,ati .-wt': s ---v iswwc aKsi r IE FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902. IDE FORTY YEARS W. S. GOODMAN, OF THE HUDSON'S BAY FARM. Tells About the Growth of the In land Empire Stockralsing and Farming Early Remlnlscenses. W. S. Goodman, breeder of the .Hudson's Bay herd of registered Short Horn cattle, was in Pendleton today. Mr. Goodman's ranch Is located near the Oregon state line, 15 miles southwest of Walla Walla, and seven miles distant from the old Whitman Mission farm. Thought Only Good for Stock. "On the 20th of next month I will have lived on my farm AO years," said Ir. Goodman. "My father came across the plains in 1S50, to Califor nia. He returned to the States and in 1S62 he came with his family to our present location. At that time the .country was very sparsely settl ed, the settlement being confined en tirely io the creeks and river valleys no farms being taken on the bench, land. Those who came here then thought the land only fit for cattle raising. Most of those who came did not come with the idea of remaining nnd making their homes here. The plan was to make a start in the cattle-raising business and then emi grate elsewhere and make a perma nent home. And Then Their Eyes Opened. "After a few years' residence, how- 'ever, the settlers began seeing the possibilities of this country and many of them decided they could not better .'themselves by moving. I paid my first taxes to O. F. Thompson, who now lives on Butter Creek. There - are a few of the old pioneers still liv ing here who were here when I 'came. O. F. Thompson, Aiarun -Combs, who is a Mexican war veter an; Phil and Joseph Hoorn. who live near Milton, and a few others. An Early Day Observer. "I remember that in the early six ties one man, named William Moore, assessed the whole country here abouts. He rode a little cayuse and his district included Umatilla, Mor row and a good part of Gilliam coun ty. The farm upon which I have liv ed for the past 40 years is part of the old Hudson's Bay Company's iarm. I own 400 acres of it Their farm consisted of 1200 acres. It is made land, beaver meadows, and its soil is 10 feet deep and very rich. The Hudson's Bay Company raised barley and corn, potatoes and other vegetables and cattle and pigs there They raised supplies for their otheq j)OSis, where it was not practicable to raise crops. "Pambruu, who lived on the reser vation here, was the Hudson's Bay Company's factor. I knew him. He was quite an intelligent and well-in-formed mac I also knew McBain. the factor who had charge of the Wallula station for the Hudson's Bay Company. He was there during the Whitman massacre. Good Stock Pays. "1 raise a good deal of alfalfa on my farm. I have 61 head of register ed Short Horns. With land at the price it Is a man can no longer af ford to raise common stock. You can not raise S30 animals on land worth Sinn an acre. I notice wnerever l go that .the tendency is toward better stock in all lines. "While in Pendleton this trip l.nncht 59. Ttflmbouillet bucks from the J. B. Smith Livestock Company I think for their qualities as a muttin sheen, as well as their wool producing qualities, the Rambouillet is one of the best sneep we nave, i have snme verv fine cattle from Mil lot- x- Tndrt nf'west Liberty. Ia.. and I also have' some fine bulls from .Gen try Bros., of Sedalla, Mo. "in ift vpars I have seen this coun try develop from a sparcely-settled cattle country to a well-populated prosperous and thriving farming com munity." MR. SPECIAL AGENT O'HARA until it had almost Bpent its course on account, of it being bo far away. The only resldonce In reach of the fire was Mr Joerger's and it was In little danger at any of the time. Mr O'Hara said "Had the wind veered the whole city would have been In danger." This is really laughable to those acquainted with the locality of the nre. There is not a nouse oi any. kind on the side looking toward the city from the fire within 200 yards. Again, there are not a half dozen houses within a nuartor of a mile of the fire coming toward town. This being the case It does not look very much as though the city was In dan cer of holnir wlned off the face of the earth. Mr. O'Hara must have stopp ed at the "Boozerlno" as he went through Freewater. SOME MORE RANGE TROUBLE SHEEPHERDERS SHOT BY MOR ROW COUNTY MARAUDERS After Killng Seven Sheep They Shot the Herder Man Sent Out in HI Place Driven Off. From Heppner, Morrow county comes the report of more sheep shooty Ing and range trouble, this time sheepherder having been the victim of the fray. The matter has created great ex citement and Sheriff Shutt, of Mor i row county, has gone to the scene to investigate. M. C. Elliott, a sheep herder for Tom Matlock was shot and slightly wounded In the side by two unknown men, supposed to be cattle men from the John Day country. They first shot seven sheep, and when El llott came up with his Winchester they shot him. Elliott raised up after falling from his wound and fired five shots at his assaillants, but did not hit them. When Elliot first went to the moun tains with the sheep this Bpring, two men came out of the locality. They told him he had better go. as they would have 400 head of cattle there snnn to run that ranee. The land In the locality is all deeded and owned by Tom Matlock. When Elliott was brought to Hepp ner wounded another herder was sent out at once. He came in shortly with the report that five men had been at his camp almost all the time since he went out, and that Sunday morning one of them brought him a letter from his brother telling him to come out at once. The men furnished the herder with a horse and brought him to the edge of the timber, promising tbey would tend his sheep until Mr Matlock could send another herder in. It is the, general belief that they will kill or scatter the sheep and get out. Mr. Matlock, accompanied oy Sheriff Carl Shutt, left for the scene Tuesday, It is said they know who did the shooting. I WITHDRAWS PUBLIC LAND. cui Dnrtxntinus Forebodinas In . w Smoke of Small Pendleton Fire, Who is Special Agent O'Hara of the International Correspondence Insti tute? A man of this name, claiming n" hnll from Pendleton, was Inter viewed by a local Walla Walla paper a few days ago and from what he said one would bo led to neiiove umi the little barn, far in the extreme end nt tnwn which was burned Tuesday afternoon came very near wiping out the town. Hp savK In nart: "After the two big fires which were chronicled In press dispatches there came a little one that was reany me most dangerous of all. It happened yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock ami was a dwelling house that be came Ignited. There was a strong wind blowing at the time and had the breeze veered around the wnoie ciiy would, have been swept beyond doubt mho flro was right In a thickly popu lated portion of the city, and I do not bellove the worn or an ine ure- men who could be gathered would have provonted immense loss had It not been for the fortunate circum stance that the wind held true and blew the flames away from surround ing dwolllngs." In the first place the fire of Tues day afternoon was not dangerous at all. With little difficulty the bucket brigade kept tho fire in the old shack of a barn not dwelling house. The flre company did not got to tho fire It Is Done to Prevent Speculation in Reservoir-Site Localities. Sporptnrv of the Interior has with drawn from entrv under the new irri gation law 9,308,160 acres of public land, which for the most part, u is evnpptPd. will be reclaimed under ir rigation projects to be undertaken by the general government. The atten tion of the department has been call ed to the fact that wttnarawais ior irrigation purposes shall be subject to homestead entry, and supplement al instructions are to be sent to locai innn nffirps dlrectlnc them to allow homestead entries of any lands here tofore or hereafter witnarawn ior this purpose. These withdrawals are maae sole ly to prevent speculation, and are in localities where examinations are now being ma'de for reservoir sites, with a view to determining those offering best advantages. Eighty-eight town ships heve been withdrawn in Ari zona, 49 in California, 70 In Colorado five in Utah, 23 In Wyoming, 41 in Montana, and 128 in Nevada. Others will be made from time to time as the field parties progress, one or more being looked for In Eastern Oregon where several feasible sites are known to exist It is intended ulti inately to restore to the public do main all of the withdrawn lands not found susceptible of Irrigation. Grasshopper Pest Jt turns out that the Al BIcknell farm is not the only spot on earth whpro trrasshonners are abundant Down In Marlon county they are at present by the thousands, ana many n cardon is suffering from their rav ages. Potato vines are stripped bare of foliage, and the growing beans peas and other garden truck are at tnnlfpH and destroyed. Old resident ers say -the hoppers wore never so abundant in the locality as at the present time. Many of them are be ginning to view the prospect with more or less alarm, and to wonder what the outcome Is to be. So far there is no acount of the grain fields havinir been attacked. On several farms alone the Albanv road in Ben ton the hoppors monopolize the door yard and are scattered in numbers oy wheelmen as they pass on the bicycle path. Corvallls Times. Shatters All Records. Torino In hnsnltnl F. A. Gulledce. Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doc tors to cure a severe case or plies, causing 24 tumors. When all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve soon cured hlra. Subdues inflammation, con quers aches, kills pains. Best salve in the world. 25c at Tollman & Co.'a drug store. nollvor Willie Hoy. kin youse tofl me de meonin' of de word respect? Honnie Yep. it's de feelln' one kid has for anodder wot kin lick 'im. New York Journal. (142,500.00 WILL BE GIEN AWAY IN JAN.I903 TO SMOKERS OF THE (7U0AI EM0 5 0$ v l 5 HOW MANY CIGARS JACI will the United States collect Taxes on during the Month of December, 1903? (Clfan bMftaf f j.o ftt fbouund Uz.) I A Cftn no wi 'ven in January, 1903, to the persons whose estimates l45uu,uu are nearest to the number of cie-ars on which $3.00 tax per thousand is paid during the month of December, 1902, as shown by the total sales of stamps made by the United States Internal Revenue Department during December, 1902. $5,000.00 In cast 5.000.00 ' 5.O00.00 ' 5.000.00 " 5.000.00 " 2.500.00 " 2,500.00 ;; 2.500.00 ' 20.000.00 1 5.000.00 " . 75,000-00 .$142,500.00 Distribution will be mado as follows i To the (1) person estimating the closest To the 2 persons whose estimates are next closest (42.500.00 each) To the 5 persons whose estimates are next closest ($1,000.00 each) To the . ,.10 persons whose estimates are next closest. ($500.00 each) To the 20 persons whose esitmates are next closest .(8250.00 each) To the 23 persons whose estimates are next closest (8100.00 each) To the.... 50 persons whose estimates aro next closest (250.00 each) , To the.. ..100 persons whose estimates are next closest (25.00 each) , To the. .2,000 persons whoso estimates are next closest..... ($10.00 each) To the .3,000 persons whose estimates are next closest ($5.00 each) To the 80,000 persons whose estimates are next closest we will oend to each one box of 50 "Cremo" Cigars (value $2.50 por box) 85.213 35,213 porsons Every 100 bands from above named cigars will entitle you to four estimates. (One "Plorodora" band counting at two bands from the 6 cent cigars mentioned; and no les lhan ICO bands will be received at any one time for estimates.) Information which may he of value in making estimates: the number of Cigars now bearing $3.00 Tax per thousand, for which Stamp were purchased, appears below : 467,09-2.208 Cigars. 479-.812.170 " 490.083.717 442.405.483 In case of a tie In estimates, the amount offered will be divided equally among thoso entitled to It. Distribution of the JJbjJI as soon after January 1st. 1903 ae the flaurea are oittntnarii fmm h int.mi n.unn Tvrtmpnt nf the United Stales ior uctc , Write vour full name and Pn.tt O fli A Hr) roc-, nlfiinli- nn rariUj.A. M..t:.. ii. ,.t nr VrnwiS charees on jour i-- must bo fully prepaid. In order for jour eulmatc to participate. cityKJ' All estimates under (bis offer must be forwardsd Lrfcrc December 1st, 1902, to (he . . FLORODORA TAG COMPANY. Jersey L 7' You do not lose the value of your banda. Receipts will be sent you for your bands, and these receipts will j good as the bands themselves In securing Presents. One band from Florodora," or two bands from any of the 01 staB(Jart mentioned above, will count in securing Presents the same as one tag from " Star," Morse Shoe," " Spear Hea' HoBCsiy,"J Navy," "Old Peach and Honey.'V'J. T." Master Workman," Piper Heldsleck," Jolly Tar," Boot Jack." "lfl 1 iuuuclo, or une "owcci porat cigarette box t-ront. .picatt" Send each estimate on separate plef of paper, with your name and addreu platnlr written on rack. Blank forms for tlwte w'u Mp r, Tll.laiw.l.l . Tl .r.r.n ... .... . ....... . . 1(UV) nnfl WlU Uv , .i.uauum suiuiuguu ui i reui ior tuud a iiu iwi win De reauy ior distribution about uciooer itu, - u itu v-uuio, or louacco tags, or twenty cigar bands. ' In December, 1000, ' December. lMl, January, 1902, " February, 1802, In March, 1002, ' April, 1902, May, 1902, 016,099,027 Cigars. 616,835.105 " 623,035,907 " made J. P. apencor. aged 63. who at- tomptod to commit aulcldo In a Salom saloon, has been sent to tho asylum for the lntana Powder was set off under a sport ing house of Colfax, Wash., and the building badly shattered and the wo men badly stunned. A caucus of the Wilson and Mr Bride factions is called to meet t Spokane and it to reported that they will try to come to terms . A threshing vfMJfiU day and two men In attempune A