t tit" 1 Mr TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1902. Exclusively lor Women. The Eastern Cloak, . Stf tt, Skirt and Waist Factory Js now running full blast. By calling you will find a large vari ety of styles and prices. With the facilities of our own .factory and being in close contact .with the largest and most success ful designers and manufacturers of these garments, we are enabled at all times to display in this sec tion the largest and most desir able collection. In dressmaking we can give you quick service. All Work Guaranteed. In Old Pendloton Shoe Store, 645 Main Streot. Ed. Eben, Prop. "The Girl From Up There." Bays there Isn't a collar, cuff or shirt front laundered anywhere In the coun try that can compare with our laundry work. The color and finish are su perb, and they always give genuine satisfaction to our patrons. Ladies' shirt waists are also laundered in a manner that makes them look like new, and the color is preserved longer than by having them done by any other method. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY J. F. Robinson, Prop. Pendleton. BUY YOUR LUMBER AT THE Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., opp. Court House. PRICES AS LOW A5 THE LOWEST For All Kinds of Building Material, Including Doors Windows Screen Doors and. Windows Building Paper Lime Cement Brick and Sand Aad Don't Forget Our Wood flutter For Barns and Dwellings UMBER Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: & C. R. Depot When getting figures from others on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Budding Material including shingles, door, win dows, moulding, screen doors and windows in fact, every thing that is found in a first class lumber yard. PENDLETON-UKIAH STAGE LINE BTURDIVANT BROH., Props. BUge learei Pendleton dally, except Bandars, t7. iii., lor Uklab and intermediate polnta. Bates: To Pilot llocx. 7&o; Pilot Bock and re tain, 11.25: To Nre.ll.2J. Nre and return,?; To Bldxe. 11 741 to nidge and return, r.'. Mi To Alba, .! to Alba aud return, 11.00; To Uklab f2.&o; to Uklab and return, 11.00. Office In Qolden Rule Hotel, Pendleton v Amusing Anecdotes of a Pike County Statesman. How Colonel Broadhead Was Cajoled Into Maklno a Disastrous Leap. Pride Destroyed In a Horse Pond. A Jumper Comes to Grief The Cel ebrated Fat Mule Case How a Mg Was Instrumental In Making His tory Value of a Vote In a Close Contest. tCepjrinht, 1901, by Chimp CUrk. Ono of the most distinguished of all the Mlssourlnns was Colonel James O. Broadhead, who was a member of con gress, a colonel In the Union army and minister to Switzerland. lie was ac counted oue of the Yerjr. greatest of American lawyers. Just after coming out of Albemarle county, Va., and while ho was on his first legs lu 1'lke, becomlug acclimated to western manners, so to spenlc, oue of his bosom cronies wis n rolllcksomo young "buck," as Mr. Thackeray would say, uamcd Kufc Sanders, who, If op portunity had afforded, would not have hesitated to play a practical Joko on tho president of the republic, the grand Turk, the czar of nil the Husslas or any other high and mighty function ary. AH was tlsh that came to his net. Ho and Broadhead In their affection tor each other much resembled Damon and Pythias. Nevertheless Bufus played It on tho colonel, on ono occa sion at least, In a most artistic man ner. Ho boasted of his Inllucuco over Broadhead and eald he could Induce him to do anything he chose. He knew tho colonel's vanity as to his high Jumping powers, and he made up his mind to have some fun, and he bad It. In the outskirts of the village was a poud of water of considerable length and about 25 feet wide. Bufe was bragging to some Jolly blades ouo even ing that such were his powers over Broadhead that he could make him Jump Into the pond. Of course they hooted at such an Idea. While they wero chaffing Rufe, Broadhead hovo In sight, rigged out In bis best bib and tucker, on his way to see ono of Uufe's beautiful female cousins. Thought He Could Make It As soon as he came within earshot Bufe sang out, "Broadhead, can you Jump across that poudV The future constitutional expounder scanned It critically with those lus trous orbs which have since overawed Juries, courts, senates, and said, "I don't believe I can quite make it" Rufe Jeeringly remarked: "You have always sworn that you could beat the world Jumping, and now you flunk. I have Just Jumped It clean and clear, naven't I, boys?" appealing to his own companions. Of course the "hoys" laid their bands solemnly on their hearts and assev erated by the great horn spoon that RufUB had actually made the unprece dented leap. This was too much for Broadhead. His .proud Virginia blood was up. Shedding his broadcloth swallowtail, he said: "Rufe, nothing wearing the human form divine can beat me Jump ing. I learned that caper beneath tho shadows of the Blue Ridge mountains and In sight of Jiontlcello. You have Insulted my state pride. I'll give you a lesson you will never forget" With this he backed off about 100 yards on tbe prairie to get a good start, came on like a cyclone In mad career, leaped Into the air and, falling several feet short of tho mark, came down ker wallop In the pond. He scrambled out a sadder, madder, wiser and wetter man. ..USE PURE.. Artificial Ice Telephone Main 108. No Sediment to Foul Your Refrigerator No Disease Germs to Endanger Your Health m ORSDALL & ROSS All he could hear was, tho melancholy swish of the waves settling themselves after his accidental Immersion and the mocking lnugbter of Rufe nnd his pnr- tlceps crlmlnls receding to the glonm lug and fleeing from tho wrntb to come. Helped by His Name. While admitting bis colossal ability gladly, I am sure that Colonel Broad head's sonorous name helped lilm con siderably as an original proposition. Broadhead Is a statelv cocnomen. well calculated to fill the trump of fame. It's a fine Introduction among strnn- ' fnra nnrl tiHnfK, lit Intnifna nt 3Mn t,v.u .. .. v. " r " r v " w uutu- monlc wisdom. The beauty of It Is that the man lived up to tbe name. Lately some fellow's Ingenuity has demonstrated that tho war of 1812 was produced by a pig getting its head fast In a fence In Connecticut or Itliodo Island. It happened in this wise: In some particular precinct n Federalist voter put off leaving homo for the polls till tho last minute possible for his rcnchlng the voting plnce In time. Hp was hurrying as fnst as his legs could carry him to exercise' the highest pre rogative of an American sovereign, whenho henrd one of his pigs squeal lug as In great distress. How a Pig Made History. Now, It Is a conceded fact nmong us farmers that there is no more ear piercing or pleasure banishing sound in this noisy world than that made by n pig squealing becnuse bis ad venturous head has been caught In tho crack of n fence, unless it bo n Thomns cat developing his musical ap paratus at midnight's holy hour. So the Federalist, burning with wrath against Thomas Jefferson and nil the Democrat, stopped to rescue his pig. This delayed him so that be lost his vote. The Democratic candidate for tho legislature was elected by ono majori ty. The legislature elected a Demo cratic United States senator by one majority. The United States senate declared war by one majority, all tho Democrats voting for It That peeky pig made several pages of glorious history. Colonel Broadhead's Fat Mule Case. When Colonel Broadhead was climb ing laboriously up that tall hill where fame's proud temple shines afar, two Pike county farmers and next door neighbors, both well to do, had a fall ing out about a scrub mule. Wo will call them Joues and Brown. Each ono believed that he held an Indefeasible right to that long cared animal. . Joues employed Broadhead, who promptly instituted suit When the pnpers wero served on Brown, he did not notice that Broadhead was Jones' attorney, so as Broadhead was a favorite with him he straightway applied to tho colonel also. Of course Broadhead, with profound thnuks for his compli mentary friendship, informed him that he had been retained by the other side. "Well," said Brown, "I'm awfully sor ry. Perhaps you can recommend an other lawyer for me?" "Yes; I can do that Do you know John B. Hender son?' "No." "Well, he Is the second best lawyer In the county, and I will write you a letter of Introduction to him," which he did, and, carefully seal ing It up and Impressing bis coat of arms upon tho wax, handed It to Brown with one of those lordly and diplomatic bows for which ho la fa mous. Could Not Stand the Suspense. Brown left Broadhead's offlco and went home In a frame of mind to ward that letter much resembling Eve's touching tho forbidden fruit Ho was aching to know its contents. The more he thought of It the more ho wanted to read It At last be could stand tbe suspense no longer, nnd ho "steamed" the envelope over the sim mering teakettle and drew out the precious document, and with bulging eyes and fluttering heart here Is what he read: Dear John Jonet Terms Brown. I reprueLt the plaintiff, and thi will Introduce tbe defend ant. Mult cate. Beth fat. Your, Daoinnsis. It was all Greek to Brown. His last condition was worse than tho first, no read It right side up, bottom side up, catacornered, diagonally and every other way. To save his life ho couldn't understand It or get heads or tails of tho mysterious and enigmatical epistle. As he tossed In sleepless nnxiety on his virtuous couch snatches of that laconic and incomprehensible message chased each other through his feverish brain with lightning rapidity, and In weird and Jumbled grotesqueness something In liiis wise: "Mule case both fat; both fat mule case; mule fat both case; fat caso both mule; case mule fat both," etc., like Mark Twain's "punch, brother; punch with care; punch In tbe presence of the passen gain?." Settled the Matter. Finally and desperately Brown thus communed with his own spirit: "Now, what on earth can Broadhead mean? It beats the deuce. He says both are fat There's only one mule, nnd he ain't so dang fat cither." Ho kept on going over that lucid formula of reasoning until be actually got It through his noggin as to what objects the word "both" referred to In the letter; thep ho shook his sides with laughter, Inter rupted by such objurgations- as: "Broadhead I Henderson! Both fatl Mulct Hades!" Next morning, bright and early, he hied hint over to Neighbor Jones, call ed him out, shook bands cordially, showed him tho letter, told his expe rience nnd thus delivered an opinion, full of wisdom as any of Jack Buns by's: "Jones, you havo ono good farm; I have another. This measly mule Isn't worth over $20. If wo go to law nbnut It, In 12 months Jim Broadhead will bo living on yonr farm, John Hen derson on mine, nnd we'll be out In tho cold. We'd be a pair of prize donkeys to do that Let's nettle tho blamed case here and now between ourselves." And settle they did by hnlvlng tbo mule. That letter was too good a Joke to keep. It got out somehow or somehow else and was nuts for the lovers of fun everywhere. Andrew Jackson. We nro given to too much self con gratulation on our second war with Great Britain. But wo would not havo como out of tho bloody struggle with much eclat If one Andrew Jackson had not wnlloped tho bloody Britisher In a most consummate and astounding mnnncr at New Orleans on St Jack sou's day In the morning. And It Is n curious fact that that glorious event would never havo happened except that, after a tremendous tussle, Old Hickory was elected major general of tho Teunesseo mllltla by oue majority. Consequently, had not his plgshlp got his head Into too smnll n crack In that old Virginia worm fence In New England, there would have been uo war for sailors' rights. Two Votes Not to Be 8neezed At. Colonel Broadhead's political career came near being nipped In tho bud nnd dying "n-bornln." Ho wns elected from Pike to the legislature by two majori ty. With this small margin as n stnrt- rr he climbed high nnd with reasona ble rapidity. He afterward became a member of the state senate, of n 'con stitutional convention and of congress, the nominee of his party for the United States senate, president of the Ameri can Bar association nnd wns voted for by bis Btntc delegation In n national convention for tho presidency Itself, which is the ultima Thulc of human ambition. On Bosworth field Hunch back Richard In agony of soul exclaim ed: " A horse! My kingdom for a horsel" And In the feverish dance of death called polities many an aspiring and perspiring candidate would give a year of peaceful life for thnt deciding vote which often comcth not. Colonel Broadhead could have honestly sworn that In a close contest two -votes aro not to bo sneezed at Chaup Glahk- Self Itetlmice In Children. Tired mothers, with the caro of a large household on their shoulders, of ten allow themselves to become slaves to the whims of their children, with never a moment's rest from early dawn until late at night, after the babies want to go to bed. AH day long it is a coustnnt cry, "Mamma, I want this," "Mamma, glvo mo that," nnd instead of casting the child upon Its own re sources tho weary mother leaves her work, her rest or her guests to perform some absolutely needless service for the child. It is wearing on the moth er, but that Is not Its worst feature; it Is positive ruin to the disposition of the child. Tho children of such a mother grow up selfish, unsatisfied, restless. They come to look upon their mother as a mero convenience, a machine for contributing to their personal comfort, and thus the mother Is robbed of tho child's love nnd respect, and the child Is robbed of thnt most blessed of hu man virtues, true love nnd veneration for its mother. Slnnde Ailnmn Off lie Stage. Maude Adams always has been nnd continues to bo n veritable wonder in the matter of living nn Ideally private life for an actress, content with giving to the public only the finest manifesta tions of her genius. Those who know her personally aver thnt sho has well defined and Interest ing opinions on all subjects that Inter est adults. Yet by some strange mls chnuce her personal opinions on public and ethical questions, unlike those of most other actors and actresses, never And their way Into tho public prints. Philadelphia Inquirer. A Ventilation Teat. In order to determine If a room Is properly ventilated tho following test Is said to be efficacious: Bring Into tho room a half pint bottlo entirely full of water; pour out this water into another vessel in the room, when the empty bottlo will Immediately bo filled with the air of the room. Now put Into tho bottlo one tnblespoonful of pure lime water; cork nnd shake It. If It turns milky white In n few minutes, the ven tilation is Imperfect. Wlie at Lnt. Stockson Bonds Poor Lnmbleyl He never could get on the right side of tho market. Cutten Kcwpons Oh, but bo has been for the Inst tbreo months or so. Stockson Bonds Really? What Cutten Kcwpons The outside. He's quit Philadelphia Press. Alillnu tho llentlieu, "Brother Ufghimirn are you contrib uting anything for the benefit of the heathen this year?" "Yes, sir. 1 inn having my waalilng dono at a Chinese laundry." Chicago Tribune. TWO MEN AND A MORAL. AnJncldent Tlmt Snppllea Consider able Pood For Thought. These ought ye to do nnd not to leave the others undone. A pale young man sat down on a bench In the park. He put a torn bag of tools under the bench. A small, red faced man came behind him. Ho stooped to steal the bag. The palo man turned nnd said In n slow, tired way: "Drop that. It ain't worth stealing." The ruddy man said, "Not if you're lookln'." Tho pale man set tho bag at his feet and said: "It's a poor business you're In." "You don't look ob If yours was any better." Ho sat down. "What'B your callln'r "I'm nn Ironworker; bridge work." ""Don't look strong enough." "Thnt's so. I'm Just out of tbo hos pital; got hurt three months ago." "I'm JUBt out of hospital, too," ho grinned. "What hospital?" "Sing Sing." "What? Jail?" "Yes; not bnd in winter, either. There's n society helps a fellow after you quit that hospital. Gives you good clothes too." "Clothes? Is that so?" "GctB you work" "Work good God! I wish they'd get me some." "You ain't bnd enough. Go nnd grab Boiuothln'. Got a short sentence; first crltno. Gomo out and get looked nfter by nice ladles." "My GodI" "Didn't they do nothln' for you when you got out of that hospital?" "Nol Why tho devil should they? I'm only an honest mechanic. Aro you go In' r "Yes. I've got to go nfter thnt Job. It'll glvo mo time to look about me. Gosh, but you look bad! Goodby." Tho ruddy man rose, looked back. Jingled the few coins In his pocket, lies Rated and walked away whistling. The pale man sat still on tho bench, stnring down at the ragged bag of tools at his feet.-Dr. Weir Mitchell in Cen tury. SOME WRITERS. Button wrote In lace ruffles and Alex andre Dumas in shirt sleeves. Milton composed his "Paradise Lost" on a large armchalrwlth his head thrown back. Bret Hnrte's first literary success was a little book called "Condensed Novels," In which ho parodied some prominent novelists of the day. Austin Dobsln, the poet, wanted in early life to bo'nn engineer and was preparing for that profession when his parents persuaded him to enter tho civil service. When Fox had eaten heartily, ho would retire to his study, envelop his head in a napkin soaked in vinegar and water and work sometimes ten hours In succession. Allison is said to have consumed twenty-four years in the preparation of his "History of Europe," but many im portant literary enterprises were also carried on by him during this tlmo. It is related of Hall Culue, tho novel ist, thnt he once worked In the Lnxey lead mines, in the Manx mountains, in place of a young mnn who wns ill to keep the young fellow's position for him. Mrs. Bolton, tho Indiana composer of tho once popular song "Paddle Your Own Canoe," received tho inspiration to write while sewing aud fitting the first carpets for tho old statehouso of Indiana. A College Sinn nnd a Qnotatlon. Some ono once said, "A Harvard man knows all literature but the Bible," a startllngly sweeping generality, but not without truth so far us tho Blblo is concerned. A ense in point came to light tho other day. Two Harvard men were reading together some famous modern orations, one. of tliein a eulogy. The eulogy closed with the words: "O death, where Is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" "What a beautiful close!" exclaimed one of tho students enthusiastically. "The man who wroto such a sentence as that proves that the grand stylo iu prose did not die with the eighteenth century." It should bo added in 'fairness that the other student wns a churchman aud said nothing. New York Tribune. Don'ta For Drawing lloom. Don't make any one feel self con scl6us In your presence. It Indicates that you are excessively self conscious yourself. Don't expect loo much from' other people, but encourage them to expect a great deal from you and be sure that you fulfill their expectations. Don't make too much of your bodily illments. It makes you tiresome to yourself nnd unendurable to others, says Woman's Life. Don't be on the lookout for slights. Such nn attitude shows there Is somo thlngMn your family history that cause you to expect them, Don't Indulge In sarcasm. It indi cates bnd breeding, not cleverness. Any one can say spiteful things. Como and visit the now storo. Toutoch. ACORN Stores and RANfel Over 30,000 pounds of tW W.J.Clarke & Gi Coart Street. HOTEL PENDLETOI VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendii and as good as any. en Headquarters for Traveling Hap Rates $2 per dajj Special rates by week or montii, Excellent Cuisine, Every flodern Convs Bar and Billiard Room in Cc Only Three Blocks from GOLDEN RULE HOB Corner Court and Johnson Btreeu, Pendleton, Oregon, M. F. Kelly, Proprietor,! HEATED BY STEAitf. LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY j American Plan, ratea 11.26 to 12.00 J European plan, tOc, 75c, 11.00 Special rates by week or month, Pree Bus Meets all Trains. Commercial Trade Solid Pine Sample Ri Special attention given Country I HOTEL ST. GEORG OEO. DARVEAU, PrtP- Elegantly Furnished Steam H Rurocean Plan. Block and a half from 1 Sanplo Room la conn Room Rate 50c, 75 Farmers Custom I Fred Walters. ProprW Flour exebauged for wheat ,i -Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped rfi always on uanu.