aWIY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION THE DAILY Will be deltrered t your realdenco or place of onilneta by carrier at t5c A WEEK. Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight nnd Thursday partly cloudy, coolor. m VOL. 15. PENDLETON, TJMATIXLA COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY", SEPTEMBER a, 1902. NO. 4528 a WAR PROCEEDINGS lArmy Headquarters Destroyed by Navy-Fort Wright Re duced. PEMAND PUBLIC WATER JDIANA AND KEARSARGE PUT OUT OF ACTION. filmic War Still Proceeds and Theor etically Much Damage Was Done by the American Navy. Fort Trumbull, Sopt 3. The Kear- urge, Alabama, Indiana, and Massa- ausotts attacked Fort Wright at sun- so this morning. In tho action that allowed the Indiana and Kearsargo ,roro theoretically put out of action Fort Mitchio. Tho WE ships con- atrated their flro on Fort Wright educing it. Army headquarters and tio signal station on Fisher's Hill, supposed to have been destroyed titer which the ships In single col on passed eastward to Fisher Is- Etnd. Tho bombardment was so heavy oat many windows In Now London vore shattered. Fort Rodman Attacked. l;New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 33. The kvy attacked Fort Rodman at 8 clock this morning. The tog was so eavy that It was impossible to learn identity, but the ships were four number. After a few hours firing bey moved oft to tho eastward. DEMOCRATS OF CALIFORNIA WISH PUBLIC TO OWN WATSR. Also Favor an Eight-Hour Day and Denounced the Trusts Nomina tions to be Made This Afternoon. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 3. The morning session of tho democratic convention was taken up in reading the reports of the committees. Nom inations will bo made this afternoon. Their platform contains a strong lr rlgatlon plank demanding public ownership and control of water, ask' ing that the water hereafter shall not bo sold apart from land, for irri' gation. Demand an increase In the assessment of corporations. Compos satlons demanded especially by taxa tlon of all franchises. Also demand nu eight-hour day, fa. vorbd tho Isthmian canal and de nounced the trusts most forcibly. Tho platform was silent on the question of currency and the Kansas City platform, demands the same measure of liberty for the Philippines as for citizens of territories and en dorses Chinese exclusion. The fol lowing wore nominated for congresB by aclamatlon: Thomas S. Ford, of Nevada city, for First district; T. A. Boll, of Nappa, for Second district; Gaston Ashe, of San Benito, for Sixth district and W. E. Smytho, of San Diego, for the Eighth district Geary haB withdrawn from the gubernatorial contest In favor of James V. Coleman of San Francisco. Present indica tlons are that Lane will be nominat ed. PRESIDED T HAS wM ESCAPE FROM DEATH Harmony Among Iowa Democrats. Des Moines, Iowa., Sept 3. Har- lony seemed to bo the distinctive jaturo when the democratic conven- Ion mot today. Apparently there rero no prospects of a light over any tho subjects with which the con- ration had to deal. Though no can- late for governor Is to be named, tere was great Interest in the noml itlon for state offices. A brief meet- of the state central committee held, an auditing committee was Appointed and routine business trans ited. H. C. Taylor, temporary chairman, mgratulated the delegates upon the itlcok for democratic success at the this fall. In regard to national sues ho touched unon the Phlllp- ilnes, tariff rovision and trusts. A tjVood portion of Mr. Taylor's speech Jjfliras devoted to the subject of taxa- i$:ion ana other state anal re. There are numerous names men- ioned for nearly all tho places on le state ticket and the final selection problematical. Tho candidates to e named are for secretary of state, treasurer, attorney general, judge of le supreme court, auditor, railroad sommissloner, cleric of the supreme jurt and supreme court reporter. English Influence Restored. London, Sept 3. As a result of the Shah of Persia's visit to England a re-arrangement of the Persian fi nances has been accomplished where by English Influence in Persia upon which Russia lately encroached is fully restored. English capital has taken up all of the Persian indebtedness. A REIGN OF TERROR AUSTRIAN TROOPS OVERPOW- ERED AND PUT TO FLIGHT. He Was Badly Bruised, Though Not Seriously Injured His Body Guard Instantly Killed. ELECTRIC CAR RUNNING THIRTY MILES AN HOUR STRUCK A LANDAU CONTAINING PRESIDENTIAL PARTY. DR. EflULESTON IS DEAD BECAME FAMOUS AS AUTHOR OF HOOSIER SCHOOLMASTER. Dies of Appoplexy In his SIxty.Fourth Year At One Time Editor of Hearth and Home. . Falls, N. Y., SepL 3. Dr. Edward Eggleston, tho famous novelist who wroto "Itooslor School Mastor" and an old-tlmo circuit rider, died last night In his cottage at Lalto George, of appoplexy at tho ago of 64. Dr. Eggleston was at ono time editor of tho National Sunday School Teachor and also of Hearth and Homo. A THOUSAND DEAD Five More Towns Destroyed by Mount Pelee tho Last of August. NEW YORK MARKET. Bruised and' Bleeding Presldent Sprang Instantly to the Assistance of the Dying Man Secretary Cortelyou Escaped Uninjured Dead Officer Was Old In the Service. Lennox, Mass., Sept 3. This morn ing an electric car running at the rate of 30 miles an hour .struck the lan dau, carrying President Roosevelt Secretary Cortelyou and a secret ser vice officer by tho name of Craig. Craig was Instantly killed, but the president was only Blightly injured. Roosevelt bruised and bleeding. sprang instantly to the assistance of the dying man. Secretary Cortelyou escaped uninjured. Occurred Near Plttsfield. The president passed last night as tho guest of Governor Crane. This morning the party left at 8 o'clock for a 20-mile drive to Lennox. At Plttsfield, Secretary Cortelyou re ceived an urgent request from the people of Canaan, -1G miles further on for a speech from the president which he was obliged to refuse. The accident occurred about one mile from Pitttfield, near a country club house at an obscure road crossing. Immediately after the results were known a fresh carriage from the club conveyed the president to Stock' Bridge, where a special train was waiting. A special guard on horse back rode ahead at the president's re quest shouting the news of the b.c- cident to the pebple who had assent is greatly grieved over Craig's death, being bis personal friend. Anti-Servian Movement Continues Over a Thousand Wounded Peas ants and Students Erect Barricade. Vienna. Sent. 3. A rr-Atm nf tnrmr Wed to greet him and requested them caused by tho anti-Servian movement 10 ruiluJU l" cuecnug. at Agram, Hungary, continues. Dur- His Old Guard I Tl IT .hn nnM.n . 1 Ul I 1 1 I "'to oumo uibui lewiuiu IIOUI1E I rl X,A v, .!, .l 1,J nnrurrr,1 ho, nA '"'b i' o.uc.. o uuu, yZlJiiZ 1 I . u T guard ever since Roosevelt too the ",1"", " " T,7. 'r w" oath of his office. He was a noted .uu" 0t""5 athlete and a champion broad swords- man. The remains of Craig were Wind-Up of Presidents Trip. Now Haven, Conn., Sept 3. The ?enes attending this, the last day of resident Roosevelt's Now England our were but a repetition of those iat have marked the trip from the .ginning. From the time the presl- it left tho home, of Governor Crane Dalton this morning until the spe- lal train reached this 'city this after- Koon tho distinguished travoller was rooted everywhere with genuine en iuslasm. At Stockbrldge, Pittsfleld jnox, Great Barrlngton and other places whoro brief stops were made Iho reception could not have been lore cordial or enthusiastic than they were. Looking In the finest fet- lo, despite tho fatigues of the past ten days, the president reached Now laven on schedule time this after noon and with secretary cortelyou ind the others of the party proceeded It once to Bollo Dock and embarked n the Sylph for Oyster Bay. windows lice force and about a thousand rioters were wounded, many fatally. Peasants and students are now de molishing houses and erecting barrl cared for on the arrival at Lennox after which the president retired to the hotel. Sec. Cortelyou says the J1?,0 0W? H accident mokes all their plans for the street battle this morning the troops were overpowered and put to flight, WILL BRIDGE COLUMBIA. Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. Now York Sept 3. Tho wheat market had a better tono today and prices advanced a full cent on both wheat and corn. Llvorpool unchang od, C10V4. Now York opened at 72 and sold up to 73; Chicago 674 GSVi. Stocks are all stronger. Closed yesterday, 7291. Opened today, 72. Range, 72 0,73. Closed, 73. St. Paul, 18S&. Union Pacific, 112. Loulsvillo & Nashvlllo, 153. Steel. 41&. Wheat In San Francisco. San Francisco, Sopt 3. Whoat, uava per cental. Pratt's Death Denied. Lennox, 2 p. m. Later details say that tho report of driver Pratt's death Is untrue, ho Is still alive, but uncon scious. In addition to thoso first named In tho party was tho congress man of Lawrence, Mass., who was bruised. Tho electric car struck the carriage from tho roar as it crossed the track diagonally, hurling tho oc cupants into tho air. The wreck of the carriage struck tho president after ho fell. Cortelyou's first ques tion when ho had been revived to con sciousness was, "how is the pres ident?" Governor Crane is now in bed. A military guard of four mount ed men were the first to givo aid. They were assisted by Secret Service Agent Taylor and Postofilce Inspector xuyers, who were in a second car riage. President Roosevelt was at tended by Dr. Lung, who was in a third carriage. Craig's body was found under the car horribly mangled. Driver Pratt saw tho car coming and tried to urge the four horses across. The motorman attempted to stop, but me impetus or tno car was too great. At Stockbrldge where ho was to have taken lunch, the president stopped out of the carriage plainly under great mental distress. In a few words ho told tho silent assembled throne: of the accident and paid sincere trib ute to Craig, saying "my most faith' ful frienrl hnn lmfin klltful " r.-x,,, aior wuay lias issued an ultimatum to l.nnnnv Rt a s r, m tho coal Presidents saying that tho w - i'lUIAlUlUU 1 ....... Madden and Conductor Kelly have anlnraclt0 BtnKo mu8t enl within been arrested. Passengers claim that Uwo weeks. Also said to havo coupled they raced tho car down hill to inter- his demand with a hint that a special u Y cw 1UU ia88lnK itooseven session of tho Pennsylvania loglsla. ' turn ...... 1.1 1. l a , ,, I miu nuuiu uu UU11UU ill CtLHO ul a lait Checked Speculation. uro to do as requested, whlclj might New York. Sent 3. fTho narrow Pass some laws not vory pleasing to escape of President Roosevelt has had ,nlno operators. Fears for tho do- Report Denied. Baltimore, Sept. 3. Dr. O'Donovln denies that Cardinal Gibbons Is dan gerously 111 and says that there is nothing about his condition to cause alarm. Robert Burke Dead. London, Sept 3. Robert Burko, formerly under secretary of foreign affairs, Just rocontly mado Lord of Connemarra, died last night QUAY TO THE RESCUE ANTHRACITE STRIKE MUST END WITHIN TWO WEEKS Or a Special Session of the Pennsyl vanla Legislature May be Convened Fear Republican Defeat Now York, Sopt. 3. 'According to THE VOLCANIC ERUPTION IS EXTENDING TO THE INTERIOR. Over Eight Hundred Dead and th List IncreasingIsland May be To tally Destroyed. Paris, Sopt. 3. The Minister of Urn Colonies has rocolvcu tho following: Fort do Franco. "This aftornoon Mt Polco has re-commoncod eruptions with oxcesslvo Intensity and tho vol canic disturbance has oxtondod to ward tho Intorlor with a groatly broadened nullus of destruction, Morn Rouge, AJoupa, Bullton, Morn Bonden and tho villagos of Balal. Ca pol and Bollovuo woro totally destroy ed on tho 30 and 31 of Aucust Mora thnn a thousand victims already found, S00 of whom woro doad. It la oxpoctod that tho list will greatly In crease." OHIOANS GATHER. Lively Interest In State Democratlo I Convention, SanduBky, 0., Sopt 3. Tho pro. onco of politician from all narta of tho stato gives an animated appoat anco to tho democratic headquartorn at tho Wost hotol and It Is estimated that by tho Umo tho convention get down to ronl work tomorrow morning thoro will bo no fowor than 2000 visit ors in town. Every arriving train to day has brought Its quota and every section of tho stato 1b woll represent ed. Endorsed Kansas City Platform. SanduBky, O., Sent 3. Today tha democratic stato convention belnx hold hero, reaffirmed and endorsed tho Kansas City platform and laudotl William J. Bryan. The Gun Habit Referendum League. Sprlngflold, 111., Sept3. In response tho call of Daniel L. Cruice, presi ent of tho Referendum League of II- tnols, delegates are assembling in prlngfleld for a three days confer- ace. Tho purpose of tho conference to clan a campaign for the Initia te and referendum In thestate and tho further purpose of filing what ; known as the "state petition." It claimed that this petition will have sr 350,000 names on it The Jaajsuo ub io secure majority ro.ajjior unties and clues, an amendment ine state constitution enabling People to control legislation, and election of United States senators Mbo direct vote of the people. Child Born to Czarina. iSt. Petersburg, Sept. 33. JThe czar- ubb given premature bJrth to a ld. A court bulletin of this morn- says thoro are no complications. majeaty'a pulse and temperature normal, gignod by the court c oneur and Hlrsch, the coHrt.r- The Northern Pacific Railway A) sorbs the Washington and Oregon, ana its New Track to Kalama. Tacoma, Sopt 3. The Northern Pacific railway has absorbed the Washington & Oregon railroad and Its 30 miles of new road fro Kalama to Vancouver, at which place the Co lumbia river will be bridged and n new entrance to Portland secured. Later. Lennox, Mass., 12:25 p. m. Driver Pratt has died from injuries received a decided effect ou Wall street, check- feat ot tu republican candidate for tnis morning. president Roosevelt " ing speculation in a groat degree. govornor is said to bo tno Immediate causo ror tno demand PORTLAND CARNIVAL. The Last of the Elks' Carnivals UsTT- ered In on a Magnlflcant Scale Excellent Attractions Many Visit ors in the City. Portland, Sept. 3. The gates of Congress will be asked for authority the Elk'8 Carnival were thrown open to hrlderft thn wiilnmpfto rivor n-r at 2:10 Monday afternoon. The Portland. band played the opening march and tjio crowd poured through into 'the His Silver Juhll. main street From the time tho PORTS ON STRIKE SITUATION Suggests a Joint Arbitration Commit tee Composed of Operators and Union Representatives. Washington, Sept. 3. Labor Com , jCxelMlen In Oil Wsrka. rW York, Sept. 3. A tarrlWej,ex. lottim occurred in the oil VniW .f fflllamsburg .thla evening .and a fta.are imported to havo been killed. Elkhart, Ind., Sept. 3. More than Gates were opened until tho grounds 100 prominent priests and prelates of were closed for the afternoon 1100 tho Roman Catholic church gathered people bought admission tickets at here todav and helned to mnko mm. the windows. The displays In the orablo the celebration of the silver booths were as yet Incomplete, but Jubilee of the Rev. Henry Boeckleman men were DU8V Putting on the final priest of St. Vincent's Catholic toucnes, ana seemed to enjoy uaving church. At 9 o'clock tils momini? the visitors encourage tnera witn there was a celebration of high mass Eage remarks. After a general view by Bishop Alordlng. of the Fort tno displays and a flve-mlnute halt Wayne diocese. Afterward the visit- under the band stand, most pleasure Ing clergy and other eue&ts wore en- soakers wended thlr way through tho tertained at a ble dinner in the na- entrance to tho Midway. Here, too, rochlal school. - wings were not entirely nnisnea, ana Father Boeckleman was horn In Jabour was pensively wondering why Hanover, Germany, in 1851. but waa M1 was labor day when ho could got no brought to LoKoasnort. Ind.. bv his worKmen. uui wunin a snort time parents In 1853. At the age of 24 he after tho people began to enter sov was graduated from the Christian ral -f the best shows were in opera .Brother's ollego In St. Louis, and "on, and all was serene. from St. Vlateur's seminary at Bour- Tho Carnival grounds Include Sev oonaise Grove, 111., In 1877. He was enth street from Washington to Burn ordained on Aueust 13. 1877. and as- side, and the uark blocks from An signed to St. John's church, Goshen, keny to Flanders. The Seventh-street ina., remaining there until transfer- part ends In a square around tho red to the pastorate of St. Vincent's music stand. On this souaro are the cnurcn in tins city In .891. Old Country store and Postofflce and ; Manufacturer's building. On the west inieago, bopt 3. Some sensation' side of Seventh, as It crosses Ankenv. ai developments are expected here Is the gate to the Midway. From from tho labors of tho snecial erand thin rn flrtwn thA nni-l? fa rlvAn lln tn j.. . i .i I 1 juiy wHicu commenced their session Jabour and bis various shows. this morning to Investigate alleged Miss Maybelle Douglass was crown tax irauds. Involving the Masonic vi miwn of thn mrnlvnl Monday lempie .Association and other big night, amid a brilliant assemblage. i! .? 4 envrp r,fle8' Juose Bretano And with the setting of the crown told the Jury that he was informed on upon 'her brow the two weeks festl- "uiuuniy mat a regular organ- val waa inaugurated. From this time yawm existed among the. offl- forth revelry, feasting and all good Luwa to swindle school libraries and living will be in order. And under other public institutions of a portion her beneaoteatt sway the last of the orne tax ,fwd. 9 Masonic Tern- Bike carnivals jwlll pase into history which )iu sever as 'the iieet bNIHaat and tho most reached' the i.ewMy '.treasurer k the feetlve of ail .that have been cale inaia case iavolvAd nn.i inami. .-I. i. j ' ' " W niTOII IB . tav,uvv. t I At her headeuartew, the queen re- celved visitors all afternoon, and the COMMISSIONER WRIGHT RE iiuracot vi mu uuy iuuiereu in ner coronation. As tho night drow on tho maids of honor gathered and tho often rehearsed ceremonial was per fected to its last detail. When tho gates opened at 7 o'clock tho crush was very great, and on every hand mere was a nura oi ant cipauon. tho mlsslouor Wright's report on tho an iuu aim oi mo thraclto situation was mado public long before the hour BOt for tbo ovent chief causo of tho trouble Is a lack luv j n wiiiun iue uirono was 0f mutual confidence betweon the wT. f WaS ,Jam-, BriIIIanlIr operators and minors, and BiiggeBts ..0vwU .v.,,.vuui ,u iiuijhu uuu mat uie operators concedo a nine gold, rose the dais on which was the hour day to tho miners for six months throne soon to bo occupied by May- Also believed a good remedy for tho (. . ., v. . v,., "uiu uJ IUUUU UJ III IT 11 ganlzation of a Joint comralttco of ands of visitors. All over the city I conciliation composed of operators mo ouuoings are decorated, and the ! union represontatlves, whoso de purple of the Elks floats and bangs clsion should always bo binding. irom every point or vantage. Hereafter the gates will open at 1 and 7 o'clock each day and close at a and 11 o clock. Twenty euards Rumors nf Earlu ni. with badge caps represent the man- r.n,r,r, i c-n,. ...?.. nirnru nnH th,. ,.lt u "" r.ntr men under Sergeant Church to maintain 1 nan uual at worK order. It is statod that all tbo detec- lamaqua, Sopt 3. Rumors that tlves on the city force will be on duty l" nntliraclto Btrlko was about to be n r rt .., i ,. r i -. i . . . the reports received here today BM.yo e.MpSlt dny wuii a i...- pistol In a scabbard which waa suspou-lsd from a bolt The young man had .o weapon for protection. Ho bought a bottlo ot whisky, wandered Into South Mem phis and foil In with a nogro. The negro saw tho weapon, and whea ho asked permission to oxamlno It tho young man felt flattorod and gave up tho weapon. Then tho negro, for somo reason unknown, shot him. Tho young man told tho story and died. Ills life tli on puld tho ponalty of hli doslro to carry a pistol. The Instru ment through which ho sought safe ty destroyed him. Is thero a more powerful argument than theso cold tnctB against tho uttor folly of pistol toting? How great a factor tho boU tio of whisky was In the equation that solved tho young man'H llfo wo do not know. Perhaps tho pistol totor may lay tho doath to tho liquor. Both are iindu.slrablo companions. STRIKERS STRENGTHENED. at different periods of the day watch out for tho safety of tho trons. Democratic Success. While Oregon Is Irredeemably ro publican the democrats of the state havo not fared so badly In recent to seined greatly strengthened tho I . -n. 1 .... .. . . pa- ""'' ruiiKH huh morning. Thoro wui.i ieM int'ii applying for work than usual. No violence of any kind was shown end but llttlo attention wag lald to the men going to work. Mall Orders. He Wanted a Pass. IMatto county young man who has been an editor Just threo months, wrote thn advertising manager of a railroad for a free ticket. Being "po etically Inclined he penned his loiter thus: "Dear Sir: No contract have I had with you to advertise your Hn.o. But still I've kept Its name In print as though tho road wero mine. Most every wreck tho system's had I've played up good und strong and ovory time you'ro killed a man my trtory has boon long. I havn't asked for pay for this. It was all freo you know. But now In payment kindly send a ticket o St. Joe." The young editor says he doesn't exactly understand tho on- swor he received. Hero It Is; ''Your iioto at hand. Wo'ro bound to Ray you've watched our Interests woll. Just wait we'll send . your ticket when that Ice crust forms In hell." uuu uui imuu bo uaoiy in recent "a r,i .-... ,.t, . ... , . democrats ,! 12 .?hnn. ,ln80,u' 'A Hecm 'at "' farmer ar. it .i- j ., . """ k' wuuKwuiery ward, en caco ouurius ana jo re- fnr nr.i,i .. publican sheriffs. Seventeen countr L. I "",0- clerkH rnm.hiin. in rc.,.B UBVO ouc'aed lo permit him to crats. Twenty-threo treaaurVm Tr 8.e". Montgomery Ward his butter. reuubl.Jr TanJ in h?:".! nd, reminds n. that when the ty-two superintendents are republi cans and 11 democrats. In the legls lature the democrats fare the worse since 'they will have only 16 mem bers In the next house and senate. The Dalles Times-Mountaineer. Renewed outbreaks of volcanoes the lexer Antilles are causine much alarm. Baptist ladles of tho town held their Daraar, they wrote to both Mont. gomery Ward and Sears, Roebuck ft letter remained .unanswered, but the una oiiciteo a repiy rrem Moutgom ery Ward. He said he gave a greet aeai to cnanty, put conflned his glv tag to his own tows. Why aat allow hlB to make bis moiiay frow kls own towaf" Kxchuxe. . ? " Millions In Terminals, St. Juls, Sept. 3. Flvo million dollars will bo expended in tormina! j Improvements by tho railroads enter ing nr.. i.diiih in anticipation of World's Kalr buslne. All tho roads entering tho city use the ono great passenger station wblcli covers 11 u'T; and stretches from 18th to 20th htreots, Tho extension will curry It at least another block to the west ward and in place of the 32 terminal tracks, as at present, thero will be about 50. Twenty-two Croat railways now use the station, and the need for more room has long been appar ent. The present station cost 18.- 500,000, Qompsrs at Nw Orh Jewr PrtofJWi '.sUsst. m i mm If i