QAILYEVEKDITIN EVENINGEDITION Eastern Oregon Weather IE DAILY miii v. 4.tlaM1 t Tnnr TfllltlenCA oi ploo ol bmtoeu by carrier t 5c A WEEK. Fair tonight anj Wednesday. to PE1STDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON", TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1902. NO. 4527 )L. 15. 51 JCCIOENT e Soldier Killed and Three Wounded, IIC WAR HAS REAL CASUALTY. Vessels Theoretically Destroyed JEnemy Falls to Capture New ork. w London, Conn., Scut. 2. The ipt of tho navy and lleet to iorco isncu tiirounh Lonn Inland Sound mn turn Nuw York has tailed. ;lnson'B Bhips again engaged the Mltchie Wright ana Terry, inis in.-.- thn Mossaeiiusotts aud iklvn wore theoretically destroy- JEC$ Thoy Unully Balled uway thus 111 k U1U HUUUU V- O ... U Ul vuw ww a dlstresiuK acldent watt report- at fort Wright UllS morning. A ill liruinilllliolv oxuloded in the placement, lulling ouo man and indlug three outers, tuiporia uum ,lo Gull Btato Uiat while attempt- i t0 escape, several ol tne enemies ib ensountereu auumuiiuo iuium. iretlcally destroying tue iuauama the Puritan. .oral AlacArtnur notmes tne war inuint runt tha nuw lias, retreat- n nmcli island. SiluaUou BhowB new signs ot activity. Situation idered bo well in liana tnat uie ir hoH notllled the coventor of inocticut that he need not call out state militia. President in Massachusetts. Lrahol, Mass., Sept. 2. The stu ts of Mount Herman school, found- by Dwight L. Woody, assembled and bade President Roosevelt d-byo this morning. A little girl led him an immense boquet which president waved from the rear Iform as the train departed. SHEEPMAN KILLED. buble Between the Qattle Men and Sheepmen Results In the Death of llliam Perclval. John Day City, Sept. 2. After over days of Buffering William Percival dead su a result of the trouble be- Ben the sheep men and cattle-men E the John Day country. Percival ia sheepman who was wounded sir Bear Valley Juno 12, in an affray which a herd of sheep belonging fS. B. Barker, of Condon, was shot to and many killed. Barker was' Ivlng his sheep over the trail and ao'of his sheop strayed over the lino and were shot down by the ttle-mcn. In the meleo Percival also shot His wound being too Irious to al'ow his roturn home he taken to a ranch on Beaver fok, where his wounds were rough- g. dressed. Gangrene set in and a ctor was summoned from Prine- lie to amputate the wounded man's k. The amputation was ,not high aught and a second operation fol ded. Percival was not .able to Ind the shock to his system and !d as a result. His is the first death a result of this trouble on the Ore- range. It is now expected that Irrants will be issued for the al- ed guilty parties. Sheepmen Retaliate Che sheepmen seeing 'that little or effort was being made to bring the ttlemon to time decidod to retail- by shooting cattle. George Noblo, Iwealthy Beaver creek cattleman sited with other cattlemen on the ago to fence off the best portion of ranee to themselves by blazing it a dead line on the trees that rm a rim about the prairie, one side ling reserved for the sheep and the aer side for the cattle. 3evoral times during the summer lion the sheen havo strayed, over bb lino thoy have been snot down r the cattlemen. Finally some cattle Honglng to Mr. Noble strayed over Is line and several were shot, (long them being a flno thorough- d bull valued at ?200, Trouble Brewing. Because, ot the drouth, the grass is ling up very fast and the cattle- wiu be forced to begin feeding Kh earlier than usual. As the sng places dry up competition Dines more severe for those re ining and .it will be very hard p v.vmci BlfieaiO CUflllllB uiuiliocnco iuimr gven 'territory .ana a ciasn us nard to avert. ANOTHER BAD TRAIN WRECK HEAD END COLLISION AT RANDOLPH, MISSOURI. Engineers and Firemen of Both En gines Were Killed and a Brakeman Injured. ' Kansas City, Sept 2. A head end collision of two freight trains of the C. K I. & P. R. occurrod on a curvo near Randolph, Mo., last night. Engineer Speer and Engineer Grif fith, Fireman C. W. Ballingor and Fireman Clarence Manthardt were killed outright. Ralph. Gibson, a brakeman was badly injured. BRUTAL PRIZE FIGHT. One Pugilist Dies as a Result Ar. rests of Other Pugilist and Sec onds. Philadelphia, Sept 2. In a prize fight pulled off here last night be tween local pugilists, Albert Terrell was so badly injured that ho died this morning. William Stokes Ute other pugilist and the two seconds have been arrested. Suffering From Drouth. Burns, Sept. 2. The hot weather of the last six months has dried the rmac in tlm hills, and most of the springs and small creeks have been fenced up, causing the stock to travel long distances for water and return to the range, which is causing a great falling oq in flesh. In sevoral places cattle aro dying for the want of feed nnrl wntpr. storkmen have com menced driving their stock from the range to pasture, so as to Keep tuem in irnnri condition for winter. Sheep have not suffered as much as cattle and horses, aB they range nigner up in the mountains, where grass and water are more plentiful. Seventy-Four Lost London. Sent 2. iA dispatch from Fort Elizabeth this afternoon states that the number of deaths from tne storm is estimated to be 74. Great fears ore also expressed for the safe ty of tho steamers Scot and Briton. IN THE ARID LANDS GOVERNMENT BEGINS THE PRELIMINARY WORK. Surveyors Now Operating In Seven States Sites For Reservoirs Being Examined. Phovnntio Wvo.. Sont 2. F. A. Newell, chief hydrographor of the government has returned to tms city after a tour of inspection in Northern WvnmlnK In tho lntfirfRtn nf iricatlon. A number of sites for reservoirs have been examined. When asked of the extout to which investigation into the reclamation of arid lands by the ornvArnmpnt tlironeh tho storage res ervoir system had gone, Mr. Newell said the special servico organized un- rlor tho irnvfimmpnt BlirvGV was now working In Arizona, on the Gila river and tributaries; in California, on tne Colorado river and in the San Joa quin valley; in Colorado, near Ster ling, on tho South Platte and near Montrose, on the Gunnison river; in Idaho, on tho . headwaters of the Snake and Boise rivers; In Montana, on Yellowstone and Milk rivers; in Nevada, on Carson and Truckee riv ers; in Utah, on Bear river, and in Wyoming, on tho Big Horn and North Platte rivers. Mr, Newell said that all schemes would be considered in the light ot full information as -to practicability, cost and probability of obtaining early repayment of cost. Brewery to be Rebuilt It is now announced that tho Schultz brewery, recently destroyed by fire, will be rebuilt Mr. Schultz is quarantined at home because of smallpox in his family and no defi nite information can be learned, but the announcement has been made that the now brewery will have a greator capacity and be a much more than the one which burned. It will be at the same lo cation and work will probably begin In a few weeks. The biggest single feature of tho Spokane Interstate fair this fall will be the horse racing. Manager Jeff ries of the racing department has booked something like 300 of the beBt harness and running horses that will visit tho Pacific northwest this fall, and promises every one who attends a run for their-money. A MASS OF FLAME Pelee Again Pours Forth In candescent Matter. PEOPLE DELUGED WITH BOIL ING WATER AND CINDERS. Village Almost Obliterated Great Loss of Life Confirmed by Governor of Martinique Ship Sent to Sue cor Survivors. Paris, Sept. 2. The governor of Martinique cabled the Minister of the Colonies today confirming tho loss of life in tho last Pelee eruption. He further says that the entire night of August 25 the mountain was a mass of flame and that a heavy fall of in candescent matter almost obliterat ed the village of Rouge, Tho people of Basse Terre alarmed by the heavy fall of boiling water and cinders be came panic stricken. At his request the Minister of Marine will send a ship to Basse Terre to succor the sur vivors, many of whom are in a miser able plight Later. Local News 'agency Issues a state ment that a cable from Fort do France announces that more than 10, 000 persons wore killed and several hundred were injured in the violent eruption of Saturday . "STRAW DAY" JAM. Walla Walla Crowded With People to Witness Their New Celebration and Help Make More Dust Wall Walla, Wash., Sept 2. (Spe cial.) With a crush of people seldom equalled in Walla Walla, labor day and "straw day" was celebrated yes terday. The crowd was all that a lot of extra policemen could control. People went wild and rushed hither and thither at their own sweet will, doing as they liked, irrespective of arrangement or program. It was im possible for a speaker to bo heard, and the nrocram of addresses and music was given up, save such music as the band could furnish at intervals. In the plans for the celebration it was anticipated that a crowd of three or four thousand people would be in attendance, and entertainment was arranged upon that basis. Yesterday at 1:30 o'clock when the parade start ed from the city it was estimated that fully 10,000 people were on the streets, and of these at least 7,000 or 8,000 followed the procession to the grounds a mile from the city, outers went home, or remained about the city, fearing the crush and the In tense heat. At the grounds the men in charge of the barbecue took in tho situation, and began to serve the meats and bread. It took nearly two hours to serve the crowd, and until nearly the last had called for their portion tho supply held out very well. The bar becue was about all there was of the celebration, but it proved a very in teresting feature, and every one seemed to be pleased with the results of the day's-recjeation. The parade occurred at 1:30, and was participated in by the printers, carpenters, "painters, iron moulders, and cigar, makors, each with a strong union organization in line. Following tho, unions w.aB a line of farmers' .-wagons' with', hay racks and header bedB'rtly hilled with straw, some drawn wfqur and some with six horses or mulee In each of the wagons was crowded from 50 to 100 persons, men, women and children making up a Jolly crowd. The disorganization of the celebra tion was caused by the shortage of room in the grove selected for the thousands of people who came. When the last of the crowd had surged through the gates there was scarce ly standing room to be had anywhere. The barbecue was the socond in tho history of Walla Wala extending over half a century. Tho first 'was given in November, 1858, in honor of tho olectlon of a Walla Walla man to the legislature of the territory of AVashington. It was intended that reports of the work done on the county roads would have been given out yesterday, but -tinder the circumstances tho com mittee will take time to consider the different phases pf the work, and re port fully: It is expected that the showing will be far In excess of any thing anticipated heretofore. .p,,rm.m '.;yin m-,,,lu!u,nmmmmmmmmmnm "" """"'T" -1". t,yi n t ' " -4. c BURNED Strikers Enter by Unguarded Gate and Set Fire. MORE TROUBLE IS EXPECTED TO FOLLOW. Large Number of Non-Union Men Now at Work at Cooper Signs of Strike Ending Soon Miners Still Hopeful. "Cooper, W. V., Sept 2. Tho Poco hontas colliery, the company's leading mine was fired this morning and Is now burning and great damago is feared. The mine haa three entrances in West Virginia, and one In Virginia. Antlnlnatlnir trouble a stronc guard has been on duty on the West Vir ginia side, but the incendiaries effect ed an entrance on the Virginia side. A Iorco nnmlipr nf minora nurSUOd the strikers to a wooded hillside and fired many volleys into the timber. It Is not known whether any strikers were killed or injured. This is tne mine where an explosion occurrea nine months ago that killed many minora. At Tamaqua. Tamaqua, Sept 2. No attempt was made to open No. 8 colliery this morning, hence the trouble predict ed last Saturday when tho rumor was abroad, failed to materialize. The strikers made no demonstration when an unusually large number of non-union men were escorted to work by troops. Although tho largest num ber of men are working since tho openin got the strike. Panther Val ley is in a state of peace. At Thurmond. Thurmond Pa.. Sent 2. ThOSC who havo canvassed the situation at Loup creek and New luver vatieys tirotlnt thnt two weeks will see the end of the coal strike in these re gions. They say further tnat strong signs of a big break and some slight concessions would bring peaco. LOST WOMAN'S WANDERINGS. Mrs. Dubois, of Baker County, In the Mountains All Night Alone. Sparta, Ore., Sept. 2. After wan dering 18 hours, solitary and alone, tired and fottsore, hungry, weary, scared, sometimes almost giving up hope; again struggling on with re newed courage, all through the hot and sultry afternoon, keeping vigil through the night time, with no fa miliar object save tho potor star, Mrs. Dubois, who was lost in tho moun tains near her, traveled on until she found some one who could help her to her home. Mrs. Dubois while out in tho moun tains with a party of friends, gather ing huckeberries, strayed from them and was lost. Rescue parties were at once formed, but for Bome time not even a trace of tho woman could bo found. Mrs. Dubois, after getting some lit tle dlstanco from her friends found a place where the berries were a little thicker than before and she became interested In her work. Time passed quickly and when she looked up for her companions they were nowhoro to be seen. She took what she thought was the right path for the camp and walked on. She kept on walking, and as the time passed Bhe became alarmed and walked all tho faster. Night came on and still she walked and all through the night she alternately walked and prayed and cried. Shnrtlir oflor riavllpht shn fOUIld the cabin of tho tender of tho Sparta ditch and tnrougn an tne t nours she had taken no food or water, she had absent-mldedly swung onto a heavy bucket of huckleberries. Thn riltph lender cave tho exhaust ed woman food and escorted her to where she could reach town. Almost tho cntlro population of the town had turned out to Join in the search and some of them never came In until 12 hours after Mrs. Dubois had been found, Baker City Herald. Quiet In Italy. Florence, Italy, Sept. 2. Tho trades strike has been settled here and the strikers have returned to work. A riot was raised in New York over a five-cent car faro. Street car men were worsted by tho passengers. Thrashing has Just begun in the lyong Creek country. TURK MAKES MORE PROMISES ARMENIA TO BE LOYAL IN RETURN, The Sultan of Turkey Promises Re forms Patrla Rlchate Pledges Loyalty. Constantinople, Sopt 2. Tho sul tan has promised redress and a re form in tho management ot Armenia. In return the officials, of tho Armonlan Patrla Rechato havo signed a process verbal pledging Armenian loyalty to tho throno ot Turkey. NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchango Brokers. New York, Sept. 2. There was a very dull wheat market today. Not withstanding there had been no op portunity for business slnco last Fit day, on account of Labor day eclobra tion, LILverpool was higher. Now York opened and closed at 72. Tho visible supply Increased 277,000. Closed Friday, 72. Opened today, 72. Range, 72 72. Closed, St. Paul, 187. Union Pacific, 111. Louisville & Nashville, 154. Steel, 414 Now York, Sopt 2. Wheat 71 V4 70. OUT OF THE ARMY. Henry Watterson, Jr., Sends In Res Ignatlon Which Is Acepted. Washington, Sopt. 2. A:t anounco mcnt Is made from the war depart ment today of tho accoptanco by 1 resident Roosoveic of tho roBigmv Hon of Henry Watercon, Jr., ao llou tenant In the army. Ho is tho son of tho noted editor who lately criticised tho president. Kills His Family. London, Sept. 2. Frank Galvllta, a paper hanger living on New Cross, cut tho throats of his wife and four children at intervals yosterday. Ho has not yet been captured. FRIARS ARE TO STAY WILL NOT BE .ECALLED BY THE VATICAN. After Due Consideration It Is Said That the Friars Will Remain In Philippines. Rome, Sopt 2. It Is announced on tlu highest authority hero today that tho religious orders now in tho Phil Ipplne Islands havo been glvon doll nlto assuranco that tho friars will not be recalled by tho Vatican. CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, Full Ticket to be Nominated Many Candidates .for Governor. Sacramento, Sept. 2. Tho demo cratic stato convention was called to order this aftornoon for the purjKwo of nominating a full state and con gressional ticket Tho candidates for tho gubernatorial honors aro Frank lin K. Lane, city iittomoy of San Francisco; ox-Congressman Thomas J. Geary, Santa Rosa, famotiB as tho author of tho ChlncRC exclusion law; ox-Governor Dua.l, and If. O. Toland may also go beforo tho convention. In the pmllmlnary struggle lor chair, nianshlp between Georgo S. Patton, of Los Angeles, supported by the Geary-Budd forcf and J. F. Coonan, of Humboldt, of tho opposition, tho Jjine forces won. Later. After reading tho call, Cochrane, of Marion, announced that In tho In terest of harmony, Coonan, candidate for tho chairmanship of tho conven tion had withdrawn in favor of Mr, Patton. Lano men say that it la not a victory for tho nnti-Lano forces, but refuto a compromise. Patton was mado chairman by acclamation. Ten Thousand Homeless. Constantinople. Sept. 2. Tho vil lage of Inum Karassnr was wiped out by flro this morning. Two thousand houses wero destroyed, rendering 10, 000 homeless and destitute. Aid has been sent by tho government Howe Dead. New York, Sept. 2. William F, Howe, of tho firm of Ho wo & Hum mel, a world-famoiiH criminal lawyer, died at noon today of heart failure. Ho was 74 years old, PORTLAND'S GIG DAY Over Ten Thousand Men and Women in Line. FLOATS A GREAT FEATURE OF THE PARADE. Without Exception the Greatest Demonstration of Organized Labor Ever Seen In the Northwest Palm ters Win Prize. Portland, Sopt. 2. Tho popularity ot unionism In Portland waa shown yosterday wiicn thn wago-earncr waa saluted. Upwards of 10,000 union men woro In lino nnd many times that many people wltnessod tho dem onstrat.uii. Probably 20,000 Btrangort wero In town who woro horo to at tend tho Elks' carnival. It was the greatest nil-Cay labor dny over hod hi tho city and shows most emphatic ally thnt Portland Is a good union town. The morning was clven to tho pa rado and tho nftornoon waB dovoted to fiold sporta and a ball gnmo. 1-ast night a grand ball was glvon at Ex position bullulng. Big Parade. Every trado and craft was repre sented in tho parndo. A striking feat uro ot tho parado was tho display ot floats that furnished much food for thought Government by Injunction, tho Pennsylvania minors' Btrlko and tho ovlla of child labor In tho south woro all brought out by appropriate and suggoBtlvo floats. It took nearly an hour for tho parado to pasB a given point Tho palntors mado a great hit In whlto uniforms nnd tho printing pressmen also attractod much atten tion. The palntors woro awardod th flno silk bannor offerod bb a prlzo to tho union making tho bsst showing In tho parado. IMPROVEMENTS AT PA8CO. New Round House and Miles of New Railroad Being Built Pasco, Sept 2. Pasco will soon havo ono of tho largest and best equipped railroad yards this sldo ot St Paul. Tho completion of tho ex tension work of tho Northern Pacific yards hero and tho now round house will mako a great change In tho ap pearanco of Pasco. Among tho now Improvements will bo now stock yards, anothor freight depot and aoveral miles of now side track Work Ib now bolng pushed aa rapidly as posslblo, but It will be bot oral weeks boforo tho work Is com pleted. From I he present Indications the rumored removal ot tho Pasco yards from this place to Konnowlck Is groundless. Speaking of tho much talked of romoval of tho business from the railroad yards a promlnont Pasco citizen said: "ir tim Wnrthnni Pacific Intends to abandon Pasco, why a now round linnun nt lirlrlr- whv not blllld It Of Bomo cheapor material and something that could bo moved rcaonyT t ion you It Is a matter of economy nud lmufrtfaa to keen tho ynrdB horo. Not on account of tho charming nppcar- anco of tho town or bocaiiHO tno rail road has a frlondly feeling for me village. "Ohservo tho broad expanse of level country horo and then gazo aciosH Lite Columbia to Konnowlck. That will toll you In plainer words than can I. Room! Thoy havo It here and It cunnot bo had at any other place." Sentenced to Die. Salt I-ako, Sept 2. Potor Morton- son, tho contractor convicted of the murder of James Hay tor tno receipt of an account of $3800 which ho was owing, has been sentenced to death thlB morning. Ho will bo shot Sep tember 17- Women Marksmen. Iike county has inoro female ex pert rifle shots than any county In Oregon, says Ijtkovlow Examiner. W. n it,.niHi,l nml wife. Mrs. J. E. Ber nard and Mrs, W. A. Massing!!! re turned last Saturday rrom nog iawo uiion. iIh.v rusticated for ten days. Tli. nnrlv hail ml olllnvablo (Jlltlntf. Mr. and Mrs, Bernard each brought down a flno buck In tno woods near tho lake, and Mrs. Massing!!) got a mnnint? shot at a monarch of tho forest, but missed by a hair's breadth. IH III If I "SI I JliSJi HISJ I III. II Ills 1 BJ II I i - - , . taf lA M Jr u J " I