East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 29, 1902, Image 8

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Last week of the cleaning up of lines of Ladies', n
nonflpfnnn'c Rnvc' Tiddoc' Vi-stifKe n i IrlrnrVe W
Shoes that are incomplete,
We want to get rid of these broken lots and ths
week will be one notable in shoe selling for the remark
able low prices we will offer.
Come in, and if we can fit you, you will get a rare
Bet Pullers Played an Excellent
Game, But Could Not Keep Up
With the Indians Walla Walla
Wine From Baker City.
Good Shoes
Dindmger, Wilson & Co. ,?;,
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
Standing of the Clubs.
Won. Lost P.O.
Pendleton .... 21 9 .724
Walla Walla... 14 15 .483
La Grande.... 12 16 .434
Bakor City.... 10 18 .357
FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902.
Be Appreciated by the Travel
Ing Public Is Permanent
The following new rules for the
holding and running of trains at and
out of Pendleton and Umatilla when
incoming trains are late, has been
sent out from the general passenger
department of the company:
When No. 5 is five hours late, or
over, No. 3 will be held at Umatilla
until No. 5's time, and will then run
to Portland on the time of the lat
ter train. Under such conditions a
special will be run from Pendleton
to Umatilla to connect with No. 3
thus giving local service on No. 5's
time from Pendleton to Portland. The
special from Pendleton to Umatilla
will also give connection at Umatilla
with train No. 4 for the Washington
No. 4 will be held at Umatilla for
No. 5, when the latter train arrives at J
Umatilla not to exceed two hours
later lhan her schedule. This wil
enable us to put No. 4 into Spokane
not later than 12 o'clock noon. The
Great Northern will hold at Spokane
for No. 4 under such condltoins when
we have not less than 10 passengers
for that line. When there are less
than 10 passengers, the Great North
era will not hold to exceed one hour.
No. 8 will be held at Pendleton one
hour and 30 minutes for No. 1, when
the latter train has passengers for
points east of Walla Walla. No.
Will be held not to exceed 30 minutes
lor Ho. 1 for passengers destined to
points beyond Pendleton and Walla
Walla, as such passengers can be de
livered at their destination in the
early evening by using No. 42, leav'
lng Pendleton at 5:30 p. m.
The foregoing Is a fixed arrange
ment and will enable you to give In
formation to passengers in regard
to connections in case of delayed
trains. A. L. CRAIG,
General Passenger Agent
stead, three battered pie tins and a
select assortment of tomatot cans,
and went over semi-annually to hold
it down, but never had time to stay
lcag enough to do anything except
get bit by sage ticks and have our
noselet sunburned.
After making a half dozen or more
trips to the ranchoi at S10 "per," It
dawned upon us that perhapB farm
lng wasn't our long suit
Finally a windstorm came mean
dering acros3 the veldt, hit our man
sion in the region of the belt and
smeared it around over four different
townships; then some son-of-a-six-shooter
hauled off the stovopipo and
bedstead, a neignuor s cow made a
meal of our straw tick, and this suc
ceeded in convincing us that home-
steading waan t in our line
sick of the game and wanted to draw
Pendleton, 2,
La Grande, 0.
Few prettier exhibitions of the nn
tlonal game have been seen on the
local baseball diamond than the one
between Pendleton and La Grande
Thursday afternoon.
The game was very evenly divided
from start to finish, it being nobody's
game until the end of the ninth when
La Grande was retired.
Way the Runs Were Made.
When the tallies were made which
brought Pendleton out on top two
men were out Brown went to bat
in the eight and fanned. Schmidt
flew out to Castner and it looked as
if another inning was going to eud
without a run. Salisbury took the
w wow stick, and hit a safe, making first
nase. urocKnoii was next up ana got
to first on balls. Fay knocked n
W(i it-pro inp.f nhnnt rrnrir tn r. srounaer xo ueorgo urown at snort
quest Uncle Sam to please take his st0D Brown fumbled. He picked
land and go to hades, or some other UP the ball, throwing It to Thompson
seanort with it. when a letter came on second, who dropped it Salisbury
from an Odessan who actually want- scoring and BrockLoff reaching third
ed to buy our relinquishment if it on Bame errors. Then Fay Btole
could be bought! Would we, sell? We second and Senilis reached first on a
went after that nurchaser liks a hase- mmuie 01 awaras, urocKnoa scor-
He Tried it and Found That News
paper Was Better.
Lind Leader: The editor of this rag
is no longer a rancher. He has sold
the relinquishment on his homestead
and cut farming out.
Our experience as a land owner
was brief and not exceptionally bril
liant During a period of mental
aberration a year or more ago we
filed on one of Uncle Sam's quarter
sections that lies several miles north
of Odessa.
We built a 10x12 shack on onr ha
clenda, furnished It with a worn out
heating Btove, a homebrewed bed
Right Remedies
For Summer F. & S. Bitters,
the greatest of all system tonics.
The correct tonic for all stom
ach disorders.
F. & S. Compound Syrup of
Sarsaparilla, combined with
burdock, mandrake, prickly ash,
dandelion, stillingia, iodide of
potassium and iron. This Com
pound is a powerful alterative,
tonic, invigorator and blood
purifier Sold only by
dcji reacmng ror tne pauncn or a
green catcher and landed him by tele
graph. The next time some foolish but
well meaning friend calls us aside
and gives us a "con" talk to the ef
fect that we can print a paper and
hold down a homesteal at the same
time just as easy as falling on a
log," something is going to happen.
The circumambient atmosphere will
be filled with fragmentary viscera
and then a job for the undertaker.
James M .Spence Again Joins
East Oregonian Forces.
The East Oregonian takes pleasure
in announcing that James M. Spence.
the invincible hustler, will return to
his old position with the East Ore
gonian, beginning work September 1.
Jim Spence needs no introduction
to the people of this country. The
ing on the same error and Fay reach
ed third. Schllls then stole second
and Stovall flew out to AdamB in left
field, retiring the side.
Some Close Places.
By excellent work Pendleton crawl
ed out of close places twice. In the
second and ninth was the only times
the Beet Pullera had a man on third
and for a minute each time it looked
very dangerous for the Indians. The
closest call, however, wbb in the
eighth, and it was only for the sen
sational running catch and as sensa
tional a throw to second, making a
double play, which put the Pullers
out of business. Li this inning Mc-
Guchen got to first base on the error
of Schllls at third, which was the
only error made by Pendleton. Adams
got a safe hit and went to first, ad
vancing McGuchen. EdwardB waB
next to bat and advanced the men on
bases to second and third, but was
put out himself before getting a safe
footing on the initial bag. Then was
end the season between tkeso two
teams. r
Walla Walla Won.
The Walla Walla basoball team
won In the flrBt game of tho present
Berles at Walla Walla yestorday by,
a score of 7 to 2. This was a pretty
good game and Bome oxcollent plays
were made.
man whn rlnoa tinf tmnw litm linn nnt
been here long, and if he has not met !ien!Hammond made he pla7 of .hJ8
him he will have that pleasure in
Bhort time. Jim will not let one man
escape. They are all on hlB' list and
he will call early and often.
If you are not taking the East Or
egonian you might as well get ready
Jim will call and put you on his list
If you need job work you are also re
quested to save it lor mm. If you
do not think you need it Jim will
show you where you are wrong, and
will fit you up.
Mr. Spence is one of the old rella-
life and won warm applause from the
fans. Thompson sent a awift fly to
left field, which made the onlookers
hold their breaths as it looked safe,
but Hammond got in Its way. He
made the only sensational play
the day, as he made a run for this
ball and it did not look possible for
him to take It in, but he did and
threw the ball to second, putting out
Adams and completing' a double play
wnich ended the game. Had Ham
monu miB.iea tfils nail two scores
would have been run in, making the
bles of this paper and is necessarily score a tie at least, and it would have
part of it The people know that
he means business when he calls and
he genrally gets It He has been en
gaged in other pursuits for a time
but naturally drifted back to his first
love and will now work more earnest
ly for It than ever before. He will
tart into the field at once and his
name is all the credentials he needs.
Any favors shown Mr. Spence will
be appreciated by the East Oregoni
Mr. Spence will also take subscrip
tions to the Northwestern Livestock
Journal, which is also issued from
thiB office, and will be authorized to
transact any business connected with
that paper in taking subscriptions up
a hundred thousand and in secur
ing advertisements until the Bpace
capacity is all exhausted.
Give Spence a hearty welcome.
oeen possible for Thompson to have
scored, winning the game for the
Beet Pullers.
The Score.
Here Ib the way the score book
footed up at tho end of the game:
Brockhoff, rf
Fay, ss
Schllls, 3b
. 3
. 4
. 4
Stovall, lb 4
. 2
. 3
. 3
Adams, c
Brown, cf
Schmidt, 2b 3
Salisbury, p 3
Last appearance here.
Last appearance here.
Last appearance here.
La Grande
La Grande
La Grande
Will play Its last game In Pendle
Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Totals 29 2 4 27 16
La Grande ABR HPOA
Adams, If 4 0 1 2 0
Edwards, lb 4 0 2 11 1
Thompson, 2b .... 4 0 '0 2 3
Bolin, rf 3 0 0 0 0
Castner, cf 3 0 0 2 0
Russell, 3b 3 0 0 1 1
Shea, c 3 0 0 4 1
Brown, ss 3 0 1 2 2
McGuchen, p 3 0 0 0 3
Totals 30 0 4 24 11'
Larger and Bigger Stook Than Ever.
Positively the best stock of Ladies ,and Gentlemen's,
Boys' Misses' and Youths' Shoes in the city. You'll
find our prices money savers.
7 8 9
0 2 2
to Fay;
Beet material.
Tho ShVieruaker iu located in tht-
9 i putsch Store, bhoes repaired.
Best workmanship.
Score by Innings.
12 3 4 5 6
Pendleton ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0
La Grande .... 00000000 0 0
Left on bases Pendleton,
Grande, 3.
Stolen bases Fay, Schllls.
Double plays Hammond
Edwards to Thompson; McGucken to
Tnompson to Edwards.
struck out By Salisbury, 4; by
aicuucKen, 4.
Hit by pitcher By McGucken, 1.
Time of garao 1:25.
Umpire Crydermaij.
Scorer hoy W. Ritner.
Attendance 300.
Playing, This Afternoon.
The teams aro playing tho second
of tho present series on tho Alta
street diamond this afternoon. Tho
Indians have taken nine straight
games from tho La Grande team, but
from tho way tho Beet Pullers hold
them down yestorday tho fans are
not so confldont of being able to say
thoy have taken 12 when the sorles
Is closdo. La Grando has strengthened
ed greatly and has a gpod team. Next
week tho same teams will play in
tho Pullers' own town and this will
R. S. Moore Is In town from Uklah
W. H. Upton is at Hotel Pendleton
from Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Judd loft this
moraine for Hartford. Conn., where
they make their winter home.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Clopton and
daughter, Sybil, havo returned from
tho Bummer Bpent at tho coast
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cameron loft this
moraine for Walla Walla to visit
their daughter, Mrs. Norval Jones,
Deputy United States Marshal Jake
Proebstel is In town from Portland
He is looking after tho business of
Uncle Sam.
Walla Walla Union: MrB. L. C.
McGinnis. of Pendleton, Is at the
Walla Walal hospital, receiving med
ical treatment
Mrs. Mathews, Miss Mabel Math
ews, Miss Dena Henaiey, uiaronce
Peniand and Fred Earl returned laBt
night from Kamelia, where they
spent two weeks recreating.
Portland Dally Journal: Indian
Agent Wilkins, of the Umatilla res
ervation, is en route home from
Washington, where he has been for
some time on business with the de
George T. Hamblin has returned
from Thunder Mountain country
where he Bpent a week or two look
lng over the country. He says the
Thunder Mountain stories aro greatly
Frances Norton Ib in town from
Portland, where he is employed in
the office of the O. R, & N. Compa
ny. He was formerly car clerk with
tho company here, whore he has
many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Perry and daugh
ter, Miss Jennie, have returned from
the coast, where Mrs. Perry and
daughter have spent the summer and
Mr. Perry spent the past two weeks
They report having had a very pleas
ant time.
Mrs. A. M. Sheridan writes from
the Middle John Day, stating that she
and her family would be home about
the first of September. They have
spent the past week and a half in
the John Day and before going there
were at the springs.
R. Alexander, proprietor of the Al
exander Department Store, past
grand master of the Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, accompanied
Grand Master C. W. Andrews, and
Grand Secretary E. E. Sharon, of
Portland, to Weston laBt evening. In
Weston they were entertained and
banqueted by the local lodge last
Claimed to Have Been Discovered In
Baker County.
Two lakes covered with ice at all
times of the year have just been
discovered in Bakor County, sayB a
correspondent from Baker City. C.
M. Sage, a business of this city, on
Sunday, July 27, crossed two good
sized lakes in the Granite mountains,
some miles northeast of Cornucopia
in Baker county, on hard frozen Ice.
Mr. Sage with a party of friends
went on a hunting and pleasure trip
t othe almost Inaccessible mountain
peaks back of the town of Cornuco
pia, in the Panhandle district of Ba
ker county. The mountains are high!
and rugged, and before passing the
timber line the explorer must find his
way through a primeval forest
packhorse is the only means of gett
ing into this district, except to trudge
along on foot, which, to say the least,
is uphill business. One part of the
road Is so encumbered by fallen trees
tnat it Is almost impossible to sret
through. In order to jwt budbUm ft
their claims,,-two pro pec tors Wre
obliged to out trail. through this
tangle of fallen trees, and It was by
means of this trail that Mr. Sage and
bis menus were enabled to ascend
the mountains, until they finally dis
covered the two frozen lakos referred
The lakes are near the summit on
the north side of the mountain, and
in order to reach them tho party trav
elled over ice and Bnow for a distance
of five miles. Tho bodies of water
are small. One is 150 feet across,
and 700 feet in diamotor and the other
is between 600 and 700 feet in dlame-
ter. They aro well defined lakes or
poolB, howevor, covered with a thick
coating of ico, clear as crystal, and aa
smooth as glass, -which Ib so thick
and strong that the exploring party
did not hesitate to ride across on
horseback and with their loaded pack
Mr. Sago says so'far bb he wbb able
to judge, tho Ice on tho lakes never
melts because they are so situated
behind two tall peaks that the Bun's
rayB nover strike them with suffi
cient powor to make any Impression
on tho snow and ice.
This land of perpotual snow and
ice is within a day'B ride of Baker
City by tho present means of trans
portation, part way on a buckboard
and tho rest on horseback. It would
scarcely be more than a ride of an
hour and a half on an electric rall-j
road, which Is entirely practical and
among both the probabilities and pos
sibllltics of the future. The scenery
on the road to the Bummit is attrac
tive, alike to the tourist in search of
pleasure and the scientist in search
of knowledge. There are a number
of fine gold and copper prospects in
the mountains, both below and above
the frozen lakes, and in the course of
time there will evidently be some
very rich mines opened up in thiB un-
explored region. Mr. Sage is of the
opinion that from the lay of the coun
try other larger and more picturesque
lakes with perpetual ice will be dis
This ;
wwi i ask H.. .
"I, .
BDlnial has ben taken up by tho marshal of
the City ot Pendleton, to wit: One Iron nay
yearling hone, 2 white hind feet, whit strip In
forehead, weight about 750 pounds; Cldyc.
itock; branded 6 on right shoulder. Ono
brown gelding, 3 or 4 years old ; branded B
on richt shoulder; weight about ll0 pounds;
two white hind feet; white atrip In forehead;
Clyde itock; vory gentle. If laid anlniitli are
not claimed by the owners or thoaeenUtled to
the possession of them, costs and expenses
against them paldand them taken away within
ten days from the date hereof, then ut 1 o'clock,
p.m. of tho 10th day of 8ptember, 1P02, the
laid animal will be sold to the highest bidder,
at public auction, for cash, at the otty puund,
on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb streets,
in said city of Pendleton, the proceeds of such
sale to be applied to tbn varment of such
costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this
29th day of August, 1902. J. A. Blakley City
I Will offer fnr .
Wheat land 2 miles frem i5f,0 4 k
bushels ol minwZ.ftfj M A
cres in Alfalfa, 20 more
and irrigated. Prlee?, 51
land. Close to lW.VikBsjl
"M Krden Una oaepMH
Afpw more stock
rrairie. n a c
Brick business block Mxico.lUf.sta
Town property of ewry deterlsta
.Property shown In either ton.
Without exnenM fn V M
will treat yourig ht ' l
Office in E. 0. Btitfcr
r. u. Box 324 PENDLETON, ftd
First class work. AJlklnirf
Plumbing Buppliej.
line of renairlnc mnA
work done promptly and mi-V
jaiocurriiy, t
732 Cottonwood &
Odds and ends from our stock of fine wash fabrics, fancy
lawns, cotton chaliies, dimities, figured and striped fancies
goods which have sold as high as 15c and 20c per yard.
All reduced special for Saturday and Monday, per yard...
The Best
$2.50 J
Shoe on I
Earth for
it i
14 lote, close to Slaters' School, from 60 to $126. PL..
10-room Residence on West CoTirt Street; very desirable loeww.
a bargain at $3700. . .,, ,w
13 lots In Keservation Addition from $40 to $120. Well wtn
money asked. , . j
C-room Cottage on West Alta Street, four blocks from
splendid place to live. Big Bargain at $1100. .,1
Sev.ral very desirable lots north of the river, not far fromo
nSrwl iritrfiaf motifa in ft?Ji(t.
It will pay j ou to investigate these city property offers.
Some splendid wheat ana grazing land close to town, ir yu
money to invest in real estate, see me.
W V farnhMrt Real Estate and InsjM
If. f. IMlllliedU, Association Hoi
Under taidnglPar lor in connectlon
8 ffidl
. ...I-ass60
TSStive Bromo-Qwwoitay.