East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 02, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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New Fall and Winter Hats
Soft and Derbys
The "Stetson"
The "Longlef
A Guarantee Goes With Every Hat. Prices $1.25 to $5.00
Closing out of Golf ShlrU nt Closlug-out Prices.
Our Line of Men's ami Hoy's Bhoes U the lest iu the City.
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton S
729 Main Street
General Angulren refuses to give
up Uie presidency of the states of
Maracalbo, Venezuela, and compli
cations are feared.
The Czar of Russia has proposed
to reduce the standing armies of
Burope and use the money thus saved
toward fighting the trusts.
Soldiers of tho national guard
stationed at Parkersburg joined with
the striking miners to induce non-'
union men to quit work at the,
New York Yachtsmen are thinking
of building a challenger for the Co
lumbia in view of tho fact that none
of the foreign yachts have been able
to approach her in speed. '
One, James J. VanAllen, of New-'
port, having acquired his millions
in America, is planning to dispose of
all his property in the United States
and move to England, which he says,
"is the only fit place for a gentleman
to live In."
Forty thousand men, representing
40 different callings, are on a strike
at Florence, Italy. Troops have
been called out and numerous ar
rests have been made. It is feared
that the strike will spread to tho
other Industrial centers.
A flying spark from a -passing en
gine started a flro at Butte, Mont,
which resulted in the destruction of
the entire hoisting plant, pumping
station and shaft house of the Alice
Consolidated Gold & Silver Mining
Company, at a loss of ?100,000.
Notwithstanding the fact that Turkey
has shut off all discussion on the sub
ject of the Miss Stone ransom money,
the United States will not have it
that way and insists that Turkey is
responsible, on the ground that the
capture, release, payment of ransom
money, all, took place on Turkish
John Barrett, commissioner gener
al of the St. Louis Exposition, was
grauted an audience by the emperor
and empress dowager of China.
China will send an imperial commis
sioner and a display to the fair. In
"violation of all precedent, Mr. Bar
rett and Minister Conger were grant
ed a personal interview upon the
throno dias and accorded striking
Hotel Pendleton.
A. D. Chase, Portland.
E. E. Widener. Cincinnati.
J. C. Desurond, Pennsylvania.
J. W. Seller, Ia Grande.
Geo. W. Proebstel, Weston.
Fred Kees, City.
Ben. Hosenfleld, San Francisco.
C. W. Hollls, Oakland.
J. B. Curkfleld, Now York.
U L. Wolfe, New York.
J. Prag, Portland.
O. F. Williams.
W. P. C.MenzIes, San Francisco.
Jcsslo G. Chnddock, Illinois.
H. W. Harris, San Francisco.
It. Burns. Walla Walla.
J. E. Bigler, San Francisco.
M. Itoberts, Portland.
John R. Adams, Adams.
Osa Roberts, Portland.
Lucretia Conklln, City.
D. M. Arnold, North Yakima.
II. B. Rees, Spokane.
D. B. Richardson, Helix.
C003 Bay i3 waiting and watching
for signs of the new Salt Lake
Stockmen are now taking advant
age of the Btubmefields and pasturing
their sheep on them.
Eight out of tho ten cargoes of
wheat and flour that left Oregon and
Washington ports the past CO days
have been to African points.
The site contest for tho world's
fair at Portland has narrowed down
to a fight between Willamette
Heights and Hawthorne Park.
Tho annual report of State Super
intendent Ackerman shows an In
crease In the number of school vot
ers in Oregon from C3.000 in 1891,
to 85,140 at the present time.
The colleges of tho Inland Empire
are preparing for a brisk season on
tho gridiron this year and there is
much speculation as to which will
como out victor in the three-cornered
fight between Whitman college,
Washington Agricultural college and
tho University of Idaho.
The alarm is raised In a number of
interior Eastern Oregon counties that
tho shortness in tho natlvo range is
going to give sheepmen trouble there
this winter, Tho method of passing
through tho winter on tho cheapest
anil beat plan Is tho problem that is
agitating them. A sovero winter will
causo a great loss to tho stockmen
as feed will necessarly bo very high
at many points.
The Golden Rule.
J. Anderson, Tacoma.
A. Worthington and family, Port'
W. E. Hand, Heppner;
G. A. Galley, Portland.
A. F. Bernnrd, Portland.
IT. W. Cameron, Moscow.
W. F. Woodstock. Nolln.
J. J. Peebles, City.
M. Brlggs, City.
J. W. Tabor, Granite.
Mrs. A. B. Manley, Portland.
W. E. Warm, Corvallis.
W. J. Baker and family. Alba.
P. E. Hunsacker, New York.
Jesse Novak, Adams.
B. F. Vaughn, Spokane.
Howard Henry. Spokane.
Will Quest, Dayton.
C. J3. Hicks, Pendleton.
P. M. Russell, Rockford.
T. H. Behr, City.
There la more Catarrh In this section
of the country than all other dlieaiea put
together, and until the lait fesr jtun was
suppoaed to be Incurable. For a great
many year doctor! pronounced It to be a
local dlaeaae, and prescribed local reme
dies, and by constantly falling to cure
with local treatment, pronounced It Incur
able. Science baa proren Catarrh to be a
constitutional dlsaeae, and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. 3. Che
ney & Cc, Toledo, Ohio, la the only con
stitutional cure on the market. It la tak
en Internally in doses from 10 drops to
a teaapoonful. U acts directly on the
blood and mucous surface of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
case It falls to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials.
Address P. J. CIIKNKY ft CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c
Hall's Family rills are the best
Elected J. T. Hlnkle Delegate
Grand Lodge.
Damon Lodge No. 4, K. of P., held
a business meeting in their hall Mon
day evening and elected J. T. Hlnkle
delegate to tho grand lodge which
convenes In Portland in November.
Delegates to tho grand lodge are
elected for two years, one each year,
to tako the placo of a retiring dele
gate and one holdb over. B. E. Ken
nedy is the hold-over delegate.
Four lodges aro represented in this
district. They are: Pendleton, Helix,
Milton, Weston and Athena. Tho mat
ter of where tho next district con
vention should be held was discussed
at length, but no definito action whs
taken It being decided that the ?e-
Wtlnn alionld hrt Inft entirely to tho
(delegates to the grand lodge.
Not Doomed For Life.
"I was treated for three years by
good doctors," writes W. A. Greer,
McConnelvllIe, O., "for Plle3 and Fis
tula, but when all failed, Bucklen's
Arnica Salvo cured mo in two weeks."
Cures Burns, Cuts, Corns, Sores,
Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Piles or no
pay. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug
Josh Mean tor say Solon was ono
of tho wisest men in Oreeco? I
thought ho was some durned fool.
Hiram What made you think bo?
josh Well I'vo noticed that thoy
speak of the members of tho legls
latur' as Albany Solons. Puck.
Although the Teams Which Crossed
Bats Were Made Up of Amateurs
and Professionals, Many Brilliant
Plays Were Recorded and the 150
Present Enjoyed the Fun. .
A good gnmo of ball was witnessed
by about 150 peoplo who visited tho
Alta street grounds Mondny afternoon
to see two pick-up teams cross bats.
The game was organized In quick
order and was composed of sovernl
members of tho professional team and
filled out with boys from the stores
and other places of business.
Captain Hammond Won.
One siilu was captained by Ham
mond and tho other by Brown, of In
dian fame. Hammond's team won by
a score of 7 to 3. Tho captains occu
pied the boxes and Allen operated be
hind the bat for Brown's team while
several of the. boys changed off in
catching for Hammond's team.
Everybody Pleased.
Thoso who saw tho game wero well
pleased. Many were heard to say
after the game that it beat some of
the games played between tho league
teams here this season. Of course,
it was horse-play for tho boys in the
game and thoy seemed to enjoy It as
well ac those on tho bleechers. It
was nothing unusual to seo the man
holding down first base and the base
runner sparring at at ono time ono
of the boys picked up tho first base
man and carried him away from his
base it appearing as if he wero going
to kidnap the baseman and steal sec
ond with him. At another tlmo Sto-
vail hit out what ho was trying to
stretcli into n three-bagger and the
chances were tlint he would havo
reached the third bag in safety had
rot Adams, who was iilaylng short,
caught and held him, giving Wadlo,
playing right field, time to recover
the ball and throw It to third in time
to cut him off.
However, to take It as a whole, the
game was good, Many brilliant dou
bio plays were made and in other
places tho boys won honors.
Fred W. Walte umpired and al
though Fred did his best to umpire a
fair game the bleechers enjoyed
roasting him and pronouncing him
no attention was paid to tho matter
by tho authorities of Malheur county,
and ns surmised, action has been com
menced. Mr. White also callod upon
tho district ntttornoy of tho district
in which tho looting occurred but
could not sccuro his attention, as
that gentleman was out in tho moun
tains. It Is understood that at tho moleo
nt tho mining camp at least thrco
Chinamen were badly Injured ami
that ono of them died or will dlo from
tho effects of tho Injuries. Bakor
City Domocrnt.
The President's Double.
If tho president had been seeking
a double of himself, ho could not havo
come more closely to tho mark in tho
man selected for Secretary of tho
Navy, and whllo tho resomblanco may
bo very striking, there Is no possibili
ty of his being tukon for tho Execu
tive than there Is of success in palm
ing oft a substitute remedy for Hob
tetter's Stomach Bitters. It has be
come so well known as a euro for
headache, nervousness, Indigestion,
dyspepsia, constipation and malaria
that many unscrupulous dealers will
refill tho bottles with a bogus article
and offer It as the genuine. Boware
of such counterfeits. The genuine
Ilostetter's Bitters has their prlvnte
stamp unbroken over tho neck of
each bottle. Don't fall to try It.
For parents to neglect thoir children's musical twin
cation, bocanso. it places them at a disadvantage
all thoir lives. The piano lias bocomo so popular the
country ovor that they aro found in nearly all well
regulated homes, and paronts who do not look alter
thoir children's musical education are doinc thorn n
great injustice. -
Our easy payment plan makes it possible for ovory
family to havo a high grade piano. Come in and in.
S. L. Wakefield & Co.
Did Not Occur at the Mining Town,
But Took Place In Malheur Coun
ty. A special dispatch received yester
day by the Democrat announced that
the Chineso government has called
upon the stato departmnet at Wash
ington for reparation of the outrages
committted on Chinese near Baker
City August 8th.
The action complained of by the
Chinese government was the occur
rence in Mormon Basin, Malheur
county, about the 8th of tho month,
in which a lot of masked robbers,
supposed to be men who llvo In that
vicinity, entered tho placer digging
camp of a lot of Chinamen, set fire to
their shacks, 21 of which were burned
rounded up the Chinamen In a body,
held them up and robbed them of
all their treasure. This camp is
about 50 miles southeast of Baker
City and lies been and Is a good gold
A short time ago, complaint was
mado by tho owners of tho China
store near tho camp whero tho -out-rago
occurred, to tho District Attor
ney, Sam White. A short investiga
tion of tho matter showed that it was
out of his district entirely and Mr.
White then called up tho sheriff of
Malheur county by telephone and re
quested him to Investigate tho occur
rence, suggesting at tho samo time
that thero would undoubedly be com
plaint lodged by tho Chineso govern
ment to tho United States govern
ment, and damages demanded for the
outrages committed. It seems that
A Boy's Wild Rldo for Life.
With family around expecting him
to die, and a son riding for life, 18
miles, to get Dr King's Now Discov
ery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesvlllo
Ind., endured death's agonies from
asthma, but this wonderful medicine
gavo instant relief and soon cured
him. He writes: "I now sleep sound
ly every night." I.lko marvelous cures
of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchi
tis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove Its
matchless merit for all Throat troub
les. Guaranteed bottles 60c nnd ?1.00,
Trial bottles free nt Tallman & Co.'s
drug store.
According to army orders just Is
sued the elgth Infantry headquarters
hereafter will be at Fort Lawton and
the eighth Infantry will' bo a perma
nent branch of the department of
tliu Columbia.
Large, well lighted, well ventilated arjd
Comfortable fooms.
uw nntm-R Into nverv liuqliiPMs tranemntinn. nnd nrovIrtPH the Rtudnnt a. bni
ruuii in ii in iiuiau-s isnii iiun lu uiuiluu uia sis li 1 i-i liiiiiiiiii.i i , its i i ii iiiu
Correspondence and Penmanship,
ei - 1. 1 - r- .. ci i i 1 1 1 ii. -r i-li t i
lug, Care and Management or writing nmonines.
Call at the oillce of or write to H. N. EOBINSON. LL.D., Prlncto&l
Stationery g
It is worth something to X
buy your Stationery where
the styles are correct.
We buy direct from the V
maker. No middleman to js
work off hi dead stock ou j
us as "the latest thing." jg
We keep abreast of tho
times. We know what's
right. Our prices are right
and our styles.
Prices all the way from 10 jj
cents to si a uox.
Paper and envelopes in s
hulk, nnd fanoy tablets with &
envelopes to match. Wp
have ft few boxes left which K
we are cloning out at cost.
I Book and
S Stationery!Store.
The product of the most
celebrated mills in New
England and Scotland.
Everything for the desk.
Prices as low as quality
will justify.
F.W.Schmidt &Co.
Reliable Druggists.
Phone, Main 851.
.U AS M1 ! its t - -SI HI At Jtl 1SJtJtl.1l 1l.1l.1l.tl.1l.1l 1 IS IS 4 m, . . ...... ........ .
Offers: Collogo Preparatory Coarse
Business Course
Toaohers' Coarse
Takes all grades frcui Sub-Primary up. Graduates enter Fid- (
man Class in bucIi Colleges as Yule. Prlncoton. Stanford.
Graduates tnking U7 weeks Supplemental Work can take StatA
Certificates on same bans as Normal Schools. Fall term opeus Sep-
3- lemoer 10. u or catalogue uuuress
I F. L. FORBES, D. D., Principal.
.is 11 isii 11 i i J .1 J1J .K -i JV V.V.'JlV-l'l-T-5. -V-t-i--5. JJ..VAJJ 1 1i .1IJUJUJU u..V-iAyllJi t. l
.t J"l '-I'A'A' a a 1JL a w a IWJL" issjLVJLva a va issjmsb
Come to us for your
We will supply your wants. Apricots, peaches, pearsA
plums and grapes.
Canteloupes, Watermelons and fine codtring and eating
We make a specialty of supplying the cleanest and best
groceries at the lowest prices. Prompt delivery.
The place to get clean, fresh goods.
R. MARTJN, Proprietor
Ttlephone Red 34 1
I have bargained with a
compotont Timber Craisor
to locate
On the line 0. a railroad
now under construction.
This means a big ohance
for flrst-comors. Seo
N. Berkeley
.Have some good farms for
There Is No Question
It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nothing
but the choicest wheat enters into "Byers' flour, and
satisfaction is the result whercrcver it is used for bread
or fancy baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Mead! Mead!
We are offering this week some exceptional values in
heavy all-wool Ingrains. These carpets were left over
from last year's stock and arc worth 75c per yd; sale price
57c. You will see some of the patterns in the window.
New goods just comiug in. Look for September ad.
Toss 0.111.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.