rejection is mado becauso
tho tltlo to the land assigned was
Satisfactory progress is being mado
by tho Now York capitalists who aro
drilling for coal on tho Blair Forward
farm in the Waldo Hills, near Salem.
Tho shaft has been sunk to a depth
of 820 feet, and whilo coal has not
been discovered, tho formations aro
so favorable that tho drilling will bo
continued on the site until a depth of
1000 feet has been reached.
Tho prospect for a large attend
ance at tho University of Oregon Is
growing brighter every day. Al
ready tho registrar has received an
exceptionally largo number of in
quiries from prospective students in
all parts of tho state. Since his ap
pointment President Campbell has
been working tirelessly for a largo
following for his first year as chief
executive of tho leading state school.
Nearly all arrangements havo
been completed for tho street fair
and carnival which will open at
Baker City on September 15. Tho
peoplo havo subscribed liberally for
tho fair, and the stato appropriation
of $1500 will be used In connection
with tho agricultural and stock show,
which will bo a part of the carnival,
so that ample means will bo avail
able to insure the success of tho ven
ture. Tho federal postal department has
granted tho petition for a freo rural
delivery routo out of Waltsburg
through tho Whiskey Creek and VVII-
yon Hollow districts, taking In a
Kood deal of North Walla
Trial bottles free at Tallman & Co.'s
drug store.
An Effort Will be Made to Keep the
Institution Open.
The Ministerial Association of Pen
dleton held another meeting in tho
rooms of the Men's Resort and out
lined plans for making a preliminary
organization looking toward tho per
manent organization to look after
keeping tho Men's .Resort going.
A commltteo was appointed con
sisting of Revs. Johnson, Potwino
and King to look into tho matter and
ascertain what can bo done. This
committee will meet again tomorrow
when its report will bo prepared and
handed in at tho meeting called for
next Monday.
It is tho intention of tho Ministerial
Association to lend every aid possi
ble toward furthering tho Interests
of tho resort and helping to mako it
a place where any one can go and en
joy his spare timo. Tlioy do not In
tern! to mako it a Young Men's Chris
tian Association, but tho resort will
b6 nin as near to tho plans of this
organization as practicable to admit
all classes to its rooms.
Willamette Grain Fire.
As the Harris Short threshing out
fit was passing along ihe highway
about four miles northeast of Shaw,
yesterday afternoon, a spark from tho
traction engine Ignited tho grass
along side tho road. Tho fire travel
ed for one-half mllo across tho stub
ble field and attacked a pllo of newly
threshed oats In sacks, of which thero
was about 3000 bushels, and, although
the (iro was vigorously fought by tho
residents of tho neighborhood, about
1000 bushels of tho grain was con
sumed, tho balanco being saved from
tho flames. Tho grain belonged to E.
B. Patton. Salem Stateman.
Was Built Last Winter at Spare Mo
ments by W. T. Rigby and J. Clove
and Is Proving n Great Success.
The Rlgby-Clovo combined harves
ter Is attracting attention from far
and wide. Hardly a day passes thnt
there arc not from one to a half dozen
men who make special trips out to
the harvest Hold of W. T. Rigby. on
tho Tutullln. to witness tho work be
ing done by this machine. These
visitors arc not all Umatilla county
men cither. They come from other
states and from miles around in
Eastern Oregon.
Ijtst night two men arrived on tho
O. R. & N. train from Waitslmrg. C5
miles from Pendleton, and today they
were driven out to take a look at the
machine. These men were J. D.
Uiidlaw. vice-president of the Far
mer's bank, of Waitlmrg, and 6. W.
I.oundagin. a pioneer of Eastern
Washington. They nre both very ex
tensive land owners and came down
to took at the new machine which has
gained a wide, reputation through the
article describing it which was pub
lished in the East Oregonian a few
weeks ago.
Perfect Satisfaction.
Tho new machine Is giving perfect
satisfaction. It has now been In the
field for three weeks and since Its
advent has been running almost
steadily. The machine is operated
by 12 horses and two men. It has a
cut of only 12 feet, hut Is doing good.
clean work. The machine was built
last winter by Messrs. Rigby and
Clove and tho first timo It was taken
into tho field it proved that. It was
going to be a success.
The machine Is built after tho pat
tern of the combined harvesters
seen in the field every day, but is
much more simple and much lighter.
The machine is small and not so very
complicated, making it tho very thing
for tile small farmer as well as the
larger one. It can be operated so
cheaply, too, that any man can afford
to buy one who farms only a few hun
dred acres annually. Its work Is per
feet in every way. It cleans tho grain
as good as any machine, saves it all
and has all of tho advantages of tho
best built, costly machine in existence.
The Builders Elated.
The inventors and builders of tho
machine aro highly elated over the
attention their machine is receiving.
All who see tho machine pronounco
it one of tho successes of the 20th
century and predict It will revolution
ize tho harvesting business of this
May be Manufactured Here.
Whilo no definite arrangements
have been mado toward tho manufac
ture of tho now machines It is now
the intention of the inventors to ar
range to have a number built for tho
next harvest, A patent has been ap
plied for and It is likely that arrange
ments will be made to make the ma
chines in Pendleton. In case this is
done it will be the means of causing
large machine manufacturing estab
lishment to spring up here that will
bo a big thing for Pendleton as well
as tho surrounding country. Several
offers Iinve been made to tho invent
ors by manufacturing companies to
make and turn out tho machines, but
none have been accepted.
of a New England library 17 years
ngo, ostensibly on account of morals;
really to curry favor with n person
age, lucre has been no further In
stance, until now.
"Second A fow months ngo I
published an article 4vhlch throw mud
at that pinchbeck hero Funston and
his extraordinary morals.
"Third Huck's- morals havo stood
tho strain In Denver and In every
English, Germnn and French speak
ing community In the world save
one, for 17 years, until now.
"Fourth Tho strain breaks tho
connection now.
"Fifth In Denver alone,
"Sixth Funston commands there.
"Seventh And has dependants and
"When 0110 puts theso things to
gether the oat that Is in tho meal is
disclosed mud quite unmistakably.
"Said cat, consists of a few per
sons who wish to curry favor with
I'Uiiston. and whom God has not
dealt kindly with In the matter of
"Everybody in Denver knows this.
oven the dead people In the ceme
teries. It may be that Funston has
wit enough to know that theso
good idiots aro adding another howl
ing absurdity to ills funny history;
it may be that God has charitably
spared him that degree of penetra
tion, slight as it is. In any case lit
is, as usual, a proper object of com
passion, and the liowels of my
sympathy are moved toward him.
"There Is nobody for mo to attack
In this mntter even with soft and gen
lie ridicule and I shouldn't over
think of using a grown-up weapon In
this kind of a nursery. Above all,
I could not venture to nttnek the
clergyman whom you mention, for I
have their habits and live in the
same glass house, whlh they are oc
cupying. I nm nlways reading Im
moral books on tho sly. and then
selfishly trying to prevent other peo
ple from having the same wicked
good time.
"No, if Satan'n niornls and Funs
ton's are preferable to Hack's, let
Huck take a back seat; they can
stand any ordinary competition, but
not a combination like that. And
I'm not going to defend them any
Jstliietotherewi ,
the system of 6.1 ,
or other inflaaS
noison.i toIu'm. ?rIoo
way into the blood, and arc forced by the circulation through thtt
nnd pores of the akin, causing it to burn like fire, nnd the iaS? A
Itching allows no rest night or day. Eczema appears in n, greaU,sl I
different forms, beginning frequently as n mere redness of the ski?3?? 'I
lowed by little blisters or pimples, from which a clear or straw col !
m ib 'mr m-iBa matter oozes, forming into pores J?4 1
SALT JRHE&M r scabV Is weeping E'cg? '
commonly called Salt Rhctim
acid poisons sometimes dry up the natural oils and the skin beoT
hnrd and dry, often cracking and bleeding nnd causing intense mini
fearful Itching. This form of Eczemn is known as Tetter, and nfuT;
nttneks the hands nnd fect. Unsightly eninti
in the shape of pimples and blackheads break ml
mjuu mi: i.iuu, 111.TK. mm siiouidcrs as a result'!
polluted blood, and this humiliating disease is called A,, t !
remedies afford but scant relief. The blood and system bciiursattirnt,i-5S
the poison.thcdisease cannot be reached with washes salvN
powders or other local applications. S. S. S. restores th
deteriorated blood to its normal cmulitinti at? t
fillKTcriuli nnrrma nt.,1 nil f 1in n.nef n ,, fn lr...ll...!..n,1 "11
through the proper channels. S. S. S. makes the
blood rich andstrong, and itndcrits tonic and invigo
rating effects the general health improves, and the
skin becomes soft and smooth niraiii.
t. s. fc. contains 110 minerals but is guaranteed purely vegetable
Write us if you need medical advice; this will cost you nothing
Illustrated book on skin diseases sent free. '
1 - 1 '
Mrs. L&ura S.
Vice-President of Women's Democratic dubs of 'Ncrthern Ohio.
Not Doomed For Life.
"I was treated for threo years by
good doctors," writes W. A. Greer,
McConnelvillc, O., "for Piles nnd Fis
tula, but when all failed, Bucklen's
Arnica Salvo cured me In two weeks."
Cures Bums. Cuts, Corns, Sores,
Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Piles or no
pay. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug
David B. Hill boasts that he has
never kissed a woman. Why doesn't
he try it and look pleasant for awhile.
DiSK : :
$100 RewarJ, $120
The readers of this paper will be pleas-
pil tn learn that there Is nt least one
dreaded disease that science has been able
to cure In all Its stages and mat is ca
tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tho only
positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Latarrn oeing a constitution
al disease, requires a constitutional
reatment. IlnUs Catarrh Cure Is taken
Internally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system, there
by destroying the foundation of tlio uls.
ease, and giving tne patient strengtn Dy
lullulns: up the constitution and assisting
nature In doing Its work. The proprietors
have so much faith in Its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
lid case that It falls to cure. Send for
list of testimonials.
Address V. J. CHUN'm" & CO., Toledo, O.
Hold by druggists. 75c.
Hall's family Tills are tho best.
Settlers' Rates Now in Effect.
Tho settlors' rato of ?22.60 from
Missouri river points to Pendleton
Wnlla nro now in effect. Corresponding
and a little of Columbia county.
About 100 families will bo ocommo
dated. The dato of establishment
Is not known. Tho routo was ob
tained' through tho efforts of Post
master Dlckjnson.
low rates from all points ea4t to (he
coast Call at tho O. R. & N. ticket
office for full particulars.
"Blessed Is that man who does not
Mark Twain's Letter.
Denver, Aug. 2S. Mark Twain
has written a letter to a local paper
In lesponso to a. telegram telling
him of tho agitation to exclude
Huckleberry Finn" from the Juvon-
Ilo shelves of tho public library on
tho grounds of immorality. Ho says:
"You see, there aro two or three
"First Huck Finn was turned out
It in worth something to
buy your Stationery where S
the styles nro correct.
Wo buy direct from the s
maker. No middleman to
work oil' lils dead stock on w
us as "the latest thing." jg
Wo keep abreast of the
times. We know what's $
right. Our prices uro right t(t
and our styles.
Prices ull tho way from 10 v
cents to $1 u box. .
Paper and envelopes In j
bulk, and fancy (ablets with &
envelopes to match. Wo ik
have a few boxes left which S
... ..i,t., .......... ......
f. Book and
I StationeryStore.
NOvEliiiiS IN
The product of
celebrated mills
England and Scotland.
Everything for the desk.
Prices as low as quality
will justify.
F.W.Schmidt &Co.
Reliable Druggists.
Phone, Main 851.
sickly womeii be
tween tlw ages of
46 and 65, but there nro
very few invalids over CO
and 60 years of ngo. Tho
change of lifo coming to
a woman near her forty
fourth year, cither makes
her an Invalid or prives
her a now lease on llfo. Thoso who
meet this cliango in ill health sel
dom live ton years afterward, whilo
a woman who lays asido tho activo
duties of womanhood hi health sel
dom fails to livo on in happiness,
years after sho has passed GO. This
is truly a critical time.
Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo,
Ohio, recognizes tho change of lifo
as a dangerous period and sho also
has faith In Wino of Cardnl. Sho
writes :
"As I had always rxen troubled more
or less at the menstrual period, I dreaded
Mn. taur.i S. Webb.
I 1
the change of life which vu
fast approaching. While vfe-
iting with a mend I noticed
that she was taking your
wine of Cardul, and she waj
so enthusiastic about it that I
decided to try a bottle. I a
perienced some relief the first
month, so I kept on taking it
for three months and now I
menstruate with no pain and
I shall take It off and on now
until I have passed the climax. I do rot
dread it now, as I am sure that your
wine ot Lardul will be ot great benefit
at this time."
Wine of Cardul Is tho romedy to
re-inf orco n woman against tho shod;
that comes with tho chaugo of 1U
It re-establishes healthy funotlod
after years ol suffering. In doln
this it has saved thousands of auf
fercrs lust in time. Do not waft
until suffering is upon you. Thor
ough preparations should bo made
in advance. Begin tho Wino oi
Cardul treatment today.
A million suffering womej
nave round relict in
Wino of Cardui.
Come to us for your
We will supply your wants,
plums and grapes.
Apricots, peaches, pears,
I have bargained with a
competent Timber CrniBor
to locato
On the lino o. a railroad
now under constrnotion.
This means a big ohanoo
for flrst-comors. See
Havo some
good farms for
Canteloupes, Watejmelons and fine cooking and eating
We make a specialty of supplying the cleanest and best
groceries at the lowest prices. Prompt delivery.
The place to get clean, fresh goods.
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
Telephone Red 34 1
The Pendleton Business College!
Large, well lighted, well ventilated ai)d
Comfortable Rooms.
Commercial Course Bookkeeping by actual business training W i
vided by "Sadler's Budget System," thorough nnd complete. CommM! ;
T.fiW elltftrn Into f!Vrv llllulliaou trnnufif.tlnii mill irwrlflau tlin atllflunr. krjOW 1
edge of Ids righto and how to protect his interests; Commercial AiithnoeUf.tl
r...Unn.l.l..,.,. .,.,,1 i.,....,...,i.t- ' El
Stenographic Course-Shorthand by the Gregg Light Line Systeffll
typewriting, opening, raragrapning, i'unotuation, correspondence, jsiauiwu
ing, Care ud Management of Writing mnchines. I
Call at the oillce of or write to H. N. ROBINSON, LL.D., Principal
corner uourt aim joiuiboii his renuietoii, uregou.
Every Sunday
Dancing begins Sunday at 2 p. m. Admission to dancing plat
form 25 cents ; ladies free. Busses to and from the
grounds day and night.
RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove can be engaged (f j
pionio parties Dy applying to rETEll SMITH, ai
St. George.
For Health, Strength and j
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor. J